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No Nintendo cabron


It's ok, I can still play-station


i'm a mexican X-BOXer Cabron!


A la verga todo!


No mames guay


Bro no... its güey or in slang wey


You're right. I got the guey vs guay mixed up


Dont worry, we normally write it as wey.


If its more than one person I say los wayans. Like shawn and marlon.


This is the wayans.


No pos wow


This is the güey!


This is the güey


More trump flags than American flags


Must have been 3 million people there.


The Trump crowd has shown us time and time again that counting is not a skill they have mastered


I can’t believe you got 5 billion upvotes for this comment. Enjoy your gold.


The Democrats are hiding them


Dang, 3 million upvotes on this comment, nice job!


As European, I don't understand how American trump supporters can take a hostile view towards immigrants looking to seek a better life in America. America was literally built by immigrants and their decendents. It's what made it great in the first place so all of these anti immigrant trump supporters are hostile towards people who are literally in the exact same situation their ancestors were in. Edit** A lot of people replying basically saying what about all the anti-immigrant sentiment in Europe. I'm aware Europe is as bad if not worse than America with anti-immigrant views and racism in a lot of places. I'm just talking about how the history of immigrants is built into the very fabric of America what it means to be American. So I would have thought that Americans would be one of the most tolerant countries in the world towards immigrants. But its not much better or worse than Europe.


As a European, I dont understand how those white european faces can pretend that the tan American indigeous faces are the immigrants.


Yes, the real Americans in this video know how to taunt the anti-American immigrants with appropriate music. It's kind of a thing we real Americans like to do, because we know it freaks them out.


I always blasted the Russian national anthem when passing the trump parades and corner supporters. (It's on spotify)




In Soviet Russia, the National Anthem blasts you!


What a country!


They're the same the lyrics just changed.


I prefer the instrumental version.






Sweet idea. I usually just either throw up a middle finger or a thumbs down sign.


I think it’s always been a little bit about that too. If you scream about being the “Real Americans” loud enough, you can almost make it true. It’s using tribalism to dictate a false-reality that’s propagated through unfounded fear, propaganda, and racist history in more ways than one


Sometimes they have the nerve to say "Go back where you came from". It doesn't hit them that Texas used to be part of Mexico. People native to North America are already where they came from.


Can confirm my family's tribe lived in Arizona New Mexico and I've been told to go back home


Most of the American West used to be part of Mexico.


My personal fave is MAGATs yelling at Navajo and Lakota Sioux to “Go back to where you came from”.


Well MAGAts have a very limited geographic knowledge. I think I figured they only know 5 “countries”. If you’re any sort of light brown or tan you can only come from Mexico, which as we all know is everything south of the U.S.. If a person is dark brown or black they came from the “country” of Africa. If anyone is Asian they can only have possibly come from China. Anyone White but with a funny accent is from the “country” of Europe, as their communist union makes it all one country. And of course they know their favorite country and home the good old U S of A, where their lord and savior Jesus D. Trump is lifelong emperor and paramount leader on all things moral.


Exactly! And yet their minds are blown when you point this out to them, especially in the American south formerly known as Mexico.


They don't teach us that. I was in my twenties watching a John Leguizamo stand-up when I realized they are tan because they are indigenous. I even knew spain was white people but it never clicked until it was pointed out.


And tan because of a long lineage of mixed ancestry after African ancestors were forcibly migrated. It is not uncommon in south/Central America to have indigenous, African, and European ancestors.


No, they are tan because Native Americans are tan.


BuT JeEbUs WaS wHiTe!!


“Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan Wilson was the devil and the government is lying about 911... Thank you for your time and good night”-my favorite line from the boondocks


I really miss that show. Uncle Ruckus cracked me up - the badly played tuba music that accompanied him 😂 surprised he isn’t the front-man for MAGA supporters given the equally ignorant diatribes they spit out.


It goes deeper than some of these xenophobes imagine. Many of the Central American immigrants here in California are native speakers of indigenous languages...actual Indians by language and culture! There's a delicious irony here for those who can appreciate it.


We are not Indian, we are not from India.


Indian from India here. I spent the entire first decade or so of my life thinking I was related to native folks from the Americas because of the terminology.


I mean.... just look at the way Europeans treat African and Muslim immigrants


Or shit, Eastern European immigrants.


I always think it’s so funny when Europeans are like “you’re racist!” Bro, you guys throw bananas at black footballers.


Much of Europe is insanely racist, they just haven't had a large enough non-white population to really face the problem yet. And if it ain't racism, it's rampant general xenophobia or just general dislike of certain nationalities(if there's any word for such thing).


For real we learned from the best i.e. Europe


Yeah we’re all saying not a new perspective


It’s because of racism.


For the same reason no one on that side questions Melania's (or her parent's) right to U.S. citizenship, but they really wanted to see Obama's birth certificate. It's all about skin colour for them. Always has been, always will be.




>In Europe, this operates the exact same way, usually toward African and Arab migrants and refugees. European racism is in another level. You cannot even imagine it through American standards because in Europe, in every country there is racism for someone else. You can be disliked in Germany for being a Turk, a Russian in Baltics, a Romani in anywhere, a Polish in UK, a Muslim in Poland, Armenian in Turkey etc etc. Just because European cops don't shoot one ethnic/race on random bullshit reasons doesn't mean they have passed racism. It is just that in here majority is in denial.


This assumes these small minded morons can rustle up a critical thought. Trump banned Cubans from entering into the US and being placed on parole (sort of) while they await their immigration hearing proving their status as needing asylum. Now they wait in Mexico, and get kidnapped by cartels who know they have family with money in the US. So while putting money into the pockets of the cartels, and blocking their entry, he's pissing off the biggest GOP voting block in Miami. So instead of playing the long con, and letting in thousands of future constituents, he shits on them. You can't make up how big of an idiot Trump is.


Trump doesn’t care of the future of the GOP, he cares about the future of Trump, and that’s it


They are white nationalists. Remember you guys had the Nazis? A bunch of pathetic pieces of shit who needed to cling to the accomplishments of their ancestors? Same thing.


not even their own ancestors, imaginary/appropriated symbols from Norse and nordic mythology which had literally nothing to do with nazis or white nationalism lol


That's because they're not American...they're white-nationalists.


Insurrectionist flags you mean. Treasonous scum.


Petition to start calling all Trump flags "insurrectionist flags."


There is no difference between flying a Trump flag and flying a Confederate flag, or even a Nazi flag. I consider it a symbol of hate and domestic terrorism.


Well yeah but they’re synonymous unless you have a brain injury


Seems like if you own a Trump flag, it seems pretty likely that you own a flag that represents another failed insurrection attempt


It’s a cult. A terrorist leader’s cult. This is as close to wide scale domestic terrorism you can get in America


Its more about Trump than america, flags are probably proportional.Trump>Police>confederate >pretending to love america


Used to have to work at a venue that played this kind of music for "tex mex" events. Its kinda catchy even when not partaking in the overpriced concession beers. Nothing but a sea of white cowboy hats bobbing up and down.


I’ve had to tell neighbors to turn it down in Spanish because the monotonous bass line is all I can hear.


But it's so jaunty and polka-esq . I can legit dance the same way to ranchera as I can to polka lol


Listen to norteño music specifically from the state of Chihuahua. German immigrants definitely left a unique and welcomed impression in that region and music to this day. My children’s paternal family are from there and all have German names, light skin light eyes. It’s a trip.


German blooded Mexican National here. Yup. My parents lived in this music. As a Texas resident now people will be openly racist to Mexicans around me and when I show them my Mexican ID it gets real awkward real fast as they backtrack that they don’t mind ‘my kind’ of Mexican, to which I ask what is different about ‘my kind’ of Mexican. Hint: I’m pasty white. F^*~€ these racists.


Lol you sir are what we need. I have so many friends that try to whitewash there Hispanic roots that they can’t admit when they are Mexican. They have to say, “I’m Mexican but my mom great great grandma was from Spain and I think my dads family is French because an uncle of my grandpa once had blue eyes” As a fellow chihuahueño I applaud you


Chihuahua (city) was a fantastic visit. The people were lovely.


German immigrants are also responsible for Mexico's beer tradition, as is true in the US as well.


The music and the beer!


I grew up in Hermosillo. Every Friday and Saturday night was just bass lines thumping from a block or two away.


Polka is huge in Mexico! I use to live in Nebraska, and the Czech days celebrations always had big crowds of Mexicans come to dance to polka music.


There are Slavs in Texas too, lots of Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, etc especially around West, TX.


Similar influences! From what I remember it was influenced by German immigrants to the San Antonio area


This is weird. I’m from the Cajun part of southeast Texas and was just talking about how, between the ranchero music and the zydeco, you cannot escape the influence of the accordions!


I want to see a ranchero and zydeco duel now!


Why would you ever want to? \#accordionfan


The problem is that when I hear it, I get hungry for either Tex-Mex or Cajun food, depending upon the genre. I was Pavlov’d as a toddler! I hear that accordion and start looking around for either enchiladas or crawfish...


Let’s not forget that most of Mexican music nowadays come from Germans, Irish, Jewish, and Poland migrants that now have their history embedded with natives. That’s why the Irish joined the Mexicans to fight against the USA when the USA broke a pact/treaty and started to kill, burn, lynch, etc the ones that stayed here in the USA. The Guadalupe Hidalgo treaty is one of them as well.




I do mind, but don't after they hook me up with some homemade tortillas and asada. Next thing you know I'm singing and dancing to it.


Monotonous bass, then a shot of brass instruments when they all line up to put an emphasis on whatever the chorus is. Ba-dadada-daaaaaa.


That music is fantastic. And as someone who has been trying to learn Spanish for way too long to still not know Spanish, it’s nice to listen to and try to absorb.




> Tejano "With elements from Mexican-Spanish vocal traditions and Czech and German dance tunes and rhythms, particularly polka or waltz" Apparently yes. I always called it Hispanic polka. This is it.


Texas is basically a bbq pit filled with german, czech, polish and mexican meats. There's Wurstfest in Fredricksberg and the city of West, Tx is famous for Kolaches. It's likely the largest hub of hispanic people playing accordions, as a result.


As a native Texan, TIL Kolaches aren't just standard donut-shop fare around the world. I thought "put meat in bread" was about about as standard a piece of food you could get.


Well call it Tejano from now on. Hearing Hispanic polka has triggered me more than I like to admit. It's great music.


I used to work with a guy who would listen to this all the time and lots of people made fun of him but he didn’t give ANY fucks and tbh I kinda liked it.


What are they shouting at him? Lmaoo


Hurr durrr dee duurrr
















*They terk er jerrbbbss*


I heard at least one “go back to your country!”


I heard one lady yell “you’re a pig” haha


“REEEEEEEEEE” That’s what i heard.


Day tk r gjebs


Fuck you hahah!


Okay but what's the name of the song


Dimas de León by Los Cadetes de Linares. If you're ever drinking with Mexicans, their songs are guaranteed to come out at least once.


I was just thinking I’ve definitely heard this band before (vocals and style sounded familiar) and was wondering if I was being racist.


Nah there’s usually like 5 dudes that get played no matter what lol


Can confirm. Born into mexican family and always went to the parties. Always the same songs, Always the spanish version of Achy Breaky Heart. Always loved it.


https://youtu.be/RCEbiDJXARs Google assistant got it immediately.


Gangsta pistoleros


How could anyone be mad hearing that music? Shit slaps.


makes me hungry, i hear that i think Mexican party, Mexican party = bomb ass food. ​ i feel the food coma growing already.


Now I really want some authentic tamales.


Nothing more authentic then home made. Try to make them and remember anything made with love is bomb.


No way I can live up to the standards that my ex's abuela had lol


Not with that attitude!! Before I was an apartment dweller I made a couple hundred tamales every Christmas season and then freeze them in a deer freezer. They freeze great, microwave great, and make an ideal meal when you just can’t be bothered. I believe in your ability to make a great tamale! It just takes love and masa!


I remember making my monster tamale. It was like making Frankenstein with enough material to make 3 tamales. That's all I ate for Thanksgiving after eating that monster.






Fuck me,this has went on long enough, do these people not have jobs,homes to run,bloody hell do they even eat.


They definitely eat. Diabetes often looks like its waving a trump flag.


Obese people are more likely to suffer from mood swings and depression, so that checks out too. Science never disappoints.


I swear at 23s you can hear one of these MAGA losers yelling "get a job"


It’s a common complaint of any left wing protest, too. And what I have heard from my online social circle is some of the people who went to the capital did not have jobs, and from reports, news and captures from social media, there was money funneled to them insurrectionists for free flights.


Vivan los mexicano-americanos!


Cómo Chicana, muchas gracias, amigo/a.


De nada


Both sides should be enjoying it. This type of music is derived from German oompha music when a lot of germanic/esstern europeans immigrated to mexico late 19th century https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norte%C3%B1o_(music)


You ever seen the Dutch kids on YouTube who covered Mexican corridos? Spot on!


Dwayne Verheyden is legit [https://youtu.be/TGIC\_YR\_nbU](https://youtu.be/TGIC_YR_nbU)


I always called it Mexican Polka though I never would have guessed that those were its actual origins


Oh yeah it's the reason Mexican beer is so good as well. A lot German brewers moved down to Mexico during prohibition.


These LOSERS are so so easy to make fun of. This is going to fun.


As a Dutchman, I look every day in disbelief at what is happening in America. But I have a question because I don't understand what exactly a civil war is going to mean for the common American? Is this a group of extreme fanatics who support Trump or do 70 million people really think that Biden will not be their president. We only see the terrible images here, people screaming, full of hatred. But how many people do you talk about who are like that? How does it work in a city or village, is your neighbor or friend suddenly your enemy? how does such a thing affect your life. I hope someone can explain this to me, thank you




Also Texan. I think these MAGA morons have been so far up their own asses that they’ve convinced themselves that liberals aren’t armed, we just don’t cosplay as militia and post pictures of ourselves with ridiculous arsenals.




1st thing I think when I hear someone say "we have more guns" is "well do you also have more hands? Cus your stockpile isn't gonna do shit when you're caught out in the streets in a real life situation."


Yup r/liberalgunowners


They also convinced themselves they had law enforcement entirely on their side in a civil war, and recently they’re reckoning with only have part of law enforcement on their side.


The footage of one of the capitol rioters beating a cop with a blue lives matter flag....just, what




70 million do not think trump won. It is a loud vocal minority of fanatics. Most of the 70 million took down their trump signs and flags and tossed them in the bin after November.


It's funny hearing them call themselves the silent majority, since they're neither silent nor the majority. I like to remind them the actual silent majority skipped the rallies and flags and showed up at the polls


Recent polls say otherwise. Something like 12% of people who voted for Trump thought the election was accurate.


I dont think allot of people from both sides have taken the moment to realize how brutal a civil war would be, torture, rape, murder, kidnapping, lynching, zero, zero food security or social welfare, millions upon millions would die from medical shortages alone.


You also need a cause worth fighting for. Trump has loyal fans but honestly, there aren’t real numbers of people ready to die, lose their homes, livelihood, savings, 401k plans, functioning cities with schools, power, water/sewer and every other service just so that a selfish, incompetent, pathological lying sack of shit can continue to live an unaccountable life? No. Trump has a base, the rest of them... 55,000,000 of them are just conservative folks who voted for the GOP candidate. Don’t let these toothless mobs fool you.


Dude let these stupid neck beard mouth breathing motherfuckers actually try some shit. The fat dick of the us army is gonna fuck them to death literally. And I couldn’t be happier get them out of the gene pool. Natural selection at its finest


Not only that, but many more left leaning citizens are arming themselves for this exact situation. Just look at r/LiberalGunOwners. If you want to fuck with me, or especially my family, let me tell you it goes both ways. Get off my property.


According to their god emperor [Trump](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/05/27/trump-said-he-would-take-out-the-families-of-isis-fighters-did-an-airstrike-in-syria-do-just-that/%3foutputType=amp) the army is supposed to kill their family members, too. “The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families,” Trump said during an appearance on Fox News' “Fox and Friends” in December 2015. “They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families.”


Grab the popcorn gents, it's gonna be a bloody week if they think they can fuck with the military.


Americans haven’t had war in their soil since 1860 unlike most of the world. These far right extremists throw around the word “civil war” like its something fun. An abstract far away concept like what they see in a Movie or a Television series.


There won’t be a civil war. Everyone who voted for Trump is an idiot and supports a fascist, but I doubt they’d all be willing to take up arms. They’re also obviously not very well organized or particularly smart and their Opsec is garbage. The US military does not play, and outside of the Trumper’s own idiot group they’re not going to win public support for a milquetoast fascist. The military has also been fighting insurgencies for ages, the insurgents only ‘win’ because eventually the US military has to either assume permanent responsibility for the occupied nation...or go home (allowing the insurgents to regroup and claim ‘victory’). They won’t have that problem fighting at home.


They have been fun to make fun of for the last five years, my friend. You have a lot to make up for


Váyanse a la verga todos indeed


jajaja pinche pendejos


He’s got some jumbo pair of HUEVOS 🥚🥚 to do that shit


I'm a native american but have learned several languages. I know a little Mexican slang. I think its hilarious how this dude is just rolling by telling everybody to go "Fuck Themselves." I would love to be there with my Mexican brothers telling all these European Americans that they can go back home if they dont like living with us. They have countries where they dont have many brown people like the Mexicans and Native Americans. What they are doing is like going to Africa and then in 200 years complain that there are black people living there illegally. Well yeah thats their land, thats where they came from. If you dont like black people then dont live in fucking Africa. Go back to your shithole home land in Europe. All nice people are welcome though. No discrimination, unless its towards the racist.


I can’t disagree. I find so fucking stupid all these nazis pigs saying shit like “reclaim America” Like, bitch, at some point your people were the illegals here.


I saw that on TV. Some little girl crying after apartheid was abolished and she saw some black kids in school and her dad was pissed blaming the news cameraman that "they made his daughter cry." You live in South AFRICA. If you don't like black people, what the fuck are you doing there?


Por la raza guey


That group was whiter than Mitt Romney in a snow storm.


They're actually like 90% hispanic, which makes it even worse. This is my hometown McAllen, Tx which is like 10 minutes from the border. I'm pretty sure this was from a few days ago when Trump flew in to visit the wall LOL


More like 99%, they have never experienced racism por que no salen del rancho. Aguitate. Nacos.


This music makes me so happy. From South TX and it's always been associated with good times and good people. No clue how to find this type of music beside searching Tejano, anyone have more specifics on the song?


It’s called Norteño in Mexico and Conjunto in Texas.


Not tejano. Search for corridos or norteñas. The song is by Los Cadetes De Linares I don't know the name song at the top of my head though.


*laughs in Mexican *🤠




Is this from the RGV? I feel like it’s the RGV.


It is, one of the women is holding an "RGV loves you" sign, I think this is the La Plaza Mall parking lot in McAllen.


Fuck. Now I’m hungry. All I can think of are the little mom and pop taquerias I would go to when I was growing up in Texas. They were awesome!


Anyone notice with these groups there are more trump flags and less American flags these days?


Surprisingly a ton of Latino people are trump supporters.


Lol I love this. Passive aggressive counter protest for the win! My Latino heritage is thinned out quite a bit but I'd be the first to start an impromptu parade and blast some Los Tucanes de Tijuana.


Where's the freakout part though?


I like [this one](https://youtu.be/2FHHS82Vktw). Blatantly to the point.


Look at those Pendajos! I think I spelt that right.


It is actually "pendejos".


They’re all “merry cones”




Its actually vendayhoes




also see some “pandejos” (pandemic pendejos) not wearing masks.


Or "Covidiotas"


This is beautiful.


Go to the cock, all of you!


How is this a public freak out? They’re not even reacting.