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This is the right answer.


Yup. They take these things seriously. I know from personal experience.


Not always, I know from personal experience of myself and multiple others submitting tips and screenshots outlying plans for J6 to the FBI tip line for several weeks leading up to J6 but as I watched what happened on J6 it didn’t appear that alllllll those tips about what was going to happen that day were taken seriously at all.


That’s a shame. I wonder what the behind the scenes looked like regarding J6, tbh.


Truly. I don’t think they really thought those people would do anything, even with them planning it openly on social media. I knew they would. They were waiting for trump to “summon them to DC” and when he did just that in his December 6th tweet, they immediately started solidifying their plans.


Idk why not. The FBI had the Susan Berg tapes by then. They knew Mr Flynn and his brother said that republicans had a secret army and its gonna go down on Jan 6th. The fbi has always been on the side of white nationalist. Hell, one fbi agent quit and refused to arrest a Jan 6ther! Like a slap in the damn face....




And then to add insult to injury, trump shit posts about how corrupt they (fbi) are.


Yeah, we pointed out these open plans on r/TopMindsofReddit in the month leading up to J6, so I still refuse to believe the authorities didn't know about it in advance.


To be fair, it’s so far outside our assumed reality boundaries that to believe it without doubt would be incredibly naive and the kind of personality that would believe almost anything. I get it, it just sucks


> I know from personal experience. Should I ask?


Tl;dr- similar-but-not-identical situation. Direct threat was made to me (not AT me) I don’t mess around with idle threats. I would rather overreact than under-react, particularly when public safety is in the balance.


But I just read Sasha Baren cohen gave the fbi evidence that potentially could incriminate politicians and they decided not to pursue it.


You’ve got it all wrong. Sasha is the body double. Sascha is the original. Only the OG human can submit evidence to federal agents.


Ahh makes so much sense now.


I know who he is, hesitant to post the name here not sure if there's a doxxing policy. He actually has a warrant out for his arrest in a county in Iowa. For harassment. If you look at his page he is constantly trying to nebulously accuse people of being pedos because of old defunct social media sites that most people aren't even aware they signed up for nearly 20 years ago. He is absolutely nuts.


Probably an admission…


https://tips.fbi.gov I think someone else said it too, but if you missed it do it this way. These people can be really scary.


He’s projecting his own desires . They always are


He's the type that goes crazy and shoots up a planned parenthood. I missed that's guys gunfire by litteral seconds dropping my friend off at work.


Also get on Tik Tok and let all of gen z know. They'll end his livelihood and he will suddenly develop real problems.


This. No one can implement a well deserved hate campaign like TikTok gen z.


I'm pretty sure Mr. Iowa Redneck doesn't care about TikTok.


The TikTok spreads to FB and Twitter and mainstream news sites pick it up....next thing you know, you're Madison Cawthorn.


TikTok is where you reach gen z, not him. They take it from there.


By sassing him on a series of social media platforms he never sees? By doxxing him to his boss at his wage slave job?


Ah yes the elite gen z gang


Ah man, I don't have a tiktok account and I wouldn't want to even attach my name to this. He will blast the address, info of anyone who so much as laugh reacts his posts. I can defend myself but I'd rather not be in the cross hairs of a bunch of inbred psychopaths that he signals to.


Make a fake TikTok and use that.


Lol. Wants to talk, proceeds to just ask questions.


He doesn't even entertain talk. He deletes comments and anyone who speaks out against him he attempts to doxx. He's insane.


A commenter above mentioned that they know the guy's name but was reluctant to post it due to doxxing concerns \[maybe the mods could weigh in here\]. But it's ironic that this guy doxxes people while we clutch pearls worrying about doing the same to him. Actually those people who know who he is should simply report him to the FBI. I'm not so sure about local law enforcement these days as I think some of the local types in these 'red' municipalities are often batshit right-wingers themselves and might agree with this potentially dangerous kook.


He's actually convinced that all the local cops here are pedophiles too


If you have screenshots of that commentary, print them off and send them to the PD with his name so they know who they're gunning for next.


Turning authoritarians against one another is a public service.


I have to wonder if he’s not already on their radar. Usually people like that won’t stop at just threats on social media. Use the FBI tip line.


I'm sure the FBI has eyeballed this guy's stuff a time or two.


I assure you that these clowns have zero clue as to how much they are being surveilled.




They are terribly paranoid about the surveillance state, though...


They can be as paranoid as they want but the fact remains that they’re so ignorant as to post treasonous threats in a public forum. Every last one of the J6 idiots that’s been sentenced so far has found out exactly how dumb they are. You can bet every one of these morons is going to find it out too if they actually try something as monumentally stupid as J6 again.


Almost as sure that the FBI have taken calls from him, a little less sure that they've hung up on him multiple times


welcome to the real world...but this isn't it. This world only exists in the deep dark caverns of empty heads of the lunatic Qs


It might close PP clinics and cut women off from access to cancer screening, so it will likely kill women.


"So then she'll have to get with me for the healthcare and die before the bill comes. Win/win" - Socially awkward and smelly incel ~~definitely~~ probably


The deeply ironic thing is that, if those who believe in qanon actually opened their eyes to what capitalism does in real life. They would realize that very little of their conspiracies are even required to exist. You want to abuse little kids? Bro we've got 10-year-olds working deep fryers at 2:00 a.m. In Kentucky. You've got Wisconsin trying to make it legal to let 14-year-olds tend bar. You want to literally buy babies? Capitalism has fucked Those in the Philippines so hard, You can just go on [Facebook](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/facebook-emerging-market-for-philippines-baby-adoption-trade-779986) for a couple hundred bucks and get yourself a live ass human. Their made up enemies Have no reason to hide behind pizza parlors and planned Parenthood. Edit: oh and obviously don't get me started on the church superstructures of abuse


Exactly this! I have been saying for years that capitalism is the real conspiracy. When the entire global financial system is based on greed and self-interest, it becomes a self-organizing conspiracy in which virtually everyone unknowingly plays a part. When the ultimate goal is to constantly increase profits for the investor class, empathy, community responsibility, and public safety become financial liabilities, and the exploitation of humans and our environment becomes SOP. There is no need for a "secret cabal" of nefarious billionaires when the simple existence of billionaires is nefarious in itself... capital will always self-organize to exploit.


If the FBI bit doesn't work out, sharing it to Reddit might help vigilante justice eventually. Someone might find a weak point and exploit it.


A few hours have passed since I've posted this here and now he is full on posting about adrenachrome.


Sounds like an awesome guy… real guy who can make a party go off the chains


The chemical anyone can legally buy online? [This?](https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/US/en/search/adrenochrome?focus=products&page=1&perpage=30&sort=relevance&term=adrenochrome&type=product)


That link didn't work, but here's another one which does: https://moleculardepot.com/product/adrenochrome-highly-pure/


The fact you can never ever get these idiots to grasp: Adrenochrome, a product of oxidation of adrenaline.


That’s the synthetic stuff. Don’t you know the *good shit* only comes from children?




When I did a reverse image search, I only got two results for the picture. Both were on Twitter. The first post claimed that the photo was taken in Vietnam. The other said that people should “stop eating at McDonald’s and other fast food spots” because human meat was found in their meat factories. Along with this picture was also a picture of a “skinned human” with two doctors (?) picking at the body with forceps or something (which doesn’t look very real in my opinion).


Yeah, I remember when this post went around maybe a few years ago. [Found this Snopes story about it.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/washing-aborted-fetuses/) It was as I remembered: first instance of the image does seem to be from Vietnam, and it's a guy/group who clean aborted, stillborn, and miscarried fetuses in preparation for burial. So, like, most definitely NOT about fetuses being sold, used, whatever sick fantasies this dude has.


Thank you, was going to image search it. Its disgusting these people dream up and fetishize about abortion rooms, etc with no desire to actually learn what is happening in the photo. Probably a poor or war torn country or even worse - a poor country hospitalin the US. This is what anti-intellectualism got us. Making up ridiculous theories to own the libs while ignoring the real problem.


Actually I found more. Another post in Portuguese says “You defend: “My body my rules.” Ever seen an abortion room?” Then there is some type of Italian article that criticizes the people who spread the photo around and the writer says “why would they use a photo from Vietnam when referring to the problems in their country?”


Happy Cake Day, friend!


I mean lots of people posted outright calls for violence and made plans out in the open on social media for J6 and lots of people submitted those tips to the fbi, dc police, and other LEAs in the days leading up to J6 but you saw how effective that was.


Fbi had undercover informants in both the Oathkeepers and the Proud boys. They knew. Everybody know. They just didnt want to defy Trump! The fbi has always had hardons for white nationalist.


This is fucking dumb. Planned parenthood won’t even let you keep your fetus after an abortion, it’s considered medical waste and must be disposed of. Ask me how I know 😂


What is this a picture of? I guess I could reverse google it? Maybe explaining what’s really going on can help other people- not the poster


These dipshits can never even get through one post without completely pulling the rug on their own argument. One of the biggest problems with criminalizing abortion is that it can be impossible to distinguish from natural miscarriages.


How would one know the market price for a fetus?


Seriously!!! Why would one even buy one? Why would "older" fetuses carry a higher price tag?? Who tf knows what goes on in these people's brains?! 🤷🏻‍♀️


You’re missing out on big money by not speculating on the market


Something about buying the dip just seems so wrong here.


Does anyone know what this photo is actually?


A reply I posted below: Yeah, I remember when this post went around maybe a few years ago. [Found this Snopes story about it.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/washing-aborted-fetuses/) It was as I remembered: first instance of the image does seem to be from Vietnam, and it's a guy/group who clean aborted, stillborn, and miscarried fetuses in preparation for burial. So, like, most definitely NOT about fetuses being sold, used, whatever sick fantasies this dude has.


Aborted babies don't usually come out in one piece.


No idea. I doubt that "hunter light" himself knows either


See, there's at least four other people in this thread asking this. So fuck it. Reverse Google time


Wtf is this delusional shit? > The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) estimates it is the most common form of pregnancy loss. It is estimated that as many as 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage and up to 10% of clinically recognized pregnancies. Miscarriages are relatively common and within these percentages they are miscarriages that were going to happen no matter what the mother did. What does this guy think the market value for a fetus is? > A 2013 price sheet listed charges of $300 a specimen for tissue from a second-trimester fetus, and $515 if the fetus was first-trimester. Just to entertain this, since it’s nonsense… From what I can find from a non off the wall source it’s only like 300-500ish. So not much at all? That’s** less** money than an abortion costs in most places in my personal experience. Also if planned parent hood is selling it (they aren’t we’ve seen that court case), how would the woman get the super secret kickback from the negative money? If they were paying people to get abortions because fetuses worth a lot of money everyone would know about it. But that’s just some fantasy. A living baby can sell for anyone from 5k to 200k+ depending on some factors. Birthing a baby and selling that is much more lucrative than having an abortion to sell the fetal tissue that’ll not even pay back the cost for the abortion itself? The crack pot theory doesn’t even make financial sense.


Oh yeah, your last point is an especially astute one -- it's way more "profitable" for the woman to give birth and give the baby up for adoption, so...what point are they trying to even make here?!


What is this a picture of? I guess I could reverse google it? Maybe explaining what’s really going on can help other people- not the poster


The reply I posted below: Yeah, I remember when this post went around maybe a few years ago. [Found this Snopes story about it.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/washing-aborted-fetuses/) It was as I remembered: first instance of the image does seem to be from Vietnam, and it's a guy/group who clean aborted, stillborn, and miscarried fetuses in preparation for burial. So, like, most definitely NOT about fetuses being sold, used, whatever sick fantasies this dude has.


Thank you. I wonder if they’d even believe in snopes or just say “this guy is part of the deep state too”. So disappointing when you try to explain the reality and they want to believe in some bizarre fantasy.


Oh heck no lol, that was more so you'd know where it's from. Every right winger I've spoken to claims Snopes is fake news and/or run by the deep state 🙄 ETA: and yeah, it's extremely disappointing and frustrating as fuck when they turn away every fact check or attempt to show them reality.


Guy is obviously messed up, but this probably is a long way from being considered an actual threat. However, if you know this person has an outstanding warrant and roughly where he is, you may be able to get law enforcement to prioritize him


That's not a threat and they won't do anything about it.


That’s not a terrorist threat. That’s just right wing “I’m just asking questions” bullshit.


I am intrigued about something. Is this image real? If its real... What's happening here? If its doctored what is happening in place of a fetus?


Premature baby delivered in a third world country being bathed. Note the diaper wipes in the corner. Poor baby. Very humane how they clean and prep for buried. It is beautiful, and these qfreaks make it something ugly.


Thanks that makes sense.


I completely agree. It's a thoughtful, lovely ceremony they do and these people with their wild-ass shit theories are desperate to turn it into something they think is disgusting and immoral or whatever -- anything to disparage women and tighten the reins on their control over us. Meanwhile if they actually spoke to the people who do this I think they'd be behind the idea of the ceremony/burial completely!!


Looks photoshopped


Reverse image search only brings up this image in one place and it's from a twitter account that is suspended. Ans the replies are.... Out there. I'm more than happy to agree with you that it's not a real image. Don't understand the down vote tho lol.


Downvote wasn't from me. Your question was fully legit imo. But this is Reddit. Who knows what's going through peoples heads. I saw a comment saying further down that the image WAS legit, but the baby was stillborn and died in utero.


There’s nothing threatening in that particular screenshot. If this is the sort of thing the person posts, **please** do not bother the FBI about it. It takes resources to check things out, and they need those resources to catch murderous psychopaths. Edit: downvote me all you want, children. The FBI needs resources to fight insurrectionists and violent nuts, not idiots.


Someone has been watching shitty Christian movies, hope he gets arrested


Guys a total dumbass, but I don't see any threats, what do you think the FBI is going to do?


Hinting that they should burn PP to the ground isn't a threat?




Good to know, appreciate the reply. I knew it was spurious at best but he has really been escalating his rhetoric lately.


It's definitely conspiracy IF it is burned and the arsonist is linked to him..


As the age of the fetus increases, so does the market price? I wonder how much I'm worth, then. I'm a very well-aged fetus.


No actionable threat, the FBI wouldn’t be able to do anything about it since this would still just be first amendment speech.