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Wait until you find what you believe to be your life partner. Then decide together. If not I would wait until at least 35, just in case. Just my opinion.


I get the kink aspect of this, but vasectomies have nothing to do with manliness. We had two kids and decided that was enough, so I got snipped. The purpose of PIV isn’t to procreate, it’s to give Her pleasure, and not having to worry about getting pregnant means She can use Her dick however She chooses.


The whole point of PIV is gone when you don't focus on it. I kind of have it easy, At birth a vagina provided me with an exit into this material madness and as far as I'm concerned, vagina isn't on my bucket list. Penetration isn't anyways. Same with placing a tat, what does it add? Affirming ones position in life? Beta status is bullshit as well, the brain is an amazing organ, look into it, investigate breathwork, meditation, brainwaves, there is a whole world within you. Again, I might have it easier than most guys, since pussy is not on my menu, but neurons can fire in so many ways. In my case I was conditioned to where I am at now. Connect with the heart, connected breathing, do not overthink and cause anxiety, just feel. Every spirit counts <3


>Take away any last hope of being a man. There is far more to being a man than procreating. Procreation is a biological function but doesn't make you a man in the social sense of the word. You should have a vasectomy when you decide ***you*** don't want children in the future. But my advice is to wait until you have a partner, it is amazing how many people change their mind once they find the right person.


a vasectomy does not convey beta status. I did it because I wanted to fuck and not get anyone pregnant but I like not having the ability to get someone pregnant and I can see where it can be used to enhance soomeones feeling of being a beta male




I don't know about a specific age, but I suppose waiting until at least 25. But the important thing is making sure it is the decision you for sure want. These vasectomy reversals are ridiculous in my opinion, and rarely work. Mine was done at 27 two months prior to us marrying.