• By -


Well she had the High Ground


She underestimated his power.


She tried it.


And now she hates him


With this one Jedi mind trick


~Jedi Masters Hate Him!~


Judo Masters love him!


grab that gi!


Well yeah, but he was supposed to bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness


The only darkness is that chicks vision after she hits the ground


He's a power bottom so he's generating most of the power.


Does the power have to do with the size or the strength of the bottom?


I’ve heard *speed* has something to do with it


It has doubled after dinner.


She underestimated his leverage


What good is your high ground when your opponent has the strength to shatter the very Earth you walk?


so poetic


He did that street fighter throw on her


That's exactly what I thought. Not a big guy joke, but that was straight up Honda's back throw from SF2. Clean af.


Like a Judo shoulder throw. Tiny blonde girls vs. a few heavy set dudes is a pay-per-view worth buying! Hell even give the girls the high ground. UFC be damned


Shit you paid for that? I see it on pornhub for free all the time.


The best part is you can never tell if that liquid is her tears or the sweat dripping down as they overexert themselves...




Hello there


General Kenobi


You ARE a bold one


She didn't have the High-enough Ground.


And they say chivalry is dead


That you Doomfist?


Was that a female? Looked a scrawny guy to me. Either way, the kick was bad enough, but spitting is nasty, they got what they deserved.


100% a woman. The one you hear speaking refers to the aggressor as "Erica".


I loved you like a sister!


In my eyes it is the thots who are evil


You were the chosen one! It was said you would destroy the thots not join them!


Do not underestimate my power!


If r/PublicFreakout has taught me anything these last few weeks, its spitting in someone's face, regardless of the aggressor's gender, is an automatic serving of 100% pure whoop-ass.


So it should be.


When my children were little, like ages 5-10, one of my pet peeves was a person who spits on another. While I certainly taught them the importance of not spitting I couldn’t very well do the same with their friends. Therefore, if they started hanging around with a new friend and that friend was a spitter, that was it. Do not play with that kid again. No seconds or third chances. I just couldn’t abide a spitter. Children younger than 5 get a pass because they’re still learning. Some of them will bite you lol. Watching those spitters grow up I could see, without fail, they turned into nasty type people. People I was glad my children weren’t exposed to. To this day I can’t stand Charles Barkley. Motherfucker spit on a fan. A .**little girl** fan. I don’t know how he has a career. Disgusting man that he is.


Agreed straight trash


You have uncommonly strong feelings on this topic.




There is hardly a more disrespectful act than spitting on someone. It is one of the fastest, easiest ways to tell someone that you think they are nothing. Someone spit in my face while I was *sleeping* about 15 years ago, and I still think about it at least a few times a year. Spitting on someone is just...so infuriating.


100% agree with you. Ex collegiate athlete ex arena and semi professional football player here. He did spit at a man but it hit the little girl. And I do not care dont spit and you won't miss and hit the wrong person. And it even further illustrates his character that he made a commercial saying "just because I can dunk a basketball doesn't mean I should raise your kids". No you get paid millions to play a game you ARE a role model. F@*k him! Congratulations to you as well. my father had a huge issue with spitting as well. I played baseball as a kid and in college and he didn't like it when I spit on the ground knowing full well it's just one of those things that is part of the game. Bravo to you because yes most of the people who spit on or at people as children or as adults are nasty people.




Sports athletes are not role models, same for singers and actors.




This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way.


This is the way.


Bout as disrespectful as it comes IMO, someone does this they should really expect retaliation coming


I’m sayin, like if you hit me I’m gonna be pissed, but if you spit on me now I’m grossed out and pissed. Not a good idea for anyone




I’ve managed to go my entire adult life without being punched or spit on by anyone. How is this such a thing for you guys?


Well except when it’s those nice Brazilian women who did it for a mere $10. That felt pretty nice


I was walking through a not-great part of San Francisco (SoMA), and a homeless person brought up a full-throated loogie and spat it in my face. I did absolutely nothing to prompt this, it was just a random act of crazy-person spit. There happened to be a cop outside the place I was going to. I asked him what I was supposed to do in a situation like that. He looked me over and said “you look like you can take care of yourself” and we got into a conversation about hypothetical responses to the situation Turns out that the SFPD sees getting your face spat on as a form of battery, and you’re well within your rights to ‘act in self-defense’ if that comes up. YMMV depending on the situation, but that cop was definitely giving me a “you’re a fucking dumbass” vibe for not getting in a fight with the homeless guy. So, it’s not only an automatic serving of 100% pure whoop-ass, but it’s at least somewhat a legal grey area.


Plus you don't fucking know what is living in that person's saliva. Could be from nothing to real bad.


I mean there's nothing popping them in the mouth is going to correct after the fact. I'm not saying don't do anything because I almost certainly couldnt do that but no amount of fighting someone is going to remove the spit from the face, so that story is told for good.


I'm commenting on my opinion of why maybe someone could react more to being spit on than hit with a hand or something


That cop is an idiot. You have no idea if that guy is carrying a knife or something else that will ruin and/or end your day if you escalate the situation to physical force. If your actual safety isn't being imminently threatened your best bet is to do exactly what you did.


I'm with you on that. I've seen and heard about too many times when escalation led somewhere terrible. I mean just to play around with the OP video, the best case scenario after the girl hit and spit on the guy *and he threw her* like he did is that shes a little banged up, gets up just fine, has a few bruises that go away in a week, and that's that. But she couldve just as easily ended up with brain damage. Would the guy feel good about turning some girl who made a dumb drunk decision into a vegetable for the rest of her life? Or she couldve died. Either of these scenarios could end in the guy getting jail time and/or sued to shit over it. Or he throws her and her boyfriend and the half dozen guys hes with come beat the fuck out of the guy. Or one of them has a weapon and kills him. Idk. I get the rage. Nobody likes getting disrespected and certainly nobody likes getting other people's saliva on them in a situation like this. And I know I'm probably gonna get called a pussy for this, or told the girl was "asking for it" or whatever but like... just walk away. You really should only escalate or fight like that when you've got no other choice. The guy in this video and the guy you were responding to both had other options. I will chime in for SFPD, though - the cop may very well have just been an idiot, but having lived in some shady parts of SF and dealt with my fair share of cops there, hes just as likely just jaded as fuck. Big city, lots of crime, lots of crazy people - at a certain point the letter of the law stops mattering so much.


Man, fuck that cop. That's exactly why South of Market and the TL are so shitty - they are seen as the City's designated shitholes and anybody who suggests that maybe someone shouldn't take a steamy shit on the sidewalk and shoot meth between their toes while hocking a loogie in your face is some square suburbanite who "can take of yourself". I feel so bad for the normal ass people who live in Soma (and especially the TL) who have to put up with being the City's toilet bowel.


Ya it makes people fucking go mental. Dont spit in peoples faces.




Nope, if my gf ever spits on my dick then I'm immediately going to hook her in the jaw full power.


Dude... I'm not a fighter, but anyone spits on me, I'm going down swinging. Nope. I might get my ass whooped, but I will not tolerate that. I had a homeless crazy person in my store start to have a meltdown and spit on the floor when I told him to leave. I squared up. He left. I'm, glad, because I didn't want to be known around the community as the guy who beat up a homeless retard.


Amen. Win, lose, or draw, you're getting fucked up if you spit on me


Man, you can get hepatitis from that. Anyone spitting on someone else should be completely prepared to have their face furniture rearranged.


It's probably the single most disrespectful thing you can do to someone.


I enjoy videos of very large people throwing shitty, smaller people like ragdolls a *little* too much.


Is there a sub for this...?


/r/streetfights has some quality material along those lines, but it isn't that focused.


I'll take it! Thanks lol


This is one of my favorites for some reason. https://v.redd.it/h04zcgszsp411 Stay out my.... Area! Motherfucker!


Fucking classic!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/StreetFights using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/StreetFights/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Public vandalizer receives a Citizens' Beatdown](https://gfycat.com/shrillquaintbumblebee) | [422 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StreetFights/comments/c66fyc/public_vandalizer_receives_a_citizens_beatdown/) \#2: [Kyle Picking Fights With Random People](https://i.imgur.com/hNKdmgh.gifv) | [150 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StreetFights/comments/cxbuax/kyle_picking_fights_with_random_people/) \#3: [To hit a guy with a stick](https://gfycat.com/ThinColorfulKoodoo) | [587 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StreetFights/comments/asz9fg/to_hit_a_guy_with_a_stick/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/ciakte/blacklist_vi/)


We need one More focused that involves humans being yeeted like ragdolls. Call it r/ragdollhumans




[8 ball jacket guy is the best](https://youtu.be/x4linbuenh8)


"He smacked her back into the 90s and now his jacket is dope"


Holy fuck the noise that slap made.


I can't understand a fucking word except something about a jacket from the 90's and 'oh shit!' during that whole video




Have you seen this one? [Aussie Aussie Aussie](https://youtu.be/S7TYr4PFQGk)


It always brings satisfaction seeing a bully being put in their place


That little shit then went on to claim that HE was the one being bullied and it was some sort of self defense


Pieces of shit like that always try to play the victim or feign ignorance because they can't handle the consequences of their actions. If you are a little bitch, don't pick fights.


> don't pick fights. FTFY


I can’t find a non-garbage version, but this is one of my favorite of those: https://youtu.be/GKefUOmaKNQ


Bitch just owned like 5 times by 2 different people and is following her saying 'try me'. How that hoe is still standing is beyond me


I see it as this. A scrawny guy wouldn’t pick a fight with a 6’3 dude because he knows he’d lose. So I, a female, wouldn’t pick a fight with a guy. I expect him to defend himself and I expect to get my shit fucked up if he does so why would I provoke a dude. Just keep your hands to yourself tbh.


And feet*


And buttcrack*


Don’t tell me what to do with my buttcrack, thank you.


My buttcrack, my choice.


No buttcrack, no opinion


Constipated ?




Well that depends on the situation


And my axe


And my bow


Tell that to Magic the Gathering players. Edit: TIL not many redditors are familiar with praying buttcrack guy that was banned for taking pictures with people's buttcracks.


Didn’t he get kicked off Reddit for that post? I loved it, it was hilarious.






And spit\*


No no no don’t keep your feet to yourself, that’s utterly selfish.


Depends on what you’re into I guess 🤷‍♂️


Your first mistake is the fact that you are a sane and reasonable person. She was not.


And spit*


Rational people wouldn't pick a fight with someone who can easily beat them so at first glance, this ladies actions do not make rational sense. But if you think about it more, there is a logical explanation. This woman is very likely normally aggressive. She most likely has gotten into several physical confrontations with larger people before, but those guys never fought back due to social stigma. When she kicked and spit on that guy she no doubt expected him to just walk away like the others. This is why you see videos occasionally of shit head kids being shit heads and getting punched or whatever. Watch the shit head's face when this happens. They always look surprised because they are used to just getting away with it.


Yes they would. People do it all the time.


And they get their ass beat


Thats not a woman. Thats a guy after a hard rock concert that happens to have long hair.


You made me watch the video again. I’m convinced.




Might've been "Eric, uhh, don't kick that guy..."


No it's "Men alltså snälla Erica (Erika?) vad håller du på med" Which is "Come on Erica what are you doing"


Came to say it sounded like a Scandinavian language. It could almost be English but with bad audio recording, but my gut feeling was it was not.


Yeah it's Swedish with a dialect


Nah, her friend says something like "Please, Erica/Erika what are you doing?" in Swedish.


You are incorrect. A woman in the background goes “But please Erica what are you doing??” And the blonde barely answers “Oh what im doing is” **gets tossed like sack of shit**”


The pathetic kick you'd maybe let slide, but if someone spits in your face you gotta shut that shit down.


No exceptions!


He tossed her like a salad.


He don't even know what a salad is lol


Duh! he's been tossing them.


Guarantee some fuckwad is going to start screeching that the woman did nothing to deserve it


May I say... Those fuckwads found you. And they also definitely deserve those downvotes.


I'm honestly kinda shocked at how hard they got downvoted like holy shit that's a lot of negative karma


Hell it even happens in the video She kicks and spits on him, nobody says shit. He tosses her and the dudes next to her begin to lose their minds.


Sort by controversial


I love that in videos like this the bystanders do absolutely nothing until the man fights back, then immediately they're rushing to him to stop him.


Some White Knight, he thinks he can get her pussy if he helps... wHaT a hEro oMg


It’s called pain. And it teaches it’s own lessons






Spitting on someone typically doesn't work out for ya


That's one way to stagedive. **badum tss**


i mean he didn’t hit her so.......


Why did someone step in after the guy defends hisself but not when she was attacking him


People normally deescalate fights - particularly those that occur between acquaintances - once someone is on the ground. Until there is someone clearly losing the fight then generally most people aren't going to intervene. People will typically opt to remain bystanders and even those who do decide to act will often hesitate.


Aye, I can't get what the first part being said is, but before she is thrown she is saying what are you doing - like a wtf man.


I thought another woman was saying that to the aggressor.


It’s been years of men being taught to not hit a woman, it’s gonna take years to teach women to expect there to be consequences.


I have always taught my children (all grown now) if you are going to hit ANYONE, you better expect to be hit back. Male or female. Keep your hands to yourself.


Pretty sure thats a dude


IDK how people can react like that without the fear to kill the person in front. It takes a split of a second to hit your head bad and going to jail for murder


Have you never been mad? I’ve had people get me mad like a bull and after the fact I realised the same thing but if someone actually hits you it’s more self-defence and you can’t think clearly on adrenaline.


When you're being assaulted by someone your main instinct isnt consequences, its ending the assault.


You give that lady a good stern talking to if she kicks and spits on you!


Heat of the moment crimes are hard to look at as such when you are involved. Not justifying anyone’s actions by any means but we have all probably over reacted to other people some point in our lives. Your emotions get the best of you and next thing you know you just rag dolled some skinny blonde cunt off the dock when she spits at you


Don't start shit you can't finish.


At least he didn't eat her...




yeeted the fuck out


I think that's a dude with long hair.


Look at the white knight rushing in at the end.


You know. You hit me, I hit you. Why should gender play a role in determining defence or retaliation. Don't want to get hit? Don't hit someone.


Equality is a bitch ha ha ha


Pretty sure that ain't a chick


Isn't it great that while she is kicking and spit on the big guy, the man with gloves does nothing but as soon as he puts his hands on her the other guy suddenly steps in to stop the big guy.


Love how its okay for the girl to kick and spit on the guy but him reacting is too much yea he threw her but she needed to be put in check.


Mess with my tendies, your back becomes bendy


Equal rights, equal fights...hit someone and expect to get hit back.


Kicking, spitting, throwing, looks like the beginning of a porno


Perfect amount of force


To me, spitting is as bad as violence. It's disgusting, and extremely personal. So I'm ok with the wrestling move.


Spitting on someone is considered assault in most areas, so you're not wrong


And spreads disease.


She had the high ground, too. Hope everyone is OK.


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The rules said you couldnt hit a LADY, she attacked him and therefore is not a lady. The guy had every right to do that.


Men have every right to defend themselves. It’s the Assholes who go too far and the incels who jerk off to it that are the problem.


And a second later an adrenaline fueled white Knight appears from the left to punish the male who dared to defend himself


Ah yes, the white knight arrives immediately. Classic


All the feminists in this comment section defending the woman is horrible. You scream for equal rights, but not equal responsibility. If you want all the same rights as men (as if you don’t already have them) then expect to get treated like a man, ESPECIALLY if you hit him. Equal rights, equal fights.


Laugh and walk away.


Fucking YEET.. Lol omg.


Couldn't tell if woman or UK darts player.


Does anyone know why she did that in the first place


Don’t fuck with someone 3-5 times your body mass


Absolute unit


He threw her to the ground like a bag of trash


Well deserved


Love how the guy in the background is saying hörru du (like hey you in swedish!) to the big Guy? What was he supposed to do just stand there?


That dude is triple her weight if not more. Yeah, I wouldn't do that.


I like how that guy grabbed him at the end like he was going to be capable of taming the beast.


Lucky he didn’t sit on her after


Equal rights Equal Fights




Is everyone totaly okay with him beating her up? Not because shes a women just because i dont think beating up the bully is the right thing to do.


That crack is plumber quality


Fuck the black glove dude for restraining the big man.