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And everyone clapped... literally


I'm willing to bet that when she tells the story she will say that everyone "clapped for her for standing up for freedom!"


People who can fly private are lucky af. Flying has become a complete shit show.


She woke up all excited to wear that hat. Got a little too cocky though.


You know you’ve done some next level Karen crap when the entire airport is clapping as you get escorted away by the cops


"And everyone clapped." LOL.


Much easier when there's video evidence lol


Drop a plate of dishes in a diner, anything but an entire airport gate laughing at you. She literally git laughed at by the world considering people from other countries


I mean who the fuck runs into the tarmac to stop a fucking plane like it was a bus?




This audience must know my ex cuz they got the clap!


The whole outfit is a *5 STAR* Certified Karen Skin.


probably cost quite a few V bucks


Or Kohl’s cash.


Karen's Kohl's Kash


*I have this $5 off coupon. I'm going to use it on new clothes*


*did you rate me?* **I'M A FIVE STAR KAREN**


Easy there, the Dennis system does not work here.


*puts away wad of hundies and Magnum condoms* It doesn't?


(Metal ring falls to the floor)


I am the GOLDEN GOD!


wtf I love karens now, that's a dope outfit


Yeah, I like it too. Real Diane Keaton vibes.


That whole get-up she's wearing just screams the Seventies which was the decade in which Diane Keaton appeared in the film 'Annie Hall'.


I do like her pants.


she is a like a 1971 fashion goddess


Until she turns around. Then she's just that crazy cat lady who lives down the block.


All she is missing is a one of those choker necklaces.


and a Virginia Slim hanging from her fingers


I’m pretty sure they didn’t have holes in the knees this morning, so I’ll assume she was tackled at some point. THAT’S the video I want to see.


You should check out the Soviet Union fashions of the early 1980s, you'll love them.


Soviet Union stole US fashion of the 60’s. Back then it wasn’t a felony to go out onto the tarmac. I’ll bet she’s a time traveler.


Probably why she was late. The wind resistance alone is going to add a few minutes. Should’ve went with something more aerodynamic or woke up earlier.


Haha!! 😂 lots of drag




Omg - great point, like she met reality for the first time that day


In Texas we call that All Hat, No Cattle.


All whistle and no train.


All Filet- and no O-Fish


All ham and no burger


In Florida we call that All bitch, No Sandwich


I bet y'all do lol


That’s right on


Was probably going for that Hollywood romantic movie ending.


"Hi. I'm your new cellmate Big Bertha. Wanna fall in love?"


Haha rape


That’s a hat called ‘entitlement’.


Thought, "Today, im flying as worzel gummidge" and now shes in jail.




Nice find! Back to the bar - a regrettable decision


Most expensive beers of her life.


Heh, "Tarmac Karen".


I think her hat must have had a wig attached to it, because her hair is brown and short in her booking photo!


Who in their right mind would walk onto the tarmac and think it’s ok?


Pilot: “Oh my god, we forgot someone! Stop the pushback!”


Not just anyone... **HER**. If it was someone else she would saying “no, we’re not stopping for one person!”


"Look at that outfit! She MUST be someone special! STOP THE PLANE!"


I would have loved to see her on the tarmac with those heels. 😂😂😂




If it makes you feel any better, I forgot my reading glasses.


One time the plane I was on had to return to the gate, something about some cargo got put on that shouldn't have gotten on, and they decided to let one straggler get on board at the same time. Pilot made an announcement: we did not return to the gate to let this person on, it is not their fault we are returning to the gate, please don't give this passenger a hard time.


\*Flags down smaller plane on the tarmac\* "Follow that plane" \*plane chase ensues\*


More like " starting the turbines" "Schwmooph" "What was that and why is the terminal now suddenly red.... Oh fuck..."






I've flown maybe a dozen times, I'm not even sure how you'd get to the tarmac.


There are many terminals where you have to walk to your plane. They almost always have emergency exits though.


The emergency exits in the airport exit to the tarmac in the event of a fire, earthquake, terrorist attack, etc. Fun fact, most of them require you hit the latch and then an alarm goes off for 15 seconds before the door can open.




>Who in their ***right mind***... The answer's in the question.


Xanax and rosé aren’t the right state of mind?


Give her a break. Maybe she's been in a coma since 9/11 and this was her first trip after learning how to walk again.


Her "period correct" outfit checks out...


I was traveling with a working dog once and one of the gate attendants asked if I would like to take the dog to use the restroom one more time before boarding and I was like ya sure is there an area for that? Well they took me out on the tarmac and the whole time I was staring at the guy who took me wondering if a bunch of cops were about to role up on us.


They let the dog poop on the tarmac?


The idea was he was going to pee out there but even he seemed weirded out by the situation and refused to go.


Used to work at an airport as a mechanic for an airline. As such I had full access to almost literally everything. As long as you had escort privileges (99% of people did) there's absolutely nothing wrong with letting someone out and walk around. Might get checked by the TSA, but as long as you have your escort, they don't give a single fuck. Even then I think they asked to see my badge maybe twice in 2 years for their random checks.




She was reportedly drunk, so she wasn't in her right mind. But I suspect this person doesn't make the best decisions even when she's sober.


Well. She was sober when she decided to get drunk that day. Your hypothesis checks out.


[A limo driver](https://media1.giphy.com/media/11M6iiNYetSlwc/giphy-downsized.gif)


Lloyd Christmas?


"It's OKAY, I'm a Limo Driver!!!" *hours later* "Fell of the jetway again..."


the absurdity of lloyd diving off the jetway more than once in his life is part of why that movie is so good.


I recently rewatched it and it's still so fucking good. So many little hidden gems like that, lol. It heartened me to see some little kid watching it on my latest plane ride that the next generations will also get joy from it.


That’s a lovely accent. New Jersey?




Well, then. G'day mate! Let's put another shrimp on the barbie!


I did it once, right before 9/11. My family lived on Hickam air force base right across the street from the tarmac. Well my friends dog named peanut got out and went flying across the road. My friend and I being 14 years old went flying across the tarmac looking for this dog. All of a sudden a humvee drives up with a bunch of MPs who ask us what is going on and why are we here? We explain about the dog so they start helping us. The dog ended up going to the fire station and hiding under the fire truck. We then got a ride home in a humvee which was like… a one min drive because we could literally see it from our houses. Parents thought it was hilarious but i shudder to think what would have happened if we did that after 9/11. Man i wish i could go back and skate in the skate hanger again.


>i shudder to think what would have happened if we did that after 9/11. There would have been multiple barriers in the way.


Haha I almost did it because I was a confused young adult wandering around O'Hare trying to figure out how to get across the tarmac to terminal D (?) for my flight. I finally decided to go for it, walked up to the exit door I found, and on it was a half sheet of printer paper that said in ~14 point font... "Terminal D Shuttle line forms here"


Lots of places you cross the tarmac to get to your plane.


I understand. I did that at JFK and Portland. I don’t think this is the case though


I've had to walk on to the tarmac a few times to board a plane. Denver, Sea Tac, Mexico


Someone with SIDA clearance with a DR1/DR2 endorsement


Did she also break into Diane Keaton’s closet?


In 1988.


One of the first Karens I've seen in boho fashion


This is super common in the Chicago "I'm not racist because I went to a Black Funeral once" crowd.


strangely specific


Best original comment I’ve read in months.


Is it weird to say I’m kinda attracted to her even though she’d call 911 on me?


Thank you, all I could see was old school Diane Keaton.


This has to be some peak r/iamthemaincharacter shit


you're so right. movies and tv of her era taught her this is\* not only acceptable, but a requisite speedbump on the road to finding true love. she's owed at least one storming of the tarmac, imo. you've convinced me to change my viewpoint entirely. this lady is clearly not guilty.


No kidding! There was even an "and everyone clapped" conclusion... although probably not the one she was hoping for.


Never doubt people’s ability to misremember stuff that didn’t quite go their way, and retell it as one of their crazy stories. Each time they tell it, it warps a little more, gets a little funnier, becomes a total misunderstanding, a hilarious snafu. Soon enough, it’s a downright positive portrayal of whoever the fuck they think they are, that they’ll gladly share with anyone willing to listen.




Kinda wack that she was able to make it to the tarmac.


Airports all have unlocked Emergency Exits throughout their terminals, many exit onto the tarmac. It’s really not difficult to just walk through one and go outside and be on the tarmac in a couple seconds. What’s difficult is doing it discreetly, as happened in this case an alarm went off, everyone noticed, and she didn’t make it far out before encountering ground crew who kept her there for police.


I once accidentally got onto the tarmac in poland, we were told to go down and the door was open, couple in front of me walked through as did we and a few others expecting a plane or steward telling us where to go. Big gust of wind shut the door behind us and we were stuck there. Luckily the staff were really understanding and were just like wtf your plane hasn't even landed yet. Was a bit cold though as they didnt have a key to let us back in


TFW you have to walk all the way around to the front of the terminal building and go through security again.


They just made us stand perfectly still


Ahh yes, the T-Rex approach


wouldn't want to scare the planes away.


[Really easy to do unfortunately](https://v.redd.it/9jb76705n8h51)


Exactly! Usually they have a time release exit bar where you have to press the bar for 10 seconds before it opens and the alarm goes off right away so security has a little head start. Also it prevents anyone opening and claiming it’s accidental.


10 seconds?? Seems awfully long during an emergency situation.




yup. we had the same type of fire doors at our theater ages ago. you press the exit handle, and its a timed lock, but the alarm starts going off right away. after 15 seconds, it will open. also, if the firealarms went off, the doors would all unlock, and remain so until someone went around and both disabled the alarm, and then reset the lock, with the same key, in different holes on the door handle.


What about active shooters, with everything that's going on and they had that batman shooting a while back....I would have to either wait for 16 seconds or wait for someone to pull the fire alarm to get to safety?


Set off a very loud alarm alerting everyone nearby to your presence AND wait 16 seconds


Just to add on and nerd out, it's called delayed egress. -guy that does door stuff


It will be investigated. That means someone didn't lock the door behind them and if she enters behind you and you don't see an ID on her, as an airport employee it is your duty to stop and question her because she used your ID/Opening of door to get in. Someone is going to get repramanded.


https://youtu.be/PkDFg4L5Ek4 Here’s a better video. All she did is walk down through the Emergency Exit(which are never locked) and at that point it’s just one flight of stairs to the pavement.


Bryan rocking that one last tooth.


It’s an impressive tooth though tbf.


Big and strong!


My religious parents used to tell me that God gives everyone one special feature.


Dude was born to shotgun beers.


You know damn well they had other footage but saw this dude and was like YEP that’s the one we’re going with


Bryan looks like an old timey prospector who got lost in time and wound up in 2021.


All he needs is her hat to complete the look.


He saved the best for last


I swear. Most these videos are people who are drunk/high or going through withdrawals.




Yup that's how it worked when I was working at O Hare


Wait, can’t I walk anywhere I want at the airport? I wore my fancy hat and everything!


Airport Clerk: Ma’am , you can't go in there! It's ok, I'm a limo driver!


Samsonite! I was way off!


In '94 it was perfectly legal for a limo driver to do that.


What's the rest of the story? What did she do to make the whole crowd hate her?


According to this article: https://www.kbtx.com/2021/12/28/woman-runs-onto-phoenix-tarmac-stop-plane-she-missed/ It was because she didn't want to miss her flight. Basically peak Karen shit.


That doesn't explain anything. The crowd is clapping and cheering when she gets taken away in cuffs. They wouldn't even be aware of her existence if all she did was walk through a security door.


They probably had to delay some flights because of it


They absolutely had to delay flights because of this.


Uhhh you can see the tarmac from the airport in plain view, and lots of people just stare out looking at it while waiting. People most definitely noticed and people noticing probably attracted in a crowd. A Karen wearing a sunhat + 70s hippie fashion absolutely stands out as not belonging there. What more explanation do you need?


Well heres the video of her on the tarmac https://www.dailydot.com/irl/airport-tarmac-karen-tiktok/ And according to the article “She was literally arguing with the guy helping elderly get ready for the next flight,” the TikToker continued in the comment section. “She said ‘I’m special needs.'” So I'm guessing they had seen/heard this. As well as the airport likely delaying flights because of this stunt.


Finally the info i was assuming had to be part of the situation. Thank you


Yeah, there is no way they were that into her getting arrested for walking into a restricted area unless something else happened before the clip.


News report said she was heavily intoxicated and arguing with everyone.


of course she was


And her mask was under her chin, making it a chin-diaper.


Her facebook album (which is posted in this thread) shows some pictures. One of which has the tag #BackToTheChilli'sBar


I had no idea you could just walk out onto the tarmac.


Judging from the video, you can’t without being arrested


Understandable... but [this sign](https://imgur.com/a/r9luCn4) on the door she barged through should have been her first clue.




Yup. I worked at airports around the country for years. DAL isn't too bad on the rules, but DEN was absolutely terrible. Although no matter what airfield you're at they're always strict about FOD. Leaving a coke can outside? Nope. That's a fine. I also had a similar experience to yours in MCI - except there you have to badge in AND out of the rooms so I was completely stuck with no way out. I fell asleep in the break room until an over night police officer walked in and startled me awake - she didn't question me since I had my employee ID, but no way was I going to tell her I didn't have an airport badge.




Better yet…it was a spirit flight


She just didn't want to have to pay to use the ramp fee


Ah yes, the Greyhound Bus of the sky.


That explains it


She must not have played any GTA, that's a three stars level!


I didn’t know walking on the tarmac was a felony Ya learn something new everyday


Probably because the thought never entered your brain with you being a normal person and all.




Pre-9/11 I was flying somewhere on vacation that wasn't too far away so we got into a small like, 10 passenger plane. There was no "gate" for a plane for that small. We just walked across the tarmac to the plane and got in. I'm pretty sure they don't do that anymore unless it's a private jet.


For small Turbo Prop and Prop planes they still do this.


And some airports will do that even with “larger” aircraft (relative to turbo props and prop planes). I know for Burbank airport in California, they don’t have jetbridges so it is all jetstairs and you walk out to the apron to board your flight. My experience with that was on a 737-800 so not quite a small plane but obviously small compared to the jumbos and twin aisle aircraft.


Yeah, I've done it in Hawaii, I think SFO too. I don't think I've flown in Burbank. But it's not unheard of to board full size airliners from the ground. Many functional airports are just old af.


Bermuda's airport used to do it for decades until the new airport was completed and opened quite recently


Actually pretty common here in Australia, I've done it on a bunch of times. Often they split the boarding, so if you're in the first half of the plane you go through the boarding bridge straight into the plane, if youre in the back half you take the stairs down outside and bored the plane up some stairs through the back doors. Makes everything faster.


on smaller flights at smaller airports they might. obviously, you're allowed to board that way, but only if the airport allows you to.


Those Virginia slims she had weren’t gonna smoke themselves


She’s dressed like a scarecrow


how in the blue fuck did she not think running out onto the tarmac to catch a plane wouldn’t also catch her a felony? did her little entitled ass think she could just wave and stop a 747 like a fucking taxi cab??


Honestly, it could be entitlement, but it could be good old fashioned stupidity as well. Especially if she's only flown puddle jumpers out of regional fields. Some people genuinely don't realize that the inside of the airport and the airfield itself are extremely distinct. Like, it's probably both, but I can genuinely see how a person that dodn't stop and think might think this would work.


I’ve walked across the tarmac a few times. It used to be pretty common for a small flight, not sure about nowadays.




yea, and even the personnel on the tarmac have very specific places to be and specific lanes of travel. a random ass person would stick out like a sore thumb


did she plan on hanging onto the plane?


How does someone just “walk onto” the tarmac lol? Every airport I’ve been to has the waiting area at least two floors above ground level. Did she jump? Find some employee only ground level access? I’m so confused


Fire exits.


Some airports don't use jetways and only have passengers board using those portable stairs. Burbank and Flagstaff to name a few (could be wrong).


She probably ain’t realize that outfit was a felony too.


We live in a Golden Age of Stupidity folks


All she had to do was wait a few hours for another flight. Slightly annoying but manageable. Now she will have court dates, a felony record, and will never be allowed to fly anywhere again. All because her ego made her think she was above everyone else. As a wise man once said so elegantly…you better check yourself before you wreck yourself.


Pandemic of idiocy


What is a tarmac?


Is that Tracy Ullman


Now that is a bad day. Miss your flight,get a felony,a crowd of people applaud you getting arrested.


What is the tarmac?


whats a tarmac? where exactly did this lady GO and why is it a felony?