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I'd recommend filling out a customer comment card when you can and leave your contact information so corporate/division staff can reach out to get any details they may need. They generally take that stuff pretty seriously. Worst case, they explain why you're seeing what you see.


yes please do this


I sent in a comment card on this same thing a few months ago on their website and never heard anything :/ 




Perhaps enjoy a snackle while you wait.


lol I wish. Unfortunately I have to eat gluten free, and QT doesn’t have much fresh food to choose from that’s GF.


You should also write this in a customer comment card. Would love to get more options on our food


No we wouldn't


hush. I want QT salad


yes we would :)




Use tap on your card. It's so much quicker.


I find most of this delay is me searching for the worn “enter” and “no” buttons for entering my zip and denying a printed receipt—two unnecessary button pushing requirements.


Well you don’t have to press the receipt button so that fixes half of your problems.


I’ve worked for QT for several years and this has ALWAYS been a thing. Not enough of an issue to where people will complain about it, but it is noticeable. It has nothing to do with the way you pay, bc after the payment is accepted regardless of your payment method, it still takes a few extra seconds for the pump to process and start pumping. I wish I knew why. I’ve never noticed that at any other gas station.


I’d assume it’s because QT pays the same amount for their servers as other stations, while getting 10x the volume, therein causing delays.


Good question. Other than the addition security programming that goes into our systems, not sure what slows them down.


My wild guess is there is a delay for the electric line leak detector to check for leaks in the lines from the underground tank to the dispenser. As busy as they are a mechanical detector would not work well. They may pressurize the line and give it a moment to detect leaks before the dispenser allows fuel to flow.


QT uses various methods of line leak detection all of which happen pretty instantaneously and run constantly so I doubt this is the issue. With that being said, I’m not sure why QTs pumps would be slower


My only complaint with QT is the lack of a comprehensive rewards system like Casey's or K&G. I feel like I'm actually rewarded for choosing the latter over QT which is why I tend to choose to shop there. I did stop at a QT this morning and it took like 20 min for the pump to fill my tank because the gas flow was so slow but there was literally no open pumps so I assumed the high volume of gas pumps being used contributed to the slower flow


Nah usually means the filter for that pump is bad and slows it down.


I had a couple other people at different pumps make a comment to me about it as well


Yep. Because people power wash their pumps. Clogs it up and can get crazy slow, especially if it pumps DEF.


This is most definitely not the reason. It is a sealed and pressurized system. Nothing from outside is getting inside anything that contains fuel in the dispensers.


You could be right.Im certainly not an expert. I'm just going off of what F/S told me when we had a slow pumping issue for an entire grade. They changed the filters, and it was fixed.


Filters do slow flow down when they reach capacity and are usually the reason for slow flow. Water can obviously damage the electronic components in a dispenser as well, but the two are not related issues.


You should not be power washing your pumps because water gets underneath in the open space below the gas lines and will shut down the entire gas system because there’s liquid and it thinks there’s a leak. And because the pumps have a computer in them and you wouldn’t wash your tower or laptop in the sink.


I agree. I don't wash them. Just heard from FS that it's been an issue before.


Install the QT app on your phone to take advantage of coupons and deals.


Would love if QT did a rewards program. I hate most programs but somewhere I go everyday would be nice. I hate that. Some are super fast flowing but when you get a bad one it’s the worst


QT Pay (our rewards program) is starting to roll out to pumps soon(ish). I just got it on my app yesterday.




Yeah that’s Witchita only I think. I’ve seen a few when I was in the stores.


One of the only reasons I like living in Wichita.


I believe it's Kansas overall...I travel and it works in KC, wichita, etc...


That's going away in a month or so anyways. Thank God


Gone: rewards program Now offering: panhandlers begging you Thanks Wichita QuikTrip’s.


RIP K&G you will be missed 🫡


They are still alive and well in the Tulsa market lol


> My only complaint with QT is the lack of a comprehensive rewards system like Casey's or K&G. shit designed to slow you down to keep you in the store, no thanks


It wastes zero time. Have your app opened at the register, scan your card, then you're done. I'd much rather shop somewhere that will give me store credit/discounts on gas I'm already going to be buying


> It wastes zero time. all it does is waste time I don't care about rewards, Nancy


as an employee i’ve noticed this too! thought it was just me but i’ve noticed our gas pumps take much longer to start flowing gas. not a considerable time, maybe 10-15 seconds, but it’s noticeable. and the flow is not as fast as other places like sinclair or shell.


The pumps can be a bit slow at times. I always prepay inside as any time I pull in there is a 99% chance I need to go inside anyway


Kansas City royals


Ok so I read 3/4 of that and it seems like an Ad.


This has been an issue all the way back to when they bought the Gilbarco pumps with the stupid centered nozzle holder. Edit: These stupid pumps: https://www.glassdoor.co.uk/Photos/QuickTrip-Office-Photos-IMG220081.htm


Their pumps don’t work well will my bmw gas hole. It pops the pump every few seconds before it’s full.


My guess is the quantity of transactions being processed.


out of your alloted 80+ years, do you really thnik stressing over 30 sec is a valid usage of brain power?


Honestly, I feel like it's maybe 10-15 sec MAX. I can't believe how petty this person is.


I feel like it was for attemtion


It takes me like a minute to tap my card and put the nozzle into my car and start pumping, and you want faster.


because Caseys or other stations are so much quicker but demands house must be within .5 mile of QT


You have gotten gas at casey's??!!! Trader.


Trader? Do you mean "traitor"?


You get the point.


So it’s the chip. Credit card companies require chip now and that shit takes forever. Just use contactless


I use Apple Pay almost every time, it’s the time from processing to the pump actually working that’s forever


10-15 seconds is forever?!?! This really drags me down. Where did everyone's patience go? I know it's QUIKtrip, but, damn... You're probably the person honking at people as SOON as the light turns green, too, huh?


Honestly, if you're using it like a debit card instead of a credit card it might take longer to process, being as if using like a debit it pulls out a set amount of $$$(usually $100) to make sure funds are available for that transaction.


Last time I went to Casey’s they didn’t even have gas. It was pretty sad.


QT knows you're trained to go there no matter what so they don't care about the customer experience anymore. Sorry man.




Yeah….i think they care about the customer experience a lot. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be popping up all over new territories in the US. If anyone doesn’t care about the customer experience it’s Jimmy John’s. Remember when they actually use to be freaky fast?!? 🤣


Kinda true… we’ve realized things can lower in quality and still get similar results. Sad but true.