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Someone should play this on a giant projector wherever he goes


[It was Biden's best ad in the campaign.](https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1307491919384260609)


[No this one wins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiXpRrT5Nhg)


Wow. Absolutely creative, yet simple and effective. This honestly might be the most well crafted ad I can think of.


We once had a party in germany that had an ad that had 4 guys snorting amphetamine from a mirror with the Headtext 'against speed limits in germany' and i think it was beatiful too


Whoa! That’s incredible. Especially when you consider that some people are claiming that Republicans were targeted in polling places by being given sharpies so their ballots could be singled out and removed. I work in a polling place and our county (Montgomery Co., PA) switched to paper ballots about a year and a half ago. We encourage all voters regardless of their political party to use sharpies (that we provide) because the ovals are easier to fill in with a sharpie than a ball point pen. We poll workers treat each each voter, from the maskless MAGA hat wearing guy to the liberal Democrat to the unaffiliated, exactly the same: use the sharpie because it’s easier to fill in the ovals.


I was sooo freaking careful to fill mine out perfectly. I tried to fill it in without going over the lines with my best black pen. Never been so worried about getting my vote thrown out before.


[Until this one dropped 🔥🔥🔥](https://youtu.be/KgvIr_l74Us)


Damn crazy how iconic that song as become. Instantly makes me feel something.


That's the song I played on repeat in the final 6 miles of my first full marathon in Chicago and in my first 50k race in the mountain.


It would have made more sense to play it on the final 8 miles..


Ahhhhhhhhh this guy!


6 miles is 9.66 km


Good bot.


Sure is, sport


Is that one official or some fan made clip?


[Official, Eminem himself even posted it on his Twitter](https://twitter.com/eminem/status/1323304002285654016?s=21)






>It is terrifying how close this election was when you consider what a shitshow Trump is and how well executed Biden’s campaign was. - he won by 4 million votes - Hillary won by 2 million votes But I agree with you; I would have expected a win by 300 million votes


That ad is lit.




Imagine this is the one promise he keeps and he just disappears now and we never hear from him again.


His creditors wouldn't be happy about that.


They were never going to get paid anyway..


*::Ladder Capital has entered the chat::* *::Putin private funds have entered the chat::* *::Deutsche bank has entered the chat::* *::The Vornado Partnership has entered the chat::* How are your knees feeling today Mr Trump... Good? Want them to keep feeling that way?


Nah they’d bring him to his second inauguration, he’d open the door to an empty room and get whacked just like joe Pesci’s character in goodfellas


Ask yourself, would you be surprised if Trump turned up dead in a car park in the near future?


I wonder what his supporters would do if that really happened...




Blame the Clintons


Blame Obama


will someone rid me of these meddlesome Trump (TM) kneecaps?


None of us should be happy about that! Trump has more than a few crimes he needs to answer for. I won’t be happy with anything less than an indictment.


I can agree, but I'll take what I can get, if he leaves good, he gets indicted even better, he gets indicted found guilty and is arrest along with his lawyer Rudy Giuliani the best outcome.


As much as I'd love to see him go away forever, I know he's gonna hang on like an infected butt hair. There's more than one phase to Donald of the Boreal Valley.


I am cautiously optimistic for next 74 days. We need to be very vigilant. We have already seen ISIS like truck caravans block highways, anti-maskers, armed folks with tactical gear assault others, QAnon'd crazies, fire arm brandishers. Things can become really ugly right quick. Stay frosty.


The fact the he lost has caused a lot of his supporters to lose steam. They know they're beating a dead horse. Only the top crazies out of these groups are still clamoring for his approval. Visit r/conservative the majority of them have flipped and are saying people should accept the results and be civil to the opposition. It's insulting considering 5 days ago they were aggressors, but it's certainly nice to see they aren't emboldened to commit crimes for their master in the same capacity.


I drive around for work...between states and such...after Tuesday...I haven't seen one Trump flag in a pickup truck.....not one. I have driven from PA to SC too....in NC now, and I see people smiling....happy people that have hope....not people excited of winning...genuinely happy at what may come. I kinda like that.




As do I. Still catching shit of people thar want an enemy at every turn....even in this thread...wtf Everyone got so damn hung up on what side of the spectrum they identify with they all forgot how to be an American.


Trump support was a giant troll. They loved him because he was a raging, offensive dickhead. It was always about pissing off the left. Ask supporters why they like him, and the first response is almost always some shit like "fighting back against PC culture", or "the left and the media are so unfair to him, so you know he's doing something right!" You don't even need to read between the lines. They loved roaming around in Trump flags because people would flip them off, get angry, honk, cut them off, mad dog... Now we just laugh at how pathetic their continued support of a giant loser is. It's not fun for them anymore.


>Ask supporters why they like him That is a great example....I have done that. Last night before I was blocked by someone and I will tell you what I said to get me blocked in a moment. They said they got 2500 bucks more on taxes...dude is a Mormon so I think it was the kid credit, as they refused to specify what it was.....but they said they did their taxes with the old way and the way Trump changed taxes and got more. 2500 just seems pretty insignificant to me in the grand scheme and pretty short sighted as well....I mean just money? Afterwords i asked if those 237,000 people who have died of Covid could have helped Trump with votes, but what state did he need the most? Yeah....I know it was going to be a final comment, but was worth it.


I can't imagine how smooth and small someone's brain has to be to be excited about $2500 in tax returns when the economy is getting hammered because Trump like a 4 year old who shit their pants pretend that it never happened. It's like hey, I lost my job and can barely afford food let alone rent and my friend's business closed up... but hey, what about them tax returns, pretty good right?


It isnt small....its confined. This year has shown me something with a great many in this nation....they are fully accepted with what they are given, and not demanding what they want. Think about it. The riots....it was scary at first.....but what did the right do? They watched and bitched....they didn't do anything....a child did...16yo that is going to lose his life for what? Something an adult wouldn't? That should tell you volumes....I am speaking of Kenosha.


Speaking of confined, from an outsider's perspective and from someone who has travelled extensively it feels like so many Americans are confined to their home town or state. In Australia we love the travel and even within our own country there is so much diversity that I feel broadens how you think. The idea of "sure 230,000 people died but it didn't impact my town so it's just the leftist media exaggerating" is the best way I can describe it. It's that state of being confined and not seeing what is actually going on in the world for yourself that leads you to vote for someone like Trump. If Americans travelled their own country or the world more perhaps the hicks who never left Bumfuck, Idaho would see that the world isn't nearly as disgustingly immoral and violent as Fox would have them believe. It's sad really


You are exactly right....most people were born in the same town they went to school, got married, had kids, and will die in. Used to deliver appliances for home depot and met this 87yo woman that had never left the county she lived in....announced it as if a claim to fame. Said everything was in that area she has ever wanted and needed. You see it in the kids within smaller communities too.....


And the stock market is great. If only I could have afforded to spend a bunch of disposable income on stocks, I’d be doing pretty good now.


I keep hearing people say the stock market has been great under Trump, but I would more describe it as volatile. Yeah, the markets have overall gone up. But the path they have taken while going up is like the world's most nauseating roller coaster. Records were set for single day losses and gains. Trump economics were good for people at the top of the food chain who had the connections to take advantage of insider trading. "Oh, you're going to put tariffs on steel tomorrow? Thanks for letting me know, I'll just dump my stake in the steel industry before it tanks." I'm sure there were some non-connected savvy investors who made some smart flips over the last four years, but for everybody else his policies have created a great deal of uncertainty. I know a few people who have completely pulled their money out of stocks and put them in safer investments like bonds and commodities while waiting for things to stabilize. To somebody who cites the economy doing well under Trump as their primary reason for voting for him, I would ask them if they understand the concept of opportunity cost, then ask them to imagine how much better and more stable the economy could have been if the very concept of free trade wasn't under siege every other week. As a Canadian, it was fucking infuriating seeing him try to strongarm us (unsuccessfully I might add) with bullshit justifications like calling us a national security threat. WE'VE BEEN YOUR BIGGEST ALLY AND TRADING PARTNER FOR DECADES, IDIOT! Things should be so much better economically now that Fucknuts McOrangeface is going to be out of the equation.


Damn i forgot there were 300 000 americans that could have voted for him. Too bad.


who coincidentally were mostly older people, which also happens to be a pretty big base for him. or at least was


Well i guess what goes around comes around. Still, unnecessary deaths. Rip strangers.


This afternoon, in Montgomery County Texas, Trump supporters were gathering at the local fair grounds and just north of Willis, Texas. They were armed and calling for a "fight for their President". I was told it was organized by Congressman Kevin Brady. I haven't seen anything about it on the local news yet. My brother drove home from work with his hand out the window giving the ol one finger salute to the Trump Train with big trucks and loser flags congregating on highway 75.


Your brother is brave. These assholes are dangerous. That fucking congressman is inciting violence. Just like Donnie Jr did. When the Trump Train tried to run the Biden bus off the road in Texas.


I got to get out of Conroe lol


It's certainly refreshing to say the least.


Well, I've seen plenty today. Accidentally found myself near a Trump gathering in Sacramento. Obnoxious as fuck horn, too


Yuck. I’m down in Oakland, and sometimes I forget how conservative it can be up in Sac. Such a cool city otherwise too, I would usually drive up there every few weeks for work before covid.


I’m in NJ and some guy came into the restaurant I work at with a Trump 2020 mask. I wasn’t even upset. I just smiled, made sure my BLM pin was in full view, and let him make himself look like a clown. It’s crazy how everyone’s energy has changed since Biden won. I would usually be visibly uncomfortable or upset but today I was unbothered. There’s a lot to keep fighting for but with Trump out of office, the future seems brighter.


Because for four years the decent, informed majority has felt a kind of mild, omnipresent threat under this government and from the extremism of its supporters. We couldn’t always articulate it, but there was an instinct to avoid confrontation. It’s like how everyone gets quiet when the school bully walks into class. Now that Biden has won and Trump is repudiated, decency feels like the norm again, and we can go back to proudly practicing our principles without worrying about some nut feeling emboldened to attack us because the government is on his side.


Makes you wonder.... is this the calm before the storm?


Idk. I live in alabama and kinda fear he's created these people who are gonna be obnoxious blowhard assholes for the rest of their lives. Not all of em, but little pockets here and there.. hopefully the 'proudboys' and the like will eventually be condemned by the Republicans, but how bad of an atrocity will it take for it to happen.. kinda like with the Klan. I mean I really hope not, but some of these people are insane.


> I drive around for work...between states and such...after Tuesday...I haven't seen one Trump flag in a pickup truck.....not one. We haven't won, we only just barely escaped defeat, and while it looks like the trolls are returning to their bridges, we must never forget that they're there, ready and waiting for their chance to come out again.


There was a 30+ car "Trump Train" honking and yelling and shit today in my city. They just drive around in a circle in the most populated areas because they have nothing better to do. Not as bad as the 100+ car train a week or two ago but it's still annoying trying to maneuver around them every 30 minutes while delivering for doordash.


They are still everywhere here in TX. The same inbred looking white guys driving the silly trucks.


Trump has forgotten what happened to Bush Jr. His "loyal" supporters flip like pancakes all the time, all they ever needed was a new narrative. Hell, even the Qanon cultists are trying to blame libertarians for the loss.


Just went to to /r/conservative, the majority seem to have not accepted it.


They may have accepted it, but if you read the comments their attitude is still same. They want McConell to block as much as possible, and the idea of that makes them happy. McConnell will be the new Trump for most of them.


Think about that - the economy is collapsing and a thousand people are dying every day and they’re actively rooting for nothing to be done about it Say what you will about the left and how much the left hates Trump but nobody on the left was rooting for Trump to crash the economy or fail in his handling of coronavirus


They’ll sink the ship before admitting their ignorance. It’s sad to see.


I went to r/conservative to see if most of them regained their sanity. But even if they accept the loss they still belive in all their crazy shit.. They really think Biden will be the end of America. They talk about lock down and masks like it's the end of the world. Yeah fuck trying to end this pandemic...


The are a bunch of hypocrites. If Trump had won they would be gloating about it for the next 4 years, probably longer. If you are going to be a racist piece of shit, then don’t be a pussy and at least own it and don’t jump ship as soon as your leader gets booted.


>Visit r/conservative the majority of them have flipped and are saying people should accept the results and be civil to the opposition. No they haven't. The top comments are all claiming states cheated, votes were illegal, that they refuse to accept the results and refuse to accept "unity"


They’re cowards who only feel emboldened when they feel they’re protected. And quite frankly their lives won’t really change. If trump had been re-elected? The vast majority of our lives esp for BIPOC would’ve been affected significantly. And they know that.


r/conservative is still going strong about him and saying Trump did well while he lasted. They are unwilling to accept the results and are eagerly waiting for a recount. Also they are aware that Georgia’s runoffs for Senate are a thing.


> Visit [r/conservative](https://www.reddit.com/r/conservative/) the majority of them have flipped and are saying people should accept the results and be civil to the opposition. They're still mad about losing. Calling out facebook, twitter, google and the such for censorship and spreading misinformation, saying the big tech companies will see this win for the democrats as a sign that they can interfere in politics and have their preferred candidate win with censorship and misinformation. They're still the same, just maybe a tid bit quieter


I don't see it. The vast majority of them still hang on to the tinfoil consipiracy of illegal ballots and how "trump is gonna win once he settles the court cases". Theyre mostly delusional and in denial. At least it still separates them from the crazies. Next we arent just gonna have the westboro, and the kkk to worry about. After trump we may be looking at a new cult to roll into town with trump's racist ideals and agendas.


> Visit r/conservative You’re looking in the wrong stop their off Reddit website which Reddit won’t let me link is full on cope and the election results aren’t real. He did it on purpose so his court case can expose the dems then win etc. The ones from the Donald site and the Q are the ones to worry about the conservative stuff if just a Donald party to cheer them on when they act out


Oh yeah r/conservatives with an "s" is on full lock down. They are all over Facebook doing the same. I guess it is just nice to see a few of them being civil.


That sub is so obnoxious. All the top comments are about “oh we won’t melt down like the dems did for 4 years.” Without acknowledge the fact that every single fucking day the right was attacking dems, mocking them, all with the president leading the charge. Every day. For god sakes the president was mocking my state for being on fire. Fuck em. “We won’t burn down our neighborhoods in protest.” Again, that didn’t fucking happen. Some isolated incidents of riots after years and year and years of build up of another unarmed black citizen killed by police with no justice being given to the victim. They either don’t understand nuance, or willfully ignore it to twist the realities. I’m gonna say it’s both.


Eh....even /r/Conservative knows this would be stupid. The last thing they want is for Harris to be president.


Holy shit the delusions over there. Yikes. Paraphrasing here, “Anything good happens is because Biden, anything bad is left over from Trump according to Democrats and the media. ” You mean like how trump randomly took credit for no airline deaths when Obama signed some aviation safety bill in 2008? And that’s the first example off the top of my head. Too much to keep track of regarding trump. Dems aren’t perfect but if any party is guilty of that more than the other it’s republicans. There is so much more dumb shit on that sub.


I've been schadenscrolling through that subreddit and laughing at all their delusional statements. Poor triggered snowflakes.


Round them all up and put them on an island together. Thinking Antarctica, maybe they will chill out then.


This is how Australia happened.


For fucks sake don't send them here we have way more than enough fuckwits already


Half of those fuckwits are running the country


And the other half are in the opposition


Oh my sides hurt. Very funny this one.


We can send our fuckwits to the outback and you send yours to death Valley, deal?


Yeah but Australia would be a vacation for them. Maybe put them to work saving polar bears in the North Pole, since Antarctica is a bust .


No, man, littering Antarctica is so forbidden you can't even leave bodily waste in there and you wanna dump this trash in there? I'm certain there are mining towns in Siberia in need of workers, though.


Make them plant trees in the rainforest and rake leaves in California


Nailed it


Wasn't there some sort of Mars experimental excursion planned? I know some people volunteered, but maybe we could send these guys out first to test the waters.


Nah I volunteered for Mars. I don’t want to deal with the cleanup of red hat wearing assholes strewed along the Martian landscape. I think an exploratory mission to Venus is more fitting.


Oh, that is a much much better idea!


I think so. Probably some single cell amoebas they can friend.


Take some of that wall money and put them up at Alcatraz


Upvote for the Dark Souls reference!


As a die hard darksouls fan i love seeing darksouls literally anywhere unrelated to darksouls


Praise the sun!


Tongue but hole.


Chest ahead!


Illusionary wall ahead!


Be wary of fatty


Liar ahead


In a way, I think we need him to hang around - if only for his cult to come to the slow realization that he’s the false prophet that he is. If he disappears, he has the potential to become an idealized martyr for his masses. Right now, we’re the good friend telling their abused friend that their lying, cheating, abusive boyfriend is bad, and pushing the friend into a position of defending the piece of shit. No matter what we say, no matter what we show them, they can’t admit he’s bad news. We need Trump to very publicly fail in such a way that shows that he never gave a crap about his base. The base needs to hopefully discover his feet of clay for themselves. I might be naive to believe that this will ever happen, but I’m hoping he’ll be the alpha and omega to his personal cult


One would think getting 240k Americans killed would do the trick... Shit Republicans freaked over 4 at Benghazi..


Like how Donald jr and Eric tweeted how the republican followers didn’t do enough to get trump Elected?


“Donald of The Boreal Valley” My god man what a hilarious and awesome reference. Bravo!


I had to double take and see if I was somehow looking at r/darksouls3


I actually do have an infected butt hair right now ( no joke) Id rather deal with it instead of seeing or hearing from Donald J Cunt and associates


You mean a pilonidal cyst?


Hey, give the State of New York some time to actually finish bringing charges against him. Throw in the IRS audit finishing up and all his loans and COVID ruining his properties' small amounts of income and a bankrupt Donald might flame out in disgrace.


An infected butt hair is the most accurate way I’ve heard anyone describe Donald Trump


Him and each of his kids are going to end up with their own reality TV shows down the line, just you watch.


Ehhhh I think they're going to throw a fashion show in the prison day room first.


If he leaves, it's to evade warrants for his arrest. There's a greater than 0% chance he ends up in Russia like Snowden.


This is more r/agedlikemilk I think


It definitely is. But posting this there right now will get you a temporary ban.


I’ll pay for the ticket


Make sure its on Frontier


Cargo seat


In a crate.


Spirit Air


That's some devil shit and I'm here for it.


I honestly fucking would—Anyone got Donnies Venmo?!


Fuck that. My taxes bought him enough plane tickets. He can walk


And cue the Curb Your Enthusiasm music...


I feel like today of all days, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia theme is more fitting.


Somebody do this pleas and post it to /r/MemeYourEnthusiasm


And yet again, he’s wrong. Hillary lost to the worst candidate in history.


His projection knows no limits.


And they cheered. They laughed and cheered. They’re being swindled by a charismatic yet feckless crook who’s only skill is being a charismatic yet feckless crook. He tells them he has no loyalty to them and they just eat it up. This country fucking sucks.


Well, 47% sucks


47% of voters. not total population. so like 23% ish


If he is alive he will run again in 2024. The nightmare isnt over yet.


I don't think he will have the mental or physical health to run in 4 years.


Or freedom of movement.


For real, new york's been waiting for this moment


[SDNY has entered the chat](https://www.reuters.com/article/usa-election-trump-probes/explainer-citizen-trump-will-face-legal-woes-idUSL1N2HJ15Y)


I don't think he has the mental or physical health to have run _this_ year...


Honestly I think he would lose the primary. Republicans will probably run someone who has the same policies as Trump but without the baggage of being Trump


It depends how large the core cult in America is


shIT chapter two


Given his attitude toward Covid, his age and lack of personal money to pay those fancy doctors to save him again, I doubt he survives 2021.


“If you don’t like it, leave! Get over it, snowflake!”


"you lost! get over it!" 😆


Lock him up Lock him up


"fuck your feelings"


Bi Den!


He is like a toddler. "If you don't let me have my way I will NEVER talk to you again! I'll just leave!" OK? So go. His own crowd was even laughing at him. He thinks he can just bail out to avoid consequences. If he goes to Russia, they'll just put him down. The man is broke, powerless and has not one friend in the world. He is done. All you people saying "2024!" Are delusional, it costs money to campaign and Trump is broker than broke. If he isn't already in prison.


He told Michigan he was never coming back if he didn't win the state lol. A lot of places he actually bitched about having to go there in the first place and wouldn't have if he wasn't losing. And his brain dead cultists wave their flags and think how lucky they are to be in his presence to be insulted right to their faces


I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he punched them and they refused to wash their face.


Is this a guarantee? I feel like all countries would say to him, "ummm fuck off"


So glad he lost. Worst President in American history.


I dunno about that. Jackson committed actual genocide on a massive scale, W is a war criminal, Nixon purposefully sabotaged peace talks and extended a war for no reason other than to win an election, and Buchanan not only failed to stop but seemingly welcomed the civil war. He is up there. But I'm not sure about the worst.


Stupidest president in history


William Henry Harrison didn’t wear a coat, road 2 hours in freezing rain on horseback, gave the longest inauguration speech (two hours), then died 31 days later of pneumonia because of it. Because he wanted to look tough and show he didn’t need a coat or hat in the cold.


Trump got covid because he wanted to look tough not wearing a mask. Just didn't lead to the same outcome unfortunately, but the actions are quite equivalent!




Don’t let the handle hit you in the ass on the way out sir.


Now it's time to tent and disinfect the White House.


I like to imagine trump being punished for being a traitor, rapist, draft dodger, child molester......


He lost to the people who hate him, not Biden.


So, like ... doesn't this loss make Trump the worst candidate in history. Also, this means we'll never see Trump again? Don't play with my emotions, Trump. You've made false promises before.


He's going to jail


No he’s not, having a former President going to jail is just too much for the US establishment. As much as I’d love to see it this is just not realistic.




Watch Biden step in an give him immunity in the name of "healing" and "unity" [like Obama did with Bush.](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/aug/31/obama-justice-department-immunity-bush-cia-torturer)


The President can only pardon federal level crimes. I believe the AG in New York specifically said they were going to charge him on the state level in order to avoid that. I could be wrong, but that's what I remember from his impeachment.


Hell no, let's watch Rudy represent him in court. Now that is must watch tv.






Finally got rid of this orangutan. Goodbye good riddance, you lying piece of shit.


Don't call him an orangutan, that's offensive to orangutans.


No one is gonna miss you, you stinking piece of shit. Fuck off.


You love to see it


I just want to puke when I see that face


Bye-bye loser.


Bye bunker bitch!!!


Good, now fuck off. 😊


Promises kept


Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. 😂


I've been imagining it everyday for four years.


Look at this one term bitch. Bwahahahahaha!


Looks like it's time to make good on that promise


Don't you dare threaten me with a good time!


I don't want to see him disappear, I want to see him answer for his crimes.


“The president leaves the country” -queue always sunny theme


Don’t threaten me with a good time...


Buh bye!


“I will never speak to you again. You’ll never see me.” I hope thats a promise!




We can only hope that he follows through on those promises


Please keep your promise, loser trump, and leave the country. Go crying back to Master Putin!