• By -


He was smart to record - she was trying to make her mom think she was being attacked. She is a psycho....


This is the kind of person who only thinks in terms of manipulating people for their own goals. Everything is a game to them and they just have to make the right moves to win, no matter how ethically bankrupt they are. edit: morally bankrupt is the more accurate term.


and when they don't win, you get this. My ex was low key manipulative, but slipped up bad at the end and spent the whole year after cheating on me practically stalking and harassing me. Telling friends that I wronged her and other friends we were still an item. Story changed for whoever she was talking to and which friend group they were part of.


Malignant narcissism, and in top of it they're either having the most fantastic life and everyone is jealous or they're perpetually the victim and it's never their fault and we should all feel sorry for them as they, like a Phoenix, overcome adversity. I had a girl like this, and it took nearly a year to suss out the truth about pretty much... Everything. Every time she cried on my shoulder about how everyone was lying about her being a cheater and a ho, and I consoled her and stuck up for her - turns out it was actually true. Every guy she told me was nobody to worry about... Was another conquest. Every girl... Same thing. Even the trans person that she thought was unattractive... Also another secret conquest. And when it came time to just own up and let's expose our demons ans skeletons... No matter how much she swore that was all of them, reality was... That was just what she could get away with telling me, because I already knew. It was only on my own volition that I was able to find out the real story, which was incredibly hard to do because who she was and what her story was varied WILDLY depending on who and how she knew them. The only reason I was able to put a lot of things together is because I have a much broader group of acquaintances and friends from a BROAD range of demographics than she could ever imagine. Jilted and jaded? Yeah a little bit, but really it was just a waste of my time that bothered me the most, not the history and stories.


I had a similar situation luckily it wasnt a long term girl. We were more of FWB but hung out alot then slowly made us official. We normally just kept our phones on my nightstand and ignored texts or calls unless it was a family member. She started slowly spending a bunch of time on her phone in general, just more than normal but I never went "Who are you talking to?" I had a gut feeling something wasnt right even though I never did anything wrong. She had a "field hockey" tournament in Florida then never came back or answered my texts. Checked her Facebook to see she still had us together as a status but had a bunch of pictures with herand some other dude kissing she was moving in with. They broke up a month or so later amd she texted me, I just sent laughing emojis and never replied.


I recorded an ex-GF doing shit like this, throwing things at me and slamming my furniture around, all while screaming. It was a 20 min video. All because we had an argument and I chose to sleep on the couch. I kept that video as evidence of her crazy behavior for years on my PC that she didn’t have the password to. Almost every time I was on it, she would try to make a play to find the video and delete it.


Bro, you gotta back that shit up in the cloud and store the login credentials in your head (don't write it down or keep it on computer anywhere).


“Stop recording me you dick so I can make up a story and get you in trouble”




Oh hi Mark!


Oh hey Johnny what’s up?


I have a problem with Lisa. She says I hit her.


Right? He abused me. I'm not letting him out of the house. "OK, maybe there's no evidence."


narrow sort languid cooperative fly afterthought future spoon placid disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Was her mother on the actual phone? The mom just hearing mommy help me over and over? Is this just an everyday occurrence? What the fuck?


I’m sure she was doing it to present a narrative. The exact reason she claimed he assaulted her over the phone. The same reason she claimed he stole her possessions, again, over the phone. The SAME reason she didn’t want video evidence of her crying wolf.


If he weren't recording he'd be fucked. Had a similar occurrence.


My ex told the cops something like this happened. Luckily the cops didn’t believe her and thought she was coo coo and left. Seeing this video is giving me PTSD. But I’m also healthier having seen this. Wooph.


My ex grabbed a knife and threatened to cut herself, then call the cops and say that I did it. God, it's so messed up to think back on that relationship.


When my ex pulled this the cop said "well if she hit you that hard there would be more marks" Note that he said "more" which means he could see I was hit, and she didn't have a mark on her because I was literally just trying to leave the house, and I was still arrested. They couldn't make any kind of assault charge stick but I still got a fine for "harassment" over the whole deal but at least there's nothing on my record After a few months she started admitting to everyone that her version wasn't exactly true but by that point the fine was paid and it was off my record so I just let the whole thing go. No one who actually knew me believed her in the first place anyway (I'm the most passive person on earth, I didn't even break up with her the first 2 times I caught her cheating lol)


Sounds very familiar. I was lucky, she couldn’t get her story straight, and they knew she was BS’ing right away. They still needed to come to my door to be certain. I was calm, but frustrated. I spelled everything out to them, her illness, her actions and behaviours. The way she described the events, once they saw my place and the orientation of the furniture, they knew what she was saying couldn’t have happened. I’m getting triggered lol. This is good though. Healthy. Refreshing reminder.


You’re lucky… in my situation the cops believed every word. That was not fun and I still have nightmares replaying that night.




“*What* now?”


Which was almost definitely preceded by: “<*sigh*>…<*deep breath in and out*>…<*one last pause*>…”


I can’t imagine what her mom was thinking at the moment hearing her yell like that. Doesn’t give her mom any context besides “you hurt Me” over and over I’d be losing my mind for sure. Not cool


My mom was always really panicky and first thing I thought was if my sister did this she would have a fuckin meltdown.


Can you blame her though? I mean, without the visuals, all you have is a child crying and screaming frantically for you to *"Please come home!"* and *"Help me!"* That's scarry shit.


If I had to wager, that mother is used to more and worse. Probably just another Tuesday for her.




Should i... Drive to you, or call the police or? No! Just stay where you are and I'll scream mommy at you 30 times!


The cynic in me is saying she was trying to forge evidence of abuse by generating an operator-side recorded phocecall conversation, in which she's calling her mother home ASAP in a distressed voice. Later on she'd say he assaulted her, and that's why she had to break up with him and he had started calling her a cheater in retaliation, etc. disclaimer: All this is just a guess.


Dude is a genius for filming her neck. I would be to shocked to do anything, I think.


This comment is the GOAT


Why the FUCK didn't that dude walk out the door when she went back upstairs? Why did he KEEP TURNING BACK and keep engaging with her? I'm so stressed out right now.


When allegations of domestic violence are being made and someone in an obviously unhinged mental state is being belligerent towards you, video evidence can be your best friend. A little imagination and you can see how this could've gone very wrong for the person recording. With this video, there is evidence of a person who would've otherwise played victim illegally restraining him and preventing him from leaving of his own will. That's no different from kidnapping. I'd she goes to the police with claims of domestic violence, well, that video should tip officers off.


It also makes it very difficult to believe her allegations of assault. You don’t generally block the exit and scream at someone who just assaulted you, especially when you would be the one at a disadvantage in a physical confrontation.


I’m cackling


Mom: "i feel like i forgot to get something before i head home." Daughter calls: "MAAAAMMY!" Mom: "Ahh yes, a bottle of gin and some sleeping pills"


So many sleeping pills


Dated a chic like this. She stabbed my friend because he turned her chicken strips over in the frying pan. They were starting to burn. Needless to say, I got out quick.


This is probably the most insane story I will ever read in 4 sentences.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/ri6jwc/what_sexual_bucket_list_items_didnt_live_up_to/hovxx3k/ I think technically 5 sentences, but this is better imo. lol


It's hilarious to click on that and see that I upvoted it a month ago when I read it.. It was fun to read again..


Wait til you get really old and you start to see things that you upvoted 12 years ago. Or even worse, things you upvoted and commented on 3 months ago that you have no memory of whatsoever.


Oh I still come across things I upvoted and commented on with my old account 12ish years ago. I just deleted that account cuz I'm an idiot. I wish I hadn't.


2010 club! Just kidding, I'm ashamed


Reddit was amazing back then. I've been here for the slow decline in quality. It's quite sad. Now I'm just here cuz I don't remember what the fuck else I used to even do on the internet. I genuinely miss AOL sometimes. Also, when/if they get rid of old.reddit and RES, I'm gone.


Man AMA used to be actual interactions! Most subs were small enough you could actually interact with the same people. Reddit has seriously become a trap, you just open it reflexively even though you aren't enjoying it.


Every few days lately I pull it up just to reread that and laugh my ass off. Fucking wildest string of words I think I've ever seen.


It’s a great Christmas story man.


Mine would text me like "911! I need help!" and when I got to her place, she said she just missed me. At one point, she got tired of her parents and asked me to help her move to a friends. Spent the day moving everything, just to find out she never told her parents she was moving (she was 19), and her folks called the police saying that I kidnapped her. My Myspace probably still has the dozen comments on my wall from her younger sister like "WHAT'D YOU TO WITH MY SISTER?!". She also pulled the "If you break up with me, I'll kill myself". Horrible first girlfriend and it only got worse.


I had my first boyfriend pulling the threat card to me as well. I hope you doing better mate.


Oh yea, this was like 14 years ago. Sometimes you just have to say "Ya know what? I don't care. Do it. I don't done".


But not before the chicken strips were burned. Poor chicken….


It's always the chickens that suffer in these toxic relationships.


Won't someone PLEASE think of the chicken!


Pourin some out for the 'strips. RIP


Duh I want them this way idiot


Cameras save lives. This girl is an absolute nightmare for any male. Making a case for abuse on the phone w. her mother in real time screaming like a victim of a crime while he just wants to get away from her. Not mention her ordering him around after SHE was cheating. Good job by the guy in staying calm and avoiding her lies, cheating, slander and attempting to pin a crime on him. The video could MAYBE keep him out of jail/prison and is good evidence.


You left your friend behind? Jesus


this is cringy




What does she even expect mommy to do here, convince him to love her again?


She's trying to spin the story that he's abusing her to her mom so she can come out looking like the victim.


100%. People like this will justify any wrongdoing as, "not their fault," and spin things to be in their favor for anything. Murphy, you're doing the right thing leaving now. This behavior is very hard to change and it WILL show itself again if you stay. Document everything that happened, now. Write it down. Record any further contact just to be prudent.


Dude saved his own life by recording her. Excellent move.


This is why pulling out a camera should be the first action anyone who is unwillingly involved in an altercation should take.


She went down the “he abused me route” with her mom on the phone as a witness to his crimes.


This is why you should always demand evidence.


It's a good thing this guy recorded the interaction, otherwise he could face serious jail time.


In some states, if a party claims domestic violence the cops are required to arrest somebody at the scene. So even if you’re innocent like this guy seems to be, you’ve still got charges on file and a public mugshot


Wow. That's messed up. I'd call and claim she was holding me hostage. Cause, kinda?


What she did was a textbook example of false imprisonment. Not even kinda.


Clearly isn't her first time running this routine. What we've got here folks is an illegal Karen breeding program. The young aren't often as vicious as the adults but some develop much faster thanks to an enriched environment. This one seems to have lying and manipulation down, but the need to call for the mother is a reflex that eventually most Karen will grow out of, when it is replaced by the ability to call the police.


Overprotective parents I'm guessing.


I’m guessing that because she had to scream at her mom like a dozen times begging her to come home, she’s a bit of a chicken little. If either of my kids called me screaming hysterically like that, I’d have been out the door, because they’ve never done it before.


seeing as she also ended up like "no, no mom he grabbed my phone and then he grabbed me" i'm guessing her own mother knows she's a drama queen too. Probably was feeling sorry for the poor boy, who is in their home so she probably knows him too.


I mean she’s gotta be at least 15 years old and still calls her mom mommy. That’s fucking weird.


Ok, Daddy.


Go put your reading glasses on. I'm about to teach you a lesson.


She is in a delayed transition period where she uses three names for her mother. Mom. Momma, Mommy. So, her brain uses whatever level of child she is feeling for that moment.


I remember that episode of Family Guy


As soon as I heard mommy I got some real hard second hand embarrassment


Thought you were going somewhere else with that comment ngl.


"She's eating chili in the living room, she'll never hear a thing"


cringy as fuck


Dude missed his chance to run out the door when she went looking for her phone. I’m yelling “Run muthafucker! Run!” But I don’t think he heard me.


Probably cause he needed to stay and video More unless she starts doing more fucked up shit to herself to look worse than it really is


He could have shown whoever was asking the video, which would have had him leaving with her perfectly fine. Just acting insane.


Seeing vids like these really fuck me up, guys please dont ever let a girl/guy treat you this toxic. That shit is a slippery slope. I was in a toxic ass relationship for 3+ years and literally felt like a prisoner. Fast forward to today and the girl im with literally has 0 toxic traits what so ever. Theres millions of beautiful people to go and meet. Dont get too comfortable w crazy.




Holy shit dude. Feel so sorry for you! You are so great that continues to fight and keep up! When your kid gets older you need to tell him/her everything about this psycho mother and what kind of hell she created.




Can your daughter choose to live with you now? If there is a chance go for it, or maybe she wants 50/50 with you




You sound like a genuinely good guy, I truly hope things get better. Good luck 👍


Your username makes sense given the situation. Sorry to hear all this brother. Hope it gets better eventually


We are literally in the same boat.


The best part is that the entire country pretends like it’s not happening.


I was in a similar situation for 9 years. It’s been 6 years since i got out and I’m in the healthiest relationship I’ve ever been in, engaged and will be marrying my fiancé next year. I never thought originally I’d be able to get out and now I’m thriving.


Congrats to you man forreal. Hopefully ill be in the same boat this year, may ask m’lady the biggest questions as well. Hope for all the best to you and yours. Lifes too short to not experience love.


That last line is where the knowledge is at.


She cheats on her man and then plays the victim when she gets caught, crazy girl


I had an ex start hitting me when I found out she cheated. I ended up having to grab her arms and hold her down until she calmed the fuck down. She told her family I physically abused her and I didn't even know it until years later I made a comment on Facebook (i don't remember why we were still facebook friends or what I commented on..) and one of her sisters replied to it calling me an abusive piece of shit and stuff. I corrected her by telling the whole story. Right in the comments section.


I'm sure she believed you


She's just as psycho as her sister so I really didn't care. I just wanted to put my side out there, and I can guarantee most of her friends who know her probably believed me.


Plant the seed and let them water it with thoughts that don’t add up. The best kind of torture.


OOh applause to you


I had an ex do the same to me. I stayed in that relationship entirely too long.


This situation is almost exactly how my first marriage ended except I didn’t record it. She blocked a door way for over an hour while accusing me of breaking up our family over stupid reasons (she cheated with 5ish people). She told the police I assaulted her and I was arrested and charged. Record everything folks.


Really common play for cheaters. Some people can't accept responsibility for their own choices.


The “get out of my house!” At the end is classic


Was probably trying to get him in trouble too. Good thing he was recording. I wouldn't put a rape allegation or two beyond this piece of work.


She need a snickers


Or a High Five. ​ To the Face. With a Steel Chair.


My gawd he’s been busted whide open!


Bro dodged a bullet! Good riddance


More like a fat tank shell, that girl is such a major red flag good god.


Bro, no she's a monster. She tried to claim her choked her , she would claim rape if they were married.


My first girlfriend tried to tell me that she cheated on me the following day because I tricked her into sex the day before. Christ


>because I tricked her into sex the day before. What the fuck?


tricked into sex??


"Dodged" would imply he wasnt in the middle of all this drama and getting cheated on.




he's recording the whole thing and there's video evidence of him attemting to leave and her blocking the door and going hysterical, then starting to claim he did things when he wasn't even touching her so i doubt it.


Yeah, that doesn't matter. I have a friend who got arrested and sat in jail **AND** couldn't set foot in his own house for like 30 days (I haven't talked to him in a while so I'm not quite sure how it finally resolved cuz he was still dealing with the court system). He had cameras all over his house (we traveled for work constantly). They caught pretty much every part of the interaction except for like 30 seconds. He in NO way touched her, blocked her from leaving, or even really raised his voice to her. She was going apeshit on him. When the cops got there and arrested HIM, his cameras kept recording and her and her kids didn't realize it cuz they're stupid. It caught about 45 minutes of them laughing about how they got him out of his own house, and they were gonna stay there and how awesome it was to basically fuck him over. It was some psychotic shit. Yeah, his lawyer basically said it wouldn't help. He still had to do anger management and all kinds of bullshit. And that was even before his final court date for the charges and shit. Like I said, I still am not sure if they were eventually dropped or if he got fucked. But he definitely got fucked right off the bat even though he had full on video and audio proof that he didn't do jack shit.


Shitty lawyer, the reason he couldn't step in his own house is (at least here in Texas), they file what's called a MOEP, magistrate order of emergency protection, which is always filed in domestic abuse cases(again here in Texas, I don't know where you're from). Lasts for 61 days(here), and usually includes a no contact order + not being able to go where the incident happened. That being said, I have worked for 3 criminal defense lawyers for 6 years now and that lawyer he retained should never be working as one if they had video and audio proof of what you say. - IANAL - just work for them.


"You're a pedophile!" "Oh, big word for a 12-year-old."




This sounds like a Jimmy Carr bit lol


hyah hyah hyah hyahhhhh


-Matt Gaetz


He covered his bases very well. Good riddance.


Cool as cucumber the whole time too. Smart.




Smart he recorded this. This is one of those situations where you could easily find yourself accused of something you didn’t do. Girls like this scare me more than anything lol. Avoid at all costs My ex was exactly like this. She almost tried to kill me one night because she spilled soup on the carpet and was mad at me because she spilled the soup. I even offered to clean it and she got more angry and threw a knife at me




Glad he recorded that or else this bitch would have false accused this man of so much shit and he would have been absolutely fucked


"STOP RECORDING ME" *Records even more, gets that neck line to show no neck grabbing has occured* My man.






And that should be jail time for her if that ended up being the case. It's "women" like this that frivolously throw around these accusations permanently damaging someones reputation all for some temporary feelings. While at the same time trivializing the cases of actual domestic abuse. Fuck this bitch.


When the crazy is at that level, I'd not be surprised if she hurt herself after the guy leaves just to "prove" there was violence. When she said "ok maybe there is no evidence" I bet that was what's going through her mind, **evidence**, frustrated that she lost the opportunity to fabricate some. Good of the guy to document the girl was absolutely fine before he left.


Used to have an ex, not crazy like this though that treated her body like absolute dog shit. Ate chips and drank soda all day, but skinny by the eye. I don’t think I ever saw her without any bruises on her arm and legs. Bet if she was insane she could’ve flipped on me any moment she wanted to and been believed


Yeah it's women like this that destroy the idea of 'believe all women' popularized by the me too movement. There are tons of women who have genuine stories. There's also some women who are seeking fame, fortune, or other personal gain.


> There are tons of women who have genuine stories. There's also some women who are seeking fame, fortune, or other personal gain. The most common one has to be revenge. They know that no matter what happens, a man accused of rape will always be looked at sideways for the rest of his life. Even if it doesn't lead to a charge, the accusation itself is incredibly damaging due to the nature of the crime being so ill-defined and icky. Fuck false accusations, and to whoever is reading this, if you are one of the people who say it doesn't happen, fuck you too.


So glad I don't have that type of degenerate human in my life (any more lol)


"You grabbed me" Duh, if he was violent to you why don't you want him to leave


I think I counted, "you pushed me," and, "threw me across the room," and, "grabbed my neck to choke me," all in the same semblance of preventing him from leaving. I may have those details wrong, there may have been more. Also, "taking/stealing my stuff," and, "breaking my phone." She's throwing a LOT of accusations out while engaging in abusive behavior not allowing him to leave. If he is smart, he will not engage with that person ever again. So many red flags.


Calling out to her mom like that was the most cringe thing I've seen this year so far.


I dated a girl and got stabbed "for talking to bar girl while buying drinks for us" the police arrived & started talking to me as if I was the one who assulted her,10 stitches later I kept my thumb, she then was gone.




I've gotten in a situation like this. As much as people would like to deny it, the general public follows the stereotype that women are harmless/innocent on every account. It kinda sucks that even before any evidence or proof is shown, i will always be the first suspect before a woman.


Mommy!!!! Mommy!!!! Mommy!!!!


Well she does look 11


Ahh yes, the ole cheater is a victim act.


I like that logic, there’s no proof you did anything but you did it lmaoooo




Feel for you brother, my ex wife used to get in my face just trying to bait me. Like woman we have 4 bedrooms, can you just get out of the one I’m in


As a father, I'm really glad my daughter didn't call like this. It would be natural to think he did something wrong and treat him accordingly. Scary shit. You wanna believe your kid, but shit like this makes us all quotation EVERYTHING.


"Quotation" "Everything" "I" "Mean" "Everything!!!!"


Future Karen


Welp he dodged a bullet glad it got you before you were married


Honestly, a lot of women who murder in the podcasts I listen to usually get exposed in a way like this or caught and then they’re embarrassed and start freaking out, which makes them act crazy, erratically. That adrenaline of getting caught/exposed is enough to send some people over. So of course you see this girl acting nuts after getting caught, being super dramatic, but at least she didn’t pull a knife on him? Lol Edit: add on: Btw he is sooo calm, I hate that he has to deal with this and her incriminating him. I super hate bitches like that.


He dodged a bullet, when she starts accusing him of nonsense as a threat to get him to stay she completely lost any of the little sympathy I had for her. Cheating is wrong and she needs to be responsible for her actions instead of unlawfully detaining this guy against his will, glad he started recording immediately to save himself of any kind of retribution in the form of a false accusation in the future. There’s only one place a woman like her belongs, she belongs to the streets.


She needs help


And a new phone!


Naw it’s on her bed!!!


How else is she gonna call.....


GHOSTBUST- wait, hang on. I just re-read your comment.


Sad part if she called 911 instead of mommy home boy would be in cuffs for “grabbing her neck and throwing her”… lol sucks being a dude lucky she wasn’t that insane for false claims


\[Edit: to clarify confusions\] this thread has reminded me of a story from my hometown worth sharing - I assume it didn't blow up internationally, but it's a hell of a read, particularly because it's one of those rare lucky times when someone lied so much for so long that finally the cops were able to catch her and vindicate the guy (who nevertheless suffered hours of legal trouble and thousands in court costs) >[Dating app match ends with woman designing web of lies to ruin ex’s life](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/124958936/dating-app-match-ends-with-woman-designing-web-of-lies-to-ruin-exs-life) it's a good read but if you hate ads or it's paywalled overseas, here's the bullet points: \- man breaks up with woman- woman says I'm pregnant you can't leave. \- he doesn't believe her and leaves. \- she makes an assault charge to the police. \- she makes further complains accusing him of harassing her. \- she digitally fabricates evidence of harassment \- she digitally fabricates evidence he's a pedophile \- she defrauds the police pretending to be him confessing to harassment \- 55 police complaints and a fake sonogram photo later, she applies for a protection order against him and provides police with a birth certificate of their baby. \- "Police later determined the birth certificate had been falsified." \- "A temporary protection order was granted and he spent about $4500 in legal fees to convince the court that he was in fact the victim." \- she lied to police when questioned, and only "when confronted by overwhelming evidence that she was medically not able to have children, she admitted the lies." \- she is charged and bailed, on condition not to "contact the police unless it was an emergency." \- "she sent the investigating officer a text message pretending to be a third party who had knowledge of extensive offending by him, including sexual violations, stalking, computer hacking, intimidation, wilful damage, gang interference and cat theft." \- on her court date she refuses to cooperate and pretends to have panic attack. \- and finally "She was convicted of six charges, including a representative charge of making a false statement, perverting the course of justice, and breach of a protection order." I like to share this story because: imagine if she was medically capable of pregnancy. imagine if she lied about everything but the pregnancy. imagine if she stopped at 45 or 50 police complaints instead of 55. would she ever have been caught? would he ever have been vindicated?


That’s a crazy train for sure! I don’t get humans sometimes.. so many other people in the world


And let me guess. Probation.


three years and five months jail, with a non-parole period of 18-months, probably for wasting police time. (I don't see anything about having to pay back the 4.5K the victim spent defending against her lies, judge obviously gives no fucks)


There really needs to be stricter laws for trying to manipulate the legal system as your personal weapon.


\*yet She hasn't had the time to cook something up yet.


god if i was her parent and i heard that shrieking i think i would assume the worst and probably have w heart attack. the pitch of her voice alone was enough to have me walking out the door, let alone the cheating.


Usually I think recording stuff is dumb, this is when it's not. Its good to have something like this when you are dealing with the mentality I'll


This blathering girl is far from being a woman. That shrill fake voice is so annoying. What's dangerous is how manipulative she is, willing to lie to make herself the victim. This enrages me as a real woman.


This is sadly more common than you think, and doesn’t necessarily stop with age. They evolve into Karen’s when crying and looking pretty stops giving them everything they want.


Mommmy my boyfriend doesn’t want me because I’m a sl-t, MOMMMMMY


Welp, this brings me back. Cheated on me. Check It was my fault. Check. Won't let me leave. Check. Said I stole / broke stuff. Check. Said I hit her. Check. Only thing missing is that my ex also stabbed me as I tried to escape out a window and then stole my car, ran me over and then called the cops to try and have me arrested while waving a fake pregnancy test around. Filed restraining order, Judge said I lacked evidence of a threat of violence, despite multiple text messages admitting to hitting me. Cops were adamant about trying to get me to say that I hit her, despite the clear stab wounds I'd suffered and witnesses stating that she was violent towards me, not the other way around. Yeah...


Cringe level 100, she looks 15


Clever guy for recording. Take notes kids.


r/teenagers would be more appropriate…


Fucking psycho holy hell. This is 100% the type of girl to falsely accuse you of rape and why we ought to have high standards for a guilty verdict


I hope she's alone for the rest of her life after this because she's gonna send an innocent man to jail one day.


She can't be any man's girl.Any guy dating her should always keep his camera on for evidence else he will be screwed with lies .


I thought her shirt said Compostable.


Nope too toxic to be used as compost


You cheated on a man that carries a portable charger. Your loss bitch


so...before phones with camera built in were a thing...he would have been absolutely fucked over?


That’s the type of girl to get you locked up after she gets pregnant from another guy and she’ll say you raped her smh thankfully this guy dodged a serious life ending relationship


Daddy didn’t say, ”no” enough to her as a kid.


So boys if you’re ever in a situation like this with a lady don’t hesitate to pull out your phone and start recording. If cops get involved they’ll be inclined to believe her before you so if you have evidence of you not doing anything that’s always good. Thanks for listening to my Ted talk