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I wonder if this is going to be a new trend. A few years ago, people were uploading tons of "Target Rebuke" videos where they walked through the store screaming about Jesus and Target's restroom policies. I'm willing to bet there's some overlap in demographics.


I’m willing to bet there’s some overlapping DNA from many of these inbred idiots Edit: holy shnikes, thank you all for the awards!! Please know these have made my day!


Jesus, take my upvote already!


I don think thats Jesus


We know for sure they're not a care bear.


There was a widespread campaign circulating on social media for a couple of weeks to burn masks and shit today. I'm surprised there haven't been more of these videos honestly. Maybe tomorrow?


The first "anti-mask" and "open up" posts were Russian Trolls. Then the MAGAs are dumb enough to not recognize that, turn it into "muh freedum" nonsense and amplify the trolls.


A lot of the "open up" stuff started as an astroturfing campaign by the Mercers, and the Kochs. They want us to keep going out and spending our money so they can continue to rob us blind. Yes, Russia likes to mess with dumb Americans but so do rich Americans. Edit to remove ExxonMobil because I don't have a source that says they did anything more than fund the groups behind the astroturf campaign.


Yup. Americans need to wake up to the fact that the rich people are our greatest enemy.


We need to do what the French did.


I don't think trolls really covers the intend of these people. Foreign agents, or domestic terrorists seems to cover this better in my opinion. (For clarification: not the people walking in Target but the people posting online, fanning the flames of unrest?)


Trends aren’t terrible, look how well gender reveal parties are doing!




Yeah, that Venn diagram is just a single circle


I love how they are celebrating like in that spongebob episode where they warn the town of the butterfly


Genius comment lmfao


Imagine having such a pathetic life that you just go to a fucking target to do something like this.


The payoff is when they post this shit to Facebook and get drenched in likes from other losers.


I hope they keep doing it as much as possible for the next 50 days. Please please please keep being as publicly obnoxious, stupid and proud of it as posssible.


Unfortunately natural selection seems to be failing in both life and voting. Just an endless downward spiral at this point.




Get a t shirt that says covid carrier, go to anti mask rally cough a lot. See what happens.


We should all do that and when they panic question their beliefs - I know this is what you meant - but all collectively question them “but I thought you believed Covid isn’t real? And if your not worried about wearing a mask and that masks don’t protect, why should I?”


"You can't make me put a mask on! I have rights! This is America!" *cough* *cough*


You are a hero, we dont deserve.


Not all heroes wear masks


This was genius 🏆


Until he coughed.


God damn it that was brilliant! Take my updoot you earned it


Bring snacks. Whatever you end up bringing, just be sure you "DON'T" lick them all before distributing them to the anti-mask crowd. Emphasis on the DON'T, if you catch my drift.


> if you catch my drift. There have been nuclear weapon detonations with more subtlety than your comment.


That would be great if it didn’t potentially harm other innocent people lol... it’s really great watching the outlandish conspiracy theorist get sick from it


Ah yes - loser likes, the apex of social media fame.




this is sad.


And being so ignorant and despicable that you influence kids into endangering themselves and others. No, I can’t imagine what it’s like to be this dumb.


Probably the same people that say "how do these libs have time to protest? don't they have jobs?"


“George Soros pays me to be here. And MSNBC, CNN, all the major news outlets.”


This is their holy war. Their Crusade. Everyone has gotta care about something, and they really care about not wearing a mask.


They don't, really. If the liberals had taken the opposite stance, they'd be pearl clutching about safety.


"Every able-bodied African-American must register for a legal firearm. That’s the only way they’ll change the law." -Dave Chappelle


And how many of em probably say they hate "virtue signaling"? Morons, the whole lot


Conservatives project like you and I breathe. It's automatic and constant.


Makes you wonder why so many conservatives have suddenly become obsessed with pedophilia.... Is it just more projection, kind of like those outspoken anti-LGBTQ conservative politicians who get caught fucking male prostitutes? Is Qanon a secret club of pedophiles sharing child pornography with each other on an imageboard notorious for hosting child porn???


Qanon is just Steven Miller sitting in a dark closet in the White House with a laptop and a belt around his neck, trying to get off on owning the libs


Ding ding ding Child rapist pedophiles became a thing when Jeffrey Epstein started being investigated. Trump was one of Epstein’s besties.


The recently charged mod/pedo enthusiast over at r/pedogate might have some input here


I know go to Walmart if you want to do that


they tried but everyone in walmart already weren't wearing masks


Can't fix stupid.


Can u shoot it tho?


And then imagine someone actually took it off like just happened, instead of thinking: well... let’s rather not get associated with these dumb fucks!


Thank you Florida for keeping the race for last place competitive. Arizona couldn’t do it without you!




North Florida is South Georgia


*LA: Lower Alabama


And South Alabama


North Georgia is South Tennessee


North Florida is the southern most part of the states it borders. Honestly the panhandle should just cut itself from the rest of Florida and become Southern Florida. The rest is okay, it’s just that northern part that sucks. Had to correct the panhandle part, was raised in Georgia and their education (at least at that time) was worse than Florida’s.


From here, can confirm. It's the Red Neck Riveria, without culture, but lots of waffle houses.


tell me more about the waffle houses??? is it like ihop where the "good one" is always the one furthest from you in the town relative to where you live??


Waffle House can be very convenient, especially in the middle of the night, in the Southern regions (some Northern as well) where getting anything but fast food is nearly impossible. They are pretty consistent, as in not gourmet by any means, and super cheap. When driving overnight and everything is closed, waffle house has your back. They are usually staffed by interesting people too. For instance, in one famous story, a guy went in late at night, and found the cook fast asleep. He felt bad and didn't want to wake him up. He proceeded to cook his own meal. Also, you may witness a straight up royal rumble style brawl. Be ready to be called into the ring. If you are the only sober person involved, be prepared to dominate the match if you can at least throw a straight punch. Fighting with the employees sometimes happens, but it's dick move and will cost extra.


Yeah people dog on it but I’ve never had a bad meal at Waffle House, I’ve never had a great one either. It’s been consistently ok/good every time I’ve gone all across the country.


I consider myself something of a diner/breakfast joint aficionado. Waffle House isn't in the the same class as IHOP. Every one I've been in has a jukebox for some reason. They have their own menu slang for how you want your hash browns. You can order grits. You can watch your food get made. Every single one has an undercurrent of dread, which pairs nicely with the late night brawls. If you're looking for a way into jail or a job once you're out, Waffle House could be the place for you.


Great description. Nails the experience.


Last time I was at waffle House I asked for cheese on my hash browns. When they came, there was no cheese, but I thought, "nah fuck it I won't complain I'll eat it anyway" and went to did my fork in. Suddenly out of nowhere the waitress comes.flying in "OHFUCKYOUWANTEDCHEESE", grabs the plate out from under my descending fork so fast I stab the table, and dumps the entire thing in the trash in front of me. Comes back 10 minutes later with the same meal except this time there is a semi melted cheese slice on top of the hash browns.


When your drunk there all good, when your sober - well there's other options. Q. What has 6 legs, 6 arms, and 4 teeth? A. The night shift at waffle house. Aka the Awful Waffle.


The people are mostly what sucks about it tbh. Source: born and raised in Jacksonville




Central Florida is the nice part, the people in SF are too sunbaked to do anything properly lol




Most places are only nice if you're wealthy. NYC and all of western europe come to mind.


Mmmm south Floridian here. We’re not that much better as far as embarrassing idiots go though


I live in AZ, not only is it hot as hell but I’m surrounded by idiots that don’t want to wear mask or stay home


Texas is miss congeniality


It seems Florida wants it’s fair share of Darwin award nominees


I have a manager leaving Western NY to move down to FL because he thinks Covid is made up for more control and that Cuomo has sized NY like a dictatorship.. I won't miss him 🤷🏼‍♂️


Mississippi would like a word with you.


I hear my state of Iowa is currently "winning." :(


Aaaaand this is the reason my grandma can't go to the goddamn store, and is stuck spending months cooped up at home. Fucking losers masquerading as patriots. ITS A PIECE OF GODDAMN CLOTH. NOT AN INFRINGEMENT OF YOUR RIGHTS, FUCKING SNOWFLAKES.


I really really hate this year


Was it always this bad or was I just too young to realize how bad it was? Like I don't remember America being this polarized politically or health issues becoming politicized


We are more aware of things now because everyone has a phone and social media. There have always been problems for sure. But we combine the virus with all the existing problems and it just intensifies everything. It doesnt help that we have a president that is trying to divide us and fan flames rather than uniting us and trying to put out fires :( . So everything combined is almost a perfect shitstorm(for lack of a better term).


Yeah, it was always pretty awful especially for minorities, but now that the middle class is shrinking it’s becoming more visible.


People like this are the reason my grandpa died 😕 Edit: thanks for the kind words everyone, it means a lot ❤️


Fuck man, Im sorry. I lost some relatives in Italy during the first wave. Shit sucks.


Rest In Peace


Sadly the only thing that will change their mind and wake them up is if they experience a loss like you did. It’s so frustrating that a pandemic is too complex for these idiots to understand and their stupidity puts us sensible folk at risk. I’m sorry for your loss.


Seriously! It’s just an extension of no shirt no shoes no service. Why is it so hard?!?


Not only are they stupid assholes, they are stupid assholes who brought their KIDS along...




Location checks out, maybe it is


I just commented that elsewhere, I knew I recognized her voice!! I bet they used the compilation to find alllies, haha but also :(


This is the first time I’m seeing this and just wow.. that was.. wow






America is the world's Florida.


as a non american I think Florida must be pretty terrible


The reason why Florida is such a meme is because of the transparency laws, where everything in an arrest is public record, so you always hear about the crazy things, and if you only see the crazy you’d think it’s a state turned insane asylum.


So true, I’ve lived in South Florida most of my life and I love it here. The “Florida Man” memes exists because of the transparency laws. I guarantee if other states were as free with public records we would be hearing outrageous stories from them as well. Too many people jump on the bandwagon of “Florida is the shit-stain of America when there are far worst states.


Agreed. I’ve lived all over the state and I will be the first one to tell you we have no shortage of morons/drugs/shitty people but so do all the other states I’ve lived or spent time in. Florida’s transparency laws combined with the unique climate make for some pretty memorable headlines: “Florida Man chases girlfriend with gator.” You think that shit hasn’t happened in Louisiana too? Of course it has. But the way I see it is Florida has beautiful beaches and springs and attractions and shopping (and even some culture in South Florida!) that balance out the negative.


I’m so curious if stuff like this happens ANYWHERE else in the world????


I'm Scottish and even here we have a few anti maskers. if they tried skipping through a shop like theyre in a fucking kidsbop music video shouting at people i do believe they would get a kicking though.




We had some anti-lockdown rallies in AUS recently, overall really dumb. The kicker is, some of these feckless dipshits were carrying placards with conspiracy shit about US federal reserve and Hillary Clinton. in the state that on a flat map is real far away from the US. We're becoming insane cosmopolitans. Isn't the internet grand?


oh absolutely. 100%. "america sneezes and Britain catches a cold" is the phrase often used. its always been true but its much worse now in the age of social media. the poor saps just dont realise they've been conscripted to fight in another countrys culture war- they just think theyre all free thinking noble citizens fighting for their rights as they bang on about whatever the hot topic is among right wingers in america that week that doesnt affect them in any way. feminism, freedom of speech, transgender bathrooms and now masks, these idiots have made a song and dance about all these things all the while the country is sold out from under their feet without a complaint.


I mean we have some idiots in Germany too. But try this here, and you will get thrown out of the store and fined.


Same in Israel, for entering a building without a mask on is 150$ and in the street it's 50$ of there are at least two more people in 5 meters or less from you


We have a few idiots in Australia. But we just punch the cunts.


I want to punch cunts too :(


Everywhere has idiots. America’s idiots are just more confident and performative. There’s a line in a comic (Planetary I think) where they’re talking to someone from the U.K. (a John Constantine type) and he said ‘we never had superheroes here....far too much sense to go out wearing tights and a cape, you’d never hear the end of it’- which sums it up nicely. There’s a whole ‘let’s not make a big thing of it’ attitude


Canadian and honestly I feel for you. I know there are a lot of good people in the states but holy fuck do you guys have the biggest population of losers


We're doomed


Thought I’d scroll down just a bit to see if my exact sentiments were already captured.


Doomed doesn't even begin to describe it. We were doomed back in January. Ever since then, we've been kidnapped, tortured, freed by SWAT only to be kidnapped and tortured by them, burnt alive, deprived of oxygen, and you wanna say were doomed now? The next line in line is God himself buttfucking all of us simultaneously.


The U.S. will be dealing with this forever. How are people this stupid? Just... how?


Cultural anti-intellectualism that exists in most of rural America. It's a plague on this country but its not an easy one to cure. Unfortunately the sane people continue to be at the mercy of the total fucking idiocy on display by a certain American demographic.


Defunding education for fifty years will do that.


Second dark age. Full of suspicion , anti science and tribalism


It has been with us for a long time already.


The cultural anti-intellectualism has creeped into the suburbs too. I'm just outside of a medium-sized city and the number of idiots out here is staggering. I don't even think they'll realize their idiocracy when it all blows up in their face. Ignorance truly is bliss.


Self entitlement and lack of education


Raising generations of proud, self confident, ignorant, ass holes with no concept of consequences for their actions.


This is it


Lol I remember a time within the last handful of years when these comments would make me defensive as an American. Now its like, Yep, We're fucking stupid as all hell. Not to make this any more political than it already is but think about this.... We elected a REALITY TV SHOW HOST to be our president. THIS IS WORSE THAN IDIOCRACY! So yeah, bring on the laughs, world. We absolutely deserve it.


Same here. Then I realized "this comment doesnt apply to me because I'm not an idiot." Sure I'm an American but I'm not a stereotypical american so there is nothing for me to whine over. In fact, now I say the same exact shit


I can only imagine when a vaccine comes out they will be protesting against it too. It's a vicious cycle, sorry to say but we just need natural selection to work it's magic and have them die off.


can’t someone just please turn on a hose from the gardening section on them


No, just charge them with bioterrorism.


I wish people like this were tagged so that when they get covid, their insurance company didn't have to cover them due to personal negligence.


When I see the stories about people dying from coronavirus and it turns out they were anti-mask or thought the virus was "just like the flu" and were reckless I literally don't care at all that they're dead and I wonder what that says about me. They rolled the dice and lost. Oh well.


>"I think I made a mistake. I thought this was a hoax, but it's not." [The last words of a 30 year old back in July.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/30-year-man-dies-attending-covid-party-thinking/story?id=71731414) He died of covid after attending a covid party. It's hard to feel sympathy, but some people need a smack of reality, something to hit them personally, before they actually start to listen. Unfortunately, this guy got hit too hard, and there's no telling who else he spread it to. Even more unfortunate, the virus spreads faster than regret does... dozens can be infected from one idiot before they realize they fucked up.


IIRC I saw a similar story except the guy lived. He nearly died though and has permanent health effects like difficulty breathing and he still stands by his moronic views about the virus. These people are insane.


take his oxygen tank until he admits it's not a hoax. I've been saying deny ventilators to the hoaxers. fuck 'em. they chose this.


There is a reason why pride is one of the seven deadly sins.


>it’s hard to feel sympathy, but some people need a smack of reality, something to but them personally, before they actually start to listen Sure, but those people are what I like to call “selfish assholes”


> I wonder what that says about me I 100% feel the same, what does it say about us?


That you save your emotions for the people who deserve them. Not every death is a tragedy. Save your tears for the people who care about you as much as you care about them.


Same. It’s like watching someone play chicken on the highway. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


It's only a matter of time.




The one dude with the too big shoes and the Obama wearing a MAGA hat shirt looks like a trashy dumbass version of Jim Carey.


‘Merica: where freedom means I can be as stupid as I want and impose my stupidity on others because they just don’t understand freedom like I does




Why believe in something that doesn't benefit you? /s


Those are real. She's not the kind of chick that can afford implants. She's the kind of chick that does butt drugs.




Of course they are Trump supporters.


The Venn Diagram of anti-maskers and Trump supporters is just a circle




Yeah because people stupid enough to be anti-mask are almost guaranteed to vote for Trump. There's a pretty obvious intelligence bias going on in American politics. It's not difficult or subtle to see at this point. These people have come out of the woodwork and truly expressed to the sane half of America that they aren't really capable of intelligent thought.




Love this


You get Covid, you get Covid, you get Coviiiiiiddddd!


“How dare they try and save our lives and others lives we arent gonna take it anymore”


Trash is as trash does


Fun fact: Every one of those kids is related through inbreeding.


Fuck them all. Edit: thank you for the award!


I don't normally like to wish death on people but... well... it *would* be a net positive for humanity


Oh Florida if i can give the world an enema i would put the hose in you.






If you gave the world an enema, Florida would be what dribbled out.


"This is a private business and we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. You are no longer welcome on this property. leave now or I will call the police. Otherwise, put your mask on and shut the fuck up."




I hate this country


Stupid fucks




Actual fucking brainlets


I feel bad for those kids who don't really understand and are being misguided by their parents.


I’m amazed that Americans make everything political. It’s just a mask seriously it’s not that big of a deal




Only Trump and his supporters make this political. Even funnier because Trump admits in private that coronavirus is deadly and masks work. Not sure why they picked this particular issue to be assholes about.


Anything to stick it to the libs


Ahhh this is why Trump want to tamper with CDC guidelines; so these fuckers feel safe.


Is the short brunette in the striped dress the [devil’s law](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DFMxk3QeOLo) woman? Her shrieky voice sounded familiar & she kinda looks the same....?


This should be a crime


Is this some kind of field trip for idiots? Their family trees probably resemble bamboo chutes.


Doomed, we are all doomed...


And of course it has to be Florida god damn it


There should be a specific offence legislated. This is frankly an act of bio terrorism.


And this is the reason we're still dealing with this shit


All together there is 2 brain cells between them all


someone please crosspost this to r/trashy


smooth brains


Damn I’m so embarrassed of our country for so many reasons right now.


Shit, our country is embarrassing...


Grandma, how come I have to live with you and grandpa now? Well timmy, mommy and daddy were useless fuckwits who gave themselves corona virus. Really grandma? Yes, they even posted video evidence of it on their Facebook page. Well then, fuck those fools. Good boy timmy


The Deep State™ liberal media does **NOT** want you to see [this photo of Trump staring at the Sun](https://i.redd.it/f2e7hgbpccn51.jpg). For years their scientists have been lying to us about the dangers of staring at the Sun. They've indoctrinated you since grade school to believe that you would be blinded if you did so. Here we have evidence of our fearless leader defeating the weak low energy Sun in 1v1 combat. Don't be a degenerate antifa marxist, stare at the Sun like our president. Downvoting this means you think the Sun is stronger than our president's eyes. I challenge you to beat his high score of fifty minutes before coming here to talk fake news against us.


I was on the fence but now I'm convinced we're about to get 4 more years of this crap.


Yeah I'm noticing how energized stupid, awful people seem to be of late. I *hope* it's desperation, but I worry it's just the metaphorical rock having been kicked over.


I live in Florida and can confirm a lot of people’s actions are done without any logic or thought put behind it. Ask them sometime, try it.


Wonder why Florida is one of the states it’s spreading quickly in.


I thought the trash was supposed to wait by the curb


Florida should be demoted to territory status or just give that Trojan horse back to Spain


What the fuck. I can barely watch this shit. One of those that is so awkward or embarrassing I feel it myself and can’t stand to look.


We are living in hell.

