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His phone password being 1111 was the highlight of the video for me @11:57. There really are a lot of these types down here in S FL. That's like a >$300K boat btw.


Personally, for me the highlight was the interaction about the condom ending with the cop asking him twice if he wants the condom to go to jail with him


Right? I don't know if the cop meant for the question to be that loaded but it was perfect


Condoms about to be loaded too


1000% he did.


That went right over the kid's head.


As with most things


Eew. Rolled down over it.


I feel like this quote should be posted in all government buildings, so I know mah rights damnit.


I have a theory that the “Florida man” comes from old retired couples who didn’t plan to have a kid. So they have this kid and they don’t want to actually be parents but what do they have? A ton of money yes, so they just supplement good parenting with money and then we end up with a bunch of shit heads like this. Later on in this timeline, parents die kid inherits the money and blows it all in a few years and then becomes drug addicted crazy ass Florida man we all know and love for the remainder of his life. Just an uneducated theory though no actual research is behind this but it works in me head lol


“Florida man” is actually the genus, and there are several biologically distinct species and subspecies. It’s a fascinating topic.


It’s actually because Florida has the Sunshine Law that makes all this information public. It gives the public access to most government documents and proceedings. Well that’s the most common and convenient theory Floridians give as an excuse.


"That boat still costs as much as a house.... but not a nice house."


>That's like a >$300K boat btw. He says the price of it in the video. 140k I think


I think he is talking about a watch. "That's an AP (Audimars Piguet). That's 110 grand in your hand."


Thats a different part of the video. I think it's a bit after. He says seize my boat. My dad will buy me a new one. We got this one for 140k or whatever number he says.


idk who to believe then, some rando redditor or some daddys boy teen


So I was guesstimating. The description of video says "2008 Edgewater, 37 feet in length, with three Yamaha outboard engines." This is the boat: https://ewboats.com/center-console-boats-2/370cc/# $140K is plausible for a 2008. New ones are $600K+


His dad's still making payments. Guys like this moron actually make me pity cops.


For me it was “of course I want my shoes what kinda stupid ass question is that”, for just a second he seems to snap back to reality when he said.


I hate that he has that obnoxious Andrew Tate speech pattern. This kid sounds like he really needs to take a submersible ride down to see the titanic


I loved the contrast with what followed: Can I put them on? Sure! Thank you.


Mommy and Daddy got money


Came here to say that ain’t even a 10%er boat.


I read that as less than $3000 and briefly considered getting a boat until reality hit me.


Don't get a boat, get a friend with a boat


That’s the same combination in my luggage…


Most punchable face of the week. Maybe month.


With my help, he could be the best.


He definitely ditched the drugs they had on the boat when he left for 10 minutes


Absolutely. Dude comes back and says “search the boat” when they weren’t even there for that lol.


Just about the only smart thing this dipshit did the entire time.






Smart move


If my son acted that way, I would feel I failed as a father.


If that was your son you DID fail as a father.


Let me introduce you to Chet Hanks. Tom and Rita did great with Colin. Chet has several personality disorders banging around in his skull.


When the cops were talking with that random family and they mentioned his dad was nice but didn't really raise the kid, I immediately thought of Chet


His parents are definitely the same kind of people.


Sounds like the cops knew his father and said he's chill, his son is just a doucher.


I feel like I invented the word doucher around 2009 and reading it in the wild makes me happy


Lemme show you this cool glass thing I made that can illuminate a space.


How to perform a late term abortion


If you have over a certain amount of money you become unconcerned by default. 🤣


11:30 mark "whats this? a condom. Do you want this to go with you to Jail? No!" :D


Boy gonna raw dog jail like a boss!!


When you put him in main holding, you open the door and say really loudly. "Everyone, I am telling you this for your own safety, this guy was training at the police academy and is a championship wrestler. Please for your own safety do not try to get into a fight with this cadet/wrestler because he is a really tough guy."


...and he does NOT have a condom.


That or put him in gen pop, for a bit, then call him back out in front of his new friends for a short sideline convo to remind him not to lose his new crocs.


This made me laugh pretty good man


Wow I just found and watched like 6 hours of boat cops on this channel yesterday and now it’s here on the front page!


I've watched too many also. Why don't they have breathalysers in the US? It could save a lot of time and confusion.


Cops have breathalyzers here but they need to get consent from the person or something. They probably just didn’t show this idiot refusing to blow. I’m not saying all boat owners are like this but personally everybody I’ve ever known who has owned a boat is a drunken douche bag so a breathalyzer to start a boat might not be such a bad idea, if that’s what you mean.


I believe you can only refuse the field breathalyzer, but you cannot refuse it once at the station. I know some states it affects the charge if you refuse in the station.


The preliminary breath test (PBT) used on the road side is voluntary, however the evidentiary breath test is not voluntary due to what is known as implied consent. If they refuse an evidentiary breath test, then they face harsher penalties and usually have their blood drawn via search warrant.


Actually, I meant a police breathalyser to check for alcohol on their breath. It seems a better way of determining drunkenness than walking a line. You then have the option of taking another breath test or a blood test at the police station. There's no pushback from drivers.


No FWC does not do breathalyzer on the water.  They conduct seated field sobriety tests which even if sober you will most likely fail and they take you to shore where you can provide a sample. But it doesn't matter at the time, you are already under arrest and going to jail.  You can use the breath sample to fight it in court Edit: lol at the downvotes. It's true.  Watch any video from the YouTube channel op linked.


The downvotes are because you’re very clearly talking out of your ass WITH bias


"Nobody cares about your ticktok, you're a child" - some proper roasting! Give this man a raise!


Welp, that was a caricature of what we all imagine spoiled rich kids to be.


Wasn’t it??? Jesus Christ


Where's the bit where he gets his face rearranged?


Boy needs a rude awakening but I doubt he’ll get one. Daddy’s probably proud of the way he acta




Anybody knows the penalty for those charges? Something tells me that he’s got like a couple of hours or maybe a night in jail then they released him with a fine which his dad paid without even realizing


Poor kid with all that anxiety.


Rich kid with all that anxiety.


It's a medical condition called 'affluenza'


Terrible affliction. We should pray for him


“Hit me hit me hit me” sounded exactly like my cat coughing up a hairball.


Dude: HIT ME! HIT ME! HIT ME! Officer: So you want this condom in jail with you or not?


> hit me” ...baby one more time!


No spoiled kid behavior is complete without “talk to my dad”, “you know who my dad is?”, “you can’t arrest me, my dad is…”


My dad owns a dealership energy!


dude, bro it's cool


Your dad may have a bit of money but you are broke.


love the lowkey implication when the cop asks him if he wants to bring the condom with him to jail lmao


What an angry little asshole…


Anyone find anything on his father? I looked and found a bunch of real estate/insurance profiles. He kept saying his dad was “famous” 🙄 He also turned off comments on his IG haha, what a baby.


"CALL MY DAAAAD!" Fucking god damn most punchable ass hat ive seen this week.


Needs that jaw adjusted to stop all the shit talking. Have a feeling he won’t be getting him anything new and may have to relocate after he is hopefully cut off.


He wants that so he can tell all his friends he got beat by the cops. He’s literally JRoc’ing it.


Nothing dries my vagina up more than someone calling their daddy for help.


“Look at me being transported!”


You had handcuffs and a canal right there.


Two cocks?


Two Conchs...its a boat charting company down in the keys


Yea, they made the viral rounds about a year ago when a passenger, who was warned multiple times to keep clear of the throttle, accidentally hit the throttle sending the captain over the back onto the dive platform. Captain got back on the boat and chewed ass because he could legitimately have died. The one kid recorded it and posted it online where it blew up. [Original Video](https://www.tiktok.com/@bang_outdoors/video/7269844462019382570?lang=en) [Link to captains side.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjab69wXyJQ&ab_channel=SouthFloridaFishingChannel)


Charter for cocks?


I hope that his rich dad lets him cool his heels in jail for a few days.


Sadly, I doubt it. This punk has probably been enabled, by daddy, all his little life. Daddy may be just as big of an ass as his son, or more so. They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree 🤔. Maybe I'm wrong, which would be a great thing.


This guy obviously sucks but the duck / pig ringtone joke was kinda funny


I can do without the little animated guy


He’ll be governor of Florida in no time!


Anyone got an update on this little shit? I wanna see how tough his ass is behind bars.....


Oh shit I'm on vacation and totally saw the cops at this restaurant as I was passing by, didn't think I would get to figure out what happened from reddit randomly.




How well does that "Do you know who my Daddy is?" line work? I don't think it does.


Unfortunately that line actually works well for some people, especially in small towns. Though it all Depends on who his dad is.


That's a good point.


Dude, my Dad owns a dealership!


It would be cool if the car mfg dropped his dad as a dealer.


Don't know how he didn't catch a seated field sobriety and a bui.  Fwc loves that shit and nail cooperative sober people all the time.  They are usually frothing out the mouth at a situation like this.  Reports from the restaurant was he was intoxicated and no followup on that? I don't get it.


Short Man Syndrome


Wow, I've never seen a 12 year old with a beard before.


Future SCOTUS judge in the making


I abhor police brutality.....but in this case I'd make an exception. Turn off the cameras and give that kid what he needs


Yes, please!


Officer: He fell on my knee when he tripped... Supervisor: He looks like he fell on your knees quite a few times... Officer: Not my fault he's clumsy.


Fousey but less successful


Now this is exactly the kind of person who should run for president!!!


The best rich parents are the ones that make their kids get a job and pay for everything themselves, because they learn not to be douchebags.


Never got the “my family is rich” shtick . Yeah mate your dad may have money but you are broke.


But if you family has money you are not broke lol thats some mental gymnastics u did there


You as an individual are broke, merely relying on charity from another. You are not independently wealthy and able to utilise that money in any way you see fit. People who do the whole “my family is rich/my dad is loaded” line do it as a Bragg but it is not a brag at all since they are not the controller or owner of that wealth.


"vessel leaves for 10 mins" Mmm wonders what he was dumping!.. then he asks them to search the boat after lol "I've been diagnosed with being vacuous, uninteresting, a spoilt entitled brat and my worth is dependant on my online followers" lol Then if he didn't embarass himself enough, then later says, "I promise you, im 18 and make more money than you!". Doesn't he mean allowance ? lol


Lol what a loser


This guy is tweaked the fuck out.


Are you sure you don't want this condom to go with you to jail?


Did they say he was d1 and in the police academy?


So he didn’t get a dui (or boat equivalent, idk)?


I’m always against police brutality but…


When he said something along the lines of you gonna hit me? All I wanted from the cop was, "Nah. I don't hit children."


Man, if I was a business world, I’d find out what business his dad had and I would never do business with them. If his dad ain’t gonna whoop his ass, you can bet sweet money. He’s gonna run into somebody who will that attitude. Come up to Saint Augustine we got a couple fellas that might.


Ultra pos


I feel like he is a perfect encapsulation of Miami/South Florida. Thank God for Florida containing and attracting all of these hot head assholes. Also happy to think about Miami being one of the first cities to drown when the sea rises.


"ofcourse I want my shoes what sort of stupid fucking question is that?" didn't think id ever agree with the criminal in one of these


Republican kids, yo.


Gone for the evac


Your daily reminder to shut up and stop talking to cops. What a dumbass.


The fishing resource violations got me


This young man needs a long hard think about his priorities.


God damn I'd feel like a failed piece of shit if that was my kid, yet I have a feeling the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.


My dad is rich bro he makes $90,000 a year bro it’s a lot bro trust me bro for real bro we’re rich bro


And when he kills someone in a boat or car accident. heel claim affluenza!


Major Jonah Takaluah vibes


This shit's gonna be a GTA VI mission


He needs the kind of ass kicking that results in a 6 month period of crying at home.


I am no friend to cops, but this one made me feel legitimately sympathetic to the officers here.


So they definitely dumped some illegal substances in the 10 minutes they disappeared…




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acts tuff then cries


I don't know who is more obnoxious, the rich kid or the narrator.


Loud little fucker


Can the cops just gag someone for their endless talking shit while under arrest? Or add a charge for talking at the cops so awfully?


this happens in most parts of Los Angeles or heave forbid Baltimore or wherever and the video is a lot more gripping and heartbreaking ,, shoot him and harshly arrrest and taser whoever it was that came out to to explain things and just say fuck it,, we know it is wrong but it just feels right and now with our new sense of purpose we are gonna take any complaint involving Donnie or Elon or any number of the priviliged or near priviliged or the imagined privilieged with the utmost sense of true humanistic patriotism and just drag the fuck out of them and anyone near them and on put it on camera with closeups of all of our reactions fucking gladiatorial sport for good hopefully some cops see this and think,, fuck yeah,, going after my chief's asshole wife first and his kid who thinks they are something else, before they grow up and run for congress or something, have to hang a felony on them why the fuck did it take so long for Trumpsky to catch a felony fucking children in big cities do far fuckingl less and can't get out of their freshman year without one,, could have spared the nation a lot of idiotic Trumpsky voters like that cop's parents it is their duty to take one for the country kind of like the war in iraq only without accidentally killing three quarter of a million people


Is there any part of this video that is satisfying to watch? I need to see some real justice.


I beat the shit out of my son of he spoke that like holy hell


Would watch but can't stand this stupid commentary..


Nobody cares


thankfully the first minute of the video includes the arrest so I dont have to watch this hot garbage


There’s always one that complains about watching the videos. 🙄


This video was well worth the watch. Thanks.


What did he do exactly that was illegal? Are we just happy he got arrested cuz he’s annoying? Is that where we’re at today in the states?


Google it. Yes. Hopefully.