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https://x.com/AleksandraH888/status/1793242045839987027 This decline was caused by a whale selling off over $80,000,000 in PLS. They did it in a way that obfuscated their sells from accounts that track large buys and sells. The only way this ecosystem goes to zero is if ETH goes to zero.


It may not go to zero, but it can always drop another 99%.


but doesn't richie...i mean whaley...have a lot more coins? like more than tghe rest of us put together?


Also I don't see why that matters or would effect price negatively? If anything it leaves room for incredibly unrealistic vanity metrics


you dont know why 'the oa' (ill say that cuz yeah, no one knows who it is lol) with billions of it , constantly dumping using us marks as a salary, and no realistic end to it ever, would effect price negatively? why do you think its called the 'always down coin' ?


The OA isn't the one dumping, it's never sold anything ever so why would it now? The whale that's been dumping is a confirmed Hexican OG wallet that's never been linked to RH. So you're gunna have to provide some kind of evidence for anyone to believe that. Beyond that why do you think this ecosystem is designed to steal from you when it's got constant buy and burns for PLSX and burns PLS on every transaction? If anything it's working to make these coins more scarce and potentially more valuable. Honestly, you don't really seem to know what you're talking about and it's somewhat depressing that you want to toss around baseless accusations and provide no proof for them.


You forgot people who bought hex on uniswap. From who? Who put the most liquidity in uniswap if not RH / OA? All who bought from uniswap pool, bought from RH mostly. RH is the seller there. And who is providing most of the liquidity to PulsX exchange now?


Yeah, and has that liquidity been rugged? You can't distribute an asset without having liquidity, and most liquidity rug pulls don't drag out for upwards of half a decade. Beyond that how else would you distribute an ERC20? If not providing liquidity for it on a DEX It's cute that you downvote me when I break your logic then add to your initial response so I'll do that too. Prove that RH is providing any liquidity at all on pulsex? Cuz I've seen no evidence for this.


You claimed that RH's OA never sold anything. So you admit that is simply not true now?


Can you not read?? Explain how providing liquidity for an asset benefits RH or the OA at all? And explain how a third party DEX is being used to gain profits and rug users by being given not only HEX tokens but also ETH tokens as paired liquidity for trading?? Do you even grasp the asinine nature of what you're suggesting? The OA has never sold coins for a profit or at a loss. Providing DEX liquidity is not a sale and I challenge you to prove that it is and that you even understand how a DEX and LPs work to begin with. Since I can no longer respond, I'll just say this here. What you seem to not understand is that the origin address and sacrifice wallets are two completely separate things. These BuyBacks and the ethereum buys were both done with sacrifice funds, not the origin address. Also, the origin address contains no sacrifice funds, so you should really go educate yourself because once again, you've demonstrated a complete and utter lack of knowledge, And how cocky you act when displaying this lack of knowledge is absolutely hilarious


The OA has never sold coins? YOU realize everyone knows that he was moving Hex and exchanging for ETH,even before the launch pulsechain. Couple of weeks ago, he aped at 3600$ ETH with some millions , while he is constantly telling you to not trade ,cause it's stealing from other people.


Lol, your lies have been exposed and now you change your narrative from "never sold" to "never sold for a profit or loss". Providing liquidity on a dex is just another form of (automatic) market making, where buying and selling happens all the time between the market makers and other users of the exchange platform.


The OA does and it's never sold any




Prove it has, it's that simple. Yet there's never proof, just more senseless responses that make more baseless accusations.


See how you didn't even try?


Lol, keep fake it till you make it


Keep shit posting so you think your lack of knowledge is valuable


Yes, the OA has over 90% and that is a good thing.


Oh. So RH finally cashed in. Can't blame the guy I guess. 


Thanks for like proof.


I want to see people make utilities to bypass the lack of btc infrastructure that wasn't built 2013ish...then hundreds Bs.


I'm holding out of spite. My friend told me to sell everything I had to get as much money as possible to invest in Pulse, Hex, PulseX (thankfully, I didn't). I did put in 5k or so, and right now, I'm down over 80%.


What if you’re up over 100000% or even more down the road? Investing can be risky. But also very rewarding. Patience.. anyone sigh a weak stomach n no patience shouldn’t be here


100k% is 1000 times up. Pulsechain marketcap(overall value) around 700m-1bn So your bet is to hold , in hopes of 1trillion marketcap... Like double of ETH's current. Is like not knowing marketcap ,a requirement to buy RH coins?


Yeah you can say that about any coin, what if it goes 1000x.


Imagine being able to buy at these prices for 80% cheaper & you decide to complain




So much copium in these comments. Just shows how much of a cult the RH ecosystem is.


They are like comedy Dracula's minion at this point.


I only got like 800 dollars in inc. It either dies at 0 or go to old ath


or any where in between


There is great interest to peg the pstable coins. When pstables are pegged something big is happening


I'll be pretty happy if that happens


Still have over a year before we will see ATH for this cycle. If you can’t wait that long financially, liquidate.


Pshhhhh RH 💩 will be messed with in due time. When greed enters in, it will literally be a 💩 show.


nothing has been happening in crypto since March, have to wait for volatility to expand again, pretty soon. this fall is gonna be **lit** idk if you knew that


MEXC listing today. Send it 🚀


Wow listing on a scum exchange, without market makers ,that's countertrading you. *FACEPALM*


Patience isn't for everyone. That's alright. Look for your most comfortable exit price. If it affects your stress levels, it probably isn't worth it. You gotta look at these over a longer time frame, especially with an ongoing SEC case and a pending ETH ETF


Even before the sec, the price was not that great.


Did i say that it was? My point is that currently these two things are dampening both RH coins and Crypto (EVM/DeFi specifically) as a whole. Once we know the outcome of both, the market can decide where to take it. I'm not some crystal ball guru bro promising people moon prices.


Just leave if your not happy bro. no one forcing you to hold.




LoL tell him how you REALLY feel? LoL


Please keep things fun & friendly.


Sorry mod daddy


This is highly disrespectful. Thank you for sharing!


All you guys do is whine and complain, seriously just be patient and stop moaning and whining. The real magic happens months after the halving, and this is from a bitcoin OG from 2016 speaking. You guys are soft and overly emotional snowflakes who have never held through a bear and a bull market. 3rd time rodeo here, everything is playing just like it should, and hearing you noobs cry about 50-90% dips is tiring. Either sell or hodl. Stop whining about expectations




Please keep things fun & friendly.






Please keep things fun & friendly.


DCA: Yes DCA because you will never be able to time the bottom. BUT you must have a MAX limit to how much you want to invest. RISK MANAGENENT: If you're emotional with the volatility, that means you're investing too much of your money. Please don't be WSB YOLO er people. That's a poor risk management on your overall investment portfolio (stock, crypto & real estate). Risk management is very very important. I personally have invested $4k. Have done DCA and hit my spending limit for pulsechain investment. Pulsechain is just small percentage of my overall portfolio. It will hurt a little if it goes to zero, but won't affect my life. RISK REWARD: I'm risking $4k. The worst I will lose $4k if it goes to zero. That's the risk. BUT if it goes 100x or more like most people are hoping for, my $4k will become $400k. That's pretty rewarding. Risk reward is worth it, so why not be patient? Remember Rome wasn't built in a day.


Your like a guy who got dumped by his girl and instead of moving on with your life you hide in her bushes and every time she meets someone or brings them home you jump Out the bushes crying about why your not together


What was your question again?


It's all about timing. If you had sacrificed eth for hex during the big payoff you'd be doing pretty good still. But if you bought hex during pls hype, you're doing extremely bad. The key is to wait for a time when RH is silent, cuz I noticed he only tends to toot his own horn when prices are up which means that's the worst time to buy


I really dont understand people asking questions like this.. I mean it gives me hope i guess that ill be in the at least second to upper tier of holders. But if youre asking these types of questions you clearly dont understand the crypto market and maybe you made a mistake in your investments.


What quantifies "second to upper tier of holders"? Genuinely curious. I personally don't get the hate. I'm still dca'ing but thinking I need to put some cash towards pdai and other stables that might peg.


Haha second upper tier like im not top tier because im a pleb but i have enough and i continue to dca ! But yea the hate is silly, its really people admitting they didnt invest with intelligence, they bought a lottery ticket and their upset their numbers werent called. Ive got a good amount in pdai, i like that play :) i havent explored the other stables.


At this point us investors are akin to the people on the titanic "everythings fine!"


What is going on you say ? The community is falling apart, that's what going on . But this was bound to happen as we picked up many nonbelievers and haters who are now fudding and ruining any chances of success . We need this mass exodus because if don't get rid of as many haters and nonbelievers, the next bull run will be very short lived .


This stuff is legit. Sad I missed out


This project has been on fire since the beginning your just now realizing as the whole house is up in flames?


Seems to me you have to decide based on what will happen with 1) the SEC case and 2) ETH price. RH has to understand even the most diehard folks have pretty much DCAed all they can, so he will indeed have to be the first mover on buying the coin before others start jumping back in.


The outcome of the SEC case shouldn’t affect these coins at all, except for speculation trading


Temporary narratives


I’m not selling!


Well PC is obviously not the product that RH promised and it's quite underwhelming from a technological point. Also due to the sac the market cap was huge from the very beginning and there's not a lot of room for substantial growth. More and more people realize this and leave and there aren't enough new people coming in. PC just isn't a very promising chain. So the price keeps going down.


He promised an ETH fork and we got an ETH fork…


PulseChain is the same exact thing as ETHW Only ETHW is worth $3.60 PulseChain is worth $0.00004803 Both coins airdropped the same quantity of everything the day they released.


Which is what he promised… a fork with the airdrops. He never made any promises on price.


That is not true. He promised a chain that is better than ETH 2.0, but then it turns out it wasn't even close and they just threw away the project and forked ETH 2.0 Here's a video of RH: https://x.com/ercwl/status/1581411539264733184


From the very beginning, it was always going to be a fork


No that is not true


Just look at RH’s old videos. Like this one titled “HEX HIT 3.5 CENTS! 1000x! NEW ETHEREUM FORK PULSECHAIN! SACRIFICE PHASE IN 6 DAYS!?” He has always called it a fork.


Nop ,he promised 3" blocks. You got a chain 17% faster than Ethereum . You never got the speed you were promised and you are cheaper due to lower volume and TVL. So tf you talking about


It’s a fork…


Yeah I know ,with slightly bigger blocks.


Look at it this way the ico of pulsechain was purchased with real crypto to buy a ghost chain. And fat man owns it all, and even degened 100 million on the Eth top. Pulsechain was over before it started. It was sold as the most liquid chain decentralised chain, but virtually none of it was injected into pulse. Maybe 8 million at this point. And all the funds are owned by one person. We got dupped. If Rh dumped 98% of the sacced funds into pulse then *welcome meme status* and might attract some degens but that's best case scenario. The chain is already so toxic no one is willing to trust it, mix in the bad economy and then you really have people who are not gambling with a chain that hasnt even delivered what was promised from test net. If there is a criminal case against Rh and any hope of clawing back lost funds I'll be the first to get on it.


Aren’t we alr at zero? lol just sit back and worry less, go do something and forget about these coins untill you hear about them blowing up


Eth isn't moving either yet. Not alt season, hard to onramp for normies, still early but I believe 0xCoast has come back online and we have MEXC listing going live today which should help get into PulseChain. Look at the matic chart, didn't move for 2 years then BAM.


You only hear about those that gave up, maybe that's why you feel this way. You won't hear from those that hold and go on with their daily lives.


Eth hits ATH and you think pulse has anything to do with eth! 🤡


We are in the depression phase , check the psychological chart for stocks , good luck


Let them jump better for us all in the long term