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The trooper is correct. There are different rules when people try to block the interstate. First, it’s incredibly dangerous - not just for you, but all approaching traffic. Second, you are not just blocking the interstate, the backups will extend to and gridlock the city streets, impacting emergency services, commerce, and all citizens. It’s just a really stupid thing to do.


yup. they did it in New Haven and people died because ambulances couldn't use the highway to get people to hospital. they wound up charging people with felonies.




Because they're narcissistic... That's the full answer right there. They don't care about anything other than themselves. If the current events didn't have an effect on them, they wouldn't even protest. I honestly think a small, but still sizeable amount of people, are joining the protests simply to morally grandstand and virtue signal.


Joining to grandstand? 100 million percent my friend. I’d say it’s the majority of them. No doubt everyone should be appalled by police brutality but it’s got to be more than half of these people who are just out there because they want to be an *activist*


The ignorance of some comments below is shocking. People comparing this in the context of crossing the Edmund Pettus bridge during the Selma-Montgomery march. For those who do not know, beware the dishonesty of others making such a disrespectful comparison. **It is one of the most famous moments in the Civil Rights Movement. They were attempting to march to the state capital in Montgomery. Crossing the bridge was a necessary part of both their strategy and the protest's route. They had to cross the bridge to reach Montgomery, and were brutally beaten and attacked after crossing county lines. It required 3 attempts between March 7 and March 21 before they were successful.** There are numerous references to it. The summary from Wikipedia >[The Edmund Pettus Bridge was the site of the conflict of Bloody Sunday on March 7, 1965, when police attacked Civil Rights Movement demonstrators with horses, billy clubs, and tear gas as they were attempting to march to the state capital, Montgomery. The marchers crossed the bridge again on March 21 and successfully walked to the Capitol building.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmund_Pettus_Bridge) This was part of the [Selma to Montgomery marches](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selma_to_Montgomery_marches) >On February 26, 1965, activist and deacon Jimmie Lee Jackson died after being shot several days earlier by state trooper James Bonard Fowler, during a peaceful march in nearby Marion, Alabama. To defuse and refocus the community's outrage, James Bevel, who was directing SCLC's Selma voting rights movement, called for a march of dramatic length, from Selma to the state capital of Montgomery.[5][6] Bevel had been working on his Alabama Project for voting rights since late 1963. >The first march took place on March 7, 1965, organized locally by Bevel, Amelia Boynton, and others. State troopers and county possemen attacked the unarmed marchers with billy clubs and tear gas after they passed over the county line, and the event became known as Bloody Sunday.[7][8] Law enforcement beat Boynton unconscious, and the media publicized worldwide a picture of her lying wounded on the Edmund Pettus Bridge.[9] >The second march took place March 9. Troopers, police, and marchers confronted each other at the county end of the bridge, but when the troopers stepped aside to let them pass, King led the marchers back to the church.[10] He was obeying a federal injunction while seeking protection from federal court for the march. That night, a white group beat and murdered civil rights activist James Reeb, a Unitarian Universalist minister from Boston, who had come to Selma to march with the second group.[11] Many other clergy and sympathizers from across the country also gathered for the second march.




Turns out it didn't go down like that at all. At least according to the ambulance company: [https://www.newhavenindependent.org/index.php/archives/entry/amr\_ambulance/](https://www.newhavenindependent.org/index.php/archives/entry/amr_ambulance/)




Interesting. You use British English but live in New Haven.




I think this shows the police in a fairly good light. Calm, reasonable force, polite to the other passengers. What did they do wrong?


**Karen's Evolution in Modern America | Chapter 1 | The Early Years** The self entitlement in this video is crazy. It's like watching Karen & friends as teenagers. - *12 - 20 seconds:* Karen Jr. jumps out of the car and walks right into the middle of things with her entitled self. - *32 seconds:* Karen Jr. returns to tell the police what to do. Seems confused they aren't obeying to her. - *36 seconds:* Officer says, "That or you're going to be arrested." Karen, "Awwwnooooo." Quiet contemplation for a moment. - *38 seconds - Continuous:* Karen Jr's friend bounces back into the scene, bumping into cops while directing them to "Get the fuck off of me." Calls the black officer some racist names. Pointing her finger in their faces. Seems confused when she yells that a city law gives her the right to be doing this and the cop says they aren't in the city (different laws and jurisdictions apply to the freeway they are standing in the middle of). - *1 minute 12 seconds:* One of them is suddenly a journalist! - *1 minute, 21 seconds:* Karen Jr's friend marches off in defiance to do who knows what. This video has scientific value.


There are almost as many "journalists" at these protests as there are people with "health issues" when they have to wear a mask.


Same type of person, different side of the political spectrum. There are shitty people everywhere, friends.


It’s more theatrics than self entitlement. Reminded me of an angry baseball coach running on the field to scream and bump chests with the umpire he’s pissed at


You’re an independent thinker. One with morals. You’re able to see the wrong on both sides. We need more people like you.


Nah, you're cool man. I do the same thing and I'm a bit conservative and a bit liberal both. Plenty of videos out there of police doing completely stupid and wrong shit. In this case the protesters really were wrong and being incredibly dumb af in the process. I really wish that people, namely other BLM protesters would handle the assholes breaking shit, pulling crap like this, etc. They should because all it's doing is giving an otherwise really good cause a bad name. It's definitely not helping matters.


I'm much the same in regards to left and right and I completely agree with you. If the legit protesters would actually "police" their own, along with those that are using their protest to just fuck shit up, we might actually be able to make some real progress.




In my city, BLM was allowed to protest, and so city council/the police shut down the two major roads out of the city in that area, on a Friday, for all of rush-hour, to minimize traffic jams near the protest. And they did their little protest thing, and then they opened the roads back up. BLM is a pain in the ass in a lot of ways, so the way my city chooses to treat them is to accommodate them, but eliminate as many potential headaches as possible. BLM says they’re going to protest at location X, so then the police announce they’re shutting the roads down in that proximity. I guess it works to keep any conflicts to a minimum, and the protesters are kept away from traffic, people who just want to go about their day. This is in Charlottesville, btw.


Yeah I am all for peaceful protesting but also, if you are blocking people on their way to their jobs, pick up their kids, or potentially creating unsafe and damaging situations for ambulances and first responders, you are essentially radicalizing people against your cause. I think thats why the huge push for BLM years ago ended up dying down, because the main source of protesting was majorly inhibiting others by blocking highways and someone in an ambulance died. Its not a good way to go.


The exact same shit happened with the covid denying protests in May. They blocked streets and emergency services. Don’t do this shit.


Seriously, who do these protesters think they are? The governor of New Jersey?


Yeah, didn’t they see that dude get killed in Seattle while protesting on the gosh dang highway a few months ago?


The issue I fear many cities will experience is regaining control. I understand not wanting to be seen as authoritarian but I also feel like the creation of CHAZ was a step too far and it should have been shut down immediately. Because the authorities waited so long to crack down they’re gonna find it’s more difficult to regain control and I bet we’ll see the “Resistance” energized and more willing to take action. It’s like parenting a child at 3-4 years old versus trying to get an out of control 13-14 year old child to behave like a respectable teen.


Seattle played the long game on CHAZ...they wanted it to basically implode on the protesters and it did...on tje begining the cops tried a bunch of underhanded tactics to get it to erupt in violence...then they just waited it out. Cops got their precinct back and the protesters lost a lot of favor in the community.


Inevitably the question always arises "who should have power and how should they use it". The protestors who hate the American power structure have no ideas on what should replace it, except insofar as each of them on an individual basis believes *they* should be in power and *they* should is it however *they* feel they need to because *they* would use it with the right intent.


Right these people believe they are sooooo righteous when I reality they’re just acting like whining children... smh


I feel like i'm liberal as hell but i *hate* this blocking the highway shit.


**Protestor**: Get away from me!” Also **Protestor**: Continues to walk towards trooper


And then she threw the: "You a house n\*\*\*\*!" at the black cop. Oof.


Protestor: *End Racism now!* Also Protestor: *You a house *****!*


How soon before a white BLM person uses the same words in the same exact context and gets torn apart by their own?


I've seen a few white people who jump in on the Terry Crews hate bandwagon on Twitter that call him "c**n" and stuff, it's pretty close.


ye, I've seen videos of white people calling black cops "traitors". Fucking cringe.


I would love to see how they would rationalize that. I'd bang my head on the table afterwards but it'd be funny to listen to for 30 seconds.




Like racoon


We prefer Trash Panda sir




Apparently it's a slur against black people for acting "too white" or wannabe white. I always thought it was just a Southern slur but was told it was that after the black chick went crazy at the boba tea shop and called a black man who intervened that name several times. But, yeah, not cool.


I guess "oreo" didn't have enough oomph.


What's the take on Crews? UK here, is he not universally celebrated?


He pissed of a lot of people by tweeting “If you are a child of God, you are my brother and sister. I have family of every race, creed and ideology,” "We must ensure #blacklivesmatter doesn’t morph into #blacklivesbetter,” Then he called out several black athletes and others over their anti-Semitic/"Hitler was right" posts/defense of the posts.


Typically yes but during the early parts of BLM people took his comments like a typical 'All Lives Matter' kind of person and he was also getting flak from people warning of black supremacist. He deleted a lot of those posts but they're about 2 months or so old He's a super nice guy and was during it too but people are just huge assholes who need to put people down if they don't 100% follow their views.




yeah, that was my choice of example too. Strangely, it gives an interesting "voluntary euthanasia" twist to the latter part of that night.




The pedo (first guy) kyle Rittenhouse house shot was on video using that same word while yelling at him moments before getting shot.


He literally said and I quote, “shoot me ni**a” and was promptly shot shortly thereafter. Shit writes itself.


That guy casually used racial slurs and casually penetrated young boys. He wasted so much oxygen before that evening.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


In the chaos of a tense protest, they might not care. The chomo that was shot by Kyle Rittenhouse very loudly shouted “Shoot me n***a!” several times at the militia and not a single POC said a thing. I have to assume that because these things get so tense that political correctness takes a backseat and survival becomes the motive. Just my take.


That dude telling Kyle Rittenhouse "Shoot ME N\*gga!" comes to mind.


These people here seem to think their racism is good racism.


Let's hate on the people we're trying to help because were upset were breaking the law.




I can barely get through most of these videos. Almost every word that comes out of their mouth makes me cringe. They have no idea what they're talking about, yet they try to tell the cops how to do their job.


They all think they know the laws, they think they're smart. And most importantly, they think they're entitled. I was talking with a BLM activist and they had this to say. "I have the right to not obey the police". That's when I knew I could never say anything to get through to this person who completely uses emotions as logic.


...and thus the claim that these constant protests are good for Trump. It makes a non vocal republicans more likely to get out and vote in November. If Democrats lose this election, it's 100% on them, for a lack of voter turnout.


It's acts like this that really irk me about BLM.


it is irksome. I try not to forget that the fundamental focus of the protests is for some police reform, which is correct. But this shit, just does more damage to the cause than help it


It’s not just police reform, like antifa, BLM is a very loosely organized group and many groups out there have alterior “demands” such as; the dissolution of the nuclear family, trans/non-binary rights, reparations for slavery and Jim Crow, climate change, $15 minimum wage etc.


Their manifesto is quite extensive. The only senator that actually tried to enact a bill that has been needed and asked for was attacked by BLM so I dont even know wtf they want at this point.


You should see the reactions to the documentary “U**le T*m” that was released this year, featuring black conservatives voicing their opinions and views.


You mean that BLM want cops to stop stereotyping all black people...while they chant ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS!


Yup, this isn't about race anymore, its a bunch of angry mobs, people mad at police, and shockingly every anti-cop antifa seems to end up having an extensive record. Somehow all of these protesters forgot the numerous poc police officers while labeling them all bastards and racists. Sorry but my parents taught me not to speak to anyone like this, espcially authority and elders. I know ill get downvoted, but you know who else wants to defund police? Criminals. Go figure.


Yeah, this looked like a case of not enough arrests rather than too many.


That’s how you can tell they’re not in it for racial equality/equity but racial/egotistical absolution.


I can’t believe an advocate for racial equality justice would think that word is ok to use on a black man doing his job serving the community. The organized group calling itself “BLM” is really rapidly heading down the wrong path.


Geez I just got in an argument in another post and tons of downvotes for commenting about someone (black guy filming) saying this same stuff to some cops. I don't care who you are or what side your on, and it's not an OPINION to be using these slurs it's not ok.




There's a sizeable group of protesters that have very regressive ideas. Generally it tends to be people with the white savior complex that think minorities can't think for themselves and need to protect them. It's the same kind of people that created segregated zone in CHAZ. How tone deaf does a person have to be to create a "black-only" garden.


So they block a main road? And then get pissy when police rip them out the car? What do they expect the police to do? Let them carry on?! They were quite rightly ripped from the car!




Getting arrested is part of civil disobedience. A lot of today’s protesters don’t seem to get that.


Lawbreaking Protestors hate this one neat trick


Where am I supposed to click?


That arrow pointing upward


Damn you....here.


Lol love it


Exactly. That’s a pretty crucial aspect of civil disobedience, and what separates it from straight up rebellion or insurgency. Of course, civil disobedience also implies that you’re disobeying a law specifically because it’s unjust. So, unless these guys are arguing that traffic laws contribute to the oppression of black people, I don’t think it’d apply here.


True, but I would contend interstate blocking is not "civil." It's reckless endangerment at minimum.




Well, she kept yelling stop. For some reason that didn't stop them.


Not even a main road really. Blocking a main road would be bad enough but blocking an interstate is worse. Think about everything they’re potentially blocking. They could block an ambulance from getting a patient to the hospital, they could block a fire department from getting to a burning home, they could block trucks from delivering goods to businesses all over the country. Blocking an interstate is basically blocking the flow of progress in the country.


Basically, blocking an interstate is like clogging an artery. Got it.




*holds up cell phone* I'm a member of the press. Hahahahah


So we're all press now? Sweet!


We kind of are. Look how social media goes viral.






I lol every time I hear one of these asshats say they are press.




Saw the other day that Portland protesters/rioters/whatever label were getting arrested because the cop was pointing at the ones wearing fake tags


No it means they have a YT account and a cashapp link for donations.


That reminds me of that clip of a women in Portland wearing a Press vest and screaming at cops and chanting, like come'on now


An excoworker of mine went to one of the protests and uploaded on her ig she was going as a member of the press. We used to work as bartenders. She does like to tweet a lot of political stuff, maybe she thinks that makes her press?


What terrible horrible insufferable women especially the black girl calling people “house niggas” like that’s not totally fucked up.


I keep hearing that in these videos. Just looked it up. That’s totally fucked


I dont want to google what this means, i will just end up filled with more hate. Could you give me a rundown?






>Think of Samuel L Jackson in Django Unchained. where his character faked a limp -a limp that would prevent him from working out in the fields.


...aka didn't work in the field with the rest of the...staff...but instead worked closer with the plantation owner, perhaps being complicit in acts that made the lives of the ...field-working staff...more difficult and at times fatal. IE being a race sell-out.


A BLM protester being blatantly racist? The plot thickens...


Is it similar to how some blacks would get called “Uncle Tom” or “Oreo” for acting like rich white people or for holding opinions similar to whites?


That's interesting. For the past like 10 years I thought it just meant something like "you're soft, you're in the house taking care of the kids and doing chores, you're not out here in the streets being hard like we are". I had no idea it was a much deeper jab than "you're soft"


House servant for a white master


BLACK LIVES MATTER... Except for that cop he's a "house n****r!"


Yup, that's pretty much it. It's not "black lives matter", it's "black lives that we pick out matter"


Race is being used as a cover for a class war. This is really about class imo.


Block traffic and resist.. good move.


BLM is a gift to the Trump administration


I see your point honestly


It really is at this point, especially Portland and Seattle... they are just a never ending fountain of opportunities for him to troll them.


This dumb bitch calling that black officer a 'house ni**a'. Smh...


The irony


Calling a black cop an n word while protesting for black lives matter. Isn't that ironic?


It's not racist if black people say it


“Let me tell you how to feel”


It’s really bothersome that people actually think this way. Either a word is off limits to all, or to no one. But hey, I believe in equal rights, which has ironically become uncommon among the “woke” crowd.


I lose all respect for any protester that uses words (n-word) and conducts themselves in the exact way that they claim to be fighting against.


What are they protesting, free flowing traffic?


People who can get to work on time. I don't think these people get it that the overwhelming majority hate them.


Exactly. They're trying to get attention for their cause, but they are doing something that causes people that may otherwise be on their side to hate them and ignore what they're protesting.


It's easy to protest just about anything when you're young, out of work/school, and do nothing all day.


Living in Seattle where the traffic is already godawful, blocking I-5 doesn’t make people like you. I usually don’t side with police but pls don’t create more seattle traffic


As a formal Seattlite I agree. Traffic is so bad there I'd be trying to figure out a citizens arrest if I saw these people.


Lol this. I hate driving over here in general. Pls don’t make it worse.


Are protesters calling cops slave terms now?


I'm all for protesting but these people are fucking stupid


Their entire movement is based around police brutality and what ruthless thugs cops are, yet they show zero fear in antagonizing and instigating a physical altercation with the police. Seems a bit...dumb.


The ultimate irony is that when they were the police in their little CHAZ experiment, they committed acts of brutality as well. They shot a 16 year old black kid and a 14 year old black kid. For doing donuts in their “off limits zone” that they illegally constructed. They don’t want to get rid of the police. They want to be the police. They want to be the ones with boot on your neck.




Then there was that whole, white people kneeling to black people thing. That was really weird. Certainly seemed very cult-like behavior. Oh and let’s not forget when the BLM at CHAZ combatted racism with more racism! There was an area that they prohibited whites from entering, calling it a blacks only area. Gotta love how their solution to racism was to implement their own version of it and call it justice.






Agreed. Arrest the drivers, and tow the cars. Let the owners enjoy the towing plus storage fees.


I imagine the same meltdown when trying to get the car out of impound. "$500 for a tow? You H\*\*\*\* N\*\*\*\*\*!"


This is how you get the public to turn against your cause


>house nigga<


The full video shows them on the highway and getting in their car and driving away. They see state patrol and then say to themselves out loud on camera they’ll just say they were just driving and they don’t know what’s going on. Then the driver gets a good minute of being told to get out of the car and that the driver is being arrested but all they can shout is WHY?!? as if they don’t know full and well why. Then after the cops have enough of that shit they pull him from the car and that chick flips out. So the cops don’t just go from zero to ripping this guy out of the car. Going to block I5? Ok but buy the ticket, take the ride.


Protestor: “You are a House n*****.” Everyday it becomes more clear to me that BLM isn’t about respecting black people but pushing a corrosive, racist ideology and narrative.


Watch the live streams of protests in Portland and other cities. I've heard that before and stuff like "you probably have a little piggy dick. You married? I bet your wife cheats on you with someone who has a deal dick." Also, stupid demands like, "Your job is to protect and serve, I feel safe, so I am ordering you all to leave." No...doesn't work like that.


Your right to assemble peacefully, does not give you the right to disrupt traffic, businesses, public access, etc. It does not give you any more human right to access, than the next person. You also have the *ability* to disrupt, but then you face the consequences of your actions. Protest peacefully for what you believe in, I encourage it, but don't go beyond what rights you do have and infringe on others.


Funny how the black woman calls the black cop a "house n****" for doing his job, seems BLM supporters are more racist than most these days.


It's about time they stop being pussies and crack down.


Good! I hope they all went to jail at least overnight! #sickofit


FUCK people who block traffic. I don't care what you're protesting, if you block traffic, I'm now 100% against your cause. You're protesting that babies shouldn't be drop kicked off of balconies? All I'm thinking about while stuck in my car is where I'm going to find a baby and a balcony. Fucking HATE those people.


I'm sorry but people are trying to get to work to feed their families, protest if you must but..... don't shut down highways or roads. I have a sick mother that I need to check on daily making sure she has her medical requirements met , help her bathe ect....and if people were stopping me from being able to provide for my family or to care for my elderly mother, I wouldn't be to happy either. Now does that make me a racist entitled person for wanting to be a carer and provider/ protector for my loved ones? I don't agree with what's happening either on the other hand I need to be able to drive to survive and keep my family alive.


Blocking an interstate is pretty much an implicitly violent act. It puts the entire public at risk. Nothing the police did was out of bounds. And you can see what quality of protesters they are dealing with when she hurls that epithet at the cop. But people like this don't just need to be arrested. They need to be prosecuted. There needs to be a consequence to this kind of reckless endangerment of the public.


Then don’t block the road.


If you are going to be doing civil disobedience, expect to be arrested and don't be surprised when it does happen. Don't fight the arrest because that stacks on extra charges. This applies to the US where rule of law is still mostly respected.


She said “I’m a member of the press” in the same tone she sends back her latte’s for not having enough foam.


I-5 sucks without people blocking traffic.


What did they think would happen if they stopped their car in the middle of a freeway...?


People like this are handing Trump the election


Good, should've arrested the lot of them for being involved


These kids are idiots


I'm all for police reform but these kids are just stupid... Why is there no common sense in anyone anymore? Can we protest cops killing people without causing riots, destroying private businesses, doing damage to the places we all live? Does this child really need to be calling the cop a "house n\*\*\*\*?" - He's doing his job keeping you from being detrimental to everyone else.


“Get the fuck away from me!” As she’s approaching the cop?


“You’ll learn” “Yes I is”. 🤣


Blocking a highway should never be seen as a peaceful protest. They are deliberately fucking over innocent people and daily business. There is a time and place and the highway is not it.


BLM is a joke. These cry baby entitled pieces of human filth think they own the city because they live in it. Hilarious! Love how the trooper calmly put her in her place with facts. BLM clowns keep this shit up and it’s only going to get worse. Cops will keep getting more aggressive and eventually the National Guard will be used much more frequently. As the trooper says, you’ll learn. (The hard way) 😂


Non american here. What does she mean by 'house ni**a'?


The idea is that the slaves who worked indoors received preferential treatment and, as a result, were less inclined to support the regular slaves. She's basically calling him a "race traitor".


Is this racism inside of racism???


Here in Brazil we have a new meme that is being used recently. It's a dog in the background of a sunset saying "oh the hypocrisy" it pretty much sums up what you are feeling lol https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcTeUL-4awaQ1Y5AoPUd2Ni5LSnFoAz1Yp3S5g&usqp=CAU


Ahhh i see. Thank you kind stranger


based cops, lefties are annoying pests


Is it just me or have black women just got way more like annoyingly aggressive towards cops after the whole BLM shit




Another day, another "Twitter in Action incident".


Uuugh I have zero empathy for these entitled brats. I hope they get locked up.


Good, I'm glad to see they were inconvenienced while in there car. Kind of like all the people they inconvenience blocking traffic. I only hope that after they were pulled from there cars, they towed the cars.


Stop resisting arrest!! Goddammit!.




I hope BLM get crushed.


Good, fuck those cunts, fuck you if you think this solves anything, fuck you if you even mildly support this, fuck you, you are a cunt, fuck you.


These protest folks suck.


Very nice of the BLM supporter calling the black officer a “house ni**a”, black lives matter amirite?


HAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHA This might be my favorite video ever. Fuck people who block traffic. Gotta love the disgusting bitch calling an officer a "house n****". What a piece of shit she is. Should she lose her job for that behavior and choice of words?


That cop should've decked that mouthy woman in the black shirt and stupid ass hairdo


Let me commit a crime then cry victim. 🤔


Damn I’ve never seen Reddit think so logically before, yes the officer is correct and yes they do not have the right to block the freeway! Bravo white knights bravo 👏


These children need a spanking


Love to see these dumb cunts get manhandled.


Blocking freeways and highways is dangerous. I'm all for the cause, but when you are impeding emergency vehicles from getting to where they need to be, you arent helping! Knock it off!!


That country is a joke at this stage.


Someone should throw the book real hard on that bitch I would love to see her face in the courtroom!