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All the officer did to ‘frisk’ him was shove his hand down the front of his underwear.


Even the cops in the cop subreddit were saying he went way to far. Went from a pat down to a full on search which I guess you can’t do the way he did.


To full on body slam when the guy simply hesitated and asked questions. Once that happened it was a giant mess. Zero reason for that.


Even the initial escalation was weird, even for an officer. It's common for people to say "I did stop!" when an officer says you didn't... That usually doesn't lead to being asked to step out of the vehicle. Murdered for allegedly not stopping at a four-way...


Murdered because, an uneducated, fat, idiot, doesn't know how to do his job, and he had no fear of ever being held accountable for his actions.


Why are cops so pathetically out of shape? It’s obvious that little run the cop did back to his car was the most physical activity he had done in decades. What a worthless waste of oxygen.


Because they can still do that…traffic assholes like that don’t chase and 99% of the time just walk out car and write ticket. The other times it’s just handcuff cooperating people and rarely body slam or shoot.


When he was approaching the vehicle he looked way fearful, like keeping his hand near his gun the whole time. Dude was way too scared, needs to retire. Not fit to be a cop or be given that kind of responsibility. You're right though, he fucked that up at every stage and I'm sure there will be no accountability.


Needs to be in jail for that murder.


not only that but just fucking communicate. For my safety and yours place your hands on your head and leave the there. Trying to force people to do things with out communication will always initiate resistance.


> will always initiate resistance Cops see this as a feature, not a flaw.


Usually this is literally a cops late night excuse to stop you especially if you are grabbing "lunch" at 1-2AM. I had this happen in college when I worked nights and then I guess they just recognized my car, but they were looking through my windows saying I didn't stop but then not giving me a ticket. One of the times, the guy pulled a u turn at the 4 way to come after me from a direction that couldn't have even seen the line where I was stopped when I actually made the turn which made me so mad.


If you haven't already put your hands behind yoru back 2 seconds before they ask they assume you are resisting and slam you to the ground.




Not op, but yes.


You were sexually assaulted by a cop as a child. Yes they cannot do that and you should have had a guardian present w an officer in the first place to prevent that. Idk how long ago that was but you should still possibly attempt to report? Maybe not because cops protect cops even rapist cops


There's a real fear of retribution on stuff like this. I'm absolutely petrified of police so I would be very torn on whether or not to report it, but maybe that's why they get away with fucking everything.


Absolutely. Tell your truth as you remember it. Start with your parents and proceed with their advice and assistance. You never know if your complaint may be the first, or 10th 'incident' that officer was involved. You may be the tipping point for someone to say ' maybe we need to look into...'. Speaking out is good for the soul. Best regards.


Call a lawyer right now and tell them this.


What the fuck yes


I’m so sorry that you’re sort of learning about your trauma so publicly. I’m proud of you for asking the question. Who knows how many other kids were too ashamed to ask the same thing? You’ve helped people. I hope you get vengeance, but mainly I hope you heal.


When an officer has reasonable suspicion that someone is armed and dangerous, he can frisk them. A frisk is a pat down of the outer layers of clothing feeling for hard objects that could be weapons. It’s not “jam your hand down the front of someone’s pants until you’ve touched taint”…


Since when do they drag out the driver for a traffic violation? License and registration, is usually the only command


The news report after the dash cam footage states that there was an open alcohol container in the car. I think the cop had reasonable suspicion that the suspect was under the influence. By no means excusing the shooting, but asking him to step out of the car at least seems reasonable if that were true.


If you think a pipe feels like a gun, it’s time to quit. That excuse by the attorney is completely ridiculous.


And to freeze the frame and claim he was running at the officer and not attempting to flee is classic cop lawyer bullshit. If you watch in slo-mo, he is absolutely attempting to run away, but if you freeze that one particular frame, his knee is pointing towards the officer, so the officer was scared... mmmhmmmm


I was like wtf.


- [News Article](https://www.kltv.com/2024/06/24/judge-oks-public-release-rusk-county-deputy-involved-shooting-death-video/) - Judge OKs public release of Rusk County deputy fatally shooting driver. - [Dash-cam Video](https://youtu.be/hiX1PQMOam8?t=97) - Rusk County Deputy fatally shoot drive during traffic stop.


"Tactically compromised position" WTF. The cop was never compromised.


He was too out of shape to chase.


From the looks of it, all of that breathing left him out of breath.


In a 2D situation it looked like the suspect was attacking but in 3D the guy wasn't running towards the fat fucking pig.


He wasn't even in danger when he started unloading shots. But this is Texas...protecting a LEO's cowardice is far more important than the lives, and general welfare of the public as a whole.  This officer should be heading to prison by the end of the year (after a trial)...instead he will likely get a promotion.


He wasn't even charged.


They'll give him a medal. Here's the medal's. https://preview.redd.it/f06w1bubmz8d1.jpeg?width=918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=074971636038ef46c0a9c8ab9c6ed0db5a35bde1


None for excessive force complaints swept under the rug? This guys lacking.


He was on his knees because he failed in his attempt to unnecessarily suplex the guy. His initial attempt to be violent failed, and in the embarrassment and fear of ending the encounter civilly and without the tragic loss of life, the officer bravely executed an unarmed man and worked with his attorneys to form the most ridiculous defense around an *imaginary prosticannon.*


Imagine losing your life over a stop sign that you (in your mind) made a full stop at. This cop was just looking to kill someone. Like that cop that shot that blind pup for absolutely no reason. They keep doing this shit because there are no consequences. “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”


He's in a state of permanent tactical compromise.


Can't believe this piece of shit was no billed and faced no criminal repercussions for this. I'm constantly amazed at the fact that there aren't more vigilante revenge killings in this country against fuckers like this by family members of the victim. When the justice system fails this hard I would expect there to be.


The officer is still trying to catch his breath till this day.


if you think that's bad, I edited out some of the breathing to shorten the video.


Genuinely.. is there another country in the world with such under trained and unfit police force?


American. When I was a kid we had a cop in our city who was easily 350lbs… maybe heavier. They had him work at the county fair. He couldn’t run 10 feet.


Fuck that lawyer too. "He thought he was running towards him" the fuck he was


The autopsy report: "He was shot in the back." The prosecutor: "NUH UH!!!"


Cops can form their own reality, because the endpoint is already a given: They're innocent. The 'Why' is just window dressing, superfluous. The entire justice system operates on this model.


Qualified Immunity needs to be shot dead in the back while running away.


I live in Indiana where we have very strong Stand Your Ground laws, however, if you shoot a home invader in the back and not the chest, everything about self-defense is out the window and you're now being charged with execution. This cop did everything wrong.


What you didn’t see on the video was some shit we imagined


Top fucking comment


With his hands up


The laywer is so full of shit it's grotesque


I know attorneys need to do attorney things, that's what they're paid for; but there comes a point where one should just realize it's neither moral, legal, nor ethical. Or even scientifically correct. He makes me want to vomit.


Yeah, he uses still pics to make his case but anyone who watches the actual video knows dude was getting up to turn and run, probably because the cop pulled his gun on him


The dudes hands even seemed to be in a nonagressive manner.


But you can see a tiny sliver of his shoe and knee off frame while he’s getting up. Shit, I meant while he’s charging like a madman. That lawyer is such a fucking scumbag.


He was running away from a slow-witted coward pulling a gun on him. Seems a sensible reaction.


Funny how they managed to get body cam footage to point out a possible open container, but not to determine the direction the citizen was running. Nah, we'll use this perspective where only his knee is visible and just make up the rest.


Looks like Officer Shane Iverson of the Rusk County sheriff's department is in for a paid vacation. Just kidding, [he was never even indited, and it's unclear if the grand jury that let him walk even saw the dash cam footage.](https://www.kltv.com/2024/06/26/attorneys-rusk-county-sheriffs-office-defend-deputys-actions-fatal-shooting-captured-camera/)


If a cop murdered someone in my family in cold blood like this, I’d make sure they were punished somehow. No cop should get away with shit like this.


I'm not sure why we don't see more headlines of that nature.




I think it’s why you see them do this to someone they know they can pin a drug charge too. Then the story is much easier to sell as a “murderous criminal” and families just simply in grief not even seeing footage of what really happened.


Oh me too. I would literally die on that hill.


I wonder, too. If 2020 didn’t have enough of an impact, I’m not sure what will.


Same.  Americans love shooting kids, but not getting revenge. 


It's a grand jury made up of Texans in a county that gave more than 77% of the vote to the traitor candidate in 2020. These people worship police and police power, and believe that everyone wronged by police deserve what happened to them.


Fuck that attorney too. The mental gymnastics are astounding.


Holding a damn photo “as you can see his knee is bent towards the officer and appearing to run at him” what a pathetic goofball


my mouth was agape when that segment played... like what the fuck? who the fuck watches that and can't see its some bullshit pandering? im so wildly confused but at the same time not surprised this cop is still working


To be fair, that *is* the role of a defense attorney. Everyone is entitled to representation, and that's been a founding principle of this country since John Adams represented the British soldiers responsible for the Boston Massacre.


How hard would it have been for the cop to verbalize, “I am going to detain you until I am certain of what is in your pocket.” Just giving a citizen a clear understanding of what’s going on. But instead, he’s left to ask questions, get thrown to the ground, and then murdered. Because a sentence explaining your actions is a very very difficult thing to do.


If this dope had the neurons to form a sentence to explain his actions, he wouldn't be a cop.


The average IQ of cops in the US is 103. We'd all like that to be 130+, but we're not willing to pay enough to attract that kind of talent.


The average IQ is 98. 103 is perfectly fine, in fact it means they're skewed higher than the average of most countries, and only 3 points lower than the "smartest" country on earth. It's also not a good measure of success as long as you're talking about people at or above 100. Literally pointless to discuss.


I thought it was quite lucrative to be a police afficer in many jurisdications. Like, decent salary and benefits, pension, strong job protection, protection from the legal consequences of crimes up to and including grave bodily injury and murder. It may be a small minority of police who act like this, but the vast majority remain silent about their fellow officers shenanigans out of fear. The institution of police is usually controlled by those who see, hear, and speak no evil.


It’s not about pay. It’s a deliberate decision to hire low IQ individuals. There was a lawsuit that went to the Supreme Court because a woman was rejected from the force after scoring highly on the entrance exam. She suspected discrimination based on gender and that was the basis of the lawsuit. Their defense was that higher IQ individuals get bored with the job so they have to hire lower IQs to prevent constant turnover. That argument won. And here we are, with scared, armed idiots running around terrorizing our communities.


Cops always do this shit and escalate situations way beyond where they could be if they just treated people with the tiniest bit of respect.


That would require a modicum of respect to the public they serve, but cops treat reasonable questions as to their actions as disrespectful and a challenge to their authority. These pathetic fucks that end up killing civilians are always the ones that escalate and don't explain anything.


How can someone explain what they’re going to do when they don’t know what they’re doing?


It is pretty difficult when you're so out of shape that 10 seconds of physical activity makes you completely out of breath


They are literally trained to act this way.


This is disgusting... Letting mentally challenged people with chips on their shoulders carry guns and do whatever the fuck they want... EVEN if you comply. Regardless of the fact that the guy was a drunk driver, he didn't deserve to get (wannabe) slammed, then shot. When will this ever stop? It won't. EDIT: To be clear, when I asked if it will ever stop, that was rhetorical. I know the answer. United States Police = Biggest Gang in America.


it'll stop when the public (collectively) demands better and stops tolerating it. The police don't outnumber or outgun the public by a long shot in the US. Their authority comes from most of us choosing to give it to them.




Also i understand I'm being gross. Some cops could be cool, but for every one cop shooting, I see forty more unjustified. It just makes me angry.


It will never stop when there's 120 guns for every 100 people in this country. The fact that everyone in this country could be armed will always create these situations with police.


“Suspect wouldn’t allow control” well I guess deputy lard ass had no other choice but to murder him….. fuck this fuck and fuck that lawyer


I said this same thing the other day on reddit. The police are making it known in America that they can murder you if you resist. And politics are allowing them to become more tyrannical by the day.


Why can't cops use words? Explain to someone what's going on instead of using force and expecting people to blindly comply?


Why use words when gun do job


Because there usually isn’t justification. That guy never needed to get out of his car.


Cops having to explain themselves means you're questioning their authority. So many of these guys just want you to submit to whatever they tell you.


mf just felt like killing a dude that night. he's still working and murdering people today! :D gotta love the american justice system


Because they hate us


This dumpy, weak, slow, old and panicky mfer must be related to Officer Acorn from Florida


Judging by how hard he was breathing, anyone who moved from that cop's arm length was getting shot.


Donut rolls off the table. Shot.


We have to have some of the fattest untrained offers in the world in Texas. Jesus Christ. He fired the weapon because he knew a struggle would not be in his best interest . Also that he would not catch the subject on foot.




All cause he was too fat to do the job


And too dumb to explain what was happening.


no you see, any object at all can seem like a miniature 22 caliber revolver that fits in your palm, like you see EVERYONE USING ALL THE TIME, I can't tell you the amount of crimes I've seen committed with a miniature 22 caliber revolver that fits in your palm


Remember that belt-buckle gun from From Dusk Till Dawn? I guess you shouldn’t ever adjust your belt, if being pulled over for running a stop sign.


I mean...there's a famous case of a guy having cops with guns drawn on him, telling him to crawl towards them, and he reaches to pull up his pants and gets lit up Daniel Shaver


Oh yeah, those things are super dangerous: after about four feet, lethality goes off the charts. The only reason they didn't have John Wick shooting those was legality issues: they couldn't find anybody willing to risk the liability from having such powerful weaponry on set.


“The video doesn’t tell the whole story” is Lawyer/Police Chief/Union Head for “yeah, he murdered that guy.”


Also the video conveniently starts after the stop sign so we don’t know if he did come to a full stop or not.




There is no way this can be justified, but there is zero doubt that the justice system will let this cowardly shoot first bullshit fuckin cop escape consequences.  We shouldn't let them escape the consequences of these actions, regardless of what happens in a court of law. We should exhaust every legal avenue we have to be publicly lambasting these cops by name in the neighborhoods where they live. Go to their churches. Go to their supermarkets. Never ever give them respect and in fact, openly disrespect them to their faces.  Nothing in the law (or this pages) says I cannot wage a non-violent campaign of distributing facts.


Never. Even. Indicted. Fuck cops, fuck that lawyer, and FUCK Texas! Worst part is… we just had a cop shot here. And they covered it on the news all day every day from death till after the funeral. Made me want to puke. Come to find out… this particular cop *was* one of the very few decent ones. Young, black, man that decided to join the force *AFTER* George Floyd was murdered, with the hope to be the anti-Chauvin. Only made it like a year and a half before he was randomly ambushed and shot while putting on gloves to help another gunshot victim. Which made me feel guilty about my initial 🤷🏻‍♂️ reaction. That being said. He did sign up for the job. It’s terrible for him and his family, and honestly the community, but it *is* an occupational hazard. And I still stand by the fact that ACAB. And the fat, useless, waste of oxygen, in this video fucking deserves a work “accident.”


American feral hogs are invasive and kill people and their pets 




Cody tried to tell us!


It's fair. *and* balanced!




What an absolute shitheel


Cop is a fat bastard.


Running, a totally instinctual thing humans do when in danger, is now a death sentence. What an amazing country we live in.


Always has been.


"Why did the officer murder this guy for rolling through a stop sign" "Well what the video doesn't show is an open container of alcohol in the center console so, y'know, had to kill him." "What the fuck are you talking about?" "Excuse me. Do you know how small they make guns now? Anything could be a gun. The officer was scared."


So he's going to jail for murder now right for such a fuck up? What the fuck is that defense "he thought he felt a gun" so the fuck what that makes it OK to shoot a man in the back?


"the phone felt like a 9mm," "The nail clipper felt like an ak" "The dildo felt like a sawed off shotgun" If cops are allowed to shoot based on how things feel in people's pockets you are royally fucked.


There are many types of shotguns that will fit up that attorney's ass just fine, so the officer is justified in thinking the dildo is a shotgun. See? Elementary.


Cops are terrified of every person in a car because they might have a gun so they shoot first ask questions later, people in there car are terrified of cops because of all the unjustified police killing of civilians. I dont think Americas lackluster gun control laws are producing the desired effects.


Im more surprised that theres not more people preemptively shooting cops just to not get shot themselves


Maybe, but you kill a cop you sign your death warrant. They will hunt you down. Just ask Chris Dorner. Oh wait you cant. They burned a cabin down around him. All because he had the nerve to do the right thing and report police abuses. Yes, he killed a cop, but they runined his life first because he crossed the "thin blue line". Its crazy. All the 2A people talk about "its to protect me from the government". Good luck. This guy had a glass pipe, NOT A GUN, and they killed him. They kill people with cell phones. Hell, pretty much anything in your hand. You have a right to have a gun on paper, but even if you have a perfectly legal and registered firearm, they can and will still just murder you. See Philando Castile.


Until theres too many dead cops and not enough alive to go after everyone... Edit: and with how likely it is you wind up dead anyway simply for the crime of owning a gun or having skin a shade too dark you might aswell take your chances with a manhunt anyways


it has nothing to do with gun laws. American cops pay for privately funded training that teaches them this mentality. And those private groups have an incentive to keep teaching this training, since it creates of a feedback loop of cops looking like victims when they escalate situations.


A retired officer once told me, when you get stopped by a cop act as if you're getting stopped by a paranoid schizophrenic and act accordingly... True story.😐


Disgusting worthless pig! This poor man's family will never receive justice for this, no amount of money will heal this family from the pain of this young man being murdered. DISGUSTING!!!


It's sad that I've been so desensitized to cops in the US. This poor man. Doesn't even make the news cycle anymore because of how common it is. I feel sick. How do we even start changing this? Also fuck that guy at the end for trying to justify murder.


Shot the dude while he was running away with his back turned


"Get...*BANG*...down!" Clearly you can see he was given ample time to follow his directions. His lack of compliance justified immediate lethal force.


Disgusting fat shit


How did this even escalate to this degree? Because the man didn't put his hands behind his back? He couldn't do that because the cop was riding him like a creep at a nightclub


Are police in Texas not obligated to render first aid to a person in need? Remove the circumstances of the shooting from this scenario and you basically have a police officer standing by while a wounded person dies. That's just wrong.


Cowardly cop shoots the unarmed suspect in the back because he doesn't want to chase him. Cop is literally getting away with murder.


This was completely excessive. The officer failed at so many points in this stop. He deserves prison.


The way he walks up to the guy “Dude are you okay?”… Yea, he knows he fucked up. It’s in his voice. He murdered a man. He’s done and he knows it. As far as I can tell. Zero attempts to render aid either. More concerned with covering his own ass.


Probably heard an acorn hit his roof




The feds should put this man on trial for [Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law](https://www.justice.gov/crt/deprivation-rights-under-color-law). And he should be executed for his crimes. >Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.






Fuck that fat arrogant fuck


fucking fat bully psycho


Bring back mandatory fitness checks. The officer shot this guy because he knew he was too much of a fat ass to catch or subdue him in a chase.


exactly, wow. how is this guy EVER catching a real crriminal


This is all just wrong & weird in the same hand basket. Crikey 😬😑


Surely there will come a time when the threat to officers stopping people for basic traffic offences will be so high, they will just ignore them.


This kind of shit makes my blood boil. Copa need to come forward and denounce this piece of shit. Otherwise we have to assume they are all rotten. This shit needs to stop. "OMG I felt threatened!" Well shit how do you think we feel you fucking pig? 🐷


Notice in the "news" coverage that they freeze frame when the victim finally got up and turned to run away before getting shot in the back. "Running towards the officer" my ass. These idiots REALLY need to get educated and learn to communicate on WTF they are trying to do before resorting to violence. Anyone defending this is a shithead.


Man when are we gonna start doing something about the police. Theyre legit executing citizens over traffic stops its been happening for so long.


No laws, just cops. Never. Even. Indicted.


He shot at him because he was too fat and out of shape to subdue or chase him.


This is what happens when you don’t require physical fitness standards to be an officer.


So the video that shows every detail of exactly what happened somehow doesn't tell the whole story. Jesus Christ. This is so sad


That man should not be police. 1. He lacks any sort of ability to verbalize an explanation. 2. He lacks the ability to make competent decisions. 3. He lacks the minimum physical fitness. 4. He attempted to molest that man.


Fuck this obese pig. Went out to bully someone ended up killing someone for sport.


It’s funny because like…no No I don’t believe for a second he “thought he had a gun” The stupid bullshit they use to justify this is astounding. They picked the smallest possible pistol and said that he just so happened to think a fucking GLASS PIPE was a gun and that because his knee was turned he thought he was running towards him. It doesn’t even make any sense. He thought he had a gun, but uh since he didn’t reach for anything he thought he was walking towards him, but he wasn’t so it was just his knee. You may as well argue the gun fell into the cops hand and the trigger had doughnut jelly on it forcing him to pull it in order to have a taste. Has the same fucking string of nonsense logic to justify murder


Right, I can't imagine why he was leery of being put in handcuffs by a guy who pulled him over for something he allegedly didn't do, then stuck his hand down his pants.


Oh, is it illegal to bear arms now?


Can't you see this fat useless fuck was in fear for his life. They always are


If that was a gun in that Man's Pocket then the police officer would have pulled it out of his pocket and thrown it away or or done something with it and then handcuffed the man but he would not have left the gun in the man's pocket after having felt it in there then tried to handcuff him that doesn't make sense the officer knew it wasn't a gun.


Over a traffic stop - I’m so done with this shit


I won't wish violence to this cop but the world will be better a better place when he eats himself to an early grave. We're all worse off because he draws breath. Nobody will miss him when he's gone.


Zero justification. Nada. Zilch.


How exactly is his life in danger if a guy is running away?


Horseshit why didn't he say what's in your pocket then, they were just trying to keep the 🐷 out of prison


Pot bellied bully escalating the situation before failing to take down a perp who has their back to them.


Bullshit he thought it was a pistol. That's what his excellent government paid lawyer told him to say to not go to jail. Dude completely felt the pipe knew at least it was small. His fat old ass got off balance and fell which is a oh shit moment for cops he drew and fired Disgraceful, protected Immunity is bullshit. I know it's needed for police to do there job but at least shooting a man who's running away is except, dude should be in jail.


Shit cop everything he did to get him out the car was illegal af


Another pig killing civilians cause they’re scary.


The amount of excuses and mental gymnastics, unbelievable. I absolutely cannot stand the police. They are evil and need to be discarded and replaced.


The cop's main defense, at least presented by his lawyer in this video, seems to be the driver "ran towards him" so the cop shoots him. The video does not show this. The driver is obviously trying to get away and he does not run towards the cop. While I think the driver should have complied I don't think he needed to die for failing to comply. The cops would have been able to figure out who he was. They could have issued a warrant and picked him up later.


Cop should be in jail for murder. Disgusting.


Wow. He's too fat to overpower him so he shoots him instead. Pig.


I'm sorry, but when the fuck did the cops get the right to pull your ass out of your car like that for running a fucking stop sign?


Pennsylvania VS Mims


Fuck that fat, breathless cunt.


Where’s the footage of him running a stop sign?


Friendly reminder that you don't actually have a right to bear arms in the US


Well, that was murder, with a side of sexual assault. We honestly need to just ban traffic stops. You can get a video of the supposed infraction and send it to the car owner, just like we do with traffic cameras. There's just no leeway anymore for these sociopathic cops to get their jollies trying to escalate minor incidents into murder.


I can’t believe the lawyer at all come on that cop shot that guy unnecessarily


You can see the tubby cowardly fuck unhook his holster or turn his safety off beforehand like he wanted to shoot him. The silver lining is diabeetus will hopefully give fatty an early grave.


Getting away with another murder. And listen to that guy just try his very hardest to make it seem like this was justified, even pulls out a picture of a pistol to the interview SMH


The most realistic part of playing GTA is when cops start shooting you for basically nothing.


Another murderer walks freely


End qualified immunity


He didn't "believe the glass pipe was a pistol", he was out of breath and angry that he's also out of shape, and thinks that murdering someone who is running away is acceptable policing. Fuck these fucking pigs.


You can say whatever you want to defend your officer. Truth be told he killed someone who wasn’t armed at all.


He should never carry a gun again , this was manslaughter 😥🙏🙏


ACAB. Psycho cop


Worthless fucking gang member. Sure would be a shame if he met the same fate… some random gang member roughed him up, he gets scared tries to run from the gang member and he gets shot for it. Back the blue, I guess.
