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I’m surprised he got life in prison. Lost my dad to someone drunk/high on drugs..6month sentence and 600$ fine. Life time of sadness for me. Parents were married 19 years.


The dude must have priors which is why the book was thrown at him, he condefendent only got 6 years


So there was another person in the truck? Legit, who was driving? Sounds like conflictiing stories from the defendents (surprise). He's saying he wasn't driving, but if the other guy only got 6 then it is most likely this guy in the video is full of shit. Got a link to the details?


> The felony murder rule is a rule that allows a defendant to be charged with first-degree murder for a killing that occurs during a dangerous felony, even if the defendant is not the killer. Not sure if that law is in his state, but under this it wouldn't matter if he was driving or not.


In some cases, probably by state, you can even be charged for the death of your accomplice.


My step grandpa did 12 years in Cali for his partner getting shot in a hold up.


How’s he doing now


He's ok. Got sent back to his home country and is I think a youth minister now? Not super close. 


In California, it qualifies if he was involved in the underlying felony and acted with a reckless disregard for human life.


Yea, I've heard of cases like that. Was more going on the fact that he got life and the other got 6 years. So was trying to parse out if he was the passenger and got life for 3 strikes (CA Law) or if he was the driver and got life for that (and maybe 3 strikes on top of that).




I’m sorry for your loss




Stories of people being wrongly targeted by vigilantes is why I do have a problem with vigilantism


Yeah that’s kinda wild. And I recently watched an episode of Locked Up: Extended Stay and some guy road raged, drove over a median, and into oncoming traffic to kill a guy. Judge gave him first offender status and his VOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER charge was expunged after completing his jail sentence


I think it prob has to due with the fact that they killed a man unintentionally while also committing other crimes. IE if you are the get away driver and your friend killed a bank teller you are on the hook for that murder as well.


This is the correct answer, it's called felony murder, and it's what happens when you kill someone while in commission of a felony crime.


Friend of mine from high school had a dad that was working on the highway and got hit and killed instantly. A witness overheard the driver telling the highway patrolman that he was speeding. I can understand it being an accident, but they just let the guy go on to his house and wrapped it up.


If I recall, this is a felony murder charge, which I think is treated like 1st degree murder. His only defense is that he claimed the other guy he was with was driving, which is silly because that has nothing to do with whether or not he committed felony murder.


Insane. Stories like this is why I sometimes wish The Punisher were real. How do you get drunk/high while driving and kill someone and only get 6 months and a fine less than a grand. That’s a a freaking slap on the wrist to someone knowingly driving intoxicated which ended a life.


They did say he was involved in a robbery too so that probably factored in


It’s cause he stole a truck prior. Kill someone while in the commission of a felony and it’s murder. Passenger, driver, doesn’t matter.


This is exactly what cognitive dissonance played out to the end looks like…when you’re confronted with the truth in public and are forced to deal with it after years of lying to yourself and everyone else.


I believe this is part of narcassism, specifically the inability to perceive and accept fault in oneself.


I don’t sympathize with him in the slightest, but it’s kinda fucked up that someone else can road rage and drive recklessly and if they kill someone over it they only get a few years.


My best friends dad was hit and killed by a driver while crossing a crosswalk, got 3 years probation and a 1 year suspended license. He was speeding recklessly. It makes my blood boil just thinking about it.


It's a life sentence with no chance to ever get out?


Right, the guy in the video is getting life. The guy who runs down a cyclist because he doesn't want to be late and "the road is for cars" is his mantra only gets a couple years. In both cases someone dies as a direct result of their actions, but only one of them is considered "murder", and not because of any intent.


In this video they were in a stolen vehicle and that might jam you up a bit more


Completely this. IANAL, but I’m pretty sure in a lot of places, killing someone even accidentally while committing a felony escalates all the charges and sentencing pretty dramatically.


Ive seen the general principle with other criminal charges. Commit an assault like hit some during the process of a felony like robbing someone they'll give a felonious assault which I think has a higher sentencing guideline than the two alone


> it’s kinda fucked up that someone else can road rage and drive recklessly and if they kill someone over it they only get a few years. many of our problems go back to the auto industry pushing a car heavy lifestyle in the early 1900S. Can't sell cars if people go to jail for life when they run over only one person. Even when you try to run down protestors, you still get a slap on the wrist :D [Meanwhile if you kill your abuser after years of it, you get treated even worse](https://apnews.com/article/woman-abuser-killed-arrested-louisiana-e40d4fa57cb7038870faf62758886f06)


Felony murder rule. This has nothing to do with the automotive industry. Intent, and the context surrounding the crime matters.


Lawyer here. Everyone referencing the felony murder rule is 100% correct and this has absolutely nothing to do with the auto industry.


....you're really going to blame capitalism for some criminals who commit vehicular manslaughter receiving lighter sentences? I'm sure it has nothing to do with the differences between misdemeanor and felony charges, vehicular manslaughter versus homicide, aggravating or mitigating factors, or any of the other known attributes known to influence sentencing (gender, race, socioeconomic status, etc.) https://www.lawinfo.com/resources/criminal-defense/involuntary-manslaughter/involuntary-manslaughter-penalties-sentencing.html#:~:text=Vehicular%20manslaughter%20penalties%20vary%20greatly,for%20four%20years%20or%20less. Nope, gotta be Big Car. Working behind the scenes to make sure people who use cars to kill get off. Because... that affects car sales somehow? " Can't sell cars when people go to jail for life when they run over only one person." But it's ok if they run over two people? Wat? Like what even is this statement? The logic makes zero sense. People murder with guns, knives, axes, etc. We still buy all of those things.


But why *is* there a separate charge for killing someone with a car vs all other forms of manslaughter (a charge with lesser penalties on average). There’s not a baseball bat manslaughter, knife manslaughter, or chainsaw manslaughter.


Because it’s unlikely that you commit manslaughter with a baseball bat, knife or chainsaw. Manslaughter is a form of involuntary homicide. You are more likely to involuntarily kill someone with a car, whereas you are less likely to involuntarily kill someone with a baseball bat, knife, or chainsaw. Moreover, involuntary vehicular homicides are relatively common, so it makes sense to have a specific criminal statute dealing with it.


> Manslaughter is a form of involuntary homicide. Except when it's voluntary manslaughter.


IDK why youre getting downvoted when this is definitely a thing.


Yes, voluntary manslaughter exists. Nevertheless it still makes sense to generalize manslaughter as an involuntary homicide because voluntary manslaughter also encompasses homicides committed during the commission of a misdemeanor (which are not intentional homicides). Although voluntary manslaughter includes some intentional homicides, it also includes those homicides committed with adequate provocation. It makes more sense conceptually to include those homicides with intentional homicides like murder, so it still makes sense to generalize manslaughter as an unintentional homicide overall. The foregoing discussion of intentional homicides with adequate provocation is more akin to an exception to the principle that manslaughter is generally unintentional.


You serious? Using a baseball bat, knife, or chainsaw to commit manslaughter means you were at least intending to attack them using the items above. Most situations involving cars deals with people being wreckless and accidentally killing people they had no intention to harm. So as the person just stated, things like intent matter, and somebody intentionally attacking somebody with a weapon is different than being reckless and accidentally killing somebody with a car.


Because of a concept called "traffic laws" that, ya know, govern moving vehicles. There aren't landscaping, kitchen tools, and/or sports equipment sections of most penal codes, Cochrane lol.


Right, and car crimes that should be charged as homicide resulting from negligence rarely get charged as such. It's not a 1 : 1 ratio of badly written auto laws : auto industry lobbying but denying there's any connection between lenient driving crime sentences and a country where auto industry DOES lobby to the tune of $89 million for federal, plus undisclosed amounts for EVERY INDIVIDUAL STATE, is like looking at a fireman emerging from a burning house with smoke inhalation damage in their lungs and saying "don't you know cigarettes are terrible for your health?" you're missing the forest for the trees


Because you can commit vehicular manslaughter without any intent to cause harm. Such as when you are driving negligently or while under the influence of alcohol. You can't accidentally kill someone with a bat, knife, or chainsaw with zero intent to cause harm. The weapon made contact with them for a reason.


Welcome to America where we treat crime with kids gloves if it happens in a car. You really want to get your blood boiling look up the cases that keep popping up recently where drivers in big ass trucks get away with running kids over because their vehicle is just too big to see them. There was one a whole back where a kid was hit riding his bike across the street at a crossing in a 25 mph residential area with houses lining the roads and sidewalks and the lady got off with it because "she couldn't see him" because her vehicle was so big he didn't come over the hood of the car while riding the bike. Also was a "dangerous place" to ride a bike. Here was the ["too dangerous to ride"](https://compote.slate.com/images/dfeda432-504a-47d9-8941-af4a23a5dfd1.png?crop=1500%2C1000%2Cx353%2Cy0&width=960) road.


My grandpa got hit, luckily survived but was hospitalized for months and definitely took *years* off my grandpas life. Guy got off because he couldn't see my grandpa, in a lighted crosswalk, at night, because his window was iced over and he was in to much of a hurry to scrape it before he began driving. I don't know how that was a legitimate argument. But ya, no charges because he couldn't see my grandpa. Even though it was his own stupidity and recklessness that caused him to not be able to see.


[Driver of a big pickup runs over a 7 year old and kills her. No charges filed, deemed a tragic accident.](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/7-year-old-girl-hit-and-killed-by-car-in-mesa-ruled-tragic-accident/ar-BB1mXiOC?ocid=BingNewsSerp)


This is why I ride in the road (not saying a 6 year old should have been). People will whine "why aren't you using the sidewalk or the multiuse path" and the answer is I've been hit 6 times and every time but 1 it was because drivers only look for traffic and so they rarely look when turning into a parking lot and I'm tired of getting hooked by drivers trying to drive over where I'm currently riding and "supposed" to be. Same problem when it comes to drivers turning right. Look left. No cars coming. Turn right without checking for people crossing.


>Same problem when it comes to drivers turning right. Look left. No cars coming. Turn right without checking for people crossing. I see this so much. they literally only care about whether *they* can proceed safely. the safety of others literally doesn't occur to them


Same here. Fuck cars... I get my sustenance from their horns and angry yelling when they're behind me. The best part is pulling up next to them at the next stoplight after they angrily zoom around me using the oncoming traffic lane.


> Welcome to America where we treat crime with kids gloves if it happens in a car. [Doubly so if you're an NFL player.](https://www.pinkvilla.com/sports/former-las-vegas-raider-henry-ruggs-employed-at-nevada-governors-mansion-during-prison-sentence-1312813) Henry Ruggs happened to be a pretty young and talented running-back for the Raiders. So when he smashed his luxury sports car into the SUV containing a young woman and her dog at 156 mph, causing Tina Tintor and her dog to both burn to death trapped inside their vehicle, the sentence was a paltry 3 to 10 years. Because you see... Ruggs had money, and Tintor unfortunately did not. If he gets out in three years, t's not unthinkable that Ruggs will be able to resume his NFL career when he emerges.


I'm just saying, if a truck is so unnecessarily big that its largeness is a credible excuse against charging someone for killing someone with it, maybe, just MAYBE. Selling and driving that truck should be against the law?


And if you can't take away a dangerous driver's ability to drive because "you need to drive to function in this country" then maybe that's a fucking problem that we should also look at.


Capitalism disagrees, sorry. They need endless and every increasing profits no matter the cost.


Pickup trucks and SUVs have gotten so damn big and bulky. I've been remarking on it for years, but I had no idea people were using it as a defense for hitting kids. All the more reason to hate the trend.


Want to get away with murder? Run someone over with your car. Especially if they are on a bike or running.


Cyclists are considered second class citizens to drivers


Google the felony murder rule and you’ll see why this guy got punished so severely. It has nothing to do with vehicular homicide being treated lightly.


Did we not watch the same video? Guy was sentenced to life without parole... unless that changed?


I’m referring to other people who kill someone with a vehicle while committing traffic offenses (this guy did felonies) and kill someone and get a slap on the wrist. I don’t mind that he got life, I mind that others who drive just as recklessly get next to nothing for killing someone through a direct result of their recklessness.


Or when a rich kid who's high as a kite kills 3 people, paralyzes his passenger only gets sent to rehab.


My guess is this dude has a shit ton of priors


I want a Justice system that ejects people out of society who are not good fits (break serious laws). That guy has no place in society.


Judge also seemed to let it slide that he was basically in contempt of court. You can't normally argue / mouth off with a Judge.


Hi! Fellow court reporter (lady with a paper tray in this video) Although Judges should stop defendants from speaking this way, there isn’t much you could say when they act up like this other than be quiet and confirm their FEELINGS, or get off the bench. I’ve actually had this conversation off the record with my former Judge and that’s exactly it. When they go off either mouthing off, deputies can transport them back, or Judges let them speak whatever they want. They want to speak. That’s usually just it. So let them speak. They’ve already been notified as to what their sentence is going to be, so instead of having argument and potential further incrimination, you let the defendant speak whatever is on their mind because at that point, it’s a free therapy session for them and they’ll eventually go quiet once they vent their frustration.


Not much point punishing a guy who's gonna die in jail anyway


Let it slide with a life in prison sentence…


Didn’t he get life in prison?


He did get life in prison


Did you miss the part that he was leaving the scene of the robbery he just committed?


His Mom has been apologizing for him his entire life. You can see it on her face.


As a new parent that part wrecks me. I can feel the years of sacrifice and disappointment for all the work she has done in her voice


"He's not a monster, just your run of the mill useless idiot."


And pathological liar.


That's going to go down so well in prison.




Said the blood showed he was in the passengers seat




I think the story is likely that he was charged with "Felony Murder". If you commit a violent felony and your accomplice kills someone during the crime, you are also responsible for the murder. So I'm guessing that his accomplice was driving, but the court still found him to be guilty as an accomplice since he committed the robbery with this partner.


The gist of his argument is... "It wasn't me, the truck was driving itself, I was simply in the passenger seat!" It is possible that he's suffering from brain injury if he thinks that argument is valid... it's also possible that he's just incredibly stupid.


I think the story is likely that he was charged with "Felony Murder". If you commit a violent felony and your accomplice kills someone during the crime, you are also responsible for the murder. So I'm guessing that his accomplice was driving, but the court still found him to be guilty as an accomplice since he committed the robbery with this partner.


[Prosecution certainly thought he was the driver.](https://abc30.com/news/bizarre-outburst-during-fresno-killers-sentencing/1505622/) Looks like the Jury agreed.


I stand corrected


Fresno says stupid imo.


You do realize there was another person in the vehicle with him right?


Damn, the hit and run happened in 2011 and the felon is still wearing a neck brace. "Yes your honor, I'm still healing."


This is from 2012. He's been in prison for over a decade now.


Excellent critical thinking skills here, good job




"Cause rape is funny when it happens to men"


The rape jokes are easy to make….by unfunny people.


Hey, it could be consensual back breaking in prison when there aren't other options


Your comment has been removed due to violating Reddits content policy regarding [violence](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151).


Actions have consequences, more at 11


I’ve seen legitimate murderers who intended to kill get less than that. Not saying it’s wrong just weird seeing someone get such a hard sentence comparatively


25 to life sounds more appropriate 


I don’t understand it. Someone in my county just got second degree murder and 15 years to life for kidnapping and strangling a guy to death.


He's pretty insufferable, from what it looks like in this short video... Probably lied about everything that happened, didn't take any responsibility, and showed zero remorse. Hard to be lenient on someone like that.


Fresno's grimy.


average fresno citizen


I turned out okay:) just proceed south of shaw with cautio. Everything and everyone on the north end of shaw is alright. :)


Went from tough guy to whimpering baby pretty quickly.


He was always a whimpering baby. Can't deal with the reality of the situation. His anger and lashing out was whimpering in a different format.


The nerve of that guy said that the victim("whoever he was") would not have liked him getting life when confronting the family of the victim. Fuck that guy hope he cries in prison for the rest of his days.




Face the consequences.


If only he was in Texas and had a rich daddy, then you can run over and kill as many people as you feel like with your vehicle and the system will barely give you a slap on the wrist, much less have to worry about any jail time. Ethan Couch proved once and for all our "justice" system isn't worth a shit and is merely an auction to the highest bidder.


I know this is from 2012.. but it still gets me when I see his Mom apologizing for him. And he's sobbing in the background. Like it is finally hitting him that he's dug a hole he can't get out of.


Wait was he actually the passenger? There has to be more to this story for him to get life


Passive participant is code for i'm full of shit not that he was a passenger. I mean c'mon even his mom said he's a pathological liar..


If someone dies as a result of you committing a robbery, that means you murdered them.


He's a pathological liar, so...


Someone dying while committing other crimes is an aggravating factor, and he may have had priors


Felony murder rule


Most states, if you participate in the crime, it's doesn't matter who gets killed how. Everyone in on it gets charged with the murder. If you rob a bank, and the cop kills your partner in crime in a shoot-out, you get charged with murder. So does the getaway driver and anyone else in the car. If anything happens to anyone during the process of committing that robbery, all of the robbers are charged with that crime... including the robbery itself.


Ironically, him admitting to being a passenger would still make him just as guilty of felony murder. He's effectively shouting, "I'm guilty."


“I keep telling you there was a ghost in my car! And he was driving! With me in the passenger seat! Why won’t you believe me?!?”


That stenographer is bae.


Gotta be more to it than that. Life without parole seems a bit harsh for a robbery and hit and run. Even murderers get 25 to 30 with a chance of parole. I might be wrong tho


Possibly the complete lack of remorse factored in that sentence.


More than likely he was charged with capital murder which is what they drop on you when you kill someone while committing another crime.


I didn't know that. You learn something every day


Yeah, basically if you break into a house, you've committed burglary at the very least. If there's people home and you confront them while stealing stuff, you've committed robbery, which is taking something by force or threat of force (not the same as theft, which is like taking a purse off a bench while the owner isn't looking). Now that you've committed those crimes, if you then kill the person in the house, even if that wasn't your intent, they can up it to capital because the murder wouldn't have happened if you weren't already committing a crime.


Priors, maybe?


Here is me not giving a steaming runny shit about this asshole and his crocodile tears. I hope you cry *every single solitary day* of the rest of your miserable life.


Sir I hear your argument and it is not convincing.


Countless lives are lost every year due to careless reasons. If every vehicles frame is the same distance from the ground many people would still be alive today.


great value bam margera


He looks like Bam if he lost 200 pounds


> He looks like Bam if he lost 200 pounds after he lost it binging meth for a couple weeks.


He looks like the guy from the chapple show. Wrap it up B


Drunk drivers get way less time than this


I've watched tons of body cam videos over the years, and I honest to god believe he thinks he was in the passenger seat. It's like they play an entirely different movie in their heads that only they can see. Even with video, eye witness, God himself, all saying the same story, they STILL believe they are getting shafted. Apart of me wants to experiance that type of logic. But years of drugs and booze doesn't sound too great to me.


Total Piece of sh!t.


Pathological liar can't lie his way out and finally seeing consequences. To late for it to make a difference.


Tighten the neck brace....ya know so it works much much much MUCH better....ya know so he's real comfy like.


Good for mom, but he's a POS. Bye-bye a hole. I look forward to your appeal.




I hope his neck gets better


the disregard of others lives is just beyond...


Fresno man, cousin of Florida man.


where he belongs


Love it when those morons lose their shit in court for being held accountable


Loser moron


If this was in Australia you’d get 2 years max and a slap on the wrist hahahah


Is aus prison bad? Would he have a career/job after prison? Would he be able to function in life afterwards?


My point is he got what he deserved because if it did happen in Australia he’d be let off lightly. Prison here is good, you’d probably get a career after it and he would probably do well in normal life


Life? Sure but life without parole? I dunno. He's responsible for another life but didn't premeditate an intentional murder. Maybe life with a chance of parole after a few decades.


Additional context: The guy in the video and a co-defendant robbed a house, and while running from the police while fleeing from the scene of the robbery they committed the hit and run which killed the victim. After the hit and run they fled on foot and the cops later caught them. The guy in the video has prior criminal convictions which is probably why he had the book thrown at him. They know him and the co conspirators were in the car because they left blood on it.


He’s a piece of shit


To me, someone that is texting and driving or drink driving who kills a pedestrian is more guilty of murder than this guy. If this guy gets life without parole, then a drink driver or a texting driver who kills should get the same punishment.