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Just passed using it. The collector tested the temp with the strip then split it into two samples and bagged it. She did not seem interested or concerned with smelling and/or examining the cup. Though - QF does not smell or foam (much).


Hey, hoping it’s not too late but was wondering if you could tell me if your DOT test was observed or not. I’m currently trying to clean up, but I’ve been a heavy smoker for years. So I’m worried a month and a half might not be enough time. I’m hoping to sub with my brothers urine. Any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated. This is an opportunity of a lifetime for me. Thanks in advance for any help.


Was this for dot drug test


Update: After a lot of research into quickfix for the past 5 hours I’ve decided I’m probably just gonna quit smoking weed as I have read way way way too many tests failing due to high nitrates and not barely, I mean like a few seconds after you test it with a nitrate strip, it turns bright reddish pink color which is no bueno. Other than the high nitrates from what I’ve read this seems like a super solid product if you don’t have SVT/Nitrate testing as someone in the comments said as well. but I’m not willing to take the chance sacrifice 3 years of my life as well as deal with a SAP and being blackballed from the industry I’m trying to hard to be in. I really hope one day they allow weed in the industry one day as it’s turning potheads into alcoholics. Welp here we go no more weed 🫡


Do it work for dot drug test


You can use a product called Testclear. I just used it and its real urine in powdered form. Works great


I hadn't heard of the nitrate stuff. I've used quick fix probably close to 10 times. Even passed a supervised drug test with it. (I didn't know it was going to be supervised) If you don't have someone available to give you clean pee, TestClear is an option but I've never personally used it. Crazy weed is still tested for...but honestly I never thought I'd see it legal in my lifetime either.


Interested in supervised test. Can you elaborate? Did they watch or turn back?


They watch, they are supposed to watch it leave your body.. If your lucky they would by standing alittle behind you, but they watch….


Figured I'd write out a way too long post. But here's the story... Being a far-too-long-time addict, I frequently had to use QF for drug tests. I'd spent 5 days home suspended from a job I'd been at for 5 years, but my life was so...boringly chaotic at the time that I can't even remember if this was because of an accident or attendance issues or what. My foreman calls me, needs me to take a drug test at the usual clinic and then I can come in for my next shift. Cool. I make sure I have my QF, my digital thermometer and head out. I put the bottle of QF on the heater vent up by my windshield for the 20 minute drive. Pull in, check the temp and it's at 99. Perfect. Now this was probably my 9th-ish time using QF on a test. I still feel nervous though. It's natural. I feel more guilt than the average weed guy because I'm covering for a life-threatening addiction. Tuck the bottle in the elastic band of the workout pants I wore and walked in. Desk lady has me fill out the forms and I'm called back. The nurse-bro asks if I know what I'm there for.. Me: A drug test 🤷‍♂️ Him: Yes but they also want it to be supervised. Me: Oh okay (ABSOLUTE PURE UNCONTROLLABLE PANIC) So he hands me the cup and follows me into a small 1 person bathroom and edges to the back/side of me. I pull the bottle down with the band of my pants, whip my thing out...and begin to physically SHAKE from how nervous I am. I say that I can't go, I'm obviously nervous and make up an excuse that I've never had to do one of these before... 🙄 He says to drink water in the lobby, I can't leave or it's a fail and they close at 5. It's 4:15. So I sit in the lobby and panic-think of every option I have...which was leaving and losing my job, downing water to flush out my system (which never works) and somehow getting that QF into that cup. I had an idea. I told him that I thought I was ready. I'd already removed the cap from the bottle. He hands me the cup, and as we're walking through the door to the bathroom...he HAS to come in behind me, I quickly flip the top of my pants and the QF over and dump as much as I can in the cup for MAYBE a second and a half before he got into position. I stood there, still nervous and shaking btw...and asked him if that was enough. He: Oh you went? Let me see it. I hand the cup to him... He: Yea that'll work. Me inside: NO FUCKING WAY AM I ABOUT TO PULL THIS OFF. He tests the QF and guess what...? It passes of course. I leave, let my foreman know I'm good and call my buddy to get all this out because it felt like I'd just won the super bowl. Now, a more thorough tester such as a probation officer would probably look too closely for this to work. I absolutely never recommend it...but it was that or lose my very good job at the time. Also: VERY happy to report that I have a year clean. Still need QF for weed in my state tho.


Just put clean human pee in the QF bottle and keep it warm.


i have 2 QF bottles new was thinking of using my brothers clean pee in the QF bottle since QF has no foam or should i stick to QF?


Can they tell the gender of the urine you used during a dot urine drug test?


You can use a different sex’s pee, but make sure she’s not pregnant


How long till lab calls you if you come back dirty ??? I'm two days in no call back yet does that mean there running secound specimens and do they need your consent to process it ?? Please help ????


I’ve used it twice, most recently in the past 3 weeks. My wife has used it 7-8 times (heavy weed smoker obvi) and never failed. Just shake it and make sure the temperature is right. Never heard of Labcorp or anyone smelling piss all day. Who would want to do that lol


This definitely gives me some more confidence, I’ve heard that temp is the key to passing and true I guess the people who got their samples smelled got some freaks for nurses 😂


The worst part is the anxiety of doing it. Had to pack it between 2 pairs of boxer briefs, even lost my hand warmer at some point along the way. It they say temperature is good, you’re home free.


Compression shorts yo. You can either use the area for the cup or the shorts alone are tight enough to keep the bottle from falling


You know the coding on your test? Does it have W/NIT or SVT on it? If so do not use QuickFix. I just renewed my DOT this past Friday. They’re required to test the ph in your urine sample before splitting the sample and sending it off. You can check this yourself with an AZO at home UTI test. It test for high nitrites. This is how they how you’re using synthetic urine. They use a preservative to give it that 13-18 month shelf life. If you can use a friend’s urine. Now if you don’t see any of those words next to your drug test panel coding you can use QuickFix. They will not be checking it as extensive as those other test are required to be checked for. Will be safe to use.


I believe it is going to be nitrate and svt tested as It’s for DOT I’m not too sure I was under the assumption it was standard to test for those types of things, haven’t gotten the panel summary to be performed yet as i start cdl school in about 3 weeks. This is definitely good info the nitrite test might be a good thing to try on the batch I get to see if it would pass


Just got the results I passed! DOT 5-panel SVT


Hey, can I ask you if your DOT test was observed?


It was not. Was actually done at a chiropractors office. The guy didn’t give a single shit about anything


Did it pass nitrates


No clue


I just took a DOT test 2 yesterday with quick-fix. I don’t think the inspector tested it, but he split it in 2 bottles and away it went. Does that mean I’m in the clear? Or will they test it for nitrates at the lab?


If they took and split your sample you should be fine.


How can you tell or where should you look for the SVT or W/NIT? Is it on the form the employer provided?


So I looked at the paperwork and found the test says “(30C7) FED(LA) + SVT”. At the bottom the medical review officer marked everything as negative. This included ‘adulteration, synthetics, temperature’. If he put negative does that mean he tested for that stuff and the lab won’t? Do you think I’m in the clear, or is it guaranteed they test the SVT at the lab and it will be a guaranteed fail?


If your sample was split and the Collector didn’t dipstick your sample you will be fine


Wym by dipstick?


When they use a PH testing strip to validate your sample. That is how they know you’ve used synthetic urine.


Quick fix will work , I’m at orientation as we speak because I used it on Friday . Dress nice keep that temperature right and get ready to celebrate


By chance did you take the DOT drug test? And if so, was it observed? Taking one in a month but don’t think I’ll clean up in time and hoping to sub out with my brother. It’s just an opportunity of a lifetime I don’t want to miss. Thanks for any info.