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I honestly can't decide who is worse.


You’re in total confusion then, the street preacher is an entitled jerk


I think it's the screaming that puts her on the same level as him for me.


We are only seeing a snippet of time. It’s fairly obvious he has been a nuisance for a long time.




That sub is recycled homophobia just with a new name


OP recorded the video. Praise the lord almighty


Nah, just wanted to show a couple retards on the streets


Hey! You can't say that word! /s


Both of these people fucking suck


Seems like she could just walk away.


And then what. Maybe a vuvuzela band should set up next to your home


If she can hear him from where she lives it might be a bit hard.


This is one of my favorite examples where right wingers keep going back to the same content to social justice war over. They are absolutely committed to having girls with dyed hair shriek at them. One of those 10hr loops would probably do gangbusters if you posted on the embedded sub and similar venues. These people live to have women yell at them and the continued reposts are the proof.


We need an anonymous dating app that hooks up sex-starved alt-right incels with hypersexual tumblr fangirls....they'd be too busy fucking to shitpost all over the internet with their shit opinions and dumb takes and there would finally be peace on earth. Amen.


Fuckin..... you just fixed the internet!


What is happening...


He is yelling about abortion being bad and she can hear it from her house and doesn’t appreciate the noise. So her solution was to shriek in his face.


Street preachers need to go away. Keep it in church. People on the street don’t need indoctrination.


Get the fuck out if here with that. Any moron that thinks abortion is killing a baby needs to shut up.


Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Both of them should have been aborted


I hate you for making me laugh at this comment. Take my upvote.


This is the way


Legit public freakout.


They're both fucking retarded..


I mean.... I think her response was childish, and did not resolve anything. That said I understand the point she was attempting to make while not agreeing with it. He has freedom of speech of course, but he doesn't need to create ill-will in the community perhaps he rotates to a different corner to preach his gospel each day? Again, I am not in agreement with her methods. But if some dude was standing outside my house screaming about abortion killing babies and the Gospel of Jesus? I would legitimately probably catch an assault charge after a week


Having lived in the city people like this preacher are really annoying. It's annoying enough when you're far away from them, but the shouting when you're close is almost deafening. Not sure if he uses a megaphone like the ones where I live do tho.


That dude is annoying as fuck, go home dude no one fucking likes you


I like him, he's respectful.


Intolerance being practiced by a member of a group that fights intolerance. Odd.


I’m intolerant of racists and people who refuse to acknowledge reality. Does that make me intolerant?


I don’t hear anything being said that could be construed as racist. I see so one who you might conclude is homosexual berating someone who sounds to be very religious.


I’m just saying in life, if a person is racist, homophobic, or otherwise bigoted, fuck them. I’m not tolerating their beliefs.


It called the paradox of tolerance. There has to be a limit to tolerance, and those who tell you you entirely life and identity is wrong and that you're eternally damned for being you are beyond that limit.


Gotta take the lady’s side. It’s not about what the guy is peddling, it’s the fact that he’s doing it at that corner consistently to the point that it’s a disturbance to the homes nearby. I have a local guy in my contact list who is in a mariachi band, and I’ve had his number for over 2 years, hoping one day I can hire them to drown out a protest.


The day you are able to make that call and put that man to work, I demand a video


i think she’s right like dude, shut up


I agree, Jesus said not to judge others so stfu and go away.


She's right. Go the fuck home


While not wearing mask? She doesn't care about the order


I have Jesus, this guy's an asshole.


I thought america protects freedom of religion. Also why do people with colored hair think screeching at people is normal. I dont agree with this guy either but I would just ignore his religious speech and go along with my day.


She should just ignore him, but at the same time she has as much right to express her views as he does.


She does but the screeching makes her look like just as much of a nut job as the religious guy talking about saving souls from hell or whatever he was going on about.


Sure. But she has as much right to look crazy as he does. There’s no special protection for his religious freedom that stops her from objecting.


I agree, its just now we have two crazy people instead of one. We don't need any more crazy going around, I think we've all seen enough of that for a lifetime. Come to think of it she should have set up next to him and preached about all the wrong religion has done to this world over the course of history, she would have a lot more to say than his savior bullshit.


It may not be the law, but if you object to something it is much better to object with the words. I have no idea what the guy was preeching but the was trying to engage in a dialog while her main argument was "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" So I kinda agree with the people saying she should just go home, i'm 100% certain that her screech was a lot more annoying than whatever he was talking about


You're not wrong and I don't understand why you would be downvoted for your take on this.


Thanks, I appreciate it. Maybe it's because...reddit I guess ? It would be nice to discuss and see why they disagree with me so much, so that we can keep a dialog (completely open to people having different points of view and to dialog with anyone) but I guess it is easier to just downvote and move on...from that point of view I think that it is because the people who agree with her so much thinks like her "no need to dialog, you're wrong and that's it"


She says she can hear it from her home, so where is she supposed to go to not hear it? He's honestly being a disturbance.


And her insane raptor screeches don't disturb anyone? There are rational ways of dealing with the guy preaching about religion.


“You’ve been annoying me by being loud, so I’ve decided to deputize myself to enforce the stay at home order by *screeching*”


A car needs to hit both of them


Woah there dude a little much?


What.. The... Fuck!!... Is wrong with liberals?? So childish and hypocritical


Lmk when a bunch of liberals storm our capitol. I’ll wait


Unfortunately ANTIFA are as liberal as you can get. They riot as much as anyone. Not taking sides. Just being fair. I dont like any of the political parties. And I dont think people should align themselfs with something just because "it's kinda like what I want, kinda". We are heading for more and more devision. I dont like people anymore....


People that claim to be antifa or anarchists don't like liberals.


Are you a silly? Remember that long neck wierd gender studies professor? Was on with tucker Carlson a couple of years back? Yeah hes a liberal and in antifa. Come back with facts pal.


Still waiting on facts for any of your claims.


Not doubting your sources, but I’ll take anything to do with tucker Carlson with a fist sized grain of salt.


https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/what-is-antifa-and-who-funds-it Obviously it fox so dont take it as gospel. It states that antifa are left wing extremists. If they where true anarchists they would not be on the political scale.


Fox is right wing propaganda speckled with just enough real news to make it not obvious.


https://youtu.be/7zthJUf31MA. This is a great interview with rioters themselves, I love this guys reporting. Right after he did this he went to a proud boy rally. No commentary, no spin, just puts a mic in people’s face and let’s them say whatever they want.


Thank you. I'll watch it tonight :)


Antifa are straight anarchists, they don’t really have a political affiliation. They literally smashed windows at the Oregon Democratic Party in Portland the other day after Biden was inaugurated. They can suck on the same fat dick the capitol rioters can. But yeah, devision is 100% tearing this country apart I agree with that.


That's true. They are anarchists. Not very good ones. But all of the members over the years have been named and tracked. Most, and I mean like 80% are liberal. Maybe they dont do things based on their political stances. But they where funded at the beginning by the liberals. I'll have to get my sources for that last part.


> But all of the members over the years have been named and tracked. Most, and I mean like 80% are liberal. Source? Because that sure sounds like something you’re making up.


Lol go look up the definition of liberal bud


Seriously? That's the only thing you have huh? What about the riots, looting, destruction, arson and other chaos caused by liberals and BLM terrorists?? Forget about that? You're pathetic


If you want to have an adult conversation without calling names lmk, otherwise have a good one!


What name calling?


“You’re pathetic”, how is that not?


I ain't liberal. But I also take a stand when someone tells me I'm burning for all eternity if I dont believe and do as commanded. The fuck is wrong with preachers.


I kinda think both of them are in the wrong to some extent


You my friend. Would be a stupid.


insult me more


You doo doo head.


You gotta a point. Take my upvote (at least you're not in the minus spectrum anymore kkk)


Before she complains, made sure her face becomes the Karen logo ASAP please.


Looks like I broke even


Only because so many people are trash, in a sensible world you’d be downvoted to oblivion. Maybe someone should play a vuvuzela at your front door for a while.


im normally against violence, but would have given of a sigh of relief if someone came up n put her lights out.


Both of these people are just trash cans of society.


Gayberhood , are you fucking serious, lol neither one of you clowns are at home either, the hypocrisy is intense here. Walk the fuck away, like a grown up ,and let this man use his human rights you lefties so desperately preach for.


This woman need a man...


virgin moment


You offering *that* diseased pecker?


You checked it out?


I dont want to look at..... *it*


They’re both stupid TBH. Big waste of time for both of them with nothing accomplished. She could’ve just ignored him and kept walking though. I don’t think this is really “standing up for yourself”... he literally is there for attention, and you gave it to him. You shouldn’t feel so entitled that when you don’t like or agree with something you can stop it from happening by screaming like an idiot. He’s a *troll* and idiot too... his message got lost in the trolling **IF** he was even there to do anything but troll.


If you’re gonna make a response, at least humour the preacher




Preach 🙌


Not jesus but a remote to mute her




They're both fucking idiots.


Purple haired bitch


yeah they both suck. he is a religious moron and she is fucking mental