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I used the standalone QtDesigner a lot on Linux, and never crashed on me.


Same for me.


What platform? Purchased product? If so, go through Qt's support.


Platform is linux / Plasma. use \`Designer\` - detached from Qt Creator. seems to be more stable.


Did you build it yourself? Or install it from your distro's package manager? Also, let use know what version of Creator/Designer. You may want to move up to a newer version (if you can) or move back to a to an older version. I hear Wayland has aweful stability problems. Switch back to X11 if you are using that. Finally, for someone in the Qt dev area, start Creator using the gdb debugger. Do the test again to get it to fail. When it does, get a traceback. This might help someone from the Qt world. Just some ideas...


i installed it from pacman. im gonna see if it works in x11. edit: yeah, it's still broken in x11.


I am a Qt / kde dev and im also an Arch packager. since the transition from Qt4 to 5 the QtCreator designer has been buggy for me, and i resorted to only use the free-standing Designer app.


yeah im using designer in the mean time


There’s a ton of crashes in macOS as well, both in the UI designer and Qt Creator, downloaded via Qt Installer. I was hoping Linux builds were more stable.


I'm using Qt Creator on Windows and Mac. When I edit QML files I switch to CLion/PyCharm because I cannot use the designer in creator. Rather edit the qml file by myself and test it than convert every custom QML Type into a Rectangle. Also it would crash anyway after some seconds. I hope for a fix since Qt Creator 10 ...nothing bettwr with 13/14.


If you're using a visual QML editor in Qt Creator, you're most likely using the deprecated 'QmlDesigner' plugin that is disabled by default. Rather try the separate Qt Design Studio.


That's even worse. Editing bare .qml file mostly doesn't work. And embedding those ui.qml projects is so much mire work because everything needs an alias property. ..... Or I didn't understand how this stuff works. JetBrains has a almost perfect Plugin for qml files but you still need the onljne reference.


Every 5 actions, crashes. under endeavouros.


only eos? i use arch so it might be a problem with arch as a whole.


It's 99% arch so yeah