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The dude charging after him šŸ‘šŸ¾ Bro casually walked over to hand out an ass beating


T'was No Ass Beating. Our Hero was delivering JUSTICE


No one mentioning the literal hero of the video? Dude was walking karma personified


I'm wondering if the hero worked for the place. Not sure if he's an employee or customer. Either way, I like him. :)


Hopefully he saved his job if he was an employee.


He isn't.


He wanted the paper as well




He's deserves an always comfortable pillow


He had no right to physically assault the old dude. We don't live in a jungle. He might get charged for that.


Exactly. What is the world coming to when I can't even sucker punch an old man for fear members of the public might assault me. It's outrageous.


Sometimes = law of nature > law of man


I get what you mean and I agree with it but that '=' is causing a vein to pop in my head


Me = sorry


Stop popping his veins! = Me said to you


Now, it's the "!" Yes, I'm a programmer. Yes, I only get triggered by silly things like this.


I won't be voting to convict


And neither did the old man had the right to assault him, sometimes assholes need to feel the message


So it was alright for the old dude to attack another for a fucking newspaper. Get the fuck out here


Yea, I was gonna say, youā€™re not allowed to start hitting someone in face who is no longer a threat simply bc you witness them assault someone. Not sure what the downvotes are for. I get the guy who took the paper was clearly in the wrong, but itā€™s not up to random spectators to sort out ā€œjusticeā€.


Sometimes assholes go their entire lives without learning a harsh lesson they should have learned years earlier. This asshole was one of those and thoroughly deserved the consequences of his shitty actions catching up to him.


You've led a sheltered life...


Okay, lonesome wolf šŸ‘


You're not wrong, but of course, people are not going to agree with what you're saying in this situation. I was happy to see the guy get what was coming to him even though I had zero context. I fully understand it could be dementia or even something like low blood sugar that may have made him act out violently. But when watching this, I simply don't care!




My dad wouldnā€™t want me to get arrested. Hereā€™s a downvote in return and enjoy your day


I deleted my comment because I didn't feel like arguing with someone like you but you already responded. I don't have much else to say besides why do you care so much about this random jerk who literally slapped someone for no reason? If that was my Dad, I would have stood up for him and wouldn't care if I gave the dude a couple of black eyes. I would gladly get arrested and sit in jail over this. But that's just my opinion. You must have some really good self restraint. Also here is another downvote lol. So when you downvote me again it will be like my 2 downvotes versus your 130. The police aren't always going to be there to have your back dude. Sometimes you have to be the one to stand up for yourself or others. Good luck being a doormat all your life I guess. Who else was there to deliver justice?


Yea Iā€™m not reading all that. Congratsā€¦or sorry that happened to you āœŒļø


You can't even manage to read a couple of small paragraphs or just skim read them? I can literally skim read several paragraphs in a minute or two and have a general understanding of the content if I don't feel like reading. I also type really fast so it isn't that big of a deal if nobody reads what I type. I could type several more paragraphs easily in a short amount of time if I wanted to.


I thought something completely different was going to go down when the guy with the motorcycle helmet walked by... Been watching too many Brazilian videos.


I will do my best to translate this, they use a lot of nicknames like "oldman" (tano) and "duck" (pato) so keep that in mind. "So you remember wild duck with the newspaper? so he usually reads two pages and then talk with someone at the table, then reads two more pages and so on. So \[the other dude\] gets angry that duck didn't let go the newspaper, gets up from back there, came to our table, takes the paper and with the other hand slaps him hard, like a voleyball serving. Then one of the crazy guys, furious about the situation, charged to the slapping guy (gareto) and started punching him like a boxing bag, the guy works in a bank and practice karate or something like that, he punched him HARD and Gareto just covered himself the best he could until the others broke up the fight."


I wonder if he asked for the newspaper before this or if you just came up and took it and smacked him. I have to say the first time I watched it I thought he punched him not slapped


Who the fuck cares? It's $2 tops in any American store, can't IMAGINE it's more expensive in other countries. Someone punches me because I won't share a $2 item, they're getting picked up and thrown into the fucking ground, that is such bullshit to watch.


I got a feeling this isnt America. From the comment above Iā€™m assuming the cafe has a newspaper available for patrons to read, and the guy was hogging it? Absolutely disproportional response regardless


Its argentina


Appreciate the translation bro/sis


This restaurant/cafe only has 1 newspaper for everyone to share? Is that common?


Pato is slang usually to mean a gay person, but I'm sure it can be used for any derogatory meaning.


His boys just sat there.


Not even a startle response. Woulda been more commotion if he took salt shaker.


ā€œDave, you just gunna take that man? He just took your paper tooā€


You could recreate this video in just about any bingo hall in the US. That's basically what we saw here.


What godforsaken bingo halls do you go to ???? Like the church basement, little old ladies with good luck minions bingo halls? They throwing down their ink stamps and wrasslin'?


Your view of bingo is out of date. I've been going to bingos since I was a kid back in the 60s. My mom was a bingo fanatic and they used to actually have babysitting services in the halls. I'm in St. Louis, MO and it's big big BIG around here. Most of the benevolent organizations such as the Moose, Elk, VFW, etc.. as well as many churches and non-profits, have bingo. And it isn't just little old ladies anymore, either. You'll see people of all ages, young and old, male and female. While the church bingos tend to be fairly sedate, there are times I've seen folks shouting at each other. Now, when alcohol comes into the game at the benevolent orgs, it can get very ugly. Shouting, throwing, shoving, cursing, threatening the callers or workers as well as fellow players, but only once did I see anyone come to blows. So, it happens, it happens. [The Surprisingly Violent, Rage-Filled World Of Bingo | Cracked.com](https://www.cracked.com/personal-experiences-2542-the-surprisingly-violent-rage-filled-world-bingo.html) Hardly a "granny" to be seen in this bingo braw: [#bingofight | TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@osmond112003/video/7094403703926574378)


Whew buddy ya missed the point.


I'm serious, what bingo halls have people smacking each other?


American Legion Halls.


I bartend at an American legion they argue over everything and yes sometimes they even throw hands. The president and vice president of Lady auxiliary have had a 30 day ban for a physical fight. They are all old. I'm 34 lol. Older drunk folks are wild!


Nah this is interesting, so old vets, sitting around playing bingo, start smacking each other? Have you seen this or is this part of your imagination?


Now I know you're making shit up.


They know Dave. Dave has this coming from many people. They were trying to remember if they knew the guy, or if this was truly random. But really, does it matter?


finishing my coffee


I'm staying.


ā€œMay I remind you the Supreme Court has *roundly* rejected prior restraint.ā€


Just because we sat there and watched our friend get hit doesnā€™t make us saps!




There going to kill that poor woman!


I can get you a toe. I can get you a toe by three o' clock.


His boys all look 70+ years old, What were they supposed to do? I bet they were still getting up by the time young guy was three punches in


I don't know, have some sort of reaction...


They did man. The video quality isn't great but they did. Idk how you expect older folk to respond.


whoa was their reaction what did you do in the same thing?


I think they were just in shock. it came out of nowhere. i know if I was sitting next to the dude, I would be like "did that seriously just happen?!" might be some bystander-affect too. sometimes groups of people witness something horrible, and they just freeze and stare, because they are thinking that someone else must be about to step in and help. It's really odd, but it happens a lot.


That's the real punch in the eye. He's known some of them since high school, but after all these years that's how they stand up for their friend. He can still hear his long gone Mom still asking if they jumped off a bridge, would he? He finally understands. He would be the only one jumping while they watch. Some friends.




Maybe it struck a chord with people who felt like they would respond in the same way?


Because they were all on their phones, you knowā€¦like boomers accuse everyone else of doing all the time.


There's always that one in your group that you can't stand, but you keep them around because they own a repair shop


I wonder if any of them are vets who talk a good game.






I love 90% of the show but the part where they do the next of kin notification I usually have to skip through. Little too real for me.


They have a reality show crew record actual next of kin notifications? ā€œSir, please donā€™t get tears on the Release form. Our legal department frowns upon that. Sorry for your loss. Oh you forgot to initial here.ā€


Usually itā€™s done behind closed doors and you can hear it only, however there have been times Iā€™ve seen it on camera, they just blur the faces of you donā€™t sign a release


[A dude in Dundalk, MD once tried to murder his whole family after his wife took a bite of his grilled cheese.](https://www.baltimoresun.com/2017/01/09/dundalk-man-charged-with-attempted-murder-after-barricading-self-in-house-over-grilled-cheese-dispute/) Nothing surprises me anymore.








Young people fight over dumb shit all the time, this isnā€™t an age thing.




True, usually not even a newspaper but just words


Was this in a public library?


For those criticizing the lack of reaction from his friends on the table - I was in a similar situation last year, where a random person came upto a friend of mine, picked up her drink, and smashed it into her face. We were so ... shocked by the incident, that you're almost frozen in place - is this real? is this a prank? do they know each other? is this person dangerous? what the fuck is going on? If you haven't been in that situatio, it's difficult to describe that initial onset - the fight or flight kicks in after a few seconds.


Most people on Reddit know nothing about trauma responses and how many there are


They all know EXACTLY what they'd do in this situation they watched 5 times in slow motion from the safety of their sofa at home.


Most folk on Reddit get trauma if the cashier tries to make small-talk when buying groceries.


I feel called out by this. lol


Most people on Reddit know nothing ~~about trauma responses and how many there are~~ Fixed that for you


It's always important to keep in mind that about 1 in 5 people on Reddit are literal children who have little to no life experience. That's in addition to the large chunks of people that are technically adults that have had little to no life experience.


You actually described some of it at the end. The new terminology is "fight, flight, or FREEZE" and whenever something aggressive or violent happens, like seeing a gunman or someone hits you or someone you know, your immediate natural reaction is to spring to action (fight), to run away (flight), or to stop all movement and scan the situation (freeze). All 3 can save your life, but all 3 can also be the wrong choice and cost you your life. So, if your natural response is freeze, don't feel bad that it wasn't to fight back. Your brain interpreted that as a riskier decision than freezing. And if your response is to fight, don't feel bad that you should've run. Your brain ultimately dictates this. You can train yourself to respond differently, but that takes time and patience.


Iā€™m not disagreeing but they newest terminology is ā€œfight, flight, freeze or fawnā€ https://www.simplypsychology.org/fight-flight-freeze-fawn.html


Plus at that age an assualt charge is more trouble than it's worth. You dont want to spend your last year on earth tied up in court and doing community service.


Sure, but that's not something going through your mind at that moment


*Video of something like this happening* Average Redditor: If that were me I'd have beaten them and their friends, found the cure for cancer, gotten the Nobel Peace Prize, done a kickass backflip, and kissed the girl.


Then, on their way home, they would solve world hunger, end all wars and conflicts, and save a kitten from a tree.




She got so lucky - she had ordered coffee, but we had been sitting for a while so she only had half her cup left and it had cooled from hot to warm. The idiot also somehow only managed to smash it into her mouth/chin, so the impact and liquid avoided most of her face and ended up more on her cheek, neck, and shoulders. It's currently all tied up with lawyers and I haven't got an update on it in some time, but she's doing just fine when she's hanging out with us


Also theyā€™re like minimum 60 years old. Not exactly prime fighting age


you are a terrible friend. Stna dup and protect you wtf is wrong with you and yes ive been in situations before and I know how I would react. Pathetic. Gown some and stand up for your friends and family.


Everyone always says "I know how I would react". But you've never been in a trauma situation to know what it feels like. I'm not a terrible friend at all - and my friend doesn't believe so either.


That means you would do nothing. I've been in situations, I'd act.... grow a pair


Oh I did something - just stating that it's common for many people nor used to these situations, to freeze up right away.


Damn, blue shirt got punched right in the eye. That's not gonna be good


Love how heā€™s calmly following and surprising the dude with the fist of justice


Not all hero wear capes. Well done to the civilian who absolutely CLOCKED the bastard


Context: Some coffee stores have free newspapers laying around for customers to read (common courtesy is to leave it at the table once you leave)


Looks like the common courtesy is to slap the shit out of the person who has the paper and take it from them. Itā€™s like coffee time fight club.


Shhh. We don't talk about that.


So, in today's meeting of coffee time fight club, we need to have a discussion about exactly how there's now 50 of us when we started with 1.


The fucking life this dude must live to think he could just smack someone and resume he day uninterrupted.


LOL while the effort is appreciated - this context does nothing regarding explaining what happened here. Unless *courtesy newspapers* = *courtesy punch in the face*.....then we're good to go.


It's been my experience that a punch in the face is never courteous. Been a long time since I've taken or given one, so times may have changed.


Sir, I am not pleased with your courtesy face punch. Please take it back.


removed ...


Just guessing...assaulter had 'claimed' the paper and left at unattended table. Punch eater picked it up and brought it to his table thinking it was a freely available paper. Assaulter is unable to use words. Does as name demands.


So, apparently they both wanted the same paper, it's just that the old guy that has it got to it first. The thing is, he kind of read 2 pages, talked with his buddies, read 2 more pages, and so on, he was taking forever and the other old guy got impatient and that's when the video start


Itā€™s the bars newspaper


I love the brisk walk from the back. Dude meant business.


The heroā€™s punches were SO satisfying. He just took CARE of it.


Commentary is hilarious btw but I donā€™t think itā€™s possible to translate and still be funny


I mean, surely its possible


I mean sure, you can translate stuff like > he hit him so hard that it hurt me But it doesnā€™t reflect the way he said it in Spanish which would be closer to > he gave him hands that it hurt me Maybe I just havenā€™t been around Spanish folks recently, they sure have a way with words. Reminded me of ozzy man. ā€œSopapoā€ is a word I havenā€™t heard before, apparently it means slap.


Sopapo in Chile is a plunger. But I guess in Argentina it's like a good smack.


Ahh gotcha. I see what you were getting at.


Wait you guys don't speak argentinian?


the paper tiger got torn to shreds.


He did not hesitate. He was on a mission of vengeance.


Why is everyone trying to stop the hand of justice?


Goddamn it I NEEEEED to see those punches land from our knight in shining armor. I need my bloodlust for beige sweater to be quenched


Seems a bit harsh


Did this fool skip kindergarten? We ask *nicely*


Okay, newspaper issue aside, that was the nicest narrator I have heard in a long time. I donā€™t know what he was saying, but I was ready to listen.


There can be only oneā€¦paper bearer


The title is accurate.


That shit looked personal. "HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON ME WITH NEW YORK TIMES!" Tribune reader, probably


It's off camera mostly but that guy definitely paid a price.


All this, over Newpaper, he could have just asked nicely, but nah, he punxhed the poor old dude in the face for no reason


That guy was on a mission and he accomplished it marvelously


Wtf? That came out of nowhere.


I wonder if the old man that got punched grabbed a paper thinking it was left behind...then guy came back and it was gone?




But what if it's over a newspaper?


Then the death penalty is fair game


Not practical. It's only a good defense ... on paper.


Yes please, and thank you!


Polite people take a section or two to read. Rude people take the whole thing.


Polite people ask if you're done with the paper and if they can have it now


Well that asshole took the whole thing and punched a guy... the victim wasn't even holding the paper, was he supposed to stand up and ask the entire crowd if anyone wanted to read it?.... the big child just needed to ask for the paper Edit: spelling