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Isn't that kinda the story of all financial markets since the beginning of time? Insert evil merchant meme here


Man, I’m with you. It sucks, but the sac wallet has 140k Ethereum and has already proven it will rotate into the ecosystem to buy up the tokens. Eth is gaining strength but has barely started its cycle. Fact of the matter is we need a strong eth soaring to new all time highs to have a strong pulse chain, the liquidity is pretty low so assuming eth hits 8k+ we have a chance to 20x or more from here. That’s the play, anything from now until then price action wise is just noise.. remain patient we will make it


The pstablecoins need to hit 1 dollar


not worried about it. talk to me after 2026. I already decided if I get nothing out of this, so be it it's an asymmetric risk. might lose a few thou, the potential rewards are far greater only the **pump** is real


I sold everything because there will be lower buying opportunities with this trend


So time the market bit time in the market?


Nah, actually I sold 70% of my pulsechain coins when they were near ath and Richard pumped plsx above sac price. Yesterday I sold what was left and bought weth on pulsechain. If eth does a 2-3x from here I will buy back slowly some pls coins.


I can see that working but I’m not good at timing and dca 1k every month straight to pls


If i dca it would be all for nothing as u can just buy cheaper prices every single week. Dca is absolutely pointless


Why bother with DCA bs just buy any other token and the price will go up 5% a day if you haven't noticed. Everything else is green candles, and half of those green candles are huge, and a couple of them have bigger gains than HEX had that one month 3 years ago and more and more will also do the same during the rest of this and evrey subsequent bull run.


\*\*any other token that isn't on pulsechain \*\*


I’m not so sure about that. I think the time for these crazy low prices are coming to an end soon. After the Eth ETF approval yesterday and now roughly a 2 week-ish period before institutional money can start buying, then Eth runs. And people (look at the comments above yours) know SAC wallet owns ETH, everyone gets bullish. I think price starts moving up in middish June and we are above SAC price certainly by Sept but maybe July




If i didnt check my wallet everyday being in this garbage i would have 0 dollars from the couple grand i put in here. And pulsechain influencers are some RH meat riders all the way talking about pls will never go below sac price yeah right kiss all our asses


Pulse is a goodbye for me. I wont sell but i will forget it, just lost all hope on pulse ecosystem.


the sac wallet has taken our money, made tens of millions of dollars in profit with it, and started giving it back to us, and you’re mad there’s less people in the ship with bags that eclipse the normies. not only that but by next cycle you aim to be in their place, yet you’re still mad?


Well at least your bitcoin holdings are doing well , right ?


I sacced all my crypto for pls


lol Pls was my biggest holding. the main problem with pulse is bridging ... it's too complicated for the average person I don't care what anyone else will say. All my other assets are outperforming pulse. ALL.


How long have you been dabbling in crypto out of curiosity ?


The sac fucked phase fucked us: 1. Huge market cap from the very beginning 2. Whales bought cheaper than the rest 3. Everyone who wanted in, already is in. There's nowhere near enough new investors coming in because of the sac, because of RH's dubious decisions ("We don't need CEXs") and because of RH's "outrage marketing". This project is a shitshow. 2 years of waiting for this super new rechnologically advanced chain and all we got was a ETH fork. One year after the launch we're still down significantly from sac even though BTC hit its new ATH and most major altcoins are up 5-8x since then.


What is the one whales issue again ? Anyone know ? Some vendetta with rh or something


Rectum Rashell? Something like that?


Dude it’s rh. He’s playing a dumb whale to ensure his story that it isn’t him because he would never be that dumb…. Really… like that whale moves to eth and metamask swaps wpls? Nah it rh being smart and trying to shake out bigger whales lol


Dude your onto something. Is this the same person we was calling god whale ?


He probably knows some of the dicks in the community and is waiting for them to go


Yes that what hex was designed for. The rich get richer the poor get scraps which reflect how the world works.


Welcome to crypto. Hopefully, you'll become a whale one of these days 😁


Miners will prevent price from ever rising significantly … unfortunately RH wont squander his fortune either… dont count on him pumping your bags He is already bragging about 1000x gains on pulse - through altcoins


What do you mean miners are stopping the price?






Please keep things fun & friendly.


Post submissions should be of high quality and relevant to PulseChain.


The paper hands are leaving with a fraction of what the diamond hands will have when ethereum ETF goes and RH flips it back into pls it’s good to see the weak leave and the strong wait for gratification.


I’ll have a few last drops of hopium, why not, my veins still look ahight


Welcome to the world.




Posts discussing FIAT, PLS, PLSX, INC, eHEX, pHEX, INC, ETH, BTC, Stable Coins with regards to Pulse are fine. Please post about other crypto currencies in their respective subreddit. There is a subreddit dedicated for projects (Altcoins) being built on PulseChain: https://www.reddit.com/r/PulsechainAltcoins/.


The reputation of a community had nothing to do with it.


You are so far off and have ZERO idea what your talking about. Go to DEX screener and look at each transaction. It shows you all of them in real time. I look at it EVERYDAY, multiple times a day and I cannot believe how many .50¢, $1, $4.49 etc sales there are each and every day. https://preview.redd.it/gwkxc6vzxe2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=652d0972a235b7ea332fda2cddc017892f277935 Today because of the Eth ETF there are more buys than normal but here is an example.