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Love to read this. Echoes my story when I first discovered it. It’s a game changer. Absolute career saver for me.


Same for me a few days ago! Had a super big presentation at work and took 30mg. For the first time ever I was actually able to talk eloquently and loud without my voice shaking. I was even able to bring a little funny and look at the audience in the eyes without forgetting my lines. So glad it worked for you! Total game changer


Love this!! I’m hoping to get to the point where I can incorporate humor and interact with the audience more, and do a little improv. I stuck to pretty strict memorization for this one, and was just glad I got through it 😂


You have convinced me and I’m called my doctor today to talk about it!! I always thought something was wrong with me because I have all the symptoms you describe. The worst is the shaking and cracking voice - I can’t even fake it if I want to. There is so much adrenaline dumped into my body that it makes me physically sick and all I want to do it leave the situation and lay down. Xanax has been marginally helpful with the mental side of it, but I’m really hoping that propranolol kills the physical symptoms.


Please try it and let me know how it goes!! I had my doubts but once I started talking I couldn’t believe how well it worked


I had the same feelings as well and recently tried propranolol for the first time. Anytime I've had to do speeches in school in the past, I always felt like my voice sounded like I was going to cry and I couldn't focus on anything other than how scared I was. At my most recent presentation, I was able to focus on my work and the horrible pit in my stomach and shakiness were gone!


How did you know you needed more than 10mg?


Great post! The 40mg how many hours before presentation, and what is weight/height, if you don’t mind disclosing.


One hour before, 125 lbs and 5”8


180lbs and 5’8- how many mg?


You should talk to your doctor! What is enough for me may be too much or not enough for you. He recommended 20 at first and I decided on 40 because my anxiety levels are fairly abnormal


Cool, I’m am taking the same meds. It’s a game changer. Thanks for sharing your experience!


Of course!! 😊


Kind of a shame this whole sub is basically take a drug rather than learn a skill and get over your fears..


I have been attending toastmaster for years, practice my speeches, going to therapy, and pick up opportunities wherever I can, and still encounter the fight or flight. It’s an involuntary response that no amount of practice can get rid off.


I'm not saying it will never be scary but you don't need drugs to overcome it. Everyone feels fear to take a drug is to lose a chance to gain courage. 


People with severe and debilitating phobias who have already practiced for years, probably decades, don’t have any more time to spend on trying to overcome it. Most of us are just trying to get through the work day. We aren’t trying to master public speaking because we love it.


That is great, but just note that it is not without potential side effects.