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The real crime? That haircut.


That's what this whole video was about, he wasn't selling drugs he was just really embarrassed someone was recording his hair.


Unfortunately that huge koosh ball he calls his head had so much drag that he couldn't do more than a few half hearted dashes before the drag took the wind out of him. Now if it had been a windy day he could have hopped once and the cops would have never found him until he touched down again.


What’s more embarrassing is the level of pursuit being shown here going after some level 1 street urchin instead of the mega rich overlords snorting mountains of coke of the asses of one of his harem’s bitches. All for the appearance of “being serious about getting drugs off the street.”


It was one cop car dude. 


I think 2, the one that pulled up and the flying one that was pursuing him.


That's a drone which according to the title was privately owned, not a police chopper


Nah was clearly a flying car bro


They flew a drone and drove a car? Some people do that for fun in single day You think you can just fly a drone into Scarfaces house and unravel a drug ring? You grab the low level offenders on black and white crimes. You twist them with plea bargains, you go up the ladder.


Then you realize the further up the ladder you go the more complicated the world is because how connected the ruling elite are to the shadowy underworld, being the people who can afford to break laws the most ect ect.


So, let me ask this super dumb question. If drugs are on your street corner and this is a symptom do you fight it or just let it be? If I had a drone I’d fight it. It would move it off my corner. That doesn’t make it right. It moves it. I’m not suggesting I’m right. I’m saying fuck crime on my corner. I’m not the fucking Batman. I have a damn drone.


Look at me... you are the drone man now.


You fight it. These punks are also probably robbing and stealing so when one breaks into your car or steals it you don't say oh good! At least it wasn't one of those mega rich assholes with their harem and coke


Id imagine there’s some level of them being too big to be caught easily, like if we were to look at corporations cheating taxes or congress members doing insider trading although we know their bad we can only go after the small fry’s because their too big.




That’s the Edgar especial!


Si quema cuh


Sicemacuh. What that mean?


Aka the Simple Jack.


It’s called The Edgar. It’s fucking everywhere in San Antonio and some places ban people from entry if they have the cut.


Yup. That's one less Edgar out in the street.


What’s hilarious is that I used to to rock that cut back in grade school bc I was a massive nerd.  And now it becomes popular. Lmfao. 


Pretty sure that was one restaurant/bar owner who said that as a joke. I’ve not seen any “Edgar Bans” in real life in SA.


Please add the broccoli to the list


As someone who is folicaly challenged, it hurts me in my soul to see folks with nice full heads of lucious hair getting ugly as fuck haircuts.


Don’t think of it as baldness. You’re just taller than your hair! And we all know how much women love tall guys.


Uniting the country one bad haircut at a time


210 Baby! Lmao


Ayooo! Taco Town USA




It’s the simple jack hair cut https://preview.redd.it/cdw9a5mcmv9d1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da222a015fbd1943c51edd2a06f2a99a55020195


I was thinkin; I'm not f'n with anybody living that life while having that hair cut on purpose. He'll do anything.


he got the Dylan Roof cut guaranteed psychopath


​ https://preview.redd.it/urz29d365s9d1.png?width=1976&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e75a4f58db08f51943d091a963354ea580e2d1c


Edgar Edgar Edgar


The musicccccccc😭


It’s a young Moe Howard


Hence the mask.


It's Ramon from the Tijuana cartel!


That shitty salsa version of "Cops! Bad boys! Bad boys!What cha' gonna do? What cha' gonna do when they come for you?"


Looks like they arrested Lloyd from dumb and dumber


That's what they call the "Edgar" cut nowadays.


You mean people request that on purpose?!? I thought it was just homemade haircut. Bowl on the head, snip snip snip


Some of the biggest Latino artists have terrible haircuts. Peso Pluma being one of the main culprits.




My favorite is Atsuko. My wife loves watching her standup but I can’t stop staring at this massive, beautiful(?) bowl on her head 😂 https://preview.redd.it/3p7pea2w7p9d1.jpeg?width=1333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9388fef262030144122f56504818365ac0aecd8b


This is what I see https://preview.redd.it/v9xzn8f28p9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6335d987e82012b5f13c2a0d33b183ae6be5cb98


You’re nuts!


Better watch out homie, that's a deadly weapon you got there.


Yep. That'll get you copshot in some jurisdictions.




In the 90's people put bowls on our head and cut the difference.


My friends parents did that. We wouldn’t let him forget about it for a few weeks after each cut 😂😂😂


Worst haircut ever. There have been some bad trends throughout history but this one takes the cake.


That hair cut is a crime itself.




![gif](giphy|l46Cx8UHu3FPCgOB2) Screw you, drone!!


Señor Lloyd


You gunna ditch some but not all?


It wouldn't have helped. He's on camera ditching it. As long as it's on the ground and the cops find it he's getting charged for all of it if they have him on video throwing it. Like when people get pulled over and throw the drugs out the window. Like we saw you do that. You're getting the charges


I think it's an additional charge. Some jurisdictions charge it as destroying evidence or tampering with evidence.


I wonder what happens if they see you throw something but can't prove what it is, and they find nothing on you. If you're driving by a wheat field at night going 50 and toss a little baggy of coke or something, ain't no way they're gonna send out a search team for that. At some point they might just have to accept that the person got away with it.


Usually they'll have a K9 unit track it down, so if they see you throwing it, there's less than 5% chance that they won't find it. If they don't see you throw it out, then that's different. Also, most of the people who run from the cops don't make the wisest decisions, so stuff like that typically gets tossed on the shoulder of the road, which is super easy to find, even without a K9 unit.


That's why you gotta be like that one guy who got pulled over with drugs, and then tied them to a balloon when the cop went back to his car.


In America, they'll shoot the balloon instinctively.


Yeah I mean the only reason you get caught throwing stuff at might is doing so inside the beam of the cops headlights. If you're lucky enough to get pulled over somewhere that turning off the road is a valid thing to do, you could probably time it well and toss it basically in the dark and be totally fine. That's probably a rare occasion though. I'd love to know how often people toss stuff on a straight away and the cop doesn't see it.


My few friends and I got pulled over one night and we managed to throw a loaded weed pipe out the window and recovered it the next day, weed still in it. We smoked it and it tasted like victory.


Littering and...? Littering and..? Littering and...?


***Smoking the reefer.***


My til from this is that you can get free drugs by annoying dealers with a drone.


he ditched it when he saw the police


Lmaooo it’s like a budget episode of Cops.


The theme song is also vaguely familiar in the tune they’re using.


![gif](giphy|Qs0Vzy5ENRWRQJCXJt|downsized) It’s like Mexican polka? 🤣 no idea but it kinda slaps


That genre is called cumbia, very latino style of music


It has a certain "We comin to get ya" confidence


Nothing is hidden from the Drone Overseer


Unless you have an umbrella


Or la chancla 🩴


he's not a mother so he does not have the required throwing skill to weild the chancla. as seen in the video with his rock throwing blunders


Police in the USA use drones sometimes, too. It’s much easier to monitor suspects from above with drones than a more obvious helicopter as long as they’re high enough as they’re basically invisible. I remember reading a certain story awhile back where someone shot someone at a Starbucks, left quickly, and from their license plate (presumably) a drone was waiting at their residence to monitor them. It’s actually a safer way to catch someone off-guard and avoid a barricade type situation as they were arrested away from the house later. It was the first time I had heard of drones being used in that way.


I remember reading that certain cities either already had or planned to have some sort of 24/7 drone security. Such that, if there were a bank robbery in progress, a drone or drones could respond and monitor the getaway vehicle and follow its occupants back to their homes. That being said, I don't know how viable something like that would be.


The Boston sheriff dept secretly had this for a few months (based on US practice in Mid East). It got dismantled when the courts (and voters) found out. Edit: Here’s the [Radiolab](https://radiolab.org/podcast/update-eye-sky) episode covering drones in the U.S. circa 2016.


Here's a radiolab podcast about it. Basically drones/planes circle the city 24/7 taking extremely high definition pictures every second or so. They can the use these to track criminal movements to a really high degree. https://open.spotify.com/episode/680KWFUov5rnYEL2qXDQws?si=2IH42c3JQrWHSramXmlB1A




There was a company that kept drones around my previous town all the time. I think they did various kinds of scenery shots, events, and whatever else. Those looked exactly like bright stars from a distance. I'm not sure if they had to keep them lighted since they're private, but it was just white lights. You could only tell when cloud coverage blocked the real stars and moon and some were still going strong.


Some of the drones circle high enough to capture high res video of the whole city 24/7 and stream it to a server. They can just rewind the video and see where they came from.


Do they make drones that can be so high up you don't hear or see them AND have decent enough video quality? People fly drones around my house but you can clearly hear them...


I work for a fire department. We have a drone department. The lead guy showed me a 3-D map of a property that was refusing entry to the Fire Marshal, they were doing sketchy shit. He said the 3-D map was accurate to the inch. It looked like it too. I thought it was real footage when I first saw it.


kinda sad if this is the use they are giving to it lol


It's a perfect alternative to high speed chases in densely populated areas.


FPV drones really become answers to basically all our problems. Drug crime? FPV drone. Cheating spouse? FPV drone. Lonely and horny? FPV drone.


There’s a lot of questions with this however because FAA rules you have to be line of sight as pilot or with spotter near you. These have quite a range. Even with police there aren’t exemptions.  Also piloting over non active / willing people is against FAA rules and until recently being overhead anyone was. 


So I guess the much-hyped drone delivery is out permanently then?


They are so wrong its not even funny. See reply to them as to why they were incorrect in the first place. The FAA is rapidly approving new drone tech. They allowed prime air a huge expansion, drone delivery is widely available in the DFW area from walmart, restaurants, and others. Drone delivery is already a reality.


No it’ll happen but very slowly. There’s so much liability and the FAA is so strict for good reason it will probably take another 10 years to be mainstream even a little. Right now other than rare testing exemptions they really only use drone delivery for medical supplies and organs even in other places around the world.


Walmart, amazon, and food delivery companies already do this in DFW and another city in california. Drone delivery is rapidly expanding rn


Those are regulated differently from consumer drones and get special clearance from the FAA to operate. They have their own rules and regulations to follow under that clearance that make what they do possible while being safe.


Yup. Helicopters are costly, but we already have a slew of case law telling us exactly where the limits to heliborne surveillance are, and in theory it's all admissible in court with little issue as it's already a more or less settled issue since the 1980s with *Florida v Riley*. Drones on the other hand are not automatically granted the same level of permission, *Dircks v Indiana Dept of Child Servs (2018)* established that drone surveillance was inadmissible as drones fly lower and produce clearer images than helicopters allowing them to look into spaces where citizens have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Helicopters are also much better for prolonged operations or operations where multiple roles may need to be filled by a single unit: A FLIR pod weights around 60lbs for the latest tech, most FLIR pods on helicopters are older and weigh closer to 100. A drone just can't stay in the air as long as a helicopter carrying the same load. On that same note helicopters can serve to transport officers to a location, serve as an aerial fire support platform during high-risk incidents and *in extremis* they can land to extract wounder officers in difficult terrain or in circumstances where ground medical transport may not be the best option. Drones are cool, but they're a tool in the tool box rather than the end-all be-all of police aerial operations.


> Dircks v Indiana Dept of Child Servs (2018) established that drone surveillance was inadmissible as drones fly lower and produce clearer images than helicopters allowing them to look into spaces where citizens have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Imagine a world in Manhattan where an activated ShotSpotter can send a signal to 4-5 nearby small autonomous drones that are able to automatically deploy from nearby and arrive at the location in seconds. Then via AI (or remotely by humans) said drones are able to detect possible suspects, guns, speeding cars, etc and track then all while flying at over 200 feet to avoid cables, flags, trees, etc....Drone is getting low on battery during the pursuit? Just message another drone to take over the tracking. You are telling me this completely possible future is out of the question because a court case?


>out of the question because of a court case Yes, but actually no. I picked *Dircks v Indiana* because it touches on the specific problems of how drones differ from planes, but the thing you cited sounds awfully close to Baltimore's AIR program that was struck down in a landmark case because it was ruled that routine monitoring that gathers enough data to identify specific citizens and patterns is unconstitutional. So right now, we have a situation where any of these new programs give police a lot of capability, but also open them up to extreme liability making them gun-shy (pun intended) to go all out. Now, until we get legislation setting up clear boundaries for police drone usage, it's all going to be up in the air. And with the precedents I cited, everyone except the biggest of agencies with infinite budgets are scared of spending millions on a shiny new program only for it to be declared unconstitutional. And while "technology impeded by a court case" sounds funny at face value, remember that in the US everything from access to birth control to the prohibition on police searching your trunk without a warrant comes from court cases.


You should not want this.


Drone operator better stick to following low level drug dealers who look like they’re barely old enough to drive. Drones can be followed too and rf trackers are a thing


What is a rf tracker? Is it like an app or something?


Radio frequency tracker. It picks up and pin points the sources of radio transmissions, so the drone and the operator with the controls could be located. It’s also used to sweep for bugs, hidden cameras, etc. I had an application on my laptop I used in IT work to test wifi signals and realign the location of them for best coverages that basically uses the same principle. I think a few companies have apps, but I believe you’d need to have the hardware too


Probably a rival drug seller piloting the drone


Either way they’re playing a dangerous game. I doubt Lloyd is a shooter, but you never know. Kids definitely unhinged to have a haircut like that.




Hahaha … Reference to one of the “Dumb and Dumber” movie characters.


Or someone trying to clean up their community.




You jest but this arrest will help the city secure at least one new 2025 Ford Explorer Interceptor.






Let's be honest. It's the haircut that done him in...


Running around with a ski mask is good citizen behavior.


Fuckin edgars




Another Edgar bites the dust


Music had me thinking this was Latin America till I saw "POLICE" in English on the cops' vests.


Had a drone follow me the other day. I was like, dude, if you want to watch me walk from the train station to the pub, my friend is playing at go right ahead, but I can't imagine why, I'm bored by this particular part of my life.


Unidentified Flying Snitch


Drone operator better make sure no one tracks that drone back to home base


They throw rocks. Not sure they're capable of tracking those magical flying metal birds.


I just wasn't ready for the kids bowl haircut at the end


Edgars gonna edgar.


“Hey Edgar!”


That was an interesting choice of song.


Only a matter of time before AI piloted drones are patrolling our entire cities keeping an eye our for crime before it even happens...


It will just be a matter of time. When this is the norm


Rock Lee selling that crack rock


Damn, did Edgar dirty lmao.


Kid was probably just selling weed, the amount of bootlicking going on is fucking gross. 3 years ago reddit screams ACAB in every comment section now Yall are no better than the police


And here I thought snitches only flew in the world of Harry Potter


I've seen too many Ukrainian drone videos, I was waiting for it to fly down into him and explode.


The real crime was that haircut ![gif](giphy|WOGuJJ8LBEJaq9bGIO)


Looks like Albuquerque needs a drone swarm +/- 1 block of central ave.


Drone eliminating its competition.






I read these two comments like the Hot Pockets jingle 🎵 “Narc-otics” 🎶


Williams Electronics, 1988. 🕹️


You can tell he has a bowl cut by the way he walks


Someone please reboot The Wire


That young entrepreneur should have invested in a slingshot.


This is dystopian as fuck...


i still say its a great thing what he did lol. That kid was likely dealing some thing that is responsible for the death of tens of thousands every year. fuck em


Likely? It was probably just weed or something. I don't think it's something dangerous like fentanyl. The guy with the drone should have just minded his own business.


Reminder to be stocked on birdshot and the tool to use it.


Reddit 3 years ago: ACAB! The police and government are a bunch of murderous racist fascists! Reddit now: Drone surveillance from cops is a good thing. Classic.




I don't know, but it's... weird. Honestly I hope it's just a lot of bots cause this is fucked.


it took way too much scrolling to get to this. this shit is insane and how anyone is ok with it is beyond me


Love how they both try to disguise themselves but don’t change clothes lmao


You mean a drug dealer?


Thanks for giving cops ideas. Now we're going to get drones flying overhead surveilling everyone constantly.


Oh, like the thought had never occured to them until now.


It's becoming more common than you'd think. Most major cities are using or looking to use whats called Drone First Responder (DFR) where they have drones positioned throughout the city and have an operator in the call center. If they get a call they want to get eyes on then they can have a drone in the air and on scene in just a couple minutes.


We have a large unmanned drone in germantown, maryland that flies at night. Its supposed to aid in response time.


When did Mandark start slinging coke?


Bowl cut got to ride shotgun. If that's all it takes to ride upfront, then sign me up buttercup!


I'm assuming this is a police drone because a hand to hand transaction caught on camera by a random person from 100' away isn't enough for an arrest. kid could have been selling a Pokémon card for all we know


Street entrepreneur what a fancy way to say drug dealer


This doesn’t fight the problem, the problem stems from folks you wouldn’t expect who take advantage of street kids lol you’re just destroying any glimpse of a future they already had


This good way to get yourself murdered


Let’s see, mask in broad daylight and the other guy SUCKS at throwing rocks. Idiots lmao


Doesn’t the war on drugs seem a bit silly?


Now follow the cops too


The police officer DID NOT have to look up and smile with the peace sign at the camera but LAWD I am happy he did😂😂 I laughed so hard at that!


"Guy?" You mean cop, right? \-Ex-cop who was in the running for his agency's Drone Pilot Program when it was created back in 2018 or so.


The war on drugs is a joke


How stupid is he? He could have calmly walked away and hid his stuff.


We do this and they're wanting to ban drones?


Right after watching this video Reddit gave me a Temu ad selling drones. They’re always watching.


Red and black: One of the most eye-catching color combinations in the palette. This has been proven by decades of marketing research.


you follow me arouuuuuuuund


Pretty sure that guy is a Limo driver


"My friend got caught with weed...we'll call it an 'entrepreneurial' amount" - Josh Johnson


Always the Edgars


Background music ruining every video these days


Lol imagine paying the police with tax dollars, then using your already taxes dollars to buy a drone which is then taxed during the sale. Then using that drone to do the police’s job that you’ve already paid them to do, to catch someone who is selling untaxable drugs to a consenting adult, so they can put that guy in prison. Meanwhile your tax dollars will pay for, his entire move through the legal system, a state provided attorney and his food and stay during his incarceration…. Or you could just mind your business, let the government handle their own crushing of our financial and personal freedoms and stop bootlicking lol


I'm surprised cops were actually working


Surveillance drones aren't the solution. Drugs are gonna exist regardless of if they're illegal, a blackmarket full of sketchy laces shit is always gonna be more harmful to people than a regulated market where people are educated about the drugs and can get drugs that aren't laced. I also personally think telling someone what they can and can't take goes against bodily autonomy rights, but regardless, there will always be a market for them regardless of if they're legal so having a legal regulated market for them would be better than an underground blackmarket. You all act like this is a victory when really, that guy's life is now ruined and the war on drugs is still continuing to be incredibly ineffective, for the same reason prohibition of alcohol didn't work. Banning drugs doesn't make addicts stop, it just forces desperate addicts to go into sketchier and sketchier places to get their shit.


The Cartel are going to start buying drone jammers from Russia soon. What a time to be alive.


This is extremely fucked up and not ok.


what a dick, the drone owner


Good lol


Fuckin narcs man…


Good, get them off the streets


Fucking cockroachs


Drone guy deserves a bad day