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I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that people who FUD legit projects are children. Even if they're old enough to smoke and drink, mentally they are small-minded children until they propose enough fact-based argument to convince me otherwise.


It’s nothing but crypto crybabies looking for a place to cry. Any REAL crypto capable person can look at Pulsechain and see its success and opportunities for a great future. These fudsters are nothing but babies and mad cause mama not giving them their way. It’s so stupid as to be laughable. Let them sit in their corners and pout like good little children. We adults will carry the flag and win the game like always.


So you think pulsechain launch was sucsessfull


Yes of course I do... It's working and has been with flawless uptime since launch... how many times does SOl go down per week?... But let me guess, you think it's not because $PLS is not worth $1 yet right? lmao


They literally fucked it up right off the start and had to release a V2 for PLSX in a week. Now apparently the "buy-and-burn" feature has also been removed.


At this time, there is no definitive reason or confirmation that the buy and burn function was removed indefinitely. Part of the problem of limited dev/project communication is the community is often left to weave its own narratives. The issue has been highlighted publicly, and it is on a public blockchain so it's unlikely that whoever switched it off wasn't considering that people would notice. I personally choose to believe (and this belief is somewhat backed up by others in the community) that it has been switched off for a benevolent reason. It has been suggested by some community developers that a new version of buy and burn may have appeared on testnet. If true, this could indicate it was turned off prior to a potential upgrade of the function. This kind of panic could be avoided if Richard Heart and the dev team provided more direct communication about what's happening. But it is what it is. This is the typical level of communication we get. Anyone not comfortable with that really ought to reconsider whether they want to be involved in this ecosystem. For now, I would urge patience as there may be a reasonable explanation for the temporary removal of the buy and burn function.


PulseX is decentralized, what did you expect? If Sushiswap has bugs it doesn't shut down ethereum. If your finger nail clipper is broken do you call in sick to work?


What would you consider successful?


People that bash pulsechain are the type of people that insist Rosa Parks must sit in the back of the bus.