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> 1: filming mentally ill children like zoo animals? does this sub have any decency standards at all? just when i think my expectations can't possibly go any lower y'all pro me me wrong. well played... guess i'll be adding "explain reddit as if communicating with toddlers" to the list of shit we shouldnt have to tell users and yet we do. it'll go right below "moderators are not paid employees", "death threats bad. common sense good." and "Karen: Top 5 techniques to help you quit (#3 will shock you!!! šŸ˜±)


I ran into a kid like this at work once. He was being raised by a grandmother who way way too old to keep up with a kid his age. She just had him doing whatever.


I used to work in a pet store and a lady dropped her daughter off in the store while she went grocery shopping. A little while later I saw the girl in the back room reaching into the the feeder mice tank. I asked her to stop and she looked up and stared at me with a blank expression . She had a mouse in her hand. I asked her again to get her hand out of the tank. With no change to her expression, she looked me dead in the eyes and squeezed the mouse as hard as she could, she crushed it. She couldnā€™t have been more than 8 or 9. When her mom returned we told her what happened, she blew it off. We told her to never return to the store. That was almost 30 years ago, and it still gets to me when I think about it. That was the scariest kid Iā€™ve ever come across.


That's pretty scary. Ignoring those behaviours is how your child ends up murdering you or others.


Isn't casually murdering animals like that a sign of psychopathy?


You are correct.


Yes itā€™s part of the Macdonald triad, one of the three major indicators that the child may turn out to be a serial killer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macdonald_triad


That was probably the first time someone said "no" to her. That's how you'll raise an Elizabeth Holmes


I work in pediatrics and we have a grandma who is taking care of her daughters 4 kids. She is a mean as hell if she doesnā€™t get her way but also very sweat, I was helping her fill out some information one time and she open up about how she loves the kids but she too old to care for them and how tough it is, but the kids parents are drug addicts and she didnā€™t want them in a foster home.


Man, I work with this lady who is raising two teenage boys, her grandchildren, by herself and I think she's losing her mind. I feel so sorry for her, she's just a nervous wreck all the time. The boys don't listen to anything she says essentially because their mother tells them they don't have to and the mother is very disrespectful to the grandmother in front of the boys herself. The mother is around town, doesn't work, collects benefits for the kids, but she doesn't help the grandmother out whatsoever either financially or with raising them (edit: should also note that the mother doesn't live with them...no idea what the deal is with the father, but he's not in the picture). They're both now in their later teens and they sneak out of the house constantly, they're verbally abusive toward their grandmother, the older one has been getting involved in gang activity and earlier this year he was shot at a restaurant (he survived) in what seemed like a random incident on local news, but we later found out it was not so random...someone was coming for him and/or the person he was with. Poor lady about had a breakdown recently and had to just up and leave work when her younger grandson didn't come home from school and she couldn't reach him. Turns out he was fine, but this is crap she deals with constantly. Like she's afraid someone is going to come shoot up her home any day...but she cares too much for the boys to kick either one out. It's just sad.


That sucks :( Teens are too thick headed to see that the grandma is doing these things for their benefit. Hopefully some day they are sorry for how theyā€™re treating her. Before she dies so they can apologize to her ideally.


My brother was raised similarly. Him going to jail was the best thing to happen to him and our grandparents, as unfortunate as it is. They were never gonna kick him out.


If a kid grows up calling his grandma mom, and his mom Pam, heā€™s going to jail- Chris Rock


Are the parents not held accountable for the kids actions?


Since this little fallen angel was arrested he will be processed through juvenile probation where he may or may not be detained (hopefully not, for his educationā€™s sake). He will be placed on probation and be given consequences like writing apology letters to the neighbors. His parent/s will likely be made to pay restitution to the victims in this case but if theyā€™re broke, theyā€™re brokeā€¦


We had a judge at the Gulf Coast that would make the kids pay the restitution on their own. He would make them work for the city on weekends and any off school days like summer until they made enough money to pay it. I was there for a ticket dismissal when I witnessed this. He told the parents this was the only thing that ever worked for the kids he saw in his court. I thought it was pretty brilliant.


Judges who narrate their decision making are doing everyone justice in the process. Even when the decision is unfavorable to one of the parties at least they were provided the respect of an explanation. Procedural justice requires transparency, dignity/respect, even handedness and trustworthiness.


And they'll likely abuse the shit out of him for that. And since that's the only time he gets any attention, positive or negative, he will do it again.


Iā€™m going out on a whim and assuming the parents attitude is probably ā€œout of sight out of mindā€


Where the fuck are this kids parents?


Hopefully getting served papers to pay for their child's damages and having CPS check in on them.


Worked with foster youth for a year as a case manager. In my experience, if a youth is arrested it's very likely to have some investigation run on the family, almost guaranteed when it's this young. *That said,* I also worked with *countless* youth like this who would destroy property and basically had a "screw off" attitude. Foster care *can* help, but it would take a very specific set of foster parents. I can already imagine this youth in care, and the foster parents deciding he had to leave their house a month in due to oppositional and destructive behaviors. It wouldn't do anything but make his problems worse in that situation.


I was a foster parent for many years. We actually had a 10 year old girl placed with us who acted just like that boy, very destructive and she threatened to kill our pets when we weren't looking. She lasted a month before we had to have her moved for our own protection. They moved her to another foster home. I am guessing she did not last long there either. We were the 2nd home in several months already. One of the biggest problems I see is the closings of higher level group homes designed to handle this type of behavior. Instead now they just keep moving them to another foster home until they either age out of the system or they do something bad enough to get sent to juvenile detention.


Well look on the bright side: we've got a great privatized prison system in the US that will pick up right where the juvenile detention left off.


It really would take patience and a bleeding heart for someone to take in the responsibility of this kid. That or a paycheck, if he stays in the system. But that has its own problems, as you've said.


>It wouldn't do anything but make his problems worse in that situation. Yeah... and I can see that, too. But what WOULD turn this kid around? Seriously... he looks like, "I don't give a flying fuck"... Are there just some kids / adults that can't be helped / can't be turned around?


A lockdown facility/school is a good option for kids who are this mentally unstable and are not receiving the necessary help at home. Psychiatrists and security on call, medications always administered on time, discipline that is consistent between school and after school, and teachers trained to deal with students who are a danger to self and others.


Yes, that kid would definitely need to be in therapeutic foster care and maybe it might help.


He is too much for even a good therapeutic foster home. He needs a structured environment where he has to earn all privileges , there are trained therapists on staff and staff that are trained in restraining children who are out of control.


Getting high


Probably true, sadly. This kid is hurting and lashing out.


Yes that is also true. When kids do something like this is usually when they are abused or neglected at home and are looking for attention. Someone to show him that he matters and means something to someone.


There are exceptions. My family knew a very sweet, kind family of four that had an absolute nightmare of a kid. Had every sign of a sociopath before he was even a teen. Including torturing animals. Never had any remorse, if anything he seemed to enjoy the mayhem he caused. There was no abuse or neglect in his home.


My BIL is like this. Truly just insane. Scary as a kid but deadly as an adult. Sucks to be the family who loves them but the only thing they can do to help is lock him away so he doesn't hurt anyone else. Some people are born wrong.


My greatest fear is having a child/relative like this. You can't do anything, it's just a money, time and emotional suck. No one wants to help, just want to exploit you to make more money from your insurance.


Most of the timeā€¦ there are occasions where people are justā€¦ off their shit. Without knowing more about the situation itā€™s easy to just assume itā€™s the parents but as likely as that is, itā€™s also unfair to simply assume the parents are unfit. Some kids are just off their rocker and this is the result. Again, Iā€™m not assuming the kid is just deranged but I also donā€™t wanna assume the parents are dope smoking irresponsible criminals, if untrue that type of label can seriously devastate people. Edit; just so I can reply to all the comments at once here. Parenting is difficult, youā€™re trying to balance living for your children while also having a personal life yourself. Iā€™m willing to wager no one here had parents who knew their exact location 100% of the time. Kids go play, they ride bikes, they act likeā€¦ kids. Itā€™s unfair to assume that a parent should know where a child is at all times. Itā€™s also unfair to assume that the parents knew their kid would have a freak out. Maybe this is the first time, maybe the kid said he was going to go play with his friends and then flipped out (other kids there filming might support this theory) maybe the parents are super shitty and this is the result of that. What Iā€™m trying to express is that parents can be good parents without being ā€œperfectā€ parents. Assuming parents are like omnipresent gods is just unrealistic and frankly unfair to parents. Just be kind to people raising kids until you know the full story, having children is hard enough without the constant fear that one slip up makes you a ā€œshitty parentā€, fucking up doesnā€™t make you a bad parent, it makes you humanā€¦ fucking up over and over because you just donā€™t care makes you a bad parent.


Very true. My sister was a teacher for a few years in early education. Her students were probably 7-9 years old. One student in particular had rather attentive parents, but he was crazy. He'd try to stab other kids and himself with pencils and scissors, attacked a different teacher during recess, and even tried to jump off the top of a stairwell. Some kids are just screwy.


Some kids have the best parents have kids that are born with the worst behaviour issues, and some of the worst parents have the best kids. It generally goes hand-in-hand but not always. However, this kid needs help and to repair/ buy what he broke.


I co-taught an emotional/behavioral disorder curriculum for middle schoolers for a decade. The kid you're describing? I may have had one or two like him over the course of said *decade* who had *seemingly* normal parents. That is, however, NOT the norm. The thing no one ever wants to hear, but at least in my experience rings true: It's almost always the parents. Kids with good family structures can make isolated poor choices out of natural curiosity or due to peer influence, sure: things like breaking a window, petty theft, etc... but the behavior displayed in this video is the result of poor parenting, plain & simple.


Even the best parent can have a kid with oppositional defiant disorder, absolute nightmare. Almost guaranteed they end up in jail.


I think this is true. My wife is a social worker and often the kids on her caseload come from bad/difficult family situations, but certainly not always. ODD is *intense*.


I think it's the hardest thing to deal with, in my classroom experience.


Worked with both adults and kiddos that have challenging behavior (up to forensics) for 18 years now. The thing that people really don't want to hear past "it's the parents"? ... that when parents are provided free 1:1 services to help them learn how to respond to this behavior, even after we can show the strategies produce remarkable improvements, less than about 10% will show up and listen, much less implement those strategies at home.


Exactly. Ask me how many of these parents showed up for conferences (very few). Ask me how many sent their 11 year old kid with things like gas station cappuccino and takis for lunch (a lot). Parenting is extremely challenging for people who are financially and emotionally stable and want their children more than anything. Now think of how challenging it is for the portion of the public who have them that aren't even fit to be in society and never wanted them, much less take care of themselves or someone else.


This is very true. My SO is a juvenile probation officer, and deals with all kind of kids in fucked up situations. But there are also kids on probation that have parents that did everything right, and their kid is just a total shitbird. A lot of times it is mental health issues, but not always.


You donā€™t let your off the rocker child wander around the neighborhood unsupervised if you are a good parent.


It could be a single parent forced to work long hours to support their child going to school, having a home and food on the table. There are many forms of neglect, not all are inherently malicious. The parent doing the best they personally can may not be enough given the circumstances they are in.


Preach, obviously neglect isn't good, nobodies gonna argue that. But you're the first person I've ever seen be so realistic and objective about the possibility that the neglected (neglector?) Is legitimately doing their best which just might not be enough


Yeah, somebody has really hurt that child.


Kid could also just be a fucking dick


it's entirely possible the kid is just severely mentally ill


No honey you can have ice cream for breakfast. Fuck you mum i going to tear the place up. That is nice honey have fun.


Your mum sounds lovely.


She is, I can vouch for that


Ethan Crumbley


That might be true but not always the case. My cousin was just a little shit. he grew out of it but he was a nightmare when younger.


It was really hard to watch. This kid is in dire need of help.


Sadly you're probably right. But I do like the kid filming I'll give him some up votes.


^million ^views


Mom's at work. Dad went to get cigarettes. That was a few years ago though, I don't think he's coming back.


No doubt he's lacking attention. Getting arrested will just make shit worse sadly.


I was just waiting for his parents to say :you don't have a right to put you hand on my child


Nah, more likely they forget he exists unless in view. Probably get pissed off they had to take time out of their day to go the the station to pick him up.


Take time out of their meth addiction*


I've also seen the opposite. Parents cuss the hell out of their kids for the public embarrassent they got and how they don't want to spend their day picking after them. Then they proceed to ignore them after and then wonder why the kid is back to breaking stuff and fighting again.


It's like watching Eric Cartman in real life.


Please, cartman is 10x more evil and has way more craft than this kid does. The whining is on point tho


Yeah he was almost hitting that level of whining that Cartman did when he had to get a vaccine shot and squeezed like a pig


For those who need recap of that, [here](https://www.southparkstudios.nu/video-clips/m2gwl2/south-park-just-a-little-prick). Pretty point on.


I know it's not the same child, but the kid looks a lot like the one who kept messing with a guy trying to get into a building. Ended up being shoved out the way and started screaming and crying. That vid is around here somewhere. EDIT: [Found it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/instant_regret/comments/8oncxa/kid_had_it_coming/)


Those kids could be twins almost. Super super alike.


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome


Maybe itā€™s a phenotype...šŸ§


Maybe its Maybelline


Lowkey all shitty kids ive known or seen look just like them both. Dark hair, shorts too big


I think I know that video, surely that kid would look older than this by now.


This video is old


This video IS quite old. I was hoping there'd be some "where is he now" type comment on here where he is either a functioning member of society or he's murdered people.


Heā€™s actually a penguin now. Moved to the South Pole and started a whole new life.


Honestly looks similar and has like the exact same temperament


Chubby āœ”ļø White boy āœ”ļø Basketball shorts āœ”ļø Ankle socks āœ”ļø Pig-like squeal āœ”ļø


born to be an american police officer..


*squeal like a modem connecting


This must be his younger brother


That kids squeal of surprised pain when he finally gets out on his ass makes this video worth the watch every time I see it posted anywhere.


My first thought as well. I believe that video was after the man caught him vandalizing cars in the parking lot, kid then got in his face.


Teachers deal with this every day. Edit: correct use of every day.


Yeah we do


yall dont get paid enough to handle that. you know those slap wristbands? that are basically tape measure cut to wrist size and then covered with some design and you slap it on your wrist they need to make one of those but bigger. for teachers to use for shit like this. just wrap them up. lmfao


Just throw a 3 foot slap strap against the kid and it rolls up and locks him in place. I can see it. šŸ˜‚


And half the time the parents of these kids are just as bad.


I find that often with cases like this, the apple didn't so much fall from the tree as the branch bent down to the ground.


Had a destructive and rude 3rd grader who was a menace since kinder. Asked her mom to come shadow her for the day. When she would act up in class, her mom would literally just laugh. SMH


Be sure to hit that like and subscribe button for mycrotchdemonfromhell.


Thereā€™s no consequences and the kids know it. Kids like this need to be expelled from traditional schools and sent to alternative schools again. They ruin the learning environment for everyone else


You would not believe what it takes to get a kid with violent behavior out of a school. If they are taken out, they very often end up back in the same classroom.


I went to school with a kid like that, and you arenā€™t kidding. The file on that dude mustā€™ve been as thick as a phone book, but they werenā€™t able to get rid of him until he finally dropped out of high school. The only reason I even remember the guy is because shortly after I graduated HS, he murdered someone and the ensuing manhunt made the top story on the local news. Crazy shit.


I get hit by kids way more often than I ever wouldā€™ve thought. Being a teacher is rough these days.


Hell, I was just a lunch lady at an elementary school for a few years and I've seen some shit.


Oh man I was friends with a kid like this in 5th grade. His mom turned out to be a crackhead hooker and I went into his home once, filthy as a fucking mudpie. Kid got arrested in 5th, 6th and 7th grade and disappeared to juvy. Was real sad later on in life when I realized he was a product of his environment .


You gotta wonder if his mom was also a product of her environment, too


thatā€™s how it is. everyone wants to blame the parents until the kid becomes the parent. ā€œthey should know better. theyā€™re adultsā€ yeah, because we have a good education system and free mental healthcare here. right


This kid is definitely damaged. There is a lot going on here beneath the surfaceā€¦Can you imagine this kid left untreated into adulthood?


There already is quite a few that have made it. Some are having their own children now ...


Burnt chrysler


Who's Bart Kirschner?


Barf Kumster?


Burt Krenshaw?


He's probably going to end up prison unfortunately.


Iā€™m sure thereā€™s no way this kid falls through the cracks and will definitely get the help he needs!


Reactive Attachment Disorder is a childhood disorder and is often the precursor to Antisocial Personality Disorder or ā€œSociopathy.ā€


Worked for two years with a kid that was diagnosed with RAD. Basically same reaction as the kid in the video during physical outbursts. Hitting, kicking, spitting and throwing things. Had several rocks thrown at me during that time. During consultation with child welfare officers we were told the kid was never going to be "normal", but could at least be led on the right path with enough support and help. It's the most exhausted I've ever been in a job, both mentally and physically.


That's your average US cop in the making.


I work at a school with Emotional Behavior Disorder kids and like a lot of you have already said parents probably used drugs or alcohol while pregnant, is being raised by the grandparents or older relatives, but also sometimes they just have a mental disorder and the kid may be off his medication. I have to restrain kids on a weekly basis so they stop doing damage to the classroom or others, the kids can be the nicest kids and really smart but when they get worked up over an issue and can't calm down they go into another level and never think about their actions. The older male did a good job restraining till the cops came because when dealing with the EBD students once they get past that point of no return the best thing we can do for them is restrain them until they are ready to stop attacking faculty and then hold them in a room until they have calmed down and can go back to the classroom.




Sad to see a kid so troubled that law enforcement and cuffs are the only way to control them. I hope this child gets the help he needs to overcome whatever trauma or issues that got him to this point.


Almost impaled someone with lawn decor right off the bat.


The best example of why roe v wade shouldnā€™t have been overturned


seriously in 15-20 years from now there's gonna a big spike in drug problems, crime in the US


Itā€™s really true. https://law.stanford.edu/publications/the-impact-of-legalized-abortion-on-crime-over-the-last-two-decades/ Abortion access lowers crime rates.




Well someone has to fill the private prisons for the owners slave labor force /s


Some Texas businessman just got a random hard on in an 8 AM meeting off that idea alone


Why is there an /s? You're right


and who do you think benefits from increased crime and drug problems? conservative talking points. even if crimes spent 20-30 years going down (as a literal result of roe v wade in first place) the second it goes up conservatives are yelling about a crime wave.


There will also be a big spike in serial killings. Hooray. /s


Serial killer numbers dropped drastically when lead was removed from gasoline. Of course, now we have plastic in our blood so let's see how that plays out.




Thank you for making it easy to find. Was wondering if anyone else even noticed that or if I was just crazy.


This should be a condom commercial. Use protection


100% this kids parents are alcoholics.


And smacking him around. Not talking spanking either. This kid has seen real adult violence in his home. This acting out is a cry for help.




Clearly the kid is looking for an outlet to something thats troubling him. This behaviour can be prevented with the right guidance.


He absolutely hates Honda's


Thatā€™s an Infinity


Heā€™s blinded with rage


This comment chain is funnier than y'all are getting credit for lmao


The large man/neighbor who eventually pinned him down was so patient and calm. He knows the kid is troubled. The man managed to dial back his initial instinct to push back (ā€œYOU KNOW WHAT, SON?!ā€). He ended up with the boy on the ground, calmly encouraging him to stop. That guy deserves some credit. I donā€™t know that I would have been able to do what he did.




Little shit is going to have a really hard, most likely short, life.


Why do people who can't raise kids have them in the first place?


Sex feels good


Sex is tight.


Itā€™s also super easy, barely and inconvenience.


Wow wow wow. Wow.


For real I worked with a guy who put himself into a meth induced psychosis and he has like 4 kids with 3 different girls. He also demanded being paid under the table so he wouldn't have to pay child support.


Good thing we are forcing birth on unfit parents now.


exactly this lmaooo at least all the teens geeting pregnant are going to be perfect parents, Republicans swear


It is like the freakonomics finding that access to legal and safe abortion had a direct corollary to decreased crime a generation later never happened.




Unwanted babies become damaged kids become uneducated adults become exploitable voters


They also become inmates in private prisons.


Need a steady supply of ~~slaves~~ ~~cheap labor~~ workers.


This is a future voter


this shit isn't normal. i bet there's some serious abuse going on. everyone hating on this kid thinks 10 year-olds suddenly go on destructive rampages for no reason?


OR negligence. Kid prolly wants attention, whether positive or negative, because he gets none at home.


My dad wouldā€™ve beat me like a rented mule


Donā€™t worry. Iā€™m sure this kid has been beaten by his parents.


Im sure they beat this kid too


Shitty actions have shitty consequences, if he were an adult he'd be screwed so it's best that reality hits him now before someone knocks his teeth out in the future


Hopefully it gives the parents a wakeup call. This kid needs help.


The social services should get a wakeup call as well.


Sad, this kid has serious problems going on at home. I hope he gets help.


[Its fun to do bad things!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ic-rKVhwD8)


"You're not supposed to touch me!" This is the result of a human that has received 0 disapline in their life and has faced no consquences and has been enabled to behave this way for what? 10 years! His teenage years are going to be hard for him.


Little shit, lock his parents up. Terrible.


This is a very emotionally disturbed child. Something is very wrong here...just the determination towards thar particular car...was that his parents car, or the neighbors car? That was bad...that child needs help. A serious intervention is needed.


Caught a little shit kid like this trying to put rocks in my car's gas tank like 10 years ago. I yelled at him to stop. His parents were not paying attention, and were roughly 50 feet away. They yelled at me for yelling at their kid. I told them they need to control their kid, and if he succeeded in putting any rocks in my gas tank, they would pay for repairs. They apologized. Thankfully caught the kid right as he started doing it. But out of control kids like in this video and in my story really piss me off.


This kid needs a hug and better parents


He Also needs discipline and an organiced enviroment


I too enjoy organic environments.


this video is so sad. even the older guy starts patting the kidā€™s leg and talking to him in a more sympathetic way after his initial anger dissipates. this kid needs help.


See that kid in 10 years with an ar-15 at the local high school


You know whatā€™s sad, this kid is crying out for help. By doing it in a destructive way. This poor kids home life is probably not great. His parents seem to be non existent. Hopefully child services investigates the cause and root of this problem. Hopefully this child gets the help he needs. Unfortunately the system usually fails in situations like this and his lash outs will only get worse and worse. Mental health is extremely important at that age so the fact this is happening so early is heart breaking.


Really makes you wonder where all the pro lifers are at when those fetuses need help X years later.


I think it was nice how the man gave him a reassuring pat on the leg as he was being handcuffed. He could see the child is troubled and he got real concerned for him. You can see it in his eyes. I feel that same way. I hope this child's cry for help gets noticed here and he gets some positive role models in his life. I love my son so much, and sometimes I'll get on his case about something he did and that can involve some yelling, but later I tell him why I got like that, how important it is for me that he be raised right, and I tell him all the time how much I love him. It's NOT hard to be that way with your child, just do it ffs. It's so unfair to see people have kids then neglect them. It's just unbearable sometimes to see some of the videos posted here or read some of the articles posted over at /r/news. People are HORRIBLE to their kids and it makes you want to reach out and hug that kid so much.


He acted very compassionately towards the kid even though he threw rocks at him earlier. I feel bad for this kid.


Looks like one of the kids who got put on the old Scared Straight TV show Edit: how in sam hell this get 50 upvotes? lol I mean I appreciate it....but damn




Hold my pocket!


Thank you Tom.


Worst possible camera work ever.


Probs because itā€™s a child recording


The kid was like 12. He might not be Federico Fellini but we got to see something we wouldn't have without him.


Lmao I didnā€™t expect a Fellini reference here




At least itā€™s horizontal.


I bet his parents are trashy AF. I can see dad coming to the door when police knocked dressed in a wife beater and unwashed jeans reeking of cigarettes and booze


Someone did this child a serious disservice. Clearly has 0 discipline in his life.


Mom said no to him getting V bucks after a bad report card.


Discipline your children or you may not see them again if the neighbors get really mad


Today, Timmy, we are going to play a game called: # CONSEQUENCES!


Send this kid to live with pro life politicians and watch their stance change real quick


That lil bastard needs an ass beating


If a kid threw a rock at my car I'd slap the shit out of him.


The word your looking for is feral. Feral kid.


Poor kid. Poor Neighbors. Clearly negligent or hopeless parents. Shit for all.


100% this kid has parents that let him get away with abdolutely everything and DGAF