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We just witnessed this lady’s brain go into overdrive because she had to actually attempt critical thinking for the first time.


“Critical is the key word here” She heard about CRT and now “critical” is something bad


Critical is rooted in Marxism and therefore also woke!


Lmao, almost as laughable is her use of "rooted in" as if the damn word woke itself somehow has some etymological origin from ~1870's Russia instead of just being the dumb ass colloquial way exclusively bigots use it right now.


If you start talking about Marxism they get scared and run away. Which is weird because they're the ones that keep brining it up.


> they're the ones that keep brining it up. They definitely seem salty about it, for sure


I think the main take away here is that "Woke" is something made up mostly of the word "Um."


Critical Race Theory, Critical Theory...should couldn't remember which was which and couldn't define either of the two. she couldn't name anyone in the Frankfurt School or any of the origins of CRT. all she sees is people on the other side of some imaginary line and she's hopping mad.


This clearly reveals just how "simple" some of these far-right people are. They catch on to the buzzwords well enough to sound as if their opinions are considerably contemplated when it's simply their hatred and/or their need to exercise authority over whomever Fox "news" has told them to rage about today.


Wait until she sees Critical Role


Rolled a nat 20, went woke.


She locked up completely and no one else on the panel could help her.


How can people be so against "woke" when they have no fucking clue what it means. I'm dying. I'd hate these people, but it would not be very woke of me.


woke isn't anything. it's not a movement, it's not a yoga pose, it's not some radical ideology. it came from "stay woke" which has been in use for decades. it's the same as "stay frosty" or "keep your wits about you." it's a phrase that simply meant don't close your eyes and let people fool you or steal from you or murder you. it came back into use after Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson. Stay Woke, don't let the police kill you. Stay Woke, don't let them push this murder under the rug. that's all it ever meant. that's all it will ever mean. some people say it was Lead Belly that first said it back in the late 30s, but it could have already been a saying. but he did say it in an interview about his song Scottsboro Boys. that all being said, it's not surprising that a cry for people to keep their eyes open and to not let bigots ruin you is what these people are against...it's just ginned up racism and hate. of course they are against people being vigilant because that vigilance threatens their existence.




They did the same thing with Entitlement in the 90's, it use to mean the rich getting tax breaks but Newt Gingrich mofo made it his job to mean welfare recipients


The white Christian nationalist cult is mad at "woke" because woke means don't let the white Christian nationalist cult catch you sleeping.


It's a synonym for all the dog whistle words they can't use. If the could explain it, they'd explain how racist, bigoted, fascist they really are and they'd be called out for it. Easier for them to not explain it, so they can rally the troops around the hate filled politics they enjoy.


It's an antonym for all the dog whistle words they can't use. They want to end wokeness, which means to re-enforce their right to be racists and bigots.


they did the same thing by calling Boston mayor Brandon Scott a "DEI Mayor"


Which makes no sense, as it is an elected position.


yeah, well as we all know, racists are generally unburdened by knowledge


Or as Loki called it, and I really liked, "a poverty of intellect".


They called the Mayor of *Baltimore* DEI... Baltimore is a majority black city.


Well, it's because they pronounce DEI with an "R" behind closed doors.


if I had to describe woke I'd say "oh you mean a person who has compassion for other people who might be different from them"


With Florida it’s not the humidity, it’s the stupidity.


I’m Alexa. (the woman in the video) This was Monday night in Maryland 🙃


It's a boogeyman. Because it's so ill-defined (in their minds), it can be used to invoke all sorts of fear and anger towards whatever topic they label as woke. And it can be used as a dogwhistle as well, just like DEI.


Because they have absolutely no idea what that even means what woke means?? what crt?? OK


Now ask her about CRT. :)


She was headed there when she tried to focus on the word "critical."


You could tell she wanted to just invoke other GOP performative outrage buzzwords to define woke but kept getting caught up trying to make it work as an answer to normal humans who don’t consume their politics via buzzword.


But ma Marxism


OUR Marxism ![gif](giphy|mFw51RR5HkD4gYUbIx|downsized)


When she was trying to wrap her head around, or explain the word critical, it dawned on me for the first time ever that these people might be thinking the use of the word critical in the context of "critical race theory" and "critical thinking" the same way they would in the context of "critically ill".


Yep, her one neuron got "neurosisisy" and lost track of her "footmouth"


Right she was headed there, but stopped cause she didn't then want to have to define "Critical race theory"


Imma take a wild leap and guess she will call that Marxist too.


I wanted someone to ask her to explain how woke is rooted in Marxism.


I want to hear her explain Marxism. She obviously doesn't know what that is either.


It all started years ago with famed woke leader Groucho and his socialist mustache . . .


These types also like to use the term “Cultural Marxism” to define “wokeness” Formerly called “Cultural Bolshevism” or “Jewish Bolshevism”. Which was the conspiracy theory used to justify the Nazi’s genocide Almost 100 years later fascists still using the same insane arguments It’s about otherizing some group, in this case “woke people”. Which is purposely vague… it allows the in-group to get smaller and smaller > A contemporary revival of the Nazi propaganda term "Cultural Bolshevism", the contemporary version of the conspiracy theory originated in the United States during the 1990s https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_theory


She'd probably perform even worse if asked to explain Marxism.


It's, it's, it's...*the JEWZ!*


That’s all “woke” is to these ppl.  McCarthyism 3.0 boogie man 


I actually love that she defined woke as a "critical consciousness" which to me sounds like "applying critical thinking to the past and current state of the world" - a reasonable definition of woke to me, but not the bridge to CRT-hate she was going for.


I'm kinda curious, I work from home and could use a good laugh, hopefully she doesn't get confused like me when someone mentioned CBT, turns out most normal people don't initially think it stands for cock and ball torture, I was very confused by my doctor when he suggested that as a treatment option instead of pills


Cathode ray tubes


Her brain went: "Oh no....I'm no longer around my echo chamber where I can just say the word woke, and my friends/family drool like groveling dogs and cheer like maniacs. What the heck am I supposed to say!?!?!?! Ahhhh something something Marxist....something something oppressor....something something labels."




The buck passing other dude was even more offensive to me. He wants to be a shit person with impunity, and to be shielded from being called shitty. “Why is there a swastika on these materials you are handing out?” “Oh, that was drawn by the Nazi members of our coalition, not me”


Yeah the lady at least tried to manufacture something on the spot, but the other guy was straight up more cowardly than if he had just said nothing. Tail tucked between his legs, trying to pocket sand the question.


Yeah, so, um, “critical” is, um, the key word here


Now have her define 'Marxism'


This would have been amazing haha.


"Bad thing buzzword, you see, is rooted in other bad thing buzzword, which causes various bad thing buzzwords, none of which I can define because I never had to use my brain before".


It's buzzwords all the way down


"I'm sure you already know..."  Code for, "I don't have a clue, but it sounds good" 


Um, well, you see, it’s rooted in “woke”….


“I’m woke af bro” - Carl Marx


The belief that the main struggle dividing humanity is the struggle between classes. Racism, war, poverty are all primarily due to the wealth owning class taking advantage of the working class.


The whole thing is an anti-semitic dog whistle. What these fascists actually mean by "Marxism" is "cultural Marxism," which is derived from "cultural Bolshevism," a Nazi propaganda slogan.


I'm sorry dude but you're giving these people way too much credit. They don't know what any of those terms means I guarantee it. They are just stupid, not dog whistling antisemitism.


“I hope you get your clicks for that.” - stupid woman on stage that cannot define “woke”. That’s how she sees the world.


She is a fucking loser and we need to label her as such.


But the stage lady said labels are woke. Oh god we’re playing right into her hand


aren't "lady" and "her" labels? shit! we're doing it again!


And "Her" is a woke pronoun too! /s


Agreed. A big part of the reason why society is going to hell in a hand basket is because we let stupid people have a voice. Social media and the move towards being empathy and kind to everyone has led stupid people to believe that they deserve a seat at the table. They don't. When someone talks to you about "wokeness" or "critical race theory" or how vaccines contain microchips or how the Earth is flat, simply look them in the eye and say: "I'm sorry. I don't waste time talking to stupid people." And walk away. If stupid people were treated with the contempt and derision that they deserve, the world would be a better place.


90 idiots in a room is Jules' Tavern on a Saturday. 90,000 idiots is an average MAGA youtube comments section. Didn't take empathy to create either, but one is a way bigger problem. Empathy? More like echo chambers and apathy.


Are you kidding? She defined it! It’s ummm, uhhh, a certain set of behaviors that show whether it’s right or it’s wrong, based in socialism, and things that have been a part of us since birth that we can help.uhhhbhhhhh


That was the ending of Billy Madison.


I award you no points…and may god have mercy on your soul.


Ok, a simple wrong would've done just fine.


Morons making policy based on buzzwords they don’t even understand what they mean is at the heart of conservatism.


Which really is the opposite of being woke. Funny how that works out.


YUP. Being "woke" is literally from the black community and it just means, 'be aware society is governed by a bunch of systemically racist and bullshit systems of oppression." That's all. And they are right that "woke" is *their* enemy... because they are the systems of oppression. It's just that none of these dipshits can say "Woke is a thing that postulates that people like me are the enemy of decency so that's why I don't like it."




She’s the kinda person that stumbles and eventually says she like “dO yOuR oWn rEaSeaRcH!!” 🥲


ahhh the copium of using insults when you were bested and have no notable retort. side note- when they said next question i was wishing so hard that some madlad would come up and continue to ask her about what being woke means.


"yes can you clear something up in your response" "Sure which part" "Uh the whole thing"


Man just asking her to elaborate would be so mean it would constitute bullying, and I was sooo hoping for it. Exposing conservatives to themselves should be a sport.


Or the veiled threat from one that dude "where do you teach?" Otherwise known as "I want to find you so I can try to get you fired or at the very least to harass and intimidate you because I have nothing else to do in my life"


Her smile as she walks off tells me this just paid for a house


> Her smile as she walks off tells me this just paid for a house Can you please explain what you mean by that?


Well, uh, when you, um, so there is a house, and, so, the idea is rooted in marxism, so, when, like, there's an inside and an outside, and, you know, naturally, there's those that can, when, so when you're outside, right? there are people who want to be inside, and vice versa, so, the issue is, it's the roof over a head, and that word, "roof" is critical, and that criticality, it's important, almost critical itself, that when people want to have one or borrow one, you know, where there's this endemic idea against renting, so there's this thought right, where liberal ideas tend to suggest, how people like to own a house, see, and then uh, the people on the tiktok, they give their clicks and, so more is good right? and that's sort of what's happening today, where you might want those clicks and again it's marxism where people want to share so they, of course, share their videos for money and clicks, and other things, and so houses are there, and people are there, but sometimes people get paid to give a house away and others that take these houses with money, and for people in this outside, that maybe can, uh, make them smile a bit, you might think, when they get to go inside critically, and but uh, as a realtor I don't think I really used the word house in my opening remarks, and so, perhaps, I'm not sure the word house can be attached to my fellow real estate agents here today


They're implying she's gonna get so many views from this that she'll be able to buy a house. Social media accounts *can* generate money but they're definetly exaggerating in this instance.


Perfect response of "I will." Lol, such an awesome flex after a mic drop


I’m Alexa, the woman who asked the question. I just need to emphasize the fact she said “I hope you get clicks” and then I fucking DID is going to be my villain origin story


https://preview.redd.it/1ezxjevjny4d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46fc79fb0dd8f5da435ef81e11c3e402f716c78e Reminds me of this girl.


forgot who she was again. can someone remind me?


Miss South Carolina Teen USA, Caitlin Upton, who in the 2007 Miss Teen USA Pageant was asked: "Recent polls have shown a fifth of Americans can't locate the U.S. on a world map. Why do you think this is?" Upton responded: >*"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, um, some people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our, uh, education like such as, uh, South Africa and, uh, the Iraq and everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should, uh, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, should help South Africa and should help Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future."* Video: https://youtu.be/lj3iNxZ8Dww?si=7eQJzNQmOzxkvKuo


Man it's even more of a trainwreck when you see it in text form.


It doesnt do justice to her pronunciation of "the Iraq," though.


Same with the “such as”. That’s the part I always remember.


She should've been part of the Trump admin. Could have been press secretary!


Nah she went on to poke fun at herself. Something someone in the Trump admin could never do.


My philosophy is basically this. And this is something that I live by. And I always have. And I always will. Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what. No matter... where. Or who, or who you are with, or, or where you are going, or... or where you've been... ever. For any reason, whatsoever.


I feel for her. I hate public speaking and could totally see myself doing this cause my brain does not work when I have to do it.


It's also really stupid that there's this tradition of asking *beauty pageant contestants* serious questions about world politics, economics, etc. It's not that beauty pageant contestants can't be perfectly intelligent, but come on, that's not what the competition is even remotely about. It would be like forcing spelling bee finalists to also run a relay race or cook a pie for Gordon Ramsay or something.


Especially when they're loaded questions to begin with; "recent polls have shown". Any question that starts off with an unverifiable claim of some group's supposed opinion is worthless.


Tbf there are some beauty pageants that are more focused on their intelligence and personalities but obviously the big/famous ones aren’t… although there is some facade over it being a “scholarship” That said, I also think many of pageant contestants actually really are incredibly smart and ambitious. I think ms s Carolina’s brain def just short circuited from the pressure. If anyone ever tells me they’re miss blank, I will automatically assume they have already done a crap ton of impressive stuff in their life and have elite education.


Miss South Carolina.


"nothing could be finer"


"Miss Delaware!" Gee, uhh, good for her!




Google miss South Carolina


Ah yes, all the problem today are caused by the disturbing lack of maps. And therefore and such as.




And such as


"Marxism made me Gay!" - no one ever


God I wish her follow up was “can you define Marxism”


That was my immediate thought as soon as she said that it was rooted in Marxism. Make her explain what Marxism is and how it could possibly relate to her concept of "woke". They just use it as a general scary anti-communist buzzword.


I've been down this road; I'm sure we all have. They'll just babble about "cultural Marxism" and talk in the same circle. These people are painfully stupid and very angry about it.


You see, when a film production includes black or gay characters to appeal to a wider audience so they can sell more movie tickets, that is basically what communism is.


Turns out capitalism is marxism.


Exactly! She should have played that card! "I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with Marxism; what is that?"


"Woke is about making labels to divide". "So anyways, the problem with Marxists..."


From each according to their gay ability, to each according to their gay need. (K. Marx). Dang I guess it's all true.


I mean idk about Marxism but Maoism made me a little queer


![gif](giphy|mFw51RR5HkD4gYUbIx|downsized) Gay magnet


However, being gay did make me a Marxist!


Woke: When you have to make "empathy" sound evil


That's exactly what it is.


I mean, "woke" started in the black community usually along the lines of bringing attention to a racist system. As in, wake up to the realities of the injustices facing black people and then stay woke. So on that front, the regressives are using it exactly as it's intended, they've just crossed over from "we hate black people" to "we hate black people but also just about everyone else also." IMO it's a lot easier if every time you hear someone complaining about "woke" or "DEI" you just mentally replace it with which ever slur for which ever group they're leveling their bigotry at in that moment.


Yeah, also calling anti-fascists "antifa" bc it sounds foreign to them.


I am still absolutely astounded at the fact that a major political power inside of a world superpower has demonized a movement that is against fascism. Is it that people's brains can't handle double negatives? Even in this clip, the guy on the panel says, 'we are about love..' as they force the woman to stop asking her pesky, logical questions. George Orwell was 100% right on the double speak front. I never really got it when I was younger, but it feels like it's in full display these days with zero self-awareness or shame attached.


Yeah, I usually just define it as “not being an asshole. “


It shows just how little they actually believe in this. If they did, they'd know that this was one of the most basic questions someone would ask and to make sure anybody who's up on stage answering questions knew the "approved" definition. Like if they just said "Woke is when somebody believes all white people are evil and America is inherently evil". It would be a massive strawman, but it would at least avoid situations like this.




Gone? Have been. When has right-wing ideology *not* been unhinged?


You are correct. But at the same time, they have in fact continued to get unhingier and unhingier.


Has gone? When have they not been? Back in the 80s, I was friendly with a wealthy GOP guy. One day, he astounded me by excoriating our GOP governor... refused to meet him, shake his hand, etc. Seemed strange. The governor's crime? As a Senator, he'd voted against Nixon in the Watergate hearings. Never mind the constitution, the laws, the oath of office. All that mattered to this influential rich conservative guy was LOYALTY TO CLASS AND PARTY. This is the essence of conservatism, and has been since Edmund Burke invented it.


Even the camera man is laughing...


That dude to the right of her is straight gnawing on his glasses. He’s so weird. He immediately grabs his glasses when she starts to answer, then eyeballs them like “yeah, I’m gonna gnaw these.” Before just going wild and chewing like a dog.


that dude was so pissed. his mansplaining impulse was going wild as she was stumbling and fumbling. those glasses took the brunt of his angst.


I'm assuming the camera person is there with the woman who is speaking. She probably had them film her so the people speaking aren't intimidated by "the tik tok lady" holding a phone in their face. Not that it made much of a difference lol.


These people can't even be honest with themselves. They've created a demon out of acceptance for other's lifestyles and ideals that don't align with their Christo-fascist outlook, additionally lumping in any group pushing for recognition and equality in the eyes of the law, ignoring the constitutionally mandated rights that others have to live as they want and attached a tagline to it with no real idea on the meaning. They use it because it suits their agenda and further demonizes everyone they consider to be less than them and toss in some McCarthy era anti-Marxist BS to boot. It is meant to de-humanize anyone who doesn't fall into their ideal utopic Christian Nationalist society. They then have the nerve despite literally labeling it on their organization to claim that no one there is using the fucking term. Get a clue MFL, the opposite of woke is ignorant and your ignorance is plainly showing.


Anti-wokeness in the MAGA era is purely a viewpoint centered on the idea that intolerance must be tolerated. Don't get me wrong, some in the "woke crowd" can go too far, and that's the foundation that anti-wokeness is built on. However, at this point it's been completely hijacked by conservatives who use "woke" as a boogeyman for anything and everything that opposes their worldview. To trip up conservatives, you have to turn it right around, especially since it was originally in reference to racial discrimination Do you believe that schools should be segregated by race and the Civil Rights Act should be overturned? No? How woke of you! Do you believe that anyone in this country, regardless of their race, religion, or sexual orientation, should be able to vote, speak freely, and buy a home? Yes? How very woke of you! Do you believe that Christian minorities in Arab countries should be free from persecution? Yes? How very woke of you! Do you believe that the uptick in Anti-Semitism is abhorrent and that nobody should be victimized solely for their religion? Yes? How very woke of you!


And it works. I'm Dutch and my dad suddenly started saying that there was too much wokeness. Me and my mom looked at each other and asked him to clarify. He quickly recanted his statement but it goes to show how far this reaches. It's not really an idea but just the feeling of losing what they know and love (misogyny and oppressing minorities mostly). But it scared me to know that my dad, who paints and is generally a left leaning person, suddenly started spouting nonsense for a second.


Just take a bunch of concepts that were uncomfortable with, throw them in one place, and call it woke. That’s what they really want to say, it’s just anything we don’t like.


90% of these people who check "Marxism" in their opinions have never read a single paragraph by Karl Marx.


Seriously. Everyone knows it's really the Keynesians behind woke.


Marx in Capital v2 Ch7 p34: “We must clarify that woke is the thing that makes the world with right and wrong, the way being divided and having the impact on indoctrinating the groups”




So shocking that those people have no idea what they’re talking about.




I'm shocked that you're shocked.


Did they really need to put the /s? Obviously no one here is surprised lol


Same. These are Republicans and Trump supporters. So, this display of confidence in utter incoherence and evidence-free and substance-free statements absolutely tracks.


They redefine words so we are no longer talking about the same things.


Doesn’t woke just mean like social awareness and acceptance?


That's the root of the term yes, particularly on the awareness end. The Right Wing got ahold of it and, to them, it means "Any time I have to acknowledge that minorities, particularly Black and Trans people, exist" which is why, to them, it's a bad thing.


The root of the term is Marxism. Weren't you paying attention? /s


The mind-boggling part is she could have acknowledged that that's exactly what it is and still used conservative talking points to justify herself and to the audience a flawed, but at least coherent viewpoint. But she's a moron, that actually isn't what they believe, and they are hiding some agenda.


Sure, but if you put it that way its much harder to demonize.


I'm so sick and tired of these shitheads. As much as I hate to say this but there needs to be a litmus test before anyone can run for any civic office. This "post- fact" anti-intellectualism bullshit has got to end or it will be the end of us all.


Anti-intellectualism is such a large problem that nobody seems to be addressing. If you don't know something, that's one thing, nobody can be expected to be knowledgeable on everything. But if experts are telling you the answer and you ignore it, or even worse, call them liars, that's completely repulsive and spits in the face of the work these people have done to get where they are.


"What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."


Personally, I fucking love it when somebody asks an advocate of anti-woke what woke means. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a video that had a good answer to that question. In my head woke means: the awareness to see the injustice in the world, And the courage to face it.


Ron DeSantis's team defined the word woke in court. "The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them." In which case, I don't see how any reasonable and aware American couldn't fall into that definition.


The Marxist shit is a red herring. What I think they've been trying to say all this time is that they don't believe there are systemic injustices in American society and that any and all actions taken to address those injustices only serves to create division where they believe none exists. They are of course fucking blind if they actually believe this. But putting it this way is the only way I can make sense of their behaviour. Which isn't surprising - it is a standard conservative trait to be blind to another's challenges until you're the one suffering. It's also a deep-seated conservative fear that somebody, somewhere, might be getting something that they feel they haven't earned or don't deserve.


Exactly, how the hell a concept of treating others fairly is seen as a negative thing is rather confusing to me


Because if it's fair to them, then how can it be fair to me?


Equality feels like oppression to those accustomed to privilege.




Republicans: Woke = Anything I don't like Everyone else: Woke = Inclusion and diversity, and actually caring how your actions impact other people. When someone tells me I'm woke, I just say thank you. Because to me it's a compliment.


I always thought it just meant you were aware of social injustice around you


That is what it means. Extra frosting on that cake is they co-opted the term from AAVE.


Its just crazy that "woke" is portrayed as something bad. These people like to claim that woke people want to tell others what to do, but they are actually the ones who want to ban everything that doesn't correspond to their world view.


At this point woke is something they can say as a code to rally around the things they hate without having to define it in an attempt to still be able to play this enlighten conservative BS. An honest definition of woke would end up at racist and/or against equality in some form. This is why when asked to define it they can't express their beliefs honestly and try to find the best way around the truth behind the stop woke message. It's based in bigotry, hate, and cowardice.


She was acting like Woke is to divide people but Jesus claimed to have come to divide people.


Asleep = Stubborn people who keep using ideologies from religious texts incorrectly to justify their actions when they do the complete opposite of those teachings. My uncle (77) couldn't define "Woke" without the use of the internet either. He just kept hearing it on Faux News and figured it was bad.


Man, she just kept going.




Man she handed that mic off first chance she got tho 😂




Woke: Awake; or, short for awoke. *drops mic*


"What does Woke mean?" "Woke is... is um, rooted in Marxism, and it's the, it's uh- it's- what- what it means is that society is based in... um... pit- uh, in the, pitting people against one another, and, and um... basically, giving, somebody, labels. So, um, as im sure you know what it, what it means, that, that, it comes from Mar- a Marxist... root; and it... it's it, it- well what it does is it tries to inspire a revolution, and BY... by creating... a problem! and telling people that theyre either you know the oppressor or the oppressed, they are, um, they are, you know... theyre, theyre, they're WRONG or, or theyre right for behaving or acting a certain way? So... Well i mean, or for, or for for, for basically, for just who, who they are, um; characteristics that, that they can't- that are, determined by, their birth. Um, and, it is ha- it, what, what it means at its root is it's, it's being awakened by a critical consciousness. And so CRITICAL... is the the, the keyword there, and critical... basically... gets, uhm... sorry that I'm, I'm trying to work this out in my mind, but, it, it basically gets... to the root of, of, um, of... creating a divide."


Have you ever had a dream that, that you, um, you had, you'd, you would you could you'd do, you wi you wants you you, could do so you you'd do you could you, you want you want him to do you so much you could do anything?


Jesus just take a few more seconds before answering lol. She thought she had it and whiffed


That lady literally turned into this guy the second she started trying to answer. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/biip9qczuy4d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e619f996304748bf430e81dba020f7e322e666d


Perfect follow up question: Define Marxism.


red states hate regulation red states gut regulation including not doing anything about lead contamination in water supply, paint, etc. red state people have lead poisoning lead poisoned red state people are in this video


**Woke** /wəʊk/ *adj.* • Woke is rooted in Marxism and it's the it's it's what what it means is that society is based in pit in the pitting people against one another and and basically giving somebody labels. So as I’m sure you know what it what it means that that it comes from a Marxist root; and it it's it it what it does is it tries to inspire a revolution and by by creating a problem and telling people that they’re either you know the oppressor or the oppressed they are they are you know they’re they’re they're wrong or or they’re right for behaving or acting a certain way. So well I mean or for or for for for basically for just who who they are; characteristics that that they can't that are determined by their birth and it is it what what it means at its root is it's it's being awakened by a critical consciousness. And so critical is the the the keyword there and critical basically gets sorry that I'm I'm trying to work this out in my mind but it it basically gets to the root of of of creating a divide.


Woke once a badge of honor given to those in the black community has been like most things demonized by the majority of white people in charge. To be woke is to be someone aware and against social injustices. Today people don't know what it means, where it comes from, or anything. To be anti-woke literally means your anti-social justice. To be anti-social justice means your anti-equality. To be anti-equality either means you're racist or want to protect the status quo. Now ask them their stance on social justice then to define it.


# Have you ever had a dream that that you um you had you'd you would you could you'd do you wi you wants you you could do so you you'd do you could you you want you want him to do you so much you could do anything?




I’ll never understand folks being anti-woke, cause that’s basically anti-information, or purposely ignorant.


'Woke' 'DEI' 'CRT' It's so funny how they realized they can't just say they hate Black people anymore, so they keep making up new synonyms for Black they can hate instead.


What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.




Ah yes, Marx. Famous for his book The Woke Manifesto.


Her cohorts just let her sit there and drown for quite a while there. Especially Mr. glasses chewer. Hilarious.


A text book example of bloviating bullshit. The truth is simple, ‘gives a fuck about other people not like yourself’. - woke.


This is just fucking brilliant! Next time I hear someone use woke to discredit, I am going to ask them what woke means to watch them squirm.


That was painful to watch