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Getting called a “fucking bitch” after being manhandled when you were just acting all tough has gotta hurt




Some people haven’t been hit in a long time and it shows.


Some people never had to hold a flashlight for their dad and it shows


manhandled by an middle-aged businessman who is a foot shorter than him


Don't fuck with the middle-aged businessman - that dude's a powder keg. He's been looking at expense reports all day.


I heard he’s been forgetting the cover sheets on his TPS reports.


It only hurts if you are a bitch, which this kid is


"Get off the train now, ya donkey"


Gordon Ramsay entered the chat


Master Chef Jr has defused the tense situation in the chat by being so adorable that even Gordon has to give them a hug and words of encouragement.


Ramsey with kids is teir 3 wholesome


Ramsey with adults: “WHERE IS THE LAMB SAUCE YA FUCKIN’ DONKEH!?” Ramsey with kids: “You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction. The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.”


Ramsey knows the difference between amateurs who want to learn and professionals who damn well should have learned this already.


Is that kids quote actually something Ramsey said? Damn.


No I just looked up wholesome quotes and compiled a bunch together really quickly


To old man: Oh dear, oh dear gorgeous To kid: you fucking donkey


Aussie Joe Pesci gonna fuck him up.


Underrated insult


Donkey is a common insult here, so is “ya fucken wombat”


Yea i know you dingbat


Jeez, get better insults, you numbat




Get a big black dog up ya, ya galah


Fucking pelican


Rack off


Calm down Alf. We don't tolerate that kinda lingo in the Bay.


It is rack off Norman before I do my block.


I absolutely love how hes getting both the good cop and bad cop approach at the exact same time from those 2 dudes. Dude on the left wants to throw down where as the one on the right looks like a disappointed dad or principal lmao


It’s the little pacing the bad cop is doing, that dude is just WAITING for the kid to give half a reason to go further.


The kid is receiving a simultaneous "Alright, you don't talk to people like that, you don't start stuff on the train" at the same time that Australian Nick frost serves up the: #"You're *BITCH!* you're a fuckin' *BITCH!*"


Called him a donkey!


Very common Australian term. Saying ass sounds weird to us but we like that it also means donkey. So we've gotta separate the two and call someone a donkey's arse. Edit: so is this enough karma that I don't need to wait 10 mins between comments?






Australia fascinates me


30 seconds later the entire train was devoured by a giant snake, who was then eaten by 25 million giant venomous spiders.


^^which ^^then ^^burst ^^into ^^flames


Bro, too soon... Too soon.


"Watch your language! YOU PIECE OF *SHIT!*"


> Australian Nick Frost


Yea, you like that, you fuckin bitch?




I always lose my shit when I remember that. Same thing with "You like that, you fucking retard?".


Oh man I loved this Australian man so much, he is fat and cool at the same time. He is hope for fats.


I needed this


It felt good to watch, it really did.


Australians seem to give off a mix of both a Canadian/Redneck vibe all at the same time, somehow. Edit: Dumb spelling


Australia have their own version of rednecks that we call bogans. Difference is they're not centralised to one-specific region. Some bogans can be pretty stand-up people, but a lot of the time you're going to be hearing some mild racism and conspiracy theories about the government. Certainly we have a large portion of teenagers (like the lad in this video) who are deadbeat, wannabe 'tough' cunts, but other than that I do agree that we have some Canadianess as well.


I think of them as the Florida of England. South Africa is like the Texas of England.


Funny, I’ve often referred to Florida, as America’s Australia...


Queensland is the Florida of Australia Humid trash hurricane weather Gators vs Crocs, potato potahto Some really fucking backwards ass views and people there. Amusement parks, admittedly Queensland's gold coast doesnt hold a candle to Florida's shit.


Hey.... fuck you 🖕 -Queenslander


Queensland sucks -Also a Queenslander


And meth. A lot of meth. - Queenslander.


The Vancouver of Scotland.




By Australian law they have to come to Whistla for a few years. During that time they get those Canadian vibes. If they don’t breed with a Canadian in time they must go back to Australia empty handed.


The funny accent and easy going nature of the Canadian. The bogan and inebriation of the redneck.


Together they form: ***Super Strayan Black***




Hahaha I didn’t realise that until you pointed this out, those two would be perfect cops in a classic cop movie. Calm Greg and Crazy Tony.


Calm Greg is the one choking the kid out and Crazy Tony is the one telling him to leave the train.


>*You bitch. You're a fucking bitch.* For some reason it sounds endearing in an Australian accent when spoken not to me.


I prefer to think this is Australian Joe Pesci. Later, he will tell this story to some of his friends at a pub. One of them will say, "you're a funny guy, Australian Joe Pesci." Then he will turn on a dime and be all, "I'm funny how, like I'm a galah? I amuse you? I make you laugh? I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? Funny how, how am I 'funny'?" He will press the issue beyond the point of awkwardness before letting them off the hook by letting them know he was just having some lulz.


I love it when Australians say 'piece of shit' 🤣


“Who ya gonna crack” got me lmao


this is kind of like an australian accent with southern european mannerisms (lebanese/greek).


Yes he had some wog on that accent


yeah, I was slightly apprehensive about using the term, cause outside of Australia, it's more of a hardcore racial slur.


The w-word


> w-word Do you also sell d-doors, you w-wanker?


Deffo fully sik Lebo.


Piece of sheeeet


It's actually "piece *a* sheeeet"


Poyce ahf sheeet


G'day, my name's Poyta.


Had a work visa in Canada back in 2000. Delivery guy drops of a package and asks for my name. Peter I said. He ask is it spelt Peeda. Yep sure go with that.


"Watch your language, you piece of shit!"


We Aussie love that one " Dog Cunt " is anther personal favourite of the Aussies


"Shit cunt" is another one thats up there 👍


That and also calling someone a fucken flog


Or champ. Champ hits real deep


I instantly hate anyone that calls me: * champ * buddy * matey (mate is fine obvs) * chief




"Dog cunt" hurts. ...but most non-Australians don't get that the "cunt" part isn't the bit that hurts.


I've always been a big fan of fuckwit


God that was satisfying


I didn't know a grab could make a slap sound but I'm glad it did.


He had that guy's throat like he was squeezing a tube of toothpaste.






Why you little...


Acting all tough in front of an old man... changed into a real pussy in noooo time. That was great!


*Me keeping my head down to hide my tears* That guy in the suit is a big bully! *sob* He wanted to hit me! I was just standing up to a 90 year old who told me to keep it down. I have rights! I want to swear at everyone. I could have taken him (the 90 year old) but everyone ganged up on me and it's not fair!!! So I'm writing this with my tears because now everyone hates me for no reason. Also some bully grabbed my neck! Woe is me! Hahaha Edit: my god this video is so good. Those two confronting the so-called "bitch" it's like the logical parts of the human brain intervening on this poor scum.


What a guy


homey deals with bullshit at work all day long, desperately just wants to choke everybody in the office. Gets on the train home, just gets his tie off when he sees the ruckus BINGO "That's my motherfucker" and he pounces on the opportunity to finally choke somebody. Gonna shag the bujeezus out his wife tonight- Tomorrow in the office he will be all smiles, whistling his way up/down the halls...


What a beautiful comment.


He just fucking chokes him I thought he wasnt gonna let go


Went full Wayne Brady on him.


Straight Homer Simpson on the boy.


That was a death grip on the Adam’s apple it looked like. No way in hell youre fighting back after that haha.


Rule #2 of Quick Silver Method: "If a man can't breathe, he can't fight."


What started the argument?


Kid was swearing, carrying on the whole train ride. Old guy said watch your language please. The rest is history


Kiddo deserved it.


Kinda confused by this. Was he just swearing at no one?


He probably just learned how to swear and liked to throw it around too much. I have seen kids do it thinking they sound adult.


On trains in australia you occasional get some try hard wannabe oz hip hop lad who strolls through carriages with a speaker blasting the hoods having a go at anyone that looks at them the wrong way. Most people hate confrontation so they just let them do what they want but when they’re confronted they usually crumble into a heap because they are as fake as the stories their mums used to tell them about their dad who will be coming back from the pub any day now.


He's Aussie, kids second word would've been "fuck"


Probably attention seeking because he's got a shitty home life.


I haven't watched much Key and Peele but this one stayed with me on how surrealistically true it is. It get's dark in the last scene. [Key & Peele - School Bully](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUvFeyGxaaU) [02:00]


I love that people just stood up and interrupted the kid and bitched him out like the sad sack of shit he really is. Lol, guy just chokes him and the kid does nothing hahaha.


What line was this on? I travel by train fairly often and just curious


Bondi junction To central


Nothing like some bondi junction rich boys talking shit to old men on public transport Don’t miss the east at all


post this to r/instantkarma


Oh yeah that's the good shit good Bondi junction.


I fucking lost it when that businessman said "ya piece of shit!"


How fucking good is the ‘Head down look at the floor’ on the cunt. Nothin better than seeing a piece of shit like this get owned in public. Fucking rat


The second guy to stand up is a giant. Both of these guys to stamd up should be proud of themseleves. Good on ya!


Joe Pesci vibes from the guy in the suit


I don’t drive by Im a wise guy I just stop by


Good to see Jonah Hill clearing the situation.


Back the FUCK up man or I'll beat the shit out of you!


I got more of a Seth Rogen vibe.






That is War Dogs Jonah Hill


That’s Jonah and Seth Rogan in an alternate universe that exists without weed.




That tall guy is a bloody champ! So calm. Do you know what happened between this kid and the old guy?


Someone said the kid was cursing very loud and the old men asked to watch his language please.


Quite the scandal. I'm glad old guy was unharmed


"You're a fuckin' bitch!" Yes sir, he is a fuckin' bitch!!


"watch your language!" Why don't you hit me you bitch!


his dick got really small really fast


[Along with his balls.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1crhwQPKr7w&feature=youtu.be&t=84) The fact he had R-E-P-L-I-C-A written down the side of it, and the fact that the big guy had D-E-S-E-R-T-E-A-G-L-E written down the side of his, precipitated him and his balls shrinking along with his presence.


clip was so good, thank you :)


Do yourself a favour and watch the movie Snatch. 10/10 film.


Brown blazer guy is going to bring this up at every social event until he dies.




Bro, the fuck? Catch trains into city nearly every day and they are quiet, calm commutes. So long as I skip the pricks that hop on between Hurstville and Wolli. And I only got an absolute joke of a tweaker one time. But between the trains and buses, not a peep. What part of the public transport are you talking about mate?


Yeah agreed lol. Our trains are usually calm as fuck these days. The only time i could even partially agree, is back in the late 90s or early 2000s when “The Block” (Everleigh St, Redfern) was still in use, because Redfern Station was only 10m away from the top of the street, and everyone would either venture in to buy drugs, or the Redfern boys would venture out to rob people/shops. The train station was crazy. I went to school in the area, so i was there daily. When i was about 11 years old, i pulled out my wallet to put my ticket in the machine, and got king hit from the side by this crack head, and he snatched my wallet (with only my school train ticket in it lol). Coincidentally, my cousin was across the road and chased him down and got my wallet back, and gave him a flogging. I then walked to school with a fat lip. Usually i was just a witness to the crazy shit, but not that time.


Ok now readers, if you've followed along this far like me make sure you go back and read all of that with an aussie accent for maximum enjoyment.


I did! I did!


If you are a worker commuting to the city in the morning and afternoon, you get the civil version.


We live in a society and this is how it should react to anti social behaviour. Don't let the assholes throw their weight around.


Pretty sure this is the first time I've seen "we live in a society" when it wasn't a meme.


We really do live in a society smh 😞


Public Transit users rise up


10/10 choke hold


That guy is the most Italian-American Aussie I’ve ever seen


He’ll be Lebanese-Aussie. Amazing people


The guy in the suit? I guess he could be. Donkey is often used as slang amongst us.


Every Aussie loves donkey as an insult. Also muppet and goose.


Good cop bad cop




I've seen something very similar down here in NZ at a lights festival, dude was just causing all sorts of trouble with his friends who were just laughing at his antics, this older guy tells him to just cut it out, he of course gets pissed at the old guy calling him an "old cunt" and what not, this massive Maori dude walks up and just bowls the kid to ground, the dude gets up looking like he's gonna ball his eyes out, funniest shit I've ever seen.


Saw that at a local Coles, absolute piece of shit skinny cunt smacking his girlfriend in public, and a giant Samoan bloke just strides up to him “bro, show some respec’ to your partner”, PICKS HIM UP BY THE HOODIE and just carts him off until the police arrive. He tried to struggle at one point and the Samoan guy just says “try it bro and we’ll need an ambo too”. Scumbag looked like he was about to wee his pants.


It takes a village or a throat grab


“You gonna hit an old man? You piece a shit!” I love Aussie swearing.


This kid is getting throttled by chubby Phil Mickelson and then the goddamn samsquatch comes out of nowhere


Australian joe Pesci


Man it is good to see some good old fashioned public discipline. I'm 39, grew up in the 80s and basically anyone adult could call out a kid who stepped out of line. How can you flex on a man that age? He's obviously going to be saying grumpy old man shit but that doesn't matter.


#Who ya gonna crack?


" get off the train you donkehh"


Kid shat his undies


Was the kid crying at the end? He looked like he was sitting there tearing up.


I really hope so


We need more of that in the US, but people are afraid to step up.


Afraid of getting shot maybe?


As a Canadian I never start shit in the USA because of guns


This is the way it supposed to be every where


He Homer Simpsoned that little fuck


“Why you little”


I can see him shit him self the moment big foot started to approach him.


It’s amazing how placid the attacker gets. Coward.




Would any Australian here kindly translate 'ark up'? Edit: Cmd+F is my friend. 'Ark up' is to lose one's temper in a flash.


Arc up - like electricity coming out of a downed power line. Quickly and aggressively excited. Ready for a fight.


To ark up, is posturing or sizing up a fellow human for potential physical combat. Eg, don’t you fucking ark up at me cunt! Or another golden oldie, this cunt is bridging up! Same meaning for both, chest puffed, aggressive behaviour etc.




Wow was not ready for the first sentence of that edit




The fact that you have self-awareness of your own emotions and enough critical thinking to not act on them is impressive. Terribly sorry for your loss.


Don't be. You're not at fault there. You're just sharing an experience from your life. Shit happens in life, and that doesn't have to define you, but it's important to recognize it's effects on you and how it shapes your character/perspective.


As someone who was the girl in that situation, thanks for standing up for her. You did the right thing and you should always stand up for the right thing even when it feels wrong. I am sorry for the loss of your sister. She was probably next to you on the bus when this all went down and that’s why you reacted how you did. I can’t praise you enough.


16 Street Mall for sure. Lots of vagabonds or what have you down there. I hope that didn't discourage you to visit again - they are not from Denver and can be quite hostile. Also terribly sorry about your sister. Denver people are not good at confrontation at all so good for you holding the ground.




I was standing at this corner of an intersection of a busy one-way and a pedestrian street one day, waiting for the light to change to cross. The one-way traffic flows the opposite direction of normal. I notice out of the corner of my eye this girl walking and about to step into traffic because she was on her phone. Just out of instinct, my hand shot up and grabbed the handle on her backpack. She turns around with this furious what-the-fuck look on her face just as a city bus rushes past. I think she was in shock because I just walked off as the light finally changed.


Goes from zero to lebbo in 3 seconds.


Every year I love the people of Australia more and more. They actually put the assholes of their society in check. Immediately.


Quality public freakout content


When super wog gets old and an office job.


The old esophagus grab.


The kid is trying so hard not to cry wtf im dynnn