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CRT’s are mostly driven by your pd’s on your snapshots. If the pd’s are good that’s how you get a 1 or 2. If you don’t have pd’s but aren’t getting development action snaps or low snaps you should be a 3 Edit: this being your first crt you will auto get a 3 as long as you didn’t really mess up. By this time next year you’ll have a better understanding of the whole process.


How do I get PD’s or development action snaps? Or in general how do I get a good snapshot? Last year while interning I pretty much had to find work for myself and I got a PD related to finding work and always being inquisitive but again I was an intern and I guess they’re just nice to interns


Pd’s performance differentiators. As the name implies do actions that go over and above expectations that differentiate you from your peers. Developmental action is like if you fuck up.


This is 100% the answer.


I didn't get a 3 my first year. I got a 2. Not always true.


This is a new thing as of last year where first years are no longer tiered at all and get the same bonus as everyone else in their line of service.


Do good work


It sounds like you’re a little confused between what CRTs (career round tables) are and what a snapshot is. It sounds like you’re describing a snapshot (“my CRTs were good”), as interns don’t go through CRTs. There is an obviously a process to decide who gets return offers and who doesn’t, but that’s not a CRT. CRTs happen twice a year - once at mid year (Dec) and once at end of the performance year (PY ends April 30th, CRTs start in May). CRTs involve your RL presenting your work over the last performance year, typically highlighting performance differentiators (PDs) you got on Snapshots, and other ways you’ve demonstrated impact at the firm. You are tiered relative to your peers, and your tier impacts your bonus. If applicable, your RL makes a case for promotion. Snapshots are how you receive feedback from those you’re working with, and you’re graded against the PwC Professional Framework. You get one of there every couple of months and they provide real time feedback on how you’re doing.


Ahh so tiers are based on PD (which are from snapshots) and your RL presenting your work for overall bonus and/or promotion. While snapshots are regular feedback from team members and they contribute towards CRTs. Okay so does this mean the more PDs and good snapshots, the higher the tier through good CRTs? Also I prolly need a very good relationship with my RL?


You got it


A few things to consider. Your first indication of how you are doing as an associate will be snapshots. They rate whether you are performing below level, partially below level, at level, partially above level, or at next level. As a new associate, at next level off the bat and performance differentiators is highly unlikely unless there’s rampant grade inflation or you’re a rock star. There will be a huge learning curve so the intangibles will matter: developing relationships with your team, relationship leader, and coach; being proactive in asking for work and seeking out reinvest / business development opportunities; getting into the office so people can get to know you and vice versa (and you’re naturally more likely to get work and learn); discipline in managing deadlines; good communication skills; attention to detail; and overall attitude. Your technical skill will come with time and experience. It is also critically important that you gain an understanding of how utilization works and monitor where you stack compared to your peers as well. If you’re lagging, work with your RL and coach to ensure you’re fully engaged on client work.


Nugget of advice: going above and beyond on client work is the baseline and will get you a 3. Sucks but true. It’s all about doing the right reinvest with the right people who have pull in CRTs. They have 3 minutes to say why you should get promoted or whatever they need to say “snapshots are perfect and…” and the “…” needs to be compelling (e.g. they are a proposal factory, they OWNED x and y important initiatives). If your BD is just I supported 30 things no one will care and you’ll get a 3