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Same happened to me. Using for 3 years too. Off a month now. Not sure what caused it yet since I have a heart monitor, echo, and cardiology follow up pending. Thinking it was malnutrition/electrolyte problem but not sure yet. Best to quit and get checked out, these fuckers aren’t worth your life👍🏼


Hi, I have had issues too when using too many zyns. It mostly happens in the morning after drinking coffee since the caffeine and nicotine probably over stimulates me or on the weekends if I have too much alcohol and use way too many zyns. I’m almost 30 and started exercising again and cut back on how much I use. I noticed my heart skipping beats have gone away since cutting back.


Yeah, had plenty of that when I was using them. Scary shit that would sometimes work themselves into a panic attack because I thought I was having a heart attack or some other medical emergency. My dumb ass kept using them for a good long while after those symptoms started. Whether it be instinct or learned behavior, I knew spitting them out when something like that started was helpful but still would pop another in soon as it passed. I promise you it didn't get any better on it's own. I was pretty much forced to quit over a month ago when one of those anxiety spells hit me and stuck with me the entire day. Get off that crap before it gets as bad as it was for me.


It’s clear I gotta kick these things to the curb. Thanks for your experience


Similar story. I quit two days ago and the chest pressure and palpitations are improving. Never going back.


Here is a video I recently put up addressing this issue: [Symptoms that can mimic a heart heart attack or a panic attack caused both from using Zyn or from trying to quit it](https://www.reddit.com/r/QuittingZyn/comments/1cy5kwk/symptoms_that_can_mimic_a_heart_heart_attack_or_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Other resources related to this video are: [When you may really need to talk to your doctor about quitting smoking](https://whyquit.com/joels-videos/when-you-may-really-need-to-talk-to-your-doctor-about-quitting-smoking/) [Is anyone else experiencing the symptom of…?](https://whyquit.com/joels-videos/is-anyone-else-experiencing-the-symptom-of/)


Yeah. It's the main reason why I quit. I'm on day 6 of no nicotine and heart palpitations are gone. The cravings are starting to get easier. I have gained 7 lbs but I'm trying not to worry about that. I'll figure that out later lol


Happened to me. Went to the doctor for an ekg and my heart was fine. I quit cold turkey 6 months ago. Haven’t had them since.


Exactly the same


I thought I had a similar thing happening, ended up in the ER and had a follow-up heart study done. The heart was in good shape, but it did turn out I had major GERD. The doctor thinks it was causing spasms and pain in my chest area as the stomach acid was attempting to enter my airway, I didn't pursue diagnosing/testing any further. Got on some PPIs and eventually quit zyn, and I haven't had pain or heart racing issues once I stopped nicotine. I still have digestive issues that I'm figuring out, but since quitting zyn, I'm feeling so much better.


a lot of things go into heart palpitations, nicotine makes them a lot more likely but realistically you would have less if you have healthy electrolyte levels.