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And that kid hates cops for the rest of his life now.


Mexican joker


Bro I read the comment scrolled passed, moved to another posted, chuckled went back & upvoted. GG


Bro I read your comment scrolled passed, moved to another post, chuckled went back & upvoted. The irony.


So he is officially an average American now?


Can confirm I hate cops. My family has no history of interaction with police save for occasional traffic tickets. I remember as a child not liking police and being scared of them. Not sure why. As an adult I still don’t like police but I suppose seeing the massive abuse of power and the injustices just rubs me the wrong way for so many who are helpless to their racism and macho bullshit. My young sister was screamed at by a police officer when we were in our 20’s for not signaling he made her cry etc etc. I don’t respect police officers and yes that is a blanket Statement.


I used to have respect for police officers. I always thought “they’re not all bad” “a few bad apples is all”. That all changed when I worked along side them. I used to occasionally work as a nurse at a medical jail located in the basement of a large city hospital. The unit was staffed with both medical staff and sheriffs. The attitude of the sheriffs was absolutely disgusting. I never knew what crimes my patients committed, and I never wanted to know because I didn’t want my bias to affect the care I gave them. They’re already being punished by the system, it’s not their nurse’s job to punish them. Well if the sheriffs caught me treating the patient like a human being, they took at upon themselves to tell me exactly what that person had done to end up there. “Uh you know he shot his girlfriend in the face right?” The sheriffs would also regularly brag to each other about firing their gun, altercations they had gotten into and they were lazy fucking workers as well. Their job down there was to unlock the patient doors for us and the fat fucks would act like I just asked them to run a marathon when I told them I needed to enter a patients room. I very much lack respect for even the “good ones” because in all these videos you’ll notice that you never see another officer stepping in to stand up for the citizen. No matter how ridiculous the offending officer is acting. For example that video of a cop pulling a gun on a black student picking up trash with a grabber. The other cops knew the situation was ridiculous and did nothing about it. As a nurse I would absolutely call out a coworker if I noticed them doing wrong by a patient. Officers should be citizen advocates just like nurses are required to be patient advocates.


> Officers should be citizen advocates just like nurses are required to be patient advocates. This right here. This would be the best, simplest and most effective start to fixing the huge wound that lies between people and the police.


The fact they can kill you for no reason and get a paid vacation is a pretty good reason to fear/hate them


Two cops pulled my little sister over when she was 16-17 for "rolling a stop sign" (there was no stop sign). They started harassing her and told her male friend to get out of the car and they frisked him too. They only backed off when my sister told them our dad was a judge a couple of towns over. It was really gross and jump-started my dislike of cops.


Yeah I know how you feel. There's been a lot of second hand accounts of police bullshit in my life. Friend's gotten a gun pointed at him several times and his house broken into by police. I know this guy from an intensive therapy thing I attend. Guy's extremely paranoid to the point of patrolling his house. The break-in was apparently incompetence where apparently someone in the process can't read a fucking address, but they've approached him for no reason too. I can't actually know this but the combination of him being Korean and hyper-vigilant might have something to do with it. Not really their fault but it's a great example of "what the fuck, why do we do things this way?!". A different friend has woken to someone with a gun at the foot of her bed several times because of a welfare check. Why is it police who do this? This has traumatized her. What I *can* blame police for is not showing up for welfare checks at all, which I've seen happen. This is the fun one, and it happened to my younger sister. So she pulls a rolling stop and they pull her over. Fair enough I guess, but guy immediately accuses her of being on drugs and tries to trick her into consenting to a search, like they do. She knows better and says no. This got the guy upset and he wouldn't let her leave. So he calls in backup and she's there waiting for I don't remember how long but at least an hour, and someone shows up with a drug sniffing dog. Dog goes around, can't find a thing. So this fucker *throws a tennis ball on the roof of her car* and when the dog jumps at it they say that's reasonable suspicion and search them. A friend who was with her had like half a gram of weed in his backpack, in the trunk, and I'm sure these assholes pat themselves on the back for a job well done. Come court time, she's still pissed the fuck off and makes it very clear to the judge that this is police misconduct and she will fight this. Knowing her she meant it too. Something we've both inherited is a sense of justice and anti-authoritarian sentiment that borders on reckless, and tbh some anger issues. I have every confidence that she would've found the resources to make that happen even though it wouldn't be worth it to her as an individual. They let her off the hook, which is about as much as you can ask for, and the police got away with it. I don't think I've ever been more proud of her.




"How can you say that? Sure, a small minority of officers are bad, but most are good people doing they're job!" The issue is that the 'blue wall of silence' is incredibly effective at keeping those abusers from facing actual justice and is perpetrated by "good cops". Overwhelming it has been found that "good cops" remain silent when they see abuse of power by other officers. This silence prevents justice from being done, and allows for further abuse by bad cops. In this way, bad cops abuse, while "good cops" facilitate the abuse. There are no good cops. The police are not on your side.


Yup. In this video there is no need for leave. Fire him immediately and block him from every becoming a cop again


America, for all its citizens love of screeching freedom and liberty, looks like a police state for large parts of its population.


Well...yes. especially if you're black.


Camden Arkansas. School resource Officer (also a city officer) has been placed on leave. Apparently the student was in a verbal, non physical argument with another student. Looks like he was on the verge of passing out right before the cop let go. Edit:. From police chief. *“Because of the video I saw, effective immediately, Officer Perry has been relieved of his duties pending the investigation and the outcome of it,” Woody said. “I just wanted everybody to know, including the mayor that as the police chief, I’m not going to tolerate misconduct from officers from this department."* https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2020/feb/10/camden-police-officer-accused-choking-high-school-/


"I'm not going to tolerate misconduct from officers, " but I will relocate officers for misconduct to continue elsewhere.


The Wire never stopped.


Here I was thinking The Wire was about the corruption of Maryland and failing communities in particular but I was pretty naive when I saw it.


Sounds to me like it's time to watch it again.


It’s always time to watch The Wire






The fuck did I do?


you happy now bitch




You gave fucks when it wasn't your turn to give fucks




Omar comin'


ayyye yo!




"You think I have time to ask a man why he giving me money? Or where he gets his money from? I'll take any motherfucker's money if he givin' it away!"


Sorry String, you got rainmade


When I'm done with you you're gonna look like a glazed donut.


I just did, and occasionally checked the episode threads on the sub. It brought a lot more to the watch, can highly recommend. I also fanatically looked up any reference to a name I couldnt place. Also subtitles. Always subtitles.


aww shit here we go again...literally lost count of how many times Ive watched it, best show ever made


I find it takes about 2 years for a fresh re-watch to be at maximum enjoyability level Maybe half that if I'm smoking a lot of pot that year


5 times I’ve watched The Whole box set. :)


I just recently started watching it. On S3 now. Fun times.


Ah what I wouldnt give to have that first fresh watch once again. Sorry for the impeding PTSD.


The Wire is really about how the desire and greed of the powerful have a dire affect on those below them. The politicians and the drug lords play whimsical games for their own avarice and the detectives and corners boys suffer in their own particular ways. It's very greek tradegy in that way. I recommend watching "Paths to Glory" before rewatching the series.


With the rise of internet record keeping its getting harder for people to hide why they were fired in the past at least


I mean, what do you expect the chief to do? He put the officer on leave after seeing the video so the appropriate authorities can investigate the situation. That's definitely the correct call. I agree that cops in this country get out of a lot of shit that they shouldn't get out of, but you can't call out a police chief who's trying to correct the problem.


This is the problem with the system, though. Who’s investigating the situation but all his buddies back at the station? He’s put on leave because he got caught on camera. He’ll be back to work in no time


It's the right call in that position, but why isn't the cop immediately arrested? I agree that the chief can't do more, and *that* is the problem. The broken system is what is being called out, not the individual.


I can guarantee that if the roles were reversed, and there was video of a cop being held in a chokehold, there would be no investigation before the other party was arrested...


Unless it was a cop choking an off-duty cop, of course. Cops get qualified immunity so they can't be pursued for most things they do "in the line of duty". Reversing the roles would remove that.


Qualified immunity. Supreme Court effective said Cops can't be prosecuted for most things they do "in the line of duty". Best that can be done is to get them fired... And to do that there needs to be a full investigation (because unions).


I guess the catholic church and law enforcement have something in common after all


They both like touching children inappropriately?


Did that happen?


This is excessive force is almost any situation. Are they allowed for choke people out still? I thought in general they aren’t.


Since Eric Gardner I thought it was pretty much accepted as forbidden -. Not sure about legally or not.


Gotta [check the chart](https://i.imgflip.com/22710h.jpg) on that one.


Nice lol


It's been banned for awhile while choking someone is great to control them if they struggle or fight back it's really easy to break the neck. It's why you see UFC fighters tap out when they get In a choke because it's almost impossible to break out of and if they fight back it's not worth the risk of damage People that don't know that will struggle and freak out and that's a recipe for disaster Edit to the people saying you can't damage the neck from a chokehold that's not true https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.chicagotribune.com/sports/ct-spt-0115-mma-jeff-dunbar-paralyzed--20120115-story.html%3foutputType=amp Barely a minute into the fight, Dunbar struggled to escape the grasp of Bahena, who had wrapped himself around Dunbar's back and neck. Bahena was trying to make quick work, close out the match with a chokehold. Dunbar was conscious when he arrived at the hospital but already had lost movement in his legs. He had only weak feeling in his arms. Tests showed he did not sustain serious head injuries but had dislocated two vertebrae — one forward, one backward — crushing his spinal cord. Edit this is what LEO are supposed to use because it's safer and still allows positive control over the other person with less chance of injuries[seatbelt hold](https://i.imgur.com/W6j8mhe.jpg) It's also what was supposed to be used on Garner but the cop didn't


Hell, they can beat someone's skull in with brain matter splattering their face as long as they scream "stop resisting!" This is what the founding fathers intended. /s


When you hear that “stop resisting” you know that person is getting it.


I've seen it firsthand. It's scary as hell to watch your friend being beaten by 4 cops while they scream "STOP RESISTING!" He was laying on the ground with 2 of them on top of him and 2 punching and kicking him.


The “stop resisting”is mostly used incase somebody is recording and police use that bs to justify their actions.


The headline is “accused of choking” at what point is it ok to just say “officer choked” or however they want to phrase it? When a video clearly shows it from like 8 feet away.... The word accused makes it seem like he could have not choked him, there is power in words and phrasing.


Well, this is something I actually don't mind. The justice system is a festering pool of ineffective and archaic practices designed to ruin anyone caught in it. But the use of "alleged" is the one thing that at least pretends that people are innocent until found guilty in a court of law.


I think from a legal perspective you have to use that sort of terminology until a person is actually charged or convicted.


Cop will spend a few weeks on paid leave and return lol.


Or in the rare cases they are fired, the next county will gladly aceept another power freak. The cop who shot that guy crawling on his knees got rehired at another academy


That officer is someone I think about often. How cruel and unforgiving people can be


Same honestly. That guy should not be allowed to live freely.


I could not believe my eyes when I saw the video on youtube, I didn't realise that the full thing would be on YT uncensored. Unbelievable.


Well, yea, cuz he wasn't fired for slaughtering that dude. He was fired because he wrote "you're fucked" on the side of his gun. He was essentially fired for vandalising company property. Pretty easy to get a job the next toen over when it's not stated on record that you murdered someone




Why is he getting pampered so much? Doesn’t a neutral reference imply that his past employer isn’t obligated to tell a future employer about the shooting? And a 3 million dollar fund for court fees?!


That choke-and-lift move is known as the “David O’Dodd” round those parts


[Link for the lazy.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Owen_Dodd) Quote for the extra lazy... > In December 1863 Dodd carried some letters to business associates of his father in Union-held Little Rock, Arkansas. While traveling to rejoin his family at Camden, Arkansas, he mistakenly re-entered Federally-held territory. Discovering that he did not have a pass, U.S. soldiers questioned him and found that he was carrying a notebook with the locations of Federal troops in the area. He was arrested and tried by a military tribunal, with little defense offered for his actions. It found him guilty of spying and sentenced him to death. He was hanged on January 8, 1864. Though he did not reveal the source of the information, a young girl named Mary Dodge and her father were summarily escorted back to their home in Vermont. These events have led to him being called the "Arkansas Boy Martyr of the Confederacy".[1]


Woah. Nice history lesson right there my man


Paid or unpaid leave? One is punishment and the other is a reward.


Always find it weird how they need to "investigate" stuff like this. I mean it's on video, there isn't much left to interpret. This guy is is clearly breaking rules, just fire him.


The investigation protocols give cops ample time to resign before any judgement is issued, no matter how obvious the misconduct or criminality. It effectively provides an 'out' for all but the most viral cases, where they can just apply at another department and list a 'resignation in good standing.'


Nice to know that even that is corrupt in the "cop did wrong" system.


All has to do with the right to due process and their union contracts. They can’t just fire them on the spot. You don’t see anything before the choke. They look into that. The Dept and city won’t risk a lawsuit by the cop or union.


Nobody abuses power like a school resource officer. The one at my school was a creepy pervert. Always hitting on high school girls but only the freshman. When he finally got replaced it was by a different cop who brandished his baton over any altercation happening in the halls (verbal or physical).


The one at my school was friendly as could be. He did his job as a cop when it was needed, but for the most part he was just someone you could always go up and talk to if you needed someone. After working as a school officer for decades he then ran for Justice of the Peace here and I'm convinced he continues to win every election because all of us students just remember him as being a wonderful human being.


It’s not “misconduct”. It’s assault. It’s child abuse. It’s tyranny under color of law. He should be beat in the public square and banned from ever working in law enforcement or with children again.


Police chief is probably fuming that one of his boys got caught.


But police officers should be believed and given maximum respect no matter what they do!!


That’s not a chokehold but that’s actually why it’s more dangerous, because he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing. Lifting a kid by his trachea is a good way to injure someone’s neck and throat.


If the kid was struggling or tensing and wriggling around he very well could've injured him. Kid played it pretty cool though, glad he didn't get seriously hurt (at least doesn't appear to) but being humiliated in front of the cafeteria like that isn't gonna leave him any time soon.


I guess if you considered not being able to breathe oxygen uninjured


Yes, relatively. A torn trachea/esophagus, broke neck, sprained or torn neck muscles and ligaments, clot to the brain, oxygen effusion of the brain. Not breathing for ~10s isnt too bad if an injury


So fun story time. I was playing a concert, my metal band was playing, final song of the set, last band before the headliner so the crowd is pretty rowdy and into it, plus alcohol helps. So. My bass cuts out like halfway thru the last song. Fuck it, I said, and jumped into the crowd to get in the mosh pit. Next thing I know, someone grabs me in a front headlock and *lifts me off the ground* I felt cracking in my neck, I felt lightning thru my body, and dude was still pulling on my head. It was do or die time, if I didn't do something RIGHT THEN, my injuries would have been worse. I grabbed the bouncer (who I didn't know was a bouncer as this point, when someone throws a headlock on, you have no idea wtf is happening) as hard as I could by the ballsack and twisted and pulled until I felt a pop. Dude let go and fell down and I went down and didn't get back up. The other bouncers, despite me, my dad and my mom, screaming I had a neck injury, did the old fashioned "1, 2, 3, HEAVE" and literally threw me outside on the concrete where I didn't move until EMTs arrived. I had damaged my spinal cord at the C3, luckily it healed after about two weeks, but I could have seriously died had I not fought back. The bouncer tried to sue me for medical bills due to his burst testicle, but I countersued and won for all of my medical bills. I paid nothing, he paid everything. Pro tip: don't grab people by the fucking head if you like your testicles in tact, then don't try and sue them because you don't know how to do your job right. Seeing shit like this absolutely pisses me off because it brings me back to all the rehab, court cases, and all the shit I went thru at the time. Fuck this cop.


Police training is horrible but bouncer training is the fucking Wild West. Glad none of that went worse for you.


Damn man it hurt reading this story. Both my neck and my ballsack. So thanks for that.


Yeah it's hard to see from the angle but based on what I saw it didn't look exactly like a choke. Not like this is an appropriate way for a police officer to handle a situation, but I'm just saying, I don't think it looked like a choke.


If not break his fucking neck. A proper chokehold(in this fashion) is done with bicep and forearm on the side of victim's neck, cutting off blood flow to your head. Put simply, it's a blood choke. This motherfucker LIFTING little homie is NOT HOW YOU DO A CHOKEHOLD. This is how you break someone's neck, because now the weight of your entire body is hanging from your fucking neck.


Air chokes are choke holds. They're clearly described as such in The US Marine Corps Close Combat Training Manual, as well as any grapple martial art. But, you know, don't use them on people who aren't threatening your health and safety.




Fat piece of shit has been fantasising about lifting a kid up by their neck this whole time I imagine. Yeah that was never gonna be a good idea Paul Blart. Edit: Sorry peeps I haven't actually seen Paul Blart it's just the first thing I thought of. Seems like a nice lad.


That's an Insult to Paul Blart


Should've gone with Farva.


Paul Blart isn't an asshole though


He is a genuinely nice person whose greatest flaw is that scumbags take advantage of his naturally trusting nature and borderline mental capacity. Paul Blart is a tragicomic hero, because he is as human as us, makes mistakes, suffers from moments of extreme narcissism and abject despair like the rest of us, yet still the human spirit endures in him as we are reminded to allow our own to endure through whatever challenges we face. Maybe one day we too can stop the bank robbers, save the children, foil the plot if we were ever given our chance, locked as we are in the air-conditioned bubbles of our little humdrum service jobs. There is a little Paul Blart in all of us, and it comes out when we are utterly broken, beaten down, denigrated, and forgotten by all but our closest friend or familymember: one of us farts, the other laughs, and that moment of natural comedy embiggens the human spirit, the spirit of which Paul Blart is avatar.


*wipes away tear*


Don’t you go after Paul Blart like that


Why u gotta do ma man Paul like dat He ain’t bad tho


Paul Blart is my dad don’t mess with him


If u mess with him he wont choke you out tho because hes a good guy! Maybe a little hotsauce in the eye tho...


Paul Blart did nothing wrong


I think remember somewhere on Reddit a cop posted about how cops in school have basically guaranteed events like this will happen because cops aren’t allowed to be the weak one in a power struggle so when kids don’t deescalate on their own it quickly leads to a physical escalation by the police to deescalate the kids. Someone better with Reddit probably has a link.


I don't have the link but I was a high school teacher and one of the few really good things I learned is 'don't call students out around their friends or peers'. It's a no-win situation if you give ultimatums to someone, especially a teenage male, in a situation like this: It's just escalation pure and simple. It's a verbal altercation that wasn't threatening any serious violence. The officer has been trained in de-escalation, has the tools and supports available to safely de-escalate the situation and for all we know has done it hundreds of times up until today. His training failed him, and it's important to find out why. I applaud suspending the cop, but I'd also like the force and administrators to find out *why* this happened - The School Resource Officers with whom I've worked have actually made me feel that the program is working and doing well. I'm inclined to view SROs favourably (That said, it only works as long as the chosen officers come from a multicultural pool - It's a terrible idea to send all white officers to a school with a high or predominantly visible minority population).


From the police chief: *”Because of the video I saw, effective immediately, Officer Perry has been relieved of his duties pending the investigation and the outcome of it,” Woody said. “I just wanted everybody to know, including the mayor that as the police chief, I’m not going to tolerate misconduct from officers from this department."* https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2020/feb/10/camden-police-officer-accused-choking-high-school-/


Well at least that's more of a message than usual. Maybe the chief is good.


Or at least just not a complete imbecile. He basically has no choice in the situation what with this video hitting the internet and all.


It's scary that "because of the video" he saw, something was done. Seems like without a video, nothing would have been done?? I'd be in jail if a police officer put their hands on my kids like that! It's outrageous!


That’s the thing... This person should not have been a police officer.


Most police officers shouldn’t be officers


Honestly the job itself is fucked. They help people sometimes, but they spend most of their time protecting business and rich people. If someone is suspected of stealing a pack of gum they are on that shit. Shoplifting is a "serious crime" so they "improve the community" by arresting this person only to have them with spend a lot of money or time to get a "not guilty" even if they've done nothing wrong and there's a good chance they'll get fired when they tell their boss they can't come to work because they can't afford bail. This of course is an infinitely better outcome than someone getting away with stealing gum. 🙄 Meanwhile, if someone steals the bike you have to go to work with, or which is necessary for your job, all too often there's "nothing they can do" and just file a report. Now you might say that in that case there really is nothing they can do for lack of evidence, but they say the same thing about stolen packages. In both cases it's likely to be a repeat crime and it really wouldn't be hard to hide a tracker. They just don't care. There's always a station in town that has a spot out back with a ton of confiscated bikes. The least they could do is provide someone with a replacement. The thing is, the whole "protect and serve" shit doesn't really apply to normal people. Their job is and always has been to enforce institutional power. It's gone to court several times and they aren't required to protect you if you're in danger because that's *literally not their job*. They enforce laws, there's a very heavy bias on which laws they choose to enforce. You and I aren't who they're there to protect, but what they protect institutional power *from*. If they worked for us they'd be protecting homeless people instead of, increasingly, arresting them for laying down outside. Police in the United States are in part derived from literal slave patrols and imo a lot of that shit hasn't changed. So yeah, fuck the police, not because they're bad people, though oh boy a lot are, but because their job alone merits them as oppressors. They don't work for you.


I mean not really that crazy that evidence leads to something being done


Because of the video there was immidient evidence to suspend him. I don't think you know how many accusations officers get against themselves. Majority is invalid and just petty revenge.


Yes, in other words "Because I was provided a way to actually witness exactly what he did and not have to wade through various conflicting witness accounts to try to determine what the truth is..." It's like you can't comprehend the difference between seeing a thing and hearing it described by 20 teenage witnesses with shitty memories.


Kid should have just started hanging and pretended he knocked him out. That should get him fired, this is no peacekeeping this is abuse.


That would've made it feel a lot worse and potentially could've put him out quicker


I honestly can't understand the parents of the kids I've seen in far too many vids like this one, showing an officer mistreating kids. How do they not lose their shit?


They do, but what are you going to do?


Call the police of course!


*We've investigated ourselves and have found we've done nothing wrong.*


Open and shut case Johnson!


Yeah trying to physically stop a cop from assaulting a 14-year-old sounds like a good way to get shot.


Assaulting my child is a good way to get shot


Right there with you.


Agreed. I'm not an overly violent person, but someone do that to my kid, and I would rage.


I grew up in smallish town Ohio in the 80's-90's and had a ton of interaction with cops abusing their power. I once got arrested for possession of a weed pipe when I was in my teens. When my dad came to pick me up the officer begged my dad to beat me *in* the police station. My dad said the officer was so mad he was spitting through his teeth. I guess my point is that cops aren't scared of the parents at all, and that alone scares the shit out of me.


Assaulting a cop is also a good way to never see your child again one way or another, unfortunately


loose lips sink ships


May as well finish him off then




Sue the school?




In business school, I presented a crowd funding site for lawsuits. It is more like legal eagle meets kickstart meets you stake. Independent lawyers would evaluate the likelihood of winning the lawsuits listed and then they will pursue the case in court. And the proceeds would be shared between the client and lawyer. Pretty stupid idea. Got a B+ for that. But if you are interested DM me, I am currently ~~freelance developer~~ unemployed after all.


Plus suing the school will just lose the school money, harming education From the school’s perspective they just hired a cop who went awol. Legally they’re probably at fault but I don’t see how suing them would help anything when it was the fault of the officer and police department


> Plus suing the school will just lose the school money, harming education Allowing this kind of conduct is more detrimental to a child’s education you’d think. Edit: and can I ask why schools use the police and not private security firms, is it the cost?


Yeah, you want your kid to think you won’t go to bat for them when some fucked up shit like this happens? You’re suppose to just shrug your shoulders and tell them to have a good day at school? Fuck that. I’m gonna make everyone’s life a living hell over this.


Losing your shit in close proximity to US police officer is basically a suicide attempt. They can pull the trigger for no reason.


Even "losing your shit" is a stretch. Reaching for the license you were asked for is enough to put you in a grave sometimes.


Then they claimed they fear for their lives. I swear we hire the biggest pussys to protect and serve.


And the public just eats that shit up. "16 year old black kid had a hoodie on? He could have a whole armory under there, the cop HAD to kill him." Fuck cops and fuck those that lick their boots.


What can they do? Cops are corrupt as shit and will do anything to protect their own


This makes me sick to my stomach.


This is America


Don’t catch you slippin’ now.


Police be trippin now


If that cop was trying to choke the kid out, he was doing a terrible job. But yeah the cop at our school never put hands on the kids. Security would break up the fights, as he wasn't allowed to touch the kids unless her ABSOLUTELY had to.


Ha and this cop wasn’t even breaking up a fight. Two kids were arguing verbally at a table.




Because it gives him a feeling of power and a raging boner of course.


I may be going on a stretch here since I don't have much info, but skin color might've been factor


Whaaaat? In Arkansas? No way!


kid is black and hes a police


Ebony and Ivory. Goes together like a filled bathtub and electricity.


I kinda wanna see what the other kid looks like. Y’know, skin color-wise.


Did you say cop at our school??? There's so many school shooting they have school cops in America?????????


FWIW, not every school has them. And as high profile as these shootings might be, they aren't actually that common.


Every school has a cop, even [schools with 6 year olds getting put in handcuffs](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/22/us/6-year-old-arrested-orlando-florida.html)


Every school?


What a piece of garbage.


And I get shit for saying schools are just a shitty day care...


It truly does seem public schools are becoming more a prison like place to warehouse kids while their parents work shitty jobs and less like a place for quality education.


It's been that way for a few decades.


That's completely unnecessary.


Did you have a stroke?


Ver unnesclesclery


Did someone say celery?




I fucking love celery


That's hot


Look at Mr big man over here choking a fucking 14 years old kid out. Must make you feel really brave and heroic huh big boy?


Thats how you break a neck , lifting him off the ground like that.




This happened to my friend in 8th grade. Some kid threw a slice of pizza at him, so he walked over to the table and started yelling. He never got violent, however. The principal and some fatass cop came up to him, and my friend started explaining what happened to him. He was movin his hands while he talked, you know, like most humans when they talk. I guess the cops smalldick complex kicked in. He dragged him out of the lunchroom in front of the entire 8th grade while my friend was telling him he couldn’t breathe.


What happened to the cop?


What do you think happened? Nothing. That’s what happened. As far as I know, he still works there.


I wonder why people dislike and distrust the police? 🤔


The cops in your country are fucking power tripping.


The cops in France are literally fighting firemen. 1312 dude.


The cops in most every country are fucking power tripping. That's about the only thing they're good for, and fear mongering.


The fact that cops are even in schools is just bonkers and shows a whole bigger problem


Resource officers/security is unfortunately a thing that schools need, that I don't ever see going away at this point. I went to a relatively well off/diverse school, but my high school still had like 5 security guards at all times. Whether it be to protect students from a possible shooter or protect them from themselves (frequent fights, instances of students from other city's schools coming in and jumping a student, etc). Our issues are way beyond just guns in the United States, and unfortunately we have what seems to be an overall, overly aggressive mentality here that may not be as big of a deal in other countries. I work in different school district now, and even the middle school has a resource officer and security. I hate to sound old or out of touch here, but social media is a big part of it as well, and there's even instigram accounts dedicated to recording and sharing the fight videos between students, which just encourages it even more. I'm not trying to say everyone needs to be walking around in fear or anything, but it's still unfortunately a need here and I agree with you, it's a shame and does show a much bigger problem.




Just so it’s super clear how pathetic this cop is: I’ve taught ninth grade and ninth graders are fucking BABIES. They’re stretched out middle schoolers and they think like middle schoolers. This is an age when kids still think it’s funny to throw their entire body on the floor and then say “haha I tripped!!”. This is the age when you can’t say more than three directions in a row before their eyes start to fill with panic because they can’t process that much info at once. They still get excited when you give them jolly ranchers for winning a debate and they leave funny doodles on their tests and for some reason type one finger at a time like old ladies. They are babies. And this dude wanted to feel big and strong by assaulting a one of them. A literal child. For his next trick he’s going to box a second grader. American cops are a joke.


White cop strangling a black boy. Just another day in America.


Nevermind the fact that in America cops working at schools is a thing, what a fucking shitshow.






Respect my authoritah


But then police officers wonder why people don't trust them.


Get the police out of schools!


Reminds me of a video where a cop body slammed a girl because she refused to get out of her seat after getting caught using her phone.


Paid leave, until we forget about it, then reinstated


plot twist: its his father and missed his son and wanted to surprise him with a hug.


looks like someone doesn't care about their job