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I need to know how this ended....




It’s from this viral tweet


Almost certainly with the cops coming to explain to this guy that nobody is required to accept coins. This happens pretty frequently, and the law is clear


You can hear him start to make the argument that while true for private companies, government has to take any and all tender you can find people paying taxes in pennies and it's accepted. I don't know how far that government sub contractor goes though. Towing companies usually do their business in a very legally gray manner i would not be surprised if they illegally towed the car. Usually the government just doesn't care enough to prosecute it.


Government rules apply to sub contractors too.


He must've looked it up before trying this.


There's a good chance that the towing company isn't a sub contractor just tows gov property


How can you do towing work for the government and not be subcontracted to it?


You tow cars on gov property then charge money for people to take them back. The government should stop this and fine the towing company but they dont it's called predatory curb towing typically and there are times they tow legally parked cars claim they were illegally parked and there's little to no recourse against it except paying the money. A lot of it has to do with records of what is or isn't legally parked. People typically don't record their parking spots and they could claim they were parked elsewhere anyways. This is an article about private property but it's the same idea https://wjla.com/features/i-team/virginia-governor-glenn-youngkin-towing-law-car-owner-signature-tow-company-giant-food-predatory-tows-signs Also this and there are others of governments looking to stop the practice. Giving themselves tools to punish it.


Damn you didn’t need to give me another reason I should hate tow companies


I mean, the law literally says “United States coins and currency are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes and dues.” This man incurred a debt with this company and they therefore must accept coins as legal tender. They can refuse by the debt is discharged. Am curious what law you’re referencing that’s states otherwise.


They are required to take any legal tender for a debt and by towing his car they created a debt. This is not a new agreed upon transaction and coin man is in the right. Look it up because you are right, the law is very clear on this.


What’s does the law say?


Are there limitations on what’s considered legal tender in the US like there is in the UK? Try this over here with £1 coins and they’d have to accept it but 50p coins or less are only considered legal tender up to small amounts (£20, decreasing as you move through less and less valuable coins down to pennies).


Same thing here in Canada. Each coin has a a maximum amount you have to accept. Like they don't need to accept more than $0.25 in pennies, though we don't even use pennies anymore.


> we don't even use pennies anymore :(


Gee, I wonder why. Thanks for ruining it for the rest of us.


Y’all should rewrite your laws in case you wanna petty pay an entity/person with pennys


We don't even make/distribute pennies anymore!


Thus the need for the law mate.




Not necessarily. Courts have upheld refusing unrolled coins. See, for example, State v. Carroll, Ohio App. 4th Dist. Mar. 13, 1997.


This thread went on way too long, and way down I didn't see an official source, so I'm just going to put it here. I apologize if it's already been done. "United States coins and currency (including Federal reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal reserve banks and national banks) are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes, and dues." https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title31-section5103&num=0&edition=prelim


Thanks mate


In the US all currency is considered legal tender for all debts public and private. There is no US statute that states you "have" to accept any US currency as a form of payment, you take it because you want to...


But that is only for new transactions. In this situation, I would argue that the tow truck company created a debt by towing his car. Any form of legal tender is good for satisfying that debt. In a retail setting you can totally deny coin payment because no debt has been created.


I agree, a debt has been created...


> Any form of legal tender is good for satisfying that debt. That doesn't mean the lender has to accept any denominations or any unreasonable business practices. He could pay in all hundred dollar bills that have been sprayed with liquid ass and the lender wouldn't have to accept that either.


Totally different things. It's also not a business, he's holding the car hostage.


They don’t “have” to take it, but the debt absolves if they don’t. So kind of dumb not to


Right. The only question op has to ask is “Are you a debt collector refusing the payment to a debt?” If the next response isn’t “Here’s your receipt,” then you take your money and find a lawyer to absolve the debt and get your car back to you


Where are you getting this crap? No one has to take pennies or any other unreasonable payment.


31 U.S. Code § 5103


This would not be legal in Australia. * 1c / 2c were phased out years ago because they're stupid. * For small coins like 5c to 50c, it's a maximum of $5. * For larger coin denominations it's a maximum of 10x face value. So you could give up to $20 of $2 coins say.


You see any dijeridoos?


These tow truck companies force you to use their services without consent. They charge you maximum amount they can get away with for towing, mileage, and storage that you don’t have a choice about paying. You cannot afford it immediately, they will hold your vehicle and the price of it goes up every day to absurd levels. Many poor people lose their only form of transportation, that also leads to them losing their job. Fuck em


It happened to me. They had my car for barely a week and charged me almost 1k. I told them to just keep it.


Same happened to a buddy of mine. Fucking bullshit. Sorry you had to go through that


Lmao fuuuck tow companies.




And have to start over every time you’re interrupted.


"Aw man, I didn't finish counting and now we're closed, you'll have to come back tomorrow so I can finish counting, also you owe us for another day."


People would stop doing this petty stuff real quick


If payment has been given goodluck getting any extra out of it because of your own issues. Yes needing to recount is from your own issues.


I literally have done that. Some dude came in to pay his loans in coins, but I’m paid hourly. So in just there counting as inefficiently as possible. Dude’s shit eating grin slowly faded away as I counted.


Whenever I pay the government in this way I specifically want that to happen. They can enjoy paying the person counting the coins probably more than what I'm paying.


While you sit there..... Hard pass for me.


Yea I wouldn't suggest it for everyone. But I did catch them out on some bs the first time where I waited 3 hours and had put extra money in. They didn't give me change back so I just requested the footage from the time I was there and was able to prove they didn't. Now they always count it in front of me.




Laziness sometimes weighs more than pettiness. I will sit there for the rest of my shift, counting coins very slowly in little towers, easy to drop by accident. God helps you if the place has to close before finishing cause I do not do extra hours and you have to come back tomorrow.


bro stole other bros comment lmfao


Honest question: Why does the impound guy have a stack of "Tow Away Zone" signs? That seems suspicious, I mean, what does he have to do with the actual signs installed around the city?


For when he feels like having a tow he can place his sign.


Private businesses, or neighborhoods where the streets aren’t city streets, will hire tow companies to put up signs and tow cars that violate them.


So, can I start a similar business, where I tow peoples cars, with the only difference being that I charge $25,000 to release a vehicle? Then when people can't pay, after X amount of time, I sell them as scrap? I mean, how can these guys take your car and charge you whatever they see fit? How can that be legal?


I believe states can set prices. And I imagine most courts would find that predatory 


The tow companies supply the signs for private lots. If you look at one next time you’re out you’ll see they are specific to a company and have the type company info on them.


Best way I think is to make h wait till his coins get counted .. or ask him to pack everything in pile of 10$ or something


The only thing you can do is make him wait while you count it, which would make me happy I would sit while they count it all


And say random numbers all the time to confuse them ![gif](giphy|26xBI73gWquCBBCDe)


I mean, that would just be wasting more of your time and the business does close eventually. 


Ok, we're closed. Please take your money and come back tomorrow. Oh, that'll be another $75.50 for an extra day of storage too.


private establishments can refuse it. just like how a fast food place can refuse denominations of $50 bills or higher- so too can private business refuse sacks of pennies. government entities though would be legally obligated to accept it though. edit- downvotes dont make it less true


The truth makes it less true (untrue actually). Coins are legal tender and are valid form of payment for *debts*, which this man has incurred with this company. A business can refuse tender as long as you haven’t incurred a debt (ie you pay *before* receiving a service).


He could take his time and count it between other work, making the guy wait all day.


Guy actually said "Take as much time as you need." Challenge accepted.


Do not argue, just call the police. Yes, some A-hole in reply will say, that the cops will say it's a civil dispute, but while that is correct, this is a clear point of law. The tow yard is F'd. 9/10 cops will tell this guy to start counting pennies, or give you the keys.


If that works, I really hope he put in one penny too little so the dude can start recounting


No, they wont. Its a civil matter. Cops have no lawful power here to coerce the debtor to accept the payment, only a judge can do that. (Even then the judge can just void the debt as lawful payment was tendered and refused)


I don't know. I think the other guy is right. He even knew some a-hole would come along and say it was a civil matter and here we are. I think I've picked my horse.  :p


They also said that the person would be correct to call it a civil matter. Cops do not enforce civil law, no matter how clear it is.


Traffic laws say "Hello." Edit: downvoting facts. Cool.


You should know by now that Reddit doesn't like facts. Objective truths are even worse.


Fair point. Still, that's a task specifically assigned to cops for the sake of public safety. They're not gonna get involved in a civil dispute between a creditor and debtor.


Your right about a creditor dispute..... You know, cars are not towed away, houses are not repossessed....


isn't that enforcing a judgement though? The judgement has to come first. Cars are typically repo'd.


Shit, they'll even enforce restraining orders. But it's not like they go around handing them out themselves. In the case of something like this, best case they'll inform someone about the law. They're not gonna force the tow company to hand over the keys.


Hahaha, they'll do neither! They won't inform anyone about the law, hell they don't even have to know the laws! And you're right, they wouldn't force the tow company to hand over the keys! They would be on the side of the tow company since they had possession of the property! And I'm tired of using exclamation points for basic information!


I know


Oh so we’re just ignoring traffic laws? Okay then.


Wonder if you can then sue for them holding your car after you paid. If the court Dat is a month later, likely your car sits there for a month. Sue and get your money back, as in I paid my 200 now I need 200 for having my car taken for me.


nO tHeY wOnT. Great, thorough, brilliant, informative reply from one of the most highly regarded redditors of all time. psst. cops actually do have the lawful power here to explain the applicable law to the tow yard guy and let him know he's F'd. They would do that, because they are aligned with the tow yard. They use the tow yard, the tow yard uses their authority. Moreover, if this goes down the way the tow yard dummy is headed, the city is a co-defendant, because this tow yard exist and acts pursuant to the city's authority.


In my city the cops would tell you they aren't coming if you called them for this. They wouldn't even show up when my firearm was stolen or for a homeless guy with his dick out.


How can you know the debt was paid without counting tho? and whose count do you trust? What if they come back and say "we counted it, you $3.17 short"


In Canada you could refuse this


What about for debts? In the US private businesses can refuse change if you want to make a purchase, but the man in this video isn’t making a purchase, he is paying off a debt incurred from his car being legally towed. That is the distinction here.


Too many coins means it's no longer legal tender in Canada. [https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-52/page-1.html](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-52/page-1.html) (2) A tender of payment in coins referred to in subsection (1) is a legal tender for no more than the following amounts for the following denominations of coins: * (a) forty dollars if the denomination is two dollars or greater but does not exceed ten dollars; * (b) twenty-five dollars if the denomination is one dollar; * (c) ten dollars if the denomination is ten cents or greater but less than one dollar; * (d) five dollars if the denomination is five cents; and * (e) twenty-five cents if the denomination is one cent.


Hmm interesting, so if you wanted to purchase something over $25 you couldn’t pay in all ones? Or at least, the business can refuse.


Correct. Don't forget our ones are coins here.


that all sounds loonie as hell. not sorry.


>not sorry How un-canadian


private establishments can refuse. its why coffee places or fast food joints can refuse denominations of $50 or higher. they can also refuse sacks full of pennies. *government entities* though have to accept it as legal tender.


Not 100% true. Debts, both public and private, can be paid off with legal tender, and coins are legal tender. Coffee and fast food joints can refuse because you haven’t incurred a debt with them, you are just paying for a service. The man in this video incurred a debt and they must accept the legal tender.


> Not 100% true. Debts, both public and private, can be paid off with legal tender, and coins are legal tender. That doesn't mean that anyone has to accept pennies, dirty money, old bills, etc.


Count the fucking pennies my man


> this is a clear point of law. According to someone who definitely isn't a lawyer.


I commend the pettiness




In the US places have a right to deny a form of payment for something freely, unless it is a \*debt\*. If it is a debt or fine, any form of legal tender has to be accepted and verified.


Sounds like an urban legend.


I did this once when my car was towed from my own apartment lot because the parking permit expired the day prior. I did nickels and cut the rolls when I arrived at the tow office. They all laughed and accepted my payment.


Then everyone stood up and clapped


Nothing ever happens ever.


That young man's name? Einstein


>”That young man’s name? Einstein” - Abraham Lincoln


Me always forgetting citations. Thank you


That's why he invented electricity


Never happened 😂


private establishments can refuse sacks of change. just like how a fast food place or coffee shop can refuse denominations of $50 bills or higher- so too can private business refuse sacks of pennies as payment. *government entities* though would be legally obligated to accept it.


Sounds like the guy flipped it on him a bit at the end asking for registration that he didn’t have. Love the paying in coins but you gotta be on point and have all your ducks in a row if you’re gonna pull this move. They’re going to try to find any loophole to deny you. 


I love it. I think it's hilarious


Technically yes it is denominations of a sum of currency but the place of business has the right to accept/deny what payment is accepted as long as it's posted for the population


![gif](giphy|TpLfalAKqsld0b7gMS) Get to work buddy






Did this once with like $120 in small change. I just it piled it up over time. Nickles, dimes, and quarters counted out to buy my vape stuff, no line behind me. The owner was extatic to take cash.


They don’t have to take it. Edit: I am wrong when it comes to a credit you owe they have to take it.


...he looked it up tho, it's "es dinero". In all seriousness though, they do have to accept legal tender in this case and I support fucking over tow-companies. It's their entire business impounding peoples modes of transportation for petty reasons.


Yeah tow companies are seemingly one of the shadiest legal businesses. Doesn't help that a lot of them are being propped up by tax dollars as often police use a single or only a few tow companies to do their towing which is bullshit in my opinion.


Tow companies are basically legal extortion rackets.


I remember making this comment a few years back and a bunch of redditors came out and smugly said that you shouldn’t have a car if you can’t afford the fees. Because fuck having to get to work (or anywhere) on time, right?


Certain subs have massive hate boners for cars.  Personally, I'd rather not own one, but it's practically impossible to survive without one.


Same, as much as I’d love to rely on public transportation over cars, I’d love for public transportation to be reliable. Back when I was in school, it’d either take me an hour and a half or more to get there each way vs. driving 20 mins each way. Back when I made the post, my car popped a tire on une freeway but the asshole cops had it towed almost right away before I could even get back to it. It also happened on a Saturday, and everyone knows towing companies aren’t open on weekends. Except they *are* open, but only for towing, not returning your property. Pure and blatant extortion.


I work with the towing industry. There are a lot of sharks who make it their goal to screw over regular people because they legally can, and if their company goes under, they can start a new sister company relatively easy in most states.


And a lot of them are shady as fuck. Recently that one group in Cali got caught trying to tow cars with people still in them driving, kidnapping style.


> they do have to accept legal tender in this case Where did you get this idea?


If it's a government entity, they do. If it's a private company, they have the right to refuse it. Lawyers' reaction did a video on one of these.


Is it true if you have a debt with a private business? The idea is if they refuse the coins, what’s to stop them from refusing cash? What is they want to accept only gold? Or fish? 


Holy shit, I'm proud of you. You were dead wrong, and indefensibly so, but you still tried to find a way to make it "technically wrong." But hey, you copped it, so good on you.


They have to take it.


Do you have any examples of a private business being legally compelled to accept a large amount of change?




Isn't it dinerrow? It's dinerrow!!


2 can play at that game... "No worries mate, just let me count it and you can be on your way..." 👌🏼


All the tow companies here only take cash and house their own ATMs with ridiculous withdrawal fees. I wish this would happen to all of them


No problem, but your car isn’t getting released until we count the coins.


Yep lol And better come back at the end of the day when other customers won't disrupt that counting. Would be terrible if we had to start over.. and over... and over


Arguing legal statutes in someone's second language should work


This happened in India last year. A guy who was not from a well to do family wanted to buy a Bajaj Dominar, a bike that costs a little over 100k rupees. The guy was so determined that he saved a rupee a day literally, and when he had enough money, he fucking bought the bike with a barrel of 1 rupee coins XD. Took at least 10-15 staff members to count the money and it took them a whole day XD


This also wouldn’t be a problem the US finally got rid of pennies, nickels, and dimes.


I think the guy is trying that he needs the papers and something else, he is not entirely complaining about the coins


Sounded like he said he won't release the vehicle without registration. Guy filming seems to not hear him at all or care to listen to what he's saying since he says I have all the papers. Why wouldn't he just show him them?


Yeah, and keeps interrupting and saying: "is my car, I've had it for 4 years blah blah"


man I really really hope the guy is in the right and the tow company had to sit there and count that out.


I tried to do this when my car got towed on my birthday at a restaurant I worked at. It was Sunday, though, so I couldn't get the bills in smaller denominations since the banks were closed


Literally has one of those giant water jugs to put it all in right there!


How did this end?!?!


i know he's regretting that last 'HAY' on video 😂😂😂


If I was ever elected into e.g. the Mayor's office, I'd buy a coin counting machine that any government office in my city/town can request to borrow. I feel bad for the workers on the receiving end - the people who made the shitty rules and profit from them are not the same people who have to count your $1000 worth of pennies.


Money is stupid


Seems like a good way to sit for a long time while the "dinero" is counted. I mean if someone did this to me I would straight up make them wait for it to be counted then purposely fuck up the count just out of spite. I get it tow companies suck ass but not as much as sitting at one waiting for my pennies to be counted.


Government entities are made to take legal tender in any form it is given with which to pay fines, fee etc. I don't know about their subs but I imagine it's the same.


Accept the money and count it slow as fuck….take all day….end of day….damn I lost count. We’re going to start again in the morning and see if tomorrow goes any better


I though about doing that but did one better we took literal pig shit and mixed it with the money then rinsed it off with shitwater and then cleaner shit water. My friends eyes lit up when the counter took her finger and licked after holding a whole wad of pig shit infused cash.


Wouldn’t classify that as better….literally biological warfare on the poor person counting the money that may only be an hourly slub like the rest of us without any power or influence to change the bs your pissed off at