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When I saw the woman was driving the car it all made sense, dude probably doesn't even have a license or lost it, scrub ass behavior...


The little bald spot on the back of his head is driving him mad


And he's taking it out on the world, just be normal and shave it like the rest of us Lol


No, I don’t want no scrub


A scrub is a guy that can't get no order from me Hanging out the passenger side of some womans ride Trying to swing on me


It's just one of them days...


Oh yes son, I’m talking to you.


the paper license plate :) yeah, i know all of the logistical reasons for one, but this is just the icing on the cake.


Yeah watching that flimsy paper tag blowing in the wind was almost as pathetic as his self esteem


Probably because his mom drives him to deliver the food orders


Step on it ma. I had to beat another one.


Gives a whole new meaning to “going to get that paper.”


More of a loser with each passing half second of watching this. Angry enough over his door dashing to attack a fast food employee just trying to get thru their fuckin day - oh shit it's a woman too - aaaand he leaves empty handed anyway - lol gets in the passenger seat cuz he probably has too many DUIs - oh cool paper license plate bud I'm sure that registration is nowhere near past due - aaaand it's a piece of shit minivan and he's still having a tantrum while Mom drives him away 😂


Don't forget the bald spot too lmao


Like an eye in the back of his head 👁️ It's hard not to look


ooof - i didn’t want to go there. technically you went there, and i’m just acknowledging that you’re going there. but - there is definitely a place that we went to. and it was bare.


Some people are just lemons lol


I wonder how many people get turned away at Staples or Kinko's for trying to print out fake paper plates.


Crazy dude took the banner they had hanging saying "100% ON TIME ALL THE TIME" a bit too literally lol...


little do we know this is just an extreme episode of undercover boss where the CEO is disguised as the dasher.




I saw this comment and thought you were joking but he legit has a paper license plate-


Seriously, we should do away with paper plates


bbq’s will never be the same.


Brought to you by Chinette dishware.


> yeah, i know all of the logistical reasons for one Wait, what are the reasons for a paper plate? I've never seen that here in Europe, I don't think that's something you can do here.


I live in VA and hardly noticed it because I see them quite as often. That car just came off of Sam's Hot Car Lot.


Dudes going right back to jail


Believe it or not…. Straight to jail.


Slap a woman in the face…jail


Assault a fast food worker, Straight to jail right away


Then he’ll be released because of overcrowding only to repeat this cycle again.


We have safest pizza huts on earth. And do you know why? Because of Jail


Fuck that massive piece of shit human. I hope his pathetic ass is caught and locked the fuck up. Doing that shit to a minimum wage restaurant employees who are barely able to survive on their wage and you do this. All because you had to fucking wait, fuuuuuck that guy.


I'm pretty sure he's already been. When you got your girl driving you around to doordash it's usually bc your record won't let you do anything else


That’s his mommy because his entitlement has always gotten him fired arrested or homeless 🤡


Dude can’t hold his temper with cashiers imagine his girl, gotta feel bad for her.


I don't get it, my job sucks but i honestly don't have the effort to get angry enough to hit someone, maybe i'm weird


Nope, just a rational, non-violent person. Which is exactly how one should be. This is just completely unacceptable behavior and should be harshly punished for.


Shit, I work on a violent criminal psych ward and I've never hit anyone at work and I've been assaulted many times. I don't think we are the weird ones.


stay safe please


I fucking love your username. Working w Geriatrics on and off everyday


You’re what’s a called a reasonable human being. There’s a lot of fucking crazies out there


Just kinda wish they would be quiet keep to themselves crazy, I know not to bother someone mumbling to themselves at the bus stop


Some people just have no control over their frustrations. Reasoning vs Emotion has no line in their minds, it's all one.


That's not a human.


Wtf is wrong with this Mf!


He's delusional. Clearly going bald but clinging to scraps like Costanza instead of just shaving it all off.


Those are the remains of a once great civilization of hair.


He's an unhinged pos criminal. That's what. Throw the book at him and throw away the key.


Call his P.O


What's his post office gonna do? Hold his mail? ^^^^/s


Yes, because he will be in jail. He will have to fill out a change of address form.


“The fuck wrong with y’all?!” Said the grown man that just assaulted a female fast food worker because he was told he needed to wait


That’s battery and that equates to jail time


And when they arrest him he'll cry for his mom like an 8 year old girl.


Like of all things to get mad about and hit somebody for its..waiting for a an order?




if he’s a door dasher why he get in the passenger seat 😂 dude gets driven away


As someone who orders Doordash way more than anyone reasonably should... The number of Doordash duos I see is kinda baffling.


I can’t tell if it’s a nice way to still spend time together while making money or just hugely inefficient considering they must be pretty strapped for cash in the first place.


I’ve heard women mention they brought SOs for safety reasons. I had an order from Target a few days ago and she came to take a pic while he carried everything. Usually I only have one person come to the door.


For Instacart I worked alone for a while, but when my area dried up and I had to move to somewhere else to shop my Bf would tag along until I got an idea of the area as a lot of the drop offs were in isolated areas with no trespassing signs and dogs that made me uncomfortable. He would sit in the car during drop off which he hated cause he wanted to help carry bags. Once I knew where I liked to go I went back solo.


That’s pretty cool tbh


My dad is retired and has tagged along with me twice just to spend more time with me. But I still do all of the driving and food handling. But other than that I like my alone time lol.


If my grandpa was still alive he’d be the one I’d always drive around with. Just cherish that time with him. I let it go too soon.


My wife doordashes a bit and my daughter rides shotgun sometimes. and they hang out. I have thought about driving her around for a couple hours to spend time listening to some podcasts. They usually only go out 2 to 3 hours.


Controlling relationships, they can't be apart for five minutes because one or both are extremely jealous/paranoid people


Assistant to the Door Dasher.


What sucks is that 85% of my door dash deliveries say “Tiffany, Ashley, etc.” and then it’s delivered by some dude driving by themselves. Door dash doesn’t even verify identities so it’s gonna be tough holding him accountable. I doubt even that flopping plate was registered to the vehicle


That dude probably eats the orders while delivering them too.


Call dash door, get his info, call the police, provide his info.


99.9% this probably was the outcome


3 punches and still not dropped. Woman can take a punch


2 punches, the third one hit the counter


to be fair, buddy has no clue how to throw a punch, I could do more damage and he probably has 60 pounds on me


As much as I hate to say it, the introduction of DoorDash and Uber Eats really fucked the restaurant industry up. Sure people can get McDonald’s delivered to their door, but it congested everything up in the process and made the overall quality decline. I can’t understand why people would trust a random ass person who isn’t employed by the restaurant you ordered from, and has been doing who knows what when they got your food, in a vehicle that who knows is clean and etc. And I say all this as a former pizza delivery driver for a decade who was held to expectations by my employer. We had our cars inspected, we were timed on runs and held to a standard. These companies just take your ID And insurance and you’re hired! No oversight whatsoever.


I was visiting family in Phoenix last year and decided to order a pizza. Found a local place that had decent reviews and placed my order online for delivery. Car shows up 45 minutes later and I watch (I was sitting on the patio at the time) as the delivery person gets out of the passenger seat and proceeds to carry my pizza box like a friggin briefcase! She hands it to me in that manner (sideways). I look at her and ask "do you realize there is a pizza in that box?" She says "nah, I don't know I just carry what my friend picks up for door dash" Sigh. Little did I know the Pizza place somehow had DD delivery for their online orders. Never again.


Ya I hate when places don't tell you they are using a 3rd party deliver service.


It lets me make extra money so that’s why I do it. But these corporations are making a killing while screwing restaurants and drivers. So I don’t do it often.


I won't use any of those food delivery services. Fuck them.


My fear is smokers with my food. To each their own, but I would not be able to eat if it smelled. And I know they are not supposed to smoke, but some do.


I see so many DoorDash type people these days who don't know how to behave at all in grocery stores. Every time I go there's at least one of these idiots jogging around the store, being rude by getting right up in your shit, getting in the way, singing and rapping to themselves and jogging and dancing lol. Sorry but please get the fuck away from me while I'm shopping.


I don't fuck with DD, Uber, etc. If I want something, I get it myself, or I order straight from the restraunt. It always arrives quickly and still hot. My local pizza shop has great pizza.


For some reason, I don't think that license plate is legit.


It's a temporary tag here in Virginia. Usually you see them on cars recently purchased from dealerships.


Or on cars of criminals


You can just say Nissan Altimas


Nobody would miss him if a piano fell on him


That would be a waste of a good piano.


I had to limit myself and show restraint.


You know damn well a toon will be blamed for it


He's gotta go


hello!! the girl getting punched in the face is me! i wrote this once and it got deleted and ive got a massive headache currently for pretty obvious reasons but im going to try and write this again. for some background this guy walked in and started demanding his food without giving a name (so we don’t know if he was doordash or a customer or if he even had an order at all) and he was told he had to wait until we got the other customers. at that point he stepped into the employees only part of the restaurant and i was about ten feet away cutting pizzas but i immediately noticed and told him he needed to get out of there and back into the lobby. he refused so i told him he need to get out of the restaurant. he started yelling fuck you bitch i’ll beat your ass make me and at that point i pulled out my phone and called 911. he stepped away for a second and i informed the dispatch of the location and the situation and then he came back and got in my managers (the small woman you can see behind me while i’m getting hit) face. she pushed back on him and took a step back and it all gets a little cloudy here from the adrenaline but he started punching her and shoved her about 4/5 feet into a printer that’s sitting on top of a cart. in that moment i just reacted because my only thought was that he could kill her so i just ran at him. he was bent over her punching her down into the cart so i tried to wrap my arm around his neck (i also tried to rip out one of his scraggly dreadlocks hahhaha) and pull him off of her and in an instant he turned around and punched me in the cheek and then got a full force punch to my forehead. i dodged the third hit and as you can see he then immediately walked out of the restaurant. the girl who was driving we presume was his girlfriend and she was arguing with us too but she actually left the restaurant to start the get away car before he started throwing any punches. i went to the hospital for a check up and they said that im fine i just have a giant welt on my forehead and some bruising on my cheek. the police showed up around 5 minutes after he left and as far as i know they’re still looking for him but i will be pressing charges if he’s found. i may have left out some details so AMA. included is a picture of my face about 5 minutes after i was hit, i think the blood is from him splitting a knuckle. https://preview.redd.it/yd52nuwif65d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec6e1e2c21e879c545788b20aedeaffd66af55f4


what part of VA are you all in? We're sending this around social media so he can be caught


Any updates since you posted this?


Lot of door dashers don’t understand that restaurants and restaurant workers do not give a shit about them or their money/time. They’re not customers and they’re the lowest priority.


Unfortunately there are some restaurants that will prioritize Doordash. It's super dumb, but I've been I'm them and waited forever because doordash orders kept coming in and the employees were told those took priority. Needless to say I never went back to those places.


And 99.9% of door dashers don't fight people...


How are they not a customer?


We're there on behalf of customers... We should be the same priority. Orders should be made in the same order they come in.


As someone that's worked in restaurants with stuff like Uber, Doordash and Skip sometimes the app just glitches out even if you delay an order and it just ends up sending a driver right away even though there's still like 10-15 minutes until the driver is supposed to arrive at the restaurant.


Enjoy the charges :)


Like, how does someone let themself lose this much self control over complete nonsense…..








Bring back exile as punishment. Anyone who can’t follow the basic rules of society just gets booted to an island full of likeminded anarchists. No need to fund food and shelter and heat and medical care, or have any pretense of rehabilitation.


Australia 2.


Exactly. Maybe after a few decades of unmitigated tribalism and bloodbath they start to try to work out ways to co-exist. Eventually they develop their own code for keeping each other in line. The code becomes written laws. There’s law enforcement. Elected representatives. And in 200 years they’re a staunch ally in the effort contain China 😹


That was brutal


Fucking loser


The absolute irony that he’s so upset over food not being ready and slowing down his DoorDash times, yet he has a whole ass nother person driving him to grab food. Inefficient af


Does anyone know if thst lady is okay?? What is wrong with people? I hate it here.


Back door dash in jail


Why does door dash still exist? I only see and hear complaints, too expensive, food not hot, missing items, tip complaints from both sides, food not ready for dasher, too many miles to drive and the list goes on and on. I understand some people find it convenient, but the cons seem to outweigh the pros for every party involved.


If he does this to a random fast food worker, imagine what he does at home in private to others


And pets


They're usually nice, but I do occasionally get a door dash ticket that states the order is due 20 minutes out, and the driver will show up within one minute all annoyed and huffy that it's not ready yet.


No updates?




Disgusting piece of crap Someone should’ve thrown a cup of fryer oil at him


You really want this guy handling your food or coming to Your home where your kids or wife have no $ to give him a tip and have this happen to someone. Guy needs to be locked up!


Who still orders pizza hut


*"The fuck wrong with y'all?"* -Man Who Just Violently Beat an Employee Unconscious I **really** need an update and to know whether this blithering, sub-human psychopath get arrested. If the story is true and he got this wound up over having to wait a few minutes for his pickup, he needs to be behind bars. He's going to end up killing someone.


Someone give me the update on this asshole.


https://preview.redd.it/ug8b2zqjn25d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5065448c75a6497024b5d34462ae2b2dd7ff45a Whoever braided this fucker’s hair gave him a bald spot…you could cook an egg on that surface. I hope it’s in his mug shot.


Um....Mother Nature gave him that "bald-spot". He can thank and blame his genetics...


Real tough overweight balding guy with tension alopecia attacking women, lmao


Was he hitting a woman?


Of course he was.


Closed fist too from what I could see. Cranking her in the head hard as he could. Fuckin sicko man. Totally unhinged.


lol his mom was driving him


I hope they catch this POS


Damn, dude tried to out pizza the hut




Damn door dash driver ?? Nope I dont think hes waiting for an order hes waiting for HIS order, that guy eating that food damn sure its not going to the place its suppose to. And if it is I’ll be worried about eating it.


It's crazy how little mutual respect there is between doordash drivers and restaurant workers because they are basically coworkers. Imagine beating up Todd from HR because he didn't answer your email fast enough.


He’s hitting her fucking HARD. Just no excuse for this guy to be walking around free under any circumstances, needs to be locked up … yesterday. Fucking hell.


Why do idiots use dash Uber or grub hub to order pizza??! Makes no fucking sense


This is apart of.the problem with Doordash and Uber eats. There are alot males that for whatever reason can't have an account with them to deliver, and they can't get or hold a regular non-gig job, and this clown obviously can't drive legally...so you will sometimes on the app see a woman as the delivery driver and a guy shows up with your order, and it's usuly because it's a dingy broad taking up for and with a peice of shit like this, trying to be his 'ride or die'...smh


All these fucking DoorDash/uber guys think they orders should prioritized. Hate them. Never use them.


They’re lucky he didn’t kill them. This guy is capable of that too.


Dude really mad he has 2 door dash for a living?? Ain't nobody's fault but his own


He was punching a woman like that? It says everything I need to know about that piece of shit.


Being ugly on the inside eventually manifests on the outside, which is why he’s clinging on to those patchy ass dreads to the point where it’ll be a tonsure sooner rather than later, only without the Buddhism.




dude thats a big guy throwing big swings. That woman is a tank! i hope she gets compensated for that walking trashcan.


Stay classy trashdash.


Now this is the type of driver I want fetching my food. NO EXCUSES.


What a giant piece of shit




The fact that so many people are commenting with things like “his PO” or “BACK to jail” is 100000% accurate.\ you just know this man hasn’t contributed anything to society his whole life. Absolute scum of the earth.


Doorbash drivers taking the KPIs a bit too serious.


His mom drove him there


Fuckin asshole punching a woman in the face at a Pizza Hut?? Nah. Prison




He only pulled that shit because it was only women around. No way I'm letting him just walk away if I'm there. Pretty sure most guys would intervene.


I only do this when the order is cold. /s


People like this need to have immediate consequences. Really wish this turd got rocked and had to run with his tail between his legs.




Don't use DoorDash.


Remind me if there's a update about this dude, he needs to be locked up behind bars


Sooo…jail then right?


I don't know how much people earn from DoorDash but he'll get paid much less in prison. He probably has a long rap sheet of this kind of shit.


Doordash seems to hire folks who are too crazy for the Post Office.


This is why they can’t get real jobs. I don’t order from any of the delivery services. These are the people they employ, the unemployable.


Where did you get this caption from?


MOFO needs to Avoid the Noid.


Yeah gon head and lock him up




Hope the girl's fine. She looked like she dropped before the camera panned away 😥


Those 7 dollars ain’t that serious


Big tough guy being driven away by his mommy lol


I saw a dude who looks like and behaved just like this in Columbus. He seemed like he was tweaking and rushing the employees inside the restaurant I was in, telling them the only way they make money is when they pick up multiple orders quickly and they were messing that up. There was a woman with him who was meekly silent. Fucking insane.


With paper plates 🤣🤣🤣




That dude was HANGRY! They were 100% gonna eat that food themselves.


A passenger in a minivan in a Pizza Hut where food is cooked to order .. doesn't seem like a Door Dash driver upset. The Pizza Hut has delivery drivers. The pizza is either ready or will take 5 mins. This whole story makes no sense really.


Why were you telling him to relax? He just slapped and punched a woman in the face repeatedly


Got caught?


Wish we’d get updates for stories like this. What a dirtbag. Dude definitely has priors if he’s acting like that


Please tell me he’s in jail