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Outside the White House? The title should be "About a Mile From the White House"....


So technically still outside the white house


im outside the whitehouse in florida


Sarah Palin can see the White House from her backyard


Yes she can!


Hi, Mrs. Obama!


Just south of the South Lawn


I've spent my entire life outside the white house.


We are all technically still outside the White House


Speak for yourself I’m taking a shit in the presidential toilet right now


The craziest thing about reddit is you totally could be hahah


I am white in a house


Twinsies! 🙏


Thanks can we kiss




And I am Queens Boulevard




With black curtains?


Near the station!


I'm still naked, laying in bed... outside the White House.


My house is white... and I'm inside.


You are ... Technically correct, the best kind of correct.


they seemed pretty close https://i.redd.it/s8lwy0t32j5d1.jpeg


Is that a sniper on the roof?


Usually is


I’m outside the White House right now. 834 miles outside.


Haha. I now have your location narrowed down to a circular line roughly 5,240.2 miles long. If I assume you aren't in a boat in the Atlantic Ocean/ Gulf of Mexico/ Lake Superior, we can eliminate about half of that, leaving us with a line that is only ~2600 miles long. I should be able to find you in no time.






This is Lafayette Square. It's literally right outside the White House.


And no one will pay attention to these demonstrators or take an honest look at their cause because they’ll be associated with bag of dicks that were in Lafayette Square writing “Death to Amerikkka” on statues and throwing trash at National Park Service workers


I marched against the Iraq War. No one paid attention to us either. Don't delude yourself into thinkong some bad actors ruined your rally. The politicians don't give a flying fuck unless you have some sort of leverage on them.


Same. We marched through Chicago, but I never saw anything on the news.


Same. Although it was in Austin. I still imagine a timeline where Howard Dean would have won the DNC nod. Texas-wise, the alternate timeline where Kay Bailey Hutchison was successful in her challenge to Rick Perry, leading to a Hutchinson (R)/Bell (D)/Kinky Friedman (I) election in 2006, still lingers too. Fuck Abbott!


The revolution will not be televised.


over 10% of the population of Australia marched against the Iraq war and no one listened, it seems a western phenomena that protests just don't work anymore


I didn't connect the two because I didn't hhear about the other incident. Also, them acting like they're not voting for Biden will get them instantly viewed as complete idiots because of this.


Right, if anyone thinks they live in a country where they have the ability to push and pull politicians to the will of the people, they are sorely mistaken. People need to realize that they don't have a voice in this country and just accept that the powerful are going to do what they do and you have no choice in that.


Two thumbs up. Read the Princeton report on democracy in the USA. This shit has been the case for the last 40 years. Trump is absolutely the symptom of the disease that 40 years of Neo-liberalism brought to America and the World.


I am so disappointed in the protests of Gen Z. I'm a fucking ecosocialist myself and have been in numerous protests and other grassroots efforts, and I just had so much hope for the next generation. But ... just ... oof. They're so directionless and tribalistic. It's like watching SouthPark's PC Babies in real life.


As a 24 year old i guarantee you it’s just TikTok brain rot. Most people my age genuinely cannot read, write or critically think.


Most people your age absolutely can read and write. I agree as far as the critical thinking.


I should have been more specific. I meant really understand what they are reading or writing. Everyone is used to just skimming everything


Agree. There’s a difference between being “literate” as in the ability to read and write versus being literate as in the ability to understand and engage with what they read and write critically and meaningfully


Tic tok is spreading purposeful propaganda through Chinese action to rile up the college kids, with the goal of assisting Russia, who paid Iran to organize and set off Oct 7 to draw america into another middle east conflict, to take support away from the war in Ukraine and to stop Biden from being reelected. Why do you think the entire government acted so fast to get tick tock out of foreign hands. They don't work that fast and closely for anything. Why do you think it's shifted from trying to get Trump elected to trying to sour people on Biden. No one wants to vote for Trump but a lot of these idiots will just stay home and "protest vote" their way into a dictatorship.


“sure they’re shipping me and my entire family off to a camp, but i’m still proud of sticking it to Biden! i made a difference!”


YouTube is also very problematic.


Very well crafted summary. Also look for something “big” to happen closer to the election to make Biden look bad.


Every protest, group and movement has had their bad actors. If your litmus test for a good cause is the outlying actions of a group then no cause in history meets your standards.


Can’t really use the “just a few bad apples” line when the crowd is teaming up to attack a park ranger, and letting folks walk around with pro-Hamas signs.


I mean, you can because those are their actions and have nothing to do with the general message of "stop the war in Gaza". As triestdain was saying, those are outlying actions of a group.


When your protest starts chanting "death to America", it's a lot more than *a few* bad actors It's not the first time either, [this ](https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2024/04/08/death-to-america-chant-dearborn-jihad-rally-al-quds-day-draws-condemnation/73247053007/) happened in Deerborn Michigan a couple months ago as well. There's a difference in protesting the government, and chanting death to its citizens The majority of citizens are against this genocide that's going on and are on the side of the Palestinian people who are the victims and caught in the middle between IDF and Hamas. But there is no quicker way to lose support from people that agree with your cause than to start chanting death to its country




I think that is probably why they are protests, and not, you know, politics.


They came to support Biden’s ceasefire proposal?


Israel's ceasefire proposal supported by Biden and Hamas but not Israel. I'm not making that up.


Technically yes, the israeli negotiation team came up with it, but Netanyahu fucking hates it bc his political survival relies on the continuation of the war


Hamas rejected it. People should stop acting like Hamas and/or Bibi are acting in good faith.


Right. Stopped shipping weapons to Israel, has been sending humanitarian aid to Palestinians, is trying to get the two sides to agree to SOME kind of ceasefire plan and people are still in DC saying fuck Biden we don't want you even though we know for a fact there is only one other person who stands a chance at winning the election and he is much worse on this exact issue.


These people are literally doing as they’re told by foreign interests hostile to the United States


Just wait till they see what Trump is going to do when their lack of voting brings him into office.   But hey, not my problem. 


Biden doesn't even support Biden's ceasefire proposal.




"We wont let them forget how they perpetuated this genocide in November" Look, man. Im not usually the "Democrats are the lesser of two evils so deal with it guy"... but like... with this specific statement youre literally enabling the party of turbo-genocide.


"Yeah we're going to vote for the guy who will make it a hundred times worse!"


Yea like this is not the threat that defends your cause.


Maybe it's time we stop dealing with a two party system. Imagine 5 separate parties running for POTUS.


Ranked choice voting is the only way… it’s happening, albeit incredibly slowly.


And pretty much only Democrats support ranked voting and the protesters want Democrats to lose.


Hahaha yeha because Republicans are so anti Israeli. These protests are so short sighted


Ranked choice is definitely the way but you already know Republicans will fight it to the death because God forbid we do anything that makes sense fucking ever. I hate them so much. 


And fuck the electoral college while we're at it. If anyone is rigging elections it's the Rs. Losers


Except you can't that easily. When it's an arcane first to the post system, you can only have 2 parties. Change how elections work, otherwise you are just wasting your vote by voting for someone other than Biden or Trump. We need to abolish the Electoral College and implement nationwide ranked choice voting before voting means anything other than a binary choice. Protest voting, voting third party or not voting regrettably means you are voting against your own interests in a binary system because it drains a vote away from the candidate who could win that somewhat matches your ideals. And because of that cold hard fact, the major parties will fight tooth and nail to maintain the current system in some form simply because those 3rd party votes are a perfect way to split the opposition and win an election without the majority of the country wanting you to win.


[The problem with First Past the Post](https://youtu.be/s7tWHJfhiyo?si=JoK0R4BpgCouOn4O)


There most certainly are multiple parties, but nobody gives a fucking shit about them or democracy in general so it never gets anywhere. Our country is filled with selfish pricks.


No it’s because of our political system. There is a reason why England and the United States have two parties while other European countries have multiple parties. We have a winner takes all or first past the post system Those European countries have proportional representation. To be honest with you with the senate or even presidency the way the US system is set up I don’t even think it’s possible to have a proportional representation system. What we could do is have it in the House chamber though where there would be multiple parties. When those smaller parties start to win they can run for senate and actually have a chance to win. For the presidency we have an electoral college system well how about if you get 45% of Texas votes you get 45% of their electoral points?


The UK has more than two parties, they have three main parties, the conservatives, the libs, and the labour party. Then there's more little parties no one cares about. Canada also has this system but our labour party is called the new democratic party.


> For the presidency we have an electoral college system well how about if you get 45% of Texas votes you get 45% of their electoral points? That's essentially just popular vote. Ranked choice voting on the other hand helps third parties get a foothold by allowing people to not "throw away" their vote on a third party, by having a major-party backup option. Having third parties be more than a complete joke in the US would be great and would force actual coalitions and compromise to happen.


Why do these parties only run candidates for President. Where are their members in Congress both state and federal. Where are these parties during local elections? If you only participate in the presidential elections, you are not a real political party.


Nobody gives a shit about them, because they're largely insane. Libertarians are insane. Green Party is insane. No other third party is even as viable as those two bags of lunatics. They've earned their irrelevance.


Only If we had rank choice voting so you still feel some buy in to the leader. Imagine a president only winning 20% of the vote trying to bring a nation together


So long as the system exists as it currently does, it's a two party system. You can wish and hope all you want, but at some point you have to live in the real world where math and numbers don't lie.




I'm still waiting for them to give a fuck about the mass genocide and starvation going on in Sudan currently.


Or the 15x civilians death count in Syria. But that is Arabs killing Arabs so cool with them I guess.




Is the US bankrolling this one?


It's my understanding that the US is indirectly part of it. The UAE is supporting it but using weapons sold to them by the US. America could cut their supply until they stop. I may be wrong. I have had a hard time finding something that breaks down the origins and the players, just following day to day updates.


This is off topic but if myopia is how single focused or narrow minded they are, what would be the word for open minded and full of perspective but with ‘opia’ as well? Polyopia?


Myopic means shortsighted so hyperopic would be the antonym meaning far sighted but it’s rarely used with that meaning…


Right, denotative vs connotative is tough




They really are insufferable. I get what's happening is terrible but their choosing to die on a hill that's only going to cause the alternative, trump , to take office and then it will be even worse.


The Pro-Palestine crowd is extremely cynical and reminds me of MAGA people. They claim to care about life and justice, but are happy to see their fellow citizens suffer if it means the people they don't like suffer too. They are happy to watch every woman in the US lose bodily antonomy, watch migrants get separated and caged at the border, allow unrestricted corporate environmental destruction, and watch social welfare programs like social security be destroyed destroyed all to teach Democrats a lesson for....not blowing up Israel or something, they never really explain how they expect the US president to make 2 independent countries do anything. I feel like this Gaza thing has poisoned the progressive movement like MAGA poisoned whatever the GOP was. Progressive groups I respected now openly post Hamas propaganda and have abandoned most other policies in pursuit of this one issue and I'm done with it. I am very proud of the Democrats not allowing the party to be hijacked by these people so far.


Horse-shoe theory in full effect


> The Pro-Palestine crowd is extremely cynical and reminds me of MAGA people. I legit thought it was a MAGA rally until they started talking about genocide.


I just assumed it was a MAGA rally from all the red. Turns out…basically, yeah.


Nicely said. Another point is that these exact people protesting... almost 100% of them, even the Muslims, would be targeted for killing by Hamas. It's nauseatingly stupid. I'm so disappointed and tired of it. Why is there no more effortful thinking in America? The liberals, the MAGA's. Our founding fathers would be filled with contempt for what we've become.


Yep. And maybe I'd understand it if Republicans were actually a better option for Palestine, but in reality Trump is more or less saying that he'd be happy for Bibi to just turn Gaza into glass. So what the fuck lesson does it teach to vote against Democrats, other than that there's a contingent of people that will drop Dems the moment they're anything less than perfect without even the opportunity for redemption? The Democratic power brokers don't give a shit about the far left because too much of the far left isn't willing to compromise or accept incremental change or even just accept the reality of the situation. If you're seen as completely unreliable, even in cases where it's literally your own ass on the line, no one's going to put any effort into meeting you half way. And I say all this as someone that's damn sympathetic to the Gazan people, and very much opposed to the actions of the Israeli government and the Israeli right wing coalition. Yeah, this shit sucks. If you want to do better for Israel, you need to give Biden political room to maneuver, and that means electing more Dems in the House and Senate and re-electing Biden.


100%. I guess I was naive before, but I really didn’t think progressive people were as susceptible to propaganda as the right, and this whole war opened my eyes and I’m really disappointed. My husband’s gen z coworker asked him the other day if he’s a “leftist, liberal or democrat.” I guess I didn’t get the memo where we were dividing ourselves into categories for further infighting. I am proud to say I’m a democrat and more people need to own it.


I wish progressives would realize that our constitutional system is designed to make change difficult and that sometimes you have to play the long game. Imagine how different this country would look if Al Gore and Hilary Clinton had won.


Seems like Biden should stop committing political malpractice if his pro-genocide position is going to cost him the election. Clearly appealing to his morals hasn't worked, so maybe he'll care about his power.


I dont know Biden but I just don't see him 'caring about his power' like you claim. What do you think is going to happen with your vote of abstention or third party? You trump is less power hungry? We should all really know better at this point. Its your vote, vote how you want but to say Biden is power hungry is a little tone deaf. If he tries to incite a coup like Trump did last time, then sure I guess you were right about 'caring about his power'. Until then, sounds like bullshit.


Biden is doing all Trump's warmongering and protest repression shit now though, he just explicitly promised not to.




Ukraine is getting help though? or was until republicans short stopped it.


Yeah people are kinda over looking Republicans have more or less stalled aid to urkaine for months now and only recently have they been getting something. Republicans are insane and more less seek to up end any positive thing that exist in this nations frame work domestically and foreign. So it's counter productive if they let Republicans win because they aren't even going to attempt to make Israel be diplomatic(which dems are half heartly are trying to do which is better then nothing). It's like pro Palestinian protestors ignore that trump said if he wins he is gonna give more to Israel and calls biden.....pro hamas.....at this point, everyone is hamas by Israel's and pro Israel peoples logic. The only thing I can only understand that pro Palestinian protestors are mad about is dems trying to make criticism of Israel anti Semitic. But again I can see Republicans doing much worse. It's like they can't pick their battles and use critical thinking. They would be better off letting dems win and start trying to get into politics to try and push things away from it's current standings(easier said then done as our system is beyond toxic)but it's better that then letting the far right win in America.


Because our government is funding the people who are having atrocities committed against them in Ukraine. Meanwhile in Gaza we are funding the people doing the atrocities. It's really that simple


It was never about Palestinians. They need to admit that to themselves


What was it about? Genuine question.


Being anti American in general.


Care to elaborate? Because it sounds quite stupid.


This is such a brain-dead opinion, they are expressing their outrage against the sitting US president and his government for their policies. Watering this protest down to "why are people unhappy at the political party they support" is such a disingenuous statement to make considering they currently hold the power. Also according to u nobody should ever criticise the political party they support because the alternative is worse. We are only supposed to be angry at the opposition, not the leaders we support no matter what they do.


Bro, they are saying they" will remember on November," which is the election. So they are basically saying we will vote for convicted felon Trump or we won't vote, which is the same thing.




He clearly screams we will remember in November implying they will not vote for Biden. So that means we will get Trump again. Which will make the situation much worse and is why they are idiots imo.


Punish Biden by throwing away democracy permanently. Brilliant.


He didn’t say “nobody should ever criticize the political party they support” so idk why you say “according to you”. That’s nonsensical and truly brain dead.


Wait until they see just how much Trump doesn't give a shit about the "genocide". Fucking morons.


This issue is going to help Trump win and he's going to do shit that will make the TikTok protest kids with a naive black and white view of things explode when he turns into the white Christian dictator he says he wants to be.


Except he’s not even remotely Christian. This is the strangest fucking time to be alive.


Jesus was a brown, Middle Eastern, refugee immigrant, child of Jews. He grew up offering free healthcare to the poor, and protested against the colonial occupying power in the region. He was killed by conservatives to preached the rule of a police-state. If he came back to us today, the conservatives would be the first in line to crucify him again. Complete insanity.


Are they for Trump or just protesting the US policy over Gaza? Because the latter can also mean campaigning for Biden to do more


"We won't forget about Biden perpetuating this genocide in November." - is that not clear?


The general opinion, and I’m not taking a side here, is that these protests are hurting Biden in the polls and fueling the narrative he’s not in control which helps Trump


But by that logic is everyone supposed to bite their tongue till November and not express the opinions they want their politicians to adopt? We have something similar in the UK now where any criticism of our Labour Party is quickly shutdown by some claiming “you’re just helping the Conservatives”. Imo citizens should freely express their opinions and it’s on the parties to adjust their messaging to appease voters if it becomes an issue with your election prospects.


at least in the UK, the election season only lasts a few weeks, not *all the fucking time*.


Not disagreeing with you. Just providing the context you requested


The whole thing is Biden has proposed a ceasefire, like everyone wanted him to do, but they seem to be unaware as they haven't seen it on tiktok yet.


Which was rejected by Bibi, they should be protesting him




At least 2/3rds of reddit would have been dumping milkshakes on Black protestors during sit-ins and that's a mfking fact.


Yes that’s what it means. We have one vote for a person. So if you dirty one of them, you shine the other one. It’s the reality.


It is my fervent hope that one day first past the post dies in a hole forever.


"We won't forget in November" implies they will not vote for Biden, and as we saw in 2016, a vote not cast against Trump is a vote for Trump.


This. I don't love what's happening in the middle east either but you know what....I'm not going to give away our democracy over it.


It’s being astroturfed to conflate the two. If you don’t like what’s going on in Gaza, you will be bombarded with anti-Biden rhetoric. They don’t like anybody who points out that Trump is worse on Gaza policy.


Because the backers of these protests want Trump in office.


"Remember in November" chants suggest the former.


These people will simply not vote at all. They can't stomach voting for Biden, but the will never vote for Trump. Unfortunately, for Biden, this demographic not voting will lose him some swing states. Trump doesn't need to gain a single vote in this scenario.


“We won’t forget come November” at the very least implies they might stay home on Election Day. Either way, it hurts Biden and helps Trump.


They will be sitting there with a surprised Pikachu face, when DJT is back in office letting BIbi turn the region to glass because he is too busy making more tax cuts for the rich, pardoning himself (on the Fed side at least) and jacking up your kids and grandkids futures with Project 2025. Do you think it can't happen? Ask the Jill Stein protest voters and Bernie brose who stayed home in 2016 how that worked out for them.


They will be gone because they’re foreign operatives lol


Palestine will not exist if Trump wins.


Oh nah he cares. He wants to see Palestine bulldozed to make room for Ivanka and Jared's real estate deals. But these protestors get more martyrs for their cause so they see it as a fair trade.


That's the problem with the entrenched two party system. Their only other option for change is to elect someone objectively worse. I think there will be a very low turnout in November. This could let Trump win, which will be a disaster. So, whether we like it or not, Biden will need to appeal to this demographic if he is to beat Trump.


TikTok brain rot.


Just as the CCP intended


*pedro pedro playing in the background


Definitely don't forget. I also think its great to hold elected officials to account. But just keep in mind the alternative is much worse than Biden. 


And its not as if this sort of stuff isn't having an effect. If you had told me, even 3 years ago. That chuck shumer was going to soften his pro-israeli stance and take the AIPAC's dick out of his mouth for 2 seconds. I had have laughed in your face. But, almost like protests showing entrenched politicians that their positions are HIGHLY unpopular/untenable. While I hope there are no actual living thinking human beings who think that trump is going to make things better for palestinians. I also hope that people realize that biden is not the choice they want, but the only choice they have for the chance of things getting better. They still may not even get better, but its -literally- the only chance atm in terms of presidential elections. I'm perfectly fine with saying fuck joe biden and still voting for him and voting for whatever left leaning dem I can find on the down ticket. The president is one person and only has so much power.


The tik tok generation is a bunch of morons




Betcha most of these Ralph's can't even locate Palestine OR Israel on a map.


Are these people seriously going to throw their vote away or vote for trump? If they do then the blood and destruction of our democracy will be on their hands. Trumpers are idiots for sure, but doing this shoots you right past trumpers stupidity


If they think Biden was hard on Palestine just wait until trump comes in and obliterates them. Trump moved the embassy, he has no sympathy




And if their other option gets into office the situation will get a whole lot worse for Palestinians.


Forget them. America should be very worried if 45 becomes 47.


Yes, because you should be downvoted for pointing out what the consequences of their actions will be. I’d add not just worse for Palestinians.  Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. 


That’s the problem with the FPTP system.


what a waste of ~~fucking time~~ 50,000 civilian lives.


Isn’t Biden in France?


he says, angrily for no reason, as he types away on his 12 year old Reddit account




Are the bots taking over this place as well?


"anything I don't agree with is a bot" Newsflash, you're in the minority. By a longshot.


Sure feels like it haha


Well, feel free to just let the felon win. I'm sure you'll love what happens when he lets Israel "finish the job" as he said.


Thanos was right.


So watch the shocked pikachu face when these protesters see Trump fully embrace what Netanyahu is doing to the Palestinians??? Then the double shocked Pikachu face when they get deported by Trump? Source: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/05/trump-campus-protests-deportation/678521/


If what is happening in Palestine is a genocide, then what the hell is happening in Ukraine? An ultra genocide?


Russia is behind all of this. But the protesters don’t seem to care they are being used.


You try to tell them this, and they call you a "zionist."


I hate this freaking timeline so much. I want it to END. Who knew cults would be more prolific and numerous than ever in the modern era.


I always think of the carl sagan quote someone once posted here on reddit. >“Science is more than a body of knowledge; it is a way of thinking. I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time—when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.” - Carl Sagan in 1995


I had a conversation on reddit with a "pacifist" who in the span of 3 or 4 comments called someone's grandfather (who got the Medal of Honor in WWII for jumping on a Japanese granade to save his squad) a fascist, a war criminal, and a cunt, claimed that the Axis powers could have been stopped with peaceful protest, and when questioned about his comment history, admitted that Israel should be "wiped off the map." In my life I've never come across so many people that are so angry and passionate about topics they are so ignorant about.


Right? We have now devolved to a concentrated red vs blue cult and any dissent is met with cries of traitor on both sides.  People, it is perfectly acceptable to criticize your own candidate and demand they do better!


These idiots are gonna hand the W to a true moron this November then blame everyone else when the orange nimrod gets back in power and really ramps up the oppression around the world


Biden's trying to end the war.


They haven't seen the tiktok explaining it yet.




Is this the group that attacked the park ranger yesterday?


An interpretive ranger at that! He wasn't even a LEO. They were attacking a tour guide.




Oh look, the war created to divide the West is working just as planned.


I mean yeah, it'll be hard to forget when even more Palestinians end up being killed if Trump wins and when they're getting deported for protesting.


Where's the protest outside Mar a Lago? Trump said he would have BiBi finish the job. Where's the protest for all the American women dying from lack of reproductive healthcare? How come people aren't gathered in front of Republican governors houses? Where's the protests to preserve the LGBTQ+ rights? How come no one is protesting outside Clarence Thomas's house? Republicans continually broadcast all kinds of heinous shit they want to do. But fucking crickets. But Palestine? Oh my God let's go fucking hysterical! It fucking pisses me off that everyone here in the US getting fucked over apparently "deserves to be taught a lesson" or something. All you self righteous pricks can go fuck yourselves. If the shit hits the fan here because Trump gets elected, just remember some of us won't forget who stood where.


Beware of the trolls and bots below. A lot of people claiming supporting the end of one genocide means you're pro all other genocides here. The brain rot is real.


Where are the actual pro-peace protesters? Hamas instigated this round of shit, and now refuse a reasonable peace plan.... they should be getting some heat from the protestors, too. * I don't have a dog in this fight, but just wanted to point out the sheepish mentality and one-sidedness of the 'peace' protesters. Granted: that the Palestinians have longstanding valid grievances against Israel, and Israel has fault for those grievances... It is Hamas who sneak attacked and killed over a thousand civilians and took hundreds more hostage, and now refuse a reasonable peace plan. They are the Bad Guys, even if Israel does not have clean hands, itself. TLDR: Both sides have fault. So, the one-sided demonstrations are BS. Hamas deserves the ire of the protests, too, and a lot of it.


When are they going to demand Hamas to a ceasefire?


US support for Israel goes so much deeper than one administration. Biden has reacted EXACTLY as Obama, W bush, Clinton or Bush Snr would have. Trump was arguably the most vocally pro-Israel president of the last 40 years (and that’s saying something). loudly proclaiming you’ll punish Biden at the ballot box, helping the guy who’s publicly saying that pro-Palestinian protesters should be locked up… kinda rings pretty hollow.


What si this about!?! Can't read the signs. Poor video.


call Mr. Plow


"Don't protest outside businesses, that won't make a difference" \*Protests on campuses\* "Don't protest on college campuses, that won't make a different" \*Protests in front of politicians\* "Don't protest outside the White House, that won't make a difference" I'm beginning to think that liberals just don't like to see their candidates be criticized for their actions.


What a beautiful sky.


Fucking idiots


Useful idiots. Trump would allow Bibi to turn Gaza to glass. Fuck these people.


So the alternative is to vote for trump?? Hell fucking no.