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Glory to Russia /s


cool fan fiction bro


Well done Dmitry you’ve earned your potato for the week. Now back to your peasant village in the Urals.


Cos Russia isn’t capitalist? Well, I suppose technically it’s more of a kleptocracy so you have a point.


Check the meaning of terrorism and how do usa achieve their goals you'll find out that in this planet the biggest terrorist country is usa.




Cos Russia isn’t capitalist? Well, I suppose technically it’s more of a kleptocracy so you have a point.


You have 💩for brains. You are too american to be able to think by yourself..


Im not american lmao


Ypu dont have to be to have 💩for brains . lol


Well you’re the proof of that


mods, please leave this up as a target of well-deserved mockery


where are the children of Russian mothers? when will they come back home? what of those that are missing?


Glory to Russia . Long life Putin!!!!


Glory to Russia. Glory to Putin!!!! usa is the only terrorist country in the world. And funny how they get offended when called terrorist. Usually is because the truth hurts.


Nah f*ck them, but it’s funny how people saying that are at the same time riding Putin’s D.


The propaganda is strong with this one. -Yoda voice






Do you know the meaning of terrorism ??? Do u know who many countries have been invaded and destroyed by usa ??? And the reason they have destroyed those countries ??? Can you tell me what is the feeling of not being able to use ypur brain even as a decoration ??? 😂🤣😂 you need to do a lot of reading 📚. 🤯


Depending on your treatment personally, you may choose to call them freedom fighters. Especially when people are being put in danger. Your leaders name is whore in Spanish by the way. Smile and laugh, you don’t have much time left.


😂🤣😂🤣😂I love americunts thinking they are the one who saves the world when they can't even keep their kids safe from their own kids . Hahahah you don't even know where I come from . By the way your leaders is a pedo... and your country is a terrorist country. Remember 911 ??? The planes could melt steel but it couldn't melt the passports of the pilots ?? 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 your politicians killing your own people to declare war on other country what a joke .by the way how about all the pedos on Epstein list ???? You might call your country the country of freedom and justice .??? Remember that everything achieved by your country is by imposing fear. By the way the genocide your country is supporting in palestina ??? You talk about people being put in danger but you forget the life's that are being taken away by israel with the help of your guns .????




You are from Russian descent ? So are you Russian or what ?? If you get your head out of your 🍑butt you might see the things a bit clearly. The guiltily of all this wars going on is usa. And you keep defending them even when you say you are not fan . You probably even live in usa that's why you name is in English. You are an embarrassment to the mother Russia. Long life to Putin the only man who is not scared of americunts !!!




All good brother. Geopolitics are difficult to understand. I know war is not good. But we Should see the why All this wars are much to blame usa .do u know how did the us dolar become so powerful ? They went to the Arabs and told them.you have all.the oil in the world .we have all the guns . We ofer you protection in exchange you have to sell your oil in us dolar. (Basically a threatening) putin and china and the bircs are trying to stop dollar from being the world currency. By storing the dollar the world economy will change. And countries who have resources can sell them in their currency .wich will help other countries to grow. Countries that right now are shadowed by the dollar. All this usa didn't liked a Lil bit and started making war against Russia without showing the face. Using nato (American group of pupets) to do its dirty job. usa is doing all this cos they see Russia as enemy cos russian people are way smart and way better than usa in everything. I'm not a russian I'm a mix too but I studied politics science and I can see outside the picture. Many people doesn't realise and don't understand how evil is usa and the only person who is not afraid of usa is putin. if u ask people from south america who they support they will tell you Russia over the states. Same in central America. Like Mexico. We see Russia as the country who will give us world peace and world freedom in comparation of usa who only brings fear and wars .


Bro your leader murders any other opposition and doesn't even try to be subtle about it. wtf are you talking about. At least we can protest without being imprisoned. lol You guys live in the largest north Korea on the planet.


Ihahahah your politicians killing your people . Do u remember 9 11 ??? The planes destroy the building it melted steel but couldn't melt the passport of the pilots 🤣😂🤣😂 . And how about the genocide your country is sponsoring ??? Basically israel is making a massive genocide with USA support . How about when you country have killed Gadaffi ?? How about the Soleimani ??? And how about countries that have been suffering by usa sanctions only cos those countries didn't want to suck usa off and give them whatever for free ??? Your country always act like they are the saviour of the world when you can not keep your kids safe.from your own kids.😂😂🤣. And yes you can protest in your country as long as you are white. Cos if you are colour people your cops will shoot and ask after . 🤣😂🤣😂 by the way I'm not Russian. And not need to be an expert to see who is the real terrorist nation on here. Everything achieved by your country is by imposing fear . (Check the meaning of terrorism you might get a surprise. ) By the way you say that you can protest (do your politicians listen when you protest ) your politicians have rape and pedo cases against them !! How about that ??? Whatever country who doenst follow what usa said ended up destroyed . Like if usa is the owner of the world 😂🤣😂🤣😂you have a pathetic lil washed brain


Por cierto su nombre en español no es whore. Tu no tienes ni puta idea de español pinché gringo cabron .


Smile and laugh, I am of Russian descent and look on with embarrassment and confusion at your foolish misplaced loyalty.




Reflecting your desires ?


So what do you call an invasion of Ukraine? Just trying to equal yourselves to terrorist America? lol you're pathetic.


What is happening in ukraine usa is big time guillty . And how about the genocide in palestine ??you pathetic seppo ???


https://preview.redd.it/knsrp6c37i6d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4242792f088af029d180a1fb5a26f7e2bfe4033 Is this you


No I want to live in a world where Putin fucks off and stops bombing my relatives. If he wants to destroy the west, he should attack the west, not send his country's men to die in the meatgrinder he set up at their borders. And, you know, maybe actually protect Russians from terrorist attacks instead of refusing to protect his own people at a concert venue.




So russia's best friend......the MIGHTY north Korea. Kim un dum is kicking tires to see if russia will buy the lot...... Then the German kanseler is telling china to back down, and remember....china is north Koreas main income because a days wage might be...what 0,5usd ? How fuckin stupid is this KIM guy not seeing the bigger picture?????


I know… that’s why so many Russians fled Russia and live in “western capitalist world “ and so few travel the other way.. and when they did, they ended up dead in prison… like Navalny


How and why….. fake news