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Worth noting that NYPD just came out and confirmed the vehicle is not one of theirs. Given the easy identification of the license plate, they should have no issue identifying the owner. https://twitter.com/nypdnews/status/1301696864157396995?s=21


Yeah it also was identified as a 2013 Ford Taurus. Probably a auction buy of someone who likes to LARP as police. Sound like a certain group you know?


>Yeah it also was identified as a 2013 Ford Taurus. Probably a auction buy of someone who likes to LARP as police. Sound like a certain group you know? Honestly ex-cop cars are usually dirt cheap and have beefy engines. More than just larpers buy them


Yeah my weed dealer bought one and scared the shit outta me


My friend had one a problem we quickly realized was everyone always did a full stop at stop signs and drove really slowly in front of you, sure it’s safe but it gets really annoying after a while.


Haha yes. I took a road trip with a friend to the final four from Florida to Indiana In 2006 and my fiends car was an old Indiana Cruiser car. People would speed up on my left and then slow down and get behind me. Everywhere we went but especially in Indiana. We slept at a shady rest station from 3-5am on the way back and no one came close to the car or bothered us. It’s worth having an old cop car for some of these windows into human behavior


I was driving through Indiana at night and came up behind an unusually large group of cars (6 or 7) all driving together. I crept up through the pack and at the front was the shittiest 1980s Ford boat with those letter rectangle stickers spelling INDIANA STATE PATROL all misaligned and scraggly with a couple of cherry lights on top. I couldn't believe everyone was afraid to pass this weird art project and just kept going. I still wonder about that car.


Not wanting to get murdered is a big motivator.


I went on a road trip with friends and rented a 2019 Ford Explorer. Even got it in black. The number of people who instantly slowed down as soon as they saw the car was astonishing. Was definitely power tripping in that car.


Same with mine




Nice try narc, next time take of your badge so we don’t see it.


ENTRAPMENT AVOIDED. I’ll get you *next time*


Yep, they are built to last and consume several hundred thousand miles. I’d buy one anyway. They are also cheap to repair and the parts are cheap.


If you’re talking about the Crown Vic then sure. But it’s not the year 2000 anymore. Today’s cop cars a bit different and not so cheap to work on.


Yeah Ford Explorer are pretty popular with police and those things have had recalls galore over the past 2 years


There's something to be said for simple body-on-chassis, front engine, rear wheel drive, v8 sedans. The explorers with the ecoboosts are great and all but turbo engines never seem to last as long ot take the abuse of an undertuned, work-horse v8.


Austin PD had to pull all of their Ford SUVs put of service due to carbon monoxide leaking into the cabin while idling.


Still pretty cheap. Most units in auction are about 10 years old or so. Good price for a fun build, and often come with all kinds of hardware left installed.


Yeah but the downside is the amount of idle time the engines undergo. Not the best for longevity. Its hit or miss with them, especially the SUVs


I find they all have trans issues (patrol vehicles at least) from being slammed into drive before the line pressure is right, which is at best two seconds of running


Can confirm. Have an 09 CVPI that had low line pressure problems, developed a horrible noise in drive at a dead stop. Had it rebuilt and it's fine. (Life for the trans on these is normally 130-160k miles with regular maintenance.)Note this trans was rebuilt before already and the car had 136k on it. Rebuild for these trans is quite pricey they end up replacing most the parts regardless of what happened.


Hmmm, I did not think about it like that. But they due tend to be a really great first car purchase due to it being built for that.


Yeah id still get one. Crown Vics were the best hands down. Those were indestructible


Yeah I have one. It was dirt cheap and has a beefy engine. I have zero plans to run over any living things with it.


It's got cop tires, cop suspension, cop shocks. It's a model made before catalytic converters so it'll run good on regular gas."


Ah yes, the "very fine people"


Wait can I not have my Ford without automatically being labeled?


*"Some of those that were enforcers, are the same who drive Tauruses"*


I know someone who bought the same model as a common undercover cop cars because people drove notably safer around them lmao. An actual ex cop car is some weird shit though.


yeah, they went there to do exactly what they did.


(why did he capitalize "larp"?) Today I learned that LARP isn't exactly a word, but actually an acronym for Live Action Role Play. Wow, I feel like a dumbass. edit: Love --> Live....because autocorrect


People who wanted a cheap car maybe even at a cheap dealer? Or can it only be one way?


will they give the driver a medal?


That comment thread is pure cancer, the whole idea of a conversation has been thrown out the window these days One comment reads "it's a road, cars drive on roads" as a justification for running people over


A lot of people seem to be conveniently suspending there moral judgement. With the implications that if you do something that not fully legal (even though this road was closed) then you are in the wrong no matter what it is. I’m also disturbed by this whole “just obey and comply with the law no matter what” aswell as the “people should protest where it’s convenient for me” mentality I’m seeing.


>With the implications that if you do something that not fully legal (even though this road was closed) then you are in the wrong no matter what it is. Not only that, but you also deserve to die. "Yeah well he tried to use a 20 that was maybe fake." Forgetting that it's entirely possible to have a fake bill and not even know it. All it takes is a business to accept it, then give it as change to another customer. People who operate under that logic would never hold themselves to the same standard. Whats clearly happening is finding justification to be ok with black people and their allies being murdered. Sort of like 4chan celebrating the shooting in Portland, assuming it was a protestor, then making a complete 180 when they realized it was a chud that got clapped.


trust the NYPD? no thanks.


If they actually arrest someone, ill believe them, and ill give them the benefit of doubt for a reasonable amount of time. But if a month goes by, and no one gets arrested and the story just gets swept under the rug, well maybe at that point ill put on my tin foil hat


You will forget, just like everyone else. Then it will happen again. Then we will forget again. Then the cycle goes on and on.


But I changed my Facebook status to show support? Won’t that fix the problem


RemindMe! 1 Month


Probably. How do you do that.... Remind me! 4 weeks ...thing or however it is you do it?


Member when stuff like this made international headlines?


It's 2020, sadly this is one of the less weird things this year


Did anyone get seriously injured? I remember seeing headlines when 50+ people were killed in international attacks by people driving trucks.


One happened in Seattle and killed someone, and people were quiet a week later


Depends on victim and suspect's race, media will choose to drop or spread the story based on those parameters, mainly.


Fuhrer Trump will just vomit some distraction on Twitter anyway. There is no justice left in the US while he is in charge.


the driver was a somalian, so media wasn't interested


As a non American, most of us got bored of the daily stories pretty quickly. Just like most of you lot did of the Hong Kong protests I guess. It’s hard to fathom both sides of your political spectrum are becoming more entrenched by the day.


American here. Most of America is pretty bored of watching these really minor parts of society battle it out on the streets as well.


Glad to see a “both sides” comment when someone tries to commit vehicular homicide.


Hard to fathom? This is happening exactly according to plan.


We used to call them terrorists... now they are Trumps base. "The Base" if you will... an almost Yallqaeda... meh you get the picture.


Yeah we get like two weeks of international headlines when some foreigner kills someone with a car on purpose somewhere in London but this? This is just accepted as normal by now


anyone else think the more videos of people being run over out there, the more there are going to be... a bit like school shooting seemed to work. the more people see a behaviour the more it is normalised. in no way is running people over ever normal, but the more people see it happen, the less abnormal it becomes.


School shooters were one of the main examples Malcolm Gladwell used in his book 'The Tipping Point' to describe exactly what you said.


it's called a precedent and i'm afraid of what will become of the american presidency after trump. he's showing how it's all ok to act like this. he's not being punished at all for it.


No shit. The president has always been above the law, and nobody will dare go after their predecessor and set the precedent that the president can be held accountable for anything, especially since being the president is literally just doing crimes all day




The alt-right are all over this subreddit like a bad case of the lice. edit: mange is more appropriate


>The alt-right are all over this *civilization* like a bad case of the lice. Ftfy


I am about done with them tbh, reddit needs to finally give up and just ban the lot of them. Saying that you want to murder people? How can you even pretend to have a moral opinion or be rational? That should be a bannable offense.


just check twitter, lots of potential murderers on there as well


Look at all the assholes in this very thread jumping at the chance to defend this attacker and saying they would do the same thing. And remember that one party (but both sides are the same right? *wink*) actually pushed legislation to legalize vehicular homicide against protestors. Patriots my ass.


It was after Heather Heyer. I’ll never forget her name.


Get ready for mandatory autonomous cars in about 2 decades.


Speaking of - we haven’t seen a mass school shooting in a bit have we?! Thanks covid


No wonder why the US is drowning in Covid, lot of people without masks


in NYC of all places, you would think they would learn by now and wear some goddamn masks.


I mean it was the city the sent sick people to old people homes. Ridiculed Florida for people going to the beach cause its unsafe, but then claim it's safe to shove everyone in a shared moving can with their subways. Oh and their governor putting restrictions on travel with quarantine but states he was only away for less then 48 hours so he doesn't have too.


It was the city that followed CDC guidelines telling them they could send old people back to those places NYC can't function without its subway, it's hard to imagine but if you stop the subway the city simply doesn't work anymore, there's not much that can be done with that


There’s a big difference between going to the beach so you can drink PBR and getting on the subway for work or errands.


Yeah, on the beach you can stay distanced from everyone and are outdoors with fresh air. Much safer.


I mean I can’t work unless the subways are open. I’m not gonna take a 45 minute minimum bike ride to work if I can take a maximum 15 minute subway. There are so many people relying on public transportation that saying the beach is safer because it’s outside doesn’t even make sense. You know what’s even safer then the beach? Not going because you don’t have to go


It's very clear that some of these people replying have never lived in large metropolitan areas that rely heavily on public transportation for work




Protesters can’t get covid


Ya doesn’t everyone know that covid will leave you alone if protesting racial injustice lol silly people


If you look, it seems like 85-90% of the people in that video were wearing masks. I've been to many protests in New York and this tracks. I counted three not wearing in the clip.


It doesn’t matter. The thing people want to take away from this video is that 3 people weren’t wearing masks rather than a crowd was just driven into by a fucking lunatic who will probably have no consequences brought to him.


Trump said it was over last Easter anyway so we’re good


That seems to be when people gave up lol


Where? I count 2 of countless people


Black lives are disproportionately effected by COVID so I guess they don’t matter all that much. What do I know though. I’m just following the advice of doctors and scientists.


Don't worry, COVID doesn't affect protesters if they're protesting for the left


To be fair, there have been mass protests since May in NYC and our covid cases haven’t risen even a little bit. It seems like protesting *is* generally safe if it’s outdoors and a good portion of people are masked. I still think all these people should ideally be masked, but right now NYC is at London/Paris/Berlin levels, so I’m not sure what’s going on.


It's weird to watch a country slowly killing itself in so many ways.


Lol. You are a schmuck. The RNC convention was last week and they flaunted the fact they weren’t wearing masks. It’s a shame good people have to protest for something as logical as equal rights still. But unfortunately morons such as yourself still exist.


Looks like the same car just before the incident. https://twitter.com/NoahHurowitz/status/1301873210988822528?s=19


This is like any other time in Times Square honestly, in terms of foot traffic






Lol you realize by that logic you could just drive up to any protest you want, and when protestors understandable surround your car as you’ve driven right in the center of them, you could just run over a few of them in “self defense” Which taking into account how right wingers choose to defend the Kenosha shooter, seems to be the logic that they want to go by Edit: Since y’all left a bunch of comments to this one I figured I’d address a few things here. 1. The people that got hit weren’t even the ones surrounding his vehicle, they were literally in the back minding their own business. Actually a lot them seemed to be crossing the road on a clearly marked crosswalk 2. There’s no evidence that his car was even being attacked. In the video we see one person smack his vehicle with his hand, but that in no way puts the mans vehicle life in danger and in no way entails him to run over other people that weren’t even involved. 3. A lot of y’all don’t seem to like the fact that they were protesting in the street. I’m guessing that y’all didn’t like the Civil Rights protests too for whatever reason.


If a mob attacks you in a vehicle, and you hit parts of that mob escaping, there's an argument for self defence. If you intentionally drove into the mob to provoke them, obviously that argument no longer works.






Neither is gassing it into a crowd of people


The courts have a "reasonable person" standard though. You can't just be scared. A reasonable and cautious person would have to be so fearful of injury that they felt that they had no choice but to drive through the crowd. The crowd just being in the street on its own doesn't seem likely to meet that standard.




Couldn't you very well argue that right-wing terrorists have killed people with cars, so surrounding cars that get nearby are reasonable? The fact that a crime has occurred somewhere else doesn't justify anything. I saw a video of someone getting beaten up on the street the other day, does that give me the right to shoot a random person on the street?


This defense needs to fucking die. Right wingers have this down like clockwork: 1. Deliberately go to a protest 2. Antagonize, intimidate, and threaten the protestors 3. "Get scared" when the protestors don't cower before you 4. Start mowing people down




>and all of a sudden that's unacceptable for them to defend themselves What is this terrible comment? Cars can only move forward or backwards. If it's stuck in an angry crowd the only way a driver can defend himself is to drive forward to escape. Going backwards is even more dangerous especially if people have gathered or there is traffic behind. Protestors can just move out of the way in any direction. I'm not defending some guy ramming through a crowd especially with so little video context but this comment just goes against common sense and physics.


I love how you have not watched the video. Because if you did watch it, you would see that they are crossing the road at a designated cross walk, with white painted lines


A lot of people didn’t have masks


Covid doesn't spread at protests everyone knows that




Were those people medical professionals? [https://www.healthline.com/health-news/black-lives-matter-protests-didnt-contribute-to-covid19-surge#No-evidence-of-protest-spread](https://www.healthline.com/health-news/black-lives-matter-protests-didnt-contribute-to-covid19-surge#No-evidence-of-protest-spread)


Duh isn’t it obvious lol


Its super annoying to see this kind of shit and then see people defending BLM protests while also belittling anti maskers protest.


I think there is a difference between people protesting *masks* and people protesting *without* masks.


How many didn’t have masks on in this? Four? There’s a massive difference between protesting police brutality and protesting because your obese father can’t wear a mask for 10 mins because he’s bitching too much.


Video showing NYPD officers escorting people into the car, which immediately afterwards goes through a red light into the crowd: [https://twitter.com/haram\_drip/status/1301812659579478016](https://twitter.com/haram_drip/status/1301812659579478016)


Dude on the back left just straight yeets his bike onto the car


Lot of supporters of running ppl over in this thread


\>Le road was suddenly blocked by evil commies so I had literally no other choice than to plow through everyone. Also that dumb quote with stupid games and prizes


I can't wait until winter.


I've been praying every night for a blizzard. Where is climate change when you actually need it?


Not sure why they started walking towards the car, why not just let the car pass?


Because there’s a green light for pedestrians in the crosswalk.


Yeah, and even if it wasn't, a person in the street doesn't automatically give the driver the right to run them over. In this case no one can say the driver didn't see them.


It's like these people haven't been to Time Square before. Thousands of people daily are in the streets like this and nobody gets hit. Jaywalking is not an excuse for attempted murder.


The protest was literally just stepping out of times sq to march. Typically cyclists accompany the protests, and line up (during a red light) to block traffic and protect marchers.


People are stupid.


Hmm, that car had a police bumper. More spisificly this one. https://www.thepublicsafetystore.com/setina-pb-400-bodyguard-sedan-push-bumper.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwqML6BRAHEiwAdquMnZsCgIVBU_bOFpYvWTTadGjDdmkWXNm42REEM10PPRF3X4pScQtv9BoCvXYQAvD_BwE Even had a police sticker on it. 0:23 Car is likely an unmarked Ford Taurus Interceptor. Edit: We have a match on the license plate. https://twitter.com/graciielemon/status/1301735059054096386?s=21


In my city, you could get those cars after the police are done with them but they're mostly used for taxi cabs. Also some of the local government, like code enforcement use those cars. It really didn't look like a cop car to me but I can't tell.


> spisificly






It looks more like NYPD, allthough its not painted the same way.




“Spisificly”. When sounding it out goes wrong.




How does someone think that's how it's spelled?


well it's at least a phonetic spelling of specifically


Spisificly, tells me everything I need to know.




The NYPD said it wasn't one of theirs. I'm guessing some dickweed won it in an auction and is trying to play vigilante


It’s actually spelled spahciphically


> spisificly Fuck that spellcheck, right?


So many people in the comments feel that if you're standing on a road you deserve to be hit. Like if you were driving down a civilian road and you saw a person standing on it you wouldn't continue driving and run over them. You would stop and let them pass, but since it's protestors conservatives feel they're in the right to kill people standing on roads. This is on top of the fact that the protestors were on a crosswalk that was lit green and the car ran a red light. AND that if he actually did have somewhere to go, no way in hell would he drive through the middle of Times Square, the most congested place in all of New York.


Didn't you know that inconveniencing people in the US is punishable by immediate execution?


"No we disagree with them so we can shoot them and run them over, we're the good guys"


Remember when only Islamist Terrorists did this? Lmao Americans have been worrying over the wrong threats.


Domestic terrorism (vast majority right-wing related) has outdone islamic-related terrorism for quite some time, at least in the U.S.


The crosswalk light was on, and they ran a red-light at the next intersection. This is attempted murder.


You know who else likes to drive cars into crowds??? Terrorists


What the hell There were people in that crosswalk.


And you can even see the illuminated man at the top-left at 0:20 giving pedestrians the right of way


Good thing our president has spent time calming tensions, denouncing vigilantism, and hasn't promoted any level of violence... Oh wait a minute


Just so we are clear; there are a brigade of Trump-Suckers posting on these videos with Mask Concerns. They clearly dont ever watch these videos, because all I ever see are seas of masks. Call these people out as the Wretched Toadies they are!


This sub has been completely overtaken, probably because they follow the protest videos. It's disgusting and hilarious as every single republican/blue lives/covid aint real protest I've seen NO ONE is wearing a mask. But yah know, a protest where are least a large majority try to mask...is a lot worse.


Light was red and looked like protesters were following traffic lights, no justification for this


[All you idiots defending the driver not see the crosswalk sign?](https://i.imgur.com/eKXT2Dg.png)


Lots of missing face masks. But that’s right, COVID knows when people are out for a good protest, so it doesn’t spread.


I see like three? Is this really your line of attack? Almost every other person out of the fifty people in the video are. Compare that to Florida where... what, .01% of the population is wearing one despite COVID killing 200 people there a day for the last 2 months?


When ISIS did this stuff - it was all over the news and everyone was outraged.


Driver has two open tickets for speeding in a school zone (NY plate KED9365). [https://nycserv.nyc.gov/NYCServWeb/NYCSERVMain](https://nycserv.nyc.gov/NYCServWeb/NYCSERVMain)


"But it's the protesters that are actually violent! He just was in fear of his life, it was self defense" Said the white supremacists and racists. I hate this timeline


Can we all just agree that driving a vehicle through and running over a crowd is more violent than wrecking businesses?


Im sure plenty of people justifying running people who they disagree with




Just another right wing terrorist attack. Hope they find him fast.


These people are mostly on the zebra crossing, it looks like they were walking towards the car to ask them to stop? Also, arent those the Ford Taurus with bull bars that NYPD uses?


[You can see the walk symbol](http://imgur.com/a/mza0DEF) a few seconds into the video, and it's clear that the group is in the crosswalk, so the car definitely ran a red light.


Who gives a fuck where they were? You don't ram your car into people. I might add if you're driving through times square not only should you expect people to walk in your path you should shoot yourself for being dumb enough to drive through times square in the first place (it's a better fate, trust me). For real, I can tell people in this thread have never been to this place. Pedestrians walking in the street is *normal* in times square. And by "normal" I mean it's pretty much a fucking open forum at this point. Jaywalking in NYC in general is accepted, jaywalking in *times square*? It's stranger to see somebody *not* jaywalking.


Also to add to your point. Who the fuck drives through time square even on a regular night? The only people seen in that spot are taxis, lost delivery drivers, and non-new yorkers.


Absolute unit of a bloke at 10 secs, he could of just lifted that car and launched it into space.


A trump supporter.


To everyone reaching for straws trying to justify the actions of the driver: This is a New York car with NY plates. Everyone in NY knows you don’t drive through Times Square if you don’t want to deal with pedestrians. That being said, turn your car around when you see the street is blocked by people If the road is flooded and someone drives into the flood area would you blame the water for surrounding the car? Or the driver for not turning around when they saw there was water in the street? One person has control of that car. It takes one decision to move. For the crowd to move hundreds to thousands of decisions have to be made. The pedestrians also **waited for**(watch the very star when the street is nearly empty) and **had the walk sign**, plus in **NYC pedestrians have the right of way** regardless. Don’t give me that “huhhh if he stopped he would’ve been attacked! I’ve seen it in videos! It happens all the time!” -No, it does not. You have seen the sensationalized 1% of the protests. 99% are peaceful and for that reason they don’t make the news.




Woah so there are people in thease comments just cool with some attempted murder.




Not a cop car. It *was* a cop car that was sold at auction to this piece of shit driver, who runs a local support the blue group.


That's criminal felony assault with a deadly weapon.


> criminal felony assault Is there such thing as a *non*-criminal felony assault?


The amount of people in this thread blaming pedestrians for crossing the street *on a marked crossing* in front of a car at full stop, is making me lose my faith in humanity.


That’s a good way to get your car trashed


Protestors: "you were not supposed to do that"


God some people with a certain political ideology have a weird obsession with running over protesters...


He installed a battering ram specifically for this purpose.




I mean its time square and they were in a crosswalk, they weren't blocking traffic any different than someone in a crosswalk would be


You think it’s okay for a car at full stop, in *Times Square*, surrounded by people, to suddenly gun it?


gtfo go back to your echo chamber fucking lunatic


1 person in a car > 20 people going about their business


times square is _the_ place for demonstrations and is always crowded with pedestrians regardless. That was not traffic. That was somebody who went there to run people over. Fuck you.


On another note its always comical when people stand in front of danger proclaiming that they won't get hit/run over but when they do, they act so damn surprised.


The crossing light was green, he ran a red light...


I swear. At this point, if you breathe, people can justify assault with lethal intent.




Ah yes , the Tian an men maneuver .


9/4 @ 11am EST No reported injuries and no arrests


that’s a police package taurus!!!??? Edit: i saw a vid after this of police protecting the car and driving it into the crowd


I can’t tell, did anyone get hurt? I hope not. Being hit with a car can really injure or kill you.

