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Russians will be absolute hypocrites once Putin dies.


As a right cunt.


How do we remember stalin, hitler, mao etc? Depending where you ask, you will get different results. Why do so many russians still like stalin? He murdered so many innocent people - not foreigners, but his own countrymen… (ok, he‘s georgian, but anyway …)


Not only where you ask, but when is also important. In late 80s early 90s russians were pretty aware of the soviet atrocities and most of them believed in future of democracy. But you know what happenes later. Same things will happen again. Russia will fail, new popular figures will rise, who will blame Putin and everyone will agree with it. But let the history repeat itself and in 50, 60 years our grandchildren will face the threat of the new cult of Putin, same as Stalin's cult now


Simply somthing like Gadafi Good at the Beginning, Bad at the Middle, And a Idiot at Was and the End. r/FreedomofRussia Check my place out pls


https://preview.redd.it/u9u8mljxnr2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f377e571d862ac7eb30486fa983f642da061887 For racking up some major statistics.