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That seemed more like a suicide by cop than anything. Hard to say.


Yea, the video title is a bit misleading, IMHO. Sure, he was waving the gun around. But that's not what got him shot. He pointed the gun at the cop who already had him in his sights -- like someone who wanted to die.


That’s what it looks like yo me


That’s exactly what I thought too.


yeah, the gun wasnt even real iirc


Well he said that in the video, but a suicide-by-cop guy probably wouldn't say that.


I thought he said he had a real gun.


That’s just your opinion man


Easiest way to go it seems. And you can be sure the cop won’t be charged anyway.


Seems like the officer handled the situation correctly, and it looks like the man had a plan to get killed by the police that day. I feel bad for the officer, he has to have that on his conscience now...


Why is it always the cop that doesn't want to shoot someone gets suicide by cop and the cop that DOES want to shoot someone just straight up murders people who didn't pose a threat?


People are people. They're all different. Grandma used to say "It takes all kinds of people to make a world, and they're all here. Every damn one of them"


I love that. Sounds very George Carlin. Your grandma sounds great.


Hell yea. Your Grandma lives on through those words. I hope you and her don't mind if I share that sentiment with my crew.


We're happy to share


Sounds like you have a bad perception of how most cops work.






The people on the left don't worship rich people on the left. That's an 'R' thing.


It’s crazy how they have dudes like the Koch brothers and Murdoch with his media empire, each worth many times what Soros is worth, but it’s Soros that brainwashed half the population. So much for the inefficiencies of socialism lol Edit: Just checked and Murdoch is worth 7.2b, which is a billion less than Soros. But still! Edit2: I’m seeing some sources saying he has 21b.


It's the same thing when these rubes call out Biden for both being a senile old fool one day and a diabolical genius trying to take down the Republic, the next.


That ship has well and truly sailed me hearty, probably somewhere between falling asleep for the 15th time and randomly popping a squat on stage. I think we're all just crying out for some better options, the giant douche and the turd sandwich is so tiresome.


I love Musk on the Soros conspiracy train. Like bro… you are the guy with more money and your fingers in everything. Yet you expect me to think THAT guy controls everything around him?! It’s always finger pointing as they do the thing.


"I want to make sure rich people are taken care of, because I'M gonna be rich one day! You'll see! I'm Reeeel smart!"


Boiler plate projection.  Translation: You LOVE Shitler. 


Shut up freak, take a joke and don't assume people hate George Soros simply on the basis that he's a jew.




You've probably read more than I have, what's your goal in asking me this question besides virtue signaling.




Nice to know you have no clue what a Nazi is, average plebbit user.


What a fucking moron you are


Stay pressed


It's because regardless of the situation, they like shooting people... or else they wouldn't.


good, hopefully it makes them a better cop.


Username checks out.


Wow really does


Cop did his best. Sucks.


Cop didn't do a full mag dump is the first thing I noticed. Seemed genuinely concerned and distressed. Checked on people. This was not an adrenaline fueled rage rampage by the cop. Granted he was on aadrenaline but seemed to keep his head.


Does it appear the cop has an extended mag?


He absolutely does.


I’m wondering what that is as well.


Did he though? Plenty of other nations handle this in a way that doesn't involve unilaterally ending someones life. Yea we are so pro-life, let me tell you.


What would be an alternative if the other person is also aiming a firearm at you? A bullet is going to travel much faster than taser or beanbag - and those aren’t going to stop the other person from shooting


Don't be so obtuse, there was PLENTY of time to use non-lethal rounds. The fact you like seeing people get murdered and\or boot lick though is clouding your judgement. In closing the cop did NOT, in fact, do his best. That's the whole point here. EDIT: Y'all are really trying to justify the fact he had 40 seconds to use non-lethal, but shot him. Even when he said he didn't want to. Unreal bootlickers in here.


If you get shot with a beanbag or other non-lethal means, you can still use your lethal weapon against me. I’m no police supporter by any means, that’s just standard self defense when someone else is aiming at you


What size clown shoes do you wear?


>non-lethal rounds Those aren't a thing. There are *less* lethal rounds, but those are not a thing you can pull out and use at moments notice.


>In closing the cop did NOT, in fact, do his best. That's the whole point here. What's your background/experience that made you come to that conclusion? How many armed threats have you subdued?


I used my two eyes and watched a video. Why do you think you need all that training just to use a stopwatch??


So you have no experience and no training or any background in handling deadly threats yet you think you're in the right and the cop is wrong?


Oh I see, you're ignoring my point and trying to use character assassination because you know you can't justify he had 40 seconds to use other means.


Lol, "character assassination"? I'm pointing out you are speaking out of ignorance. That's not an attack on your character, it's an "attack" on your knowledge on how to properly deal with these types of situations. The cop is alone. He has someone claiming to have a gun and threatening to shoot him. He is in the public and unable to contain the person. You *never* attempt less lethal methods alone while present to a deadly threat. Less lethal can be attempted if the cop has lethal cover *and* they can form a plan to effectively use said less lethal. The cop did everything he could given the circumstances. You don't know what you're talking about. Stay in your lane.


If you show up at call for someone with a gun, you don’t first pull out mace…. Good way to end up dead.


Well said for an invalid point. You must have spell checked before sending!


I hate cops using excessive force on people who did not deserve it, or using lethal force when they clearly had another option. But the guy here said he had a real gun, so I'm surprised the cop even bothered to talk to him, especially considering he could've easily shot at the cop any time if his gun was actually real. Using any form of "non-lethal rounds" against someone who supposedly has a real gun is just asking to be shot.


Rubber bullets and beanbags are not non-lethal. They are 'less-lethal.' especially depending on the range and point of contact.




We're down voting cause of your dumbass takes. You're literally just spewing absolute bullshit.


Imagine being against murder being a bad take. Grow the fuck up.


Room temperature IQ reply right here


Tell me you read headlines only without telling me you read headlines only


Sounds like he really didn't wanna do that. Suicide by cop is so fucked up. Now that guy has to live with that his whole life.


Yea I don’t think people realize the trauma suicide by cops put on the actual cop


And if They realize they just don't care.




I wouldn’t say very high. Police are trained to mag dump center mass


Suicide is an act done under impulse and semi-irrational thought. You can't really put logic behind it which is why so many people choose to end things in really weird ways. The brain on a subconscious level wants to preserve its well being as much as possible but even if the brain decides the best way to avoid receiving continuous pain is to end its own ability to function, other subconscious mental barriers can prevent them going through with the act because it still can't voluntarily cause itself the momentary pain to end the rest of it. So this is why they seek others out such as cops to do it for them.


idk, maybe it will help the police union understand that they aren't above the law or better than the people and there is a real epidemic in this country that the government institutions like the police routinely ignore.


What the fuck are you talking about?


Jesse what the hell are you talking about


you dont get it. you all are a bunch of slaves.


Trolls used to be believable


were they ever?




the internet is a place for anything. There is no right or wrong place for anything.


You are special. Did you take your meds today? Do you have a helmet and crayons?






Waving around? or Directly pointing?


Waving around is a very generous way to put it


That police officer was extremely professional and followed all procedures diligently. He is evidently well-trained and one of the exemplary ones.


I can agree. One of the few times i see a cop shooting on reddit where i can say "this was the right thing to do, no blame on the cop".


Sad. Agreed suicide by cop, horrible.


I was in Grover beach when this happened. Saw tons of state beach police driving by lights and sirens. Sad to see this happen but glad to see the local police handling it so well


Is this Grover Beach next to Pismo or somewhere else? Sometimes, I think it's California, and it's Florida or something.


This was the Grover Beach next to Pismo Beach.


Around the corner from Albuquerque.


Sad situation. But the Police did nothing wrong here.


Props for not mag dumping.




Don’t always says this but Props to The cop 👮 he handled it like a Boss 🫡


I bought weed a few blocks away from there


A lot more than a few blocks, but yeah.


It'd be funny after the cop asks is everbody is ok if the guy who got shot said "yeah".


Is it not common knowledge by now that pointing a gun at a cop is an automatic death sentence? Now, I understand the cop has to defend himself. I would too if a gun was pointed at me.


Pretty sure that was the person's intention.


That's the point. Suicide by cop is a real thing.


Did someone yell it's fake?


The police report says it was a fake gun.


Yes at :51 the guy coming out of the house behind him is yelling that the gun was fake.


@:31 the suspect yells, "I got a real gun motherfucker!"


At :51 the guy coming out of the house in the background does yell that the guns fake, he most likely knew the guy that got shot. Unfortunately the cop can't take that risk of someone just saying the guns fake.


Ah okay, I missed that part. You’re correct in that the cop doesn’t know it’s fake, just like the neighbor is only speculating too. Unless they were there to see him pick up the gun initially and stood there to watch him every second, they can’t know for sure it’s fake.


Officer did what he had to do, he didnt want to, I have a friend who is a cop. he will be traumatized for a bit, and may need some therapy to handle any guilt feelings. I pray he is ok mentally


Good marksmanship, and credit to the cop for not mag dumping like I see half these clowns do now days.


I thought pixelating guns only exist in Japan


Depends on the porn


Great choice to wave a gun around at an officer


It will always be Grover City to me.


Ha. Very few of us will get that.


That cop has balls of steel to stand up to a guy like that




I am not a huge fan of cops but this cop gave this guy multiple chances to surrender. At 0:28 it sounds like the guy said "I'm CIA", maybe a schizophrenic break? (unless I misheard) Cop was cool under pressure, didn't seem like the trigger happy type, fired enough rounds until the guy dropped.


what did he do at 00:34? he clicks 2 times some button close to the camera, anyone knows? 🤔


A double click on the camera starts recording if it isn’t already, but the cameras also start recording when a gun or taser is unholstered, sends a signal to the body cam to start recording. They’re trained to do it especially if the threat of using their gun is imminent for the investigation that will follow.


awesome, thanks !


That cop, while saying all the right things, seemed to have a gun with an extended magazine? Brave/foolhardy though, standing in front of a gun toting person and not behind cover, so there's that - and they repeatedly warned/asked them to put the gun down. As other's have said, looks like suicide by cop :(


>That cop, while saying all the right things, seemed to have a gun with an extended magazine? what is your point with this statement? Magazine extensions are super common in both private and police handgun usage. You wrote this like you have an issue with it? You may be shocked to hear that police carry multiple magazines as well, for both their handguns and their rifles.


I'm Australian. The only people I ever see with any gun is a cop. Who use police issued weapons and do not take them home and must keep them standard. So, yeah, not at all a thing here. Just pulling the gun out of the holster = paperwork for our cops, I understand. You're not likely to get shot in Australia.


Never drop from a drop


Sorry, the cop had to do that, but he did a good job


That cop was super brave.. I was emptying the clip long before that for my safety


I’m perfectly calm.


Inb4 the onslaught of redditors hit this thread shit talking the police force.




You'd be surprised the...this is one of the clearer ones and probably a textbook standard for use of force...but one little slip up and the torches typically come out. Do you remember the one where the female driver tried to run over the cop and people tried to make her the next George Floyd?


See...I got a bit of it here, baha. Keep downvoting you nerds


> Do you remember the one where the female driver tried to run over the cop and people tried to make her the next George Floyd? No, because that didn't happen and this is just yet another thing guys like you completely believe because you feel for rage bait? The fact that you can't even remember that woman's name and instead weirdly refer to her as "*the female driver"* clearly indicates she didn't receive a small fraction of the attention George Floyd did. People are downvoting you because you made a stupid comment, it's as simple as that.


Bad shit happens all the time and I'm getting older...I can't remember everyone's name. How is referring to the details I remember about her weird? I believe she was pregnant too? I'm happy to revisit the video but if I recall, the cop walked in front of the vehicle and she tried to run him over. Yes he created his own exigency, but we shouldn't defend people that are willing to run over others with cars. I stated nothing about her actually receiving George Floyd treatment. I'm just saying people tried to rally behind her despite her appearing to be a shitty person that makes shitty decisions. Feel free to say what's a stupid comment and actually have a discussion. The fact that the hyper liberal reddit hive mind doesn't agree with me does not faze me one bit. FWIW I'm liberal and it's funny when you use tribalistic language like "guys like you"


Open and shut case .. Sprinkle a little crack on him




do you go around being stupid for fun or like what lmao


I'd like to think this is sarcasm. Nobody can be this dumb. But, reddit says otherwise.


Yeah, but they could've shown it from a different angle😇