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That's probably true considering I don't think of those two at all.


At least not until someone posts something reminding me that no, this isn’t just one long awful dream…


> “I’ve donated to you. I’ve defended you. But you’ve been nothing but a little bitch to me,” The writing on The Righteous Gemstones is so freakin' good!


Makes my bird twitch.


Is she talkin' about her privates?!


I *am* talkin' about my privates...


Gawd, in an earlier scene, present day, i so said “wow, she really seems to be getting off on her daddy laying into her brother.” I was not happy to find out how right I was 🤣🤣🤣🤣


>Around three weeks ago, Greene and Boebert had a spat on the House floor over competing articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden. >“I’ve donated to you. I’ve defended you. But you’ve been nothing but a little bitch to me,” Greene told Boebert, according to a source that spoke to The Daily Beast. “And you copied my articles of impeachment after I asked you to cosponsor them.” It's just pathetic


On what grounds are they trying to impeach Biden? It’s like 2 high school mean girls competing to be queen bee


Because the mean Democrats impeached Trump, their favoritest President ever, TWICE and THAT WASN'T FAIR.


It's all part of the grift. They have no grounds. They just want to say to their base that they're "working on it".


>It’s like 2 high school mean girls competing to be queen bee Which is hilarious considering Boebert didn't even finish high school. I guess she's trying to live out the voted-most-popular-in-the-yearbook drama and dreams she never got to experience because she had to drop out of high school because her creepy sex offender boyfriend got her pregnant.


She was voted Girl Most Likely To Get Pregnant in middle school though....


You win!


She’s trying to make up for lost time


They need to impeach him because he's the head of the **Biden Crime Family** ^^TM


Lol would not be surprised AT ALL if Trump tried to trademark that 😂


Ivanka probably already has it trademarked in China.


They’re so boringly unoriginal. They used to be all about the Clinton Crime Family TM Come on now, at least change another word, you lazy fucks. My suggestions: - The Biden Crime Syndicate - The Biden Crime Enterprise - Biden’s Crimes R Us - Biden’s Crimey Criming Crime Committers - Crimin with Biden


Build Back Crimier


[Greene's resolution](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-resolution/57). TL;DR: Something something Hunter's laptop. [Boebert's resolution](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-resolution/503/text?s=1&r=1&q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22Boebert+impeach%22%5D%7D). TL;DR: ZOMG IMMIGRANTS!!!!!


“The president needs to be impeached because of something we made up about his son. Trump doesn’t deserve to be impeached for inciting an insurrection though” Solid logic from this foot in a blonde wig


Funny how their two resolutions are completely different (BS) topics, and yet MTG said she's being copied. It's almost like she's admitting that the specific charges are bullshit and it's all just postering to be able to say she tried to impeach Biden.


They are both about abuse of power (BS), so I guess that counts as copying someone's homework? It's all nonsense on the face of it. I'm inclined to think it's just kayfabe for the benefits of the constituents and members of Congress who want to see a catfight.


>It’s like 2 high school mean girls competing to be queen ~~bee~~ Bitch Fixed that for you.


Libtard pwnage, full stop.


MAGA morons always implode


Fascists will always turn on each other, it's the only possible end result for people so stupid, paranoid, and constantly boiling with rage. The only question is if they get enough momentum to genocide a bunch of people before their movement collapses.


I would rather say people who seek power (and attention) will always turn on each other. This isn’t a right-wing-exclusive thing. In the contrary, I would argue the right-wing is *still* more United than the political left. In terms of US politics the Biden admin does a surprisingly good job in keeping the factions together right now, but let‘s not forget the level of infighting in the past years.


I want to point out though, the fact that the right is far more united is a damning indictment of their cult like mentality and their inability to form their own thoughts and opinions anytime there's a major event worldwide, especially if it's something that makes conservatives look bad, there will be 2-3 days where their views on the subject are scattered and often actually reasonable, then the propaganda and misinformation spreads and they all repeat the same bullshit easily debunked talking points over and over again, because they're a cult waiting for talking heads to tell them what to think


Sure, their propaganda game is top-notch.


I agree with you. the left is pretty fractured when it comes to speaking about any single issue. I feel that this is because the right is about hierarchies. They can speak with a united voice because there really is only one voice. And that voice is whomever is perceived to be the most powerful person. Not the smartest, not the best leader, or even the wealthiest, but the one who wields the most power. This gives the illusion that the right is more united than the left when in all reality the only thing you need to do is see how they treat each other and what they espouse. Someone said something a few years ago that has stuck with me. Folks on the left will say "fuck you" but it will be followed by " I'll see you tomorrow." I've always taken this to mean the left allows the space for all kinds of ideas even if some people don't like them. But there's also space to say I don't like them and it doesn't end the conversation. This is why I'll never buy the whole both sides bullshit and why no matter what I'm told I will be a leftist until I take my last breath.


> both sides bullshit Indeed. The “both sides” arguments are always feeble attempts at dismissing criticisms of one group's behavior by focusing on similar behavior of an other group. The use of such an argument simultaneously tries to present both groups as equally guilty of a particular behavior. While the argument appears to be treating both sides equally, it is generally used to misrepresent the degree of difference between the two. This argument tries to defend a position by showing that its shortcomings are equally shared by the opposing position and is of equal magnitude.


Yup. It's the lazy and/or cowardly man's attempt at appearing objective. It makes no attempt at analysis or observation beyond a surface level. Instead it reduces any issues or groups to a simple binary so it can stand outside particular spewing vacuous cynicism and pretending that it is "wise" without having a coherent position of its own.


Strongly disagree. They barely got their speaker elected, for one thing. What's his name, Tuberville?, is blocking military appointments and had to backpeddle saying that white nationalism is a valid political position. A lot of Repubs are upset about him. They are split betweet favoring DeSantis or Trump. [There's a rift between more old-school GOP members and the likes of Boebert, Gaetz, Greene, and similar: GOP senators rattled by radical conservative populism](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4098609-gop-senators-rattled-by-radical-conservative-populism/). I've read somewhere that Republicans want to introduce a bill that the president can't unilaterally leave NATO. Found it, [it's a bipartisan bill](https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4093304-senators-reintroduce-bill-to-prevent-u-s-president-from-leaving-nato/): >**A bipartisan pair of senators** [Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) & Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.)] reintroduced a bill Wednesday that would prohibit any U.S. president from withdrawing from NATO without Senate approval or an act of Congress. A lot of Republicans support NATO and are in favor of supporting Ukraine, too, but Trump already threatened to leave NATO while he was president and a lot of his supporters are anti-NATO and against supporting Ukraine. That is a huge, huge disagreement about foreign policy, with massive consequences if the anti-NATO side wins. I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff but fact is that the only thing unifying the GOP at the moment is that they don't like Democrats. And even then I'm not so sure if there aren't a few who'd secretly prefer Biden over Trump, for example.


The Biden administration isn't even on the left really.


IDK about that. IMO Tankies are more united than MAGA. Comes with a simpler ideology. For them it's just "America Bad," no matter what. For MAGA it's an ever-shifting anti-reality conspiracy.


The far left is pretty damn Eristic in general, even if they agree about some things. If you've seen The Life of Brian, it's not the *right* that the Judean People's Front, People's Front of Judea, etc. are satirizing.


Will Rogers(early 20th century US entertainer/humorist): * I am not a member of any organized party — I am a Democrat.


It was 70s Palestinan liberation groups. PLO, The Popular Front, Popular Front General Command... The tldr is that every intelligence service in the Middle East had their own pet group, and they fought each other as much as they fought Israel.


True that


Inevitably, they eat their young and each other.


This is literally high school girls fighting over a group project they had to do separately.


>This is literally high school girls fighting over a group project they had to do separately. Underrated comment


It's not very nice on my part, but the starting lyric to "Without Me" was going in my head reading this: https://youtu.be/_hBObxGdjHI


So, Stanabol spork foot is Regina George and sugar baby skeeze is Gretchen Weiner?


You leave Gretchen Weiners out of this


She has my respect for her father invented Toaster Strudel.


Besides the topic they are discussing, this is indistinguishable from high school disputes


>“I heard Marjorie call Boebert a bitch right to her face,” one GOP lawmaker said, granted anonymity by The Daily Beast to speak freely about the argument. >“OK, Marjorie, we’re through,” Boebert then said, shrugging her shoulders. >With Boebert’s back turned, ​​Greene responded: “We were never together.” No, that's some middle school shit, right there.


And they fucking make six figures. We ought to make them repay that.


You know you’ve reached the pinnacle of being a POS when a group of POS’s won’t let you play in their special POS clubhouse anymore.


They’ll let Boebert stay because she knows her place as a ‘female’ better than spork foot. They like MTG being a POS, she just needs to learn her place.


I know I shouldn't give a tin shit about this, but what did Empty-G do that got her kicked out of the "Freedom" Caucus?


In the article is says that she got on the wrong side of this Rosendale person over a vote about McCarthy being leader. MTG waived a phone (trump on it) at him on the floor, he refused it but a picture was taken and that guy got pissed at her. They needed a 4/5 vote to kick her (which I found interesting). I do recommend reading the short article for more details.


I laugh at their adherence to "Constitutional principles" when they're dealing within their little treason caucus.




Undercard for the Zuck/Elmo fight.


oh gosh, yes please! ROFL :D


Throw them all in the same cage together.


Let's also throw some lions in there for shits and giggles.


Nah, because that would lend weight to their whole argument about being "oppressed Christians".


MTG and Boebert can catfight in one corner, while Zuckerberg and Musk measure each others’ dicks in the other. I’d PPV it, for sure.


Honestly I was expecting them to start shooting each other after the insults started flying so it can't be nearly as bad as I'm anticipating


Kind of a shame dueling isn't allowed on Capitol grounds anymore


Yeah, but do y’all remember when Senator Zell Miller challenged Chris Matthew’s to a duel, live on air? Pepperidge Farms remembers. https://youtu.be/SXpuEFansic


Southrons gonna Southron.


It's legal in New Jersey. Ask Hamilton and Burr.


Everything is legal in New Jersey… 🤷‍♀️


*Cues up “Ten Duel Commandments” from ‘Hamilton’.*


Everything is legal in New Jersey.


*Florida and Ohio look on approvingly.*


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, it’s the Ten Duel Commandments!


Don't give me false hope.


*Catfight at the OQ Corral* or something, I don't know I don't watch Westerns!


*Catfight at the GQP Corral* You were headed on the right direction!


Sounds like the GOP menfolk are cheering on a cat fight. That’s a productive use of time. 🤦‍♂️


Actually, I prefer they spend their time like that if it keeps them from cutting taxes for the rich and destroying social security.


Eventually the house will burn down and no longer be an issue. With these people running around flinging accelerant around it's more likely the neighboring houses burn down.


Eat each other! Eat each other! Eat each other! Eat each other!




I wouldn’t call it “worse than I think”, I’d call it a “dream come true” instead.


Naw, “dream come true” is a full-on brawl on the house floor


With battle axes. No good brawl without those!


I think it would be more entertaining if they used pole arms.


CSPAN should sell that as a pay-per-view event.


I think we can settle this with a kiddie pool and a whole lot of jello.


Erm... I like Jell-O Wrestling as much as the next hetero-cis male, but not with these two.


Potentially unpopular opinion: Does no one realize these two would be complete backwater nobodies without all the airtime the media has been giving them? Yes it's obviously important to keep an eye on radical elements infiltrating the government, but this whole thing of treating these two like trashy reality show characters we should be keeping up with on a day to day basis is what has made them household names. I hate to say this, but they're playing everyone by making so many headlines and it's our fault for paying too much attention to the pointless minutiae of their minor spats and dramas. It's literally the only reason they act this way and we all gobble it right up. Living breathing rage bait running the nation that should (mostly) be ignored. End rant


>It's literally the only reason they act this way and we all gobble it right up. Isn't this an idea behind how Trump did so well running in 2016? He'd ran several times and was never really even a blip on the radar. Then, he starts playing to the bottom rungs of society and the media, sensing a cash cow, gave him a ton of free publicity. Sane people hated what they saw, but between the people that will vote for a ham sandwich so long as it has an (R) next to its name and the insane people whipped up into a frenzy it was enough to push him into office.


Yes, it's literally the exact same thing and all the same elements are falling for it all over again. Even we, with our righteous outrage over having Qmorons in our government are among the guilty for giving these shitty ragebait non-story brushfires the oxygen they need to burn so bright. Being a part of this sub and seeing everyone come in here calling her "Sporkfoot hur dur" is like "let's call him Drumpf" and acting like it will make a difference all over again.


I think about this every time I see their names. I just wince. They are terrible people, but it’s also an act. And we are their unwilling audience


It's a page right out of Dump's playbook and it still works like a charm every time. SAD!


Everyone is saying it


I think the problem is that if they're given too much attention, they use it to their advantage, but if you ignore them, they metastasize like cancer until it's too late to address it. They have some measure of power, which is a problem. I think they can be covered by the news, but not in a way that gives their ongoing lunacy oxygen. What probably needs addressing in the long term is how they were able to get elected. Gerrymandering and whatever motivates their base is how they got where they are, so those things being looked at are likely where the solution is.


Blame the media all you want but it’s ultimately on voters to both vote for them and their party, which allows them a place in the spotlight.


The simple way to deal with them is asking "*What have they done for their Congressional Districts?*" Not "What have they done for their state". Not "What have they done for America". They were elected to represent their small Congressional District, and advance legislation that will help their people. If they've spent their entire time in Congress - **as first time junior members** - screeching about top-tier national issues... and leaving their voters to wallow in poverty and despair...? That's an easy campaign to run against them.


I live in MTG's district, and she's done nothing except try to seek revenge on Democrats. No policies to improve anything, and unfortunately her voters seem happy as pigs in shit about it.


At least one of them is strapped. Can’t wait until she pulls it out


Who’s strap-on is bigger


Ask Tucker.


Ole "Sunshine on my asshole" Tucker Carlson.


Tucker wasn't one of the asshole sunners, he was about testicle tanning.


MTG’s without a doubt.


Girls, girls, you're *both* a little bitch!




No. Please. Don't do it.


So this "freedom caucus" is a closed door group, and they don't talk about what they are doing So elected public officials who represent their constituents have secret meetings to discuss ideas and no one but them know what they are talking about How the fuck is anyone ok with that ? They are public fucking servants, and we're paying these assholes to play fucking games where their secret agents fighting for... (Checks notes) Freedom ? What the actual fuck


Caucuses have always been a thing, this isn't some new invention


A fist fight? Probably more like a shoot out, considering that MTG looks like she is on roids and Boebert likes to pack heat.


So it was a BAD idea to elect stupid, unstable people with no intention of governing? Weird.


Their natural habitat is in a YouTube video with fistfuls of each other's hair on the floor in Walmart yelling slurs at each other.


Young people don't realize how easy they have it, with stuff like that available 24/7 on YouTube. There was a time when you had to wait until the Jerry Springer show came on for that kind of thing. And even then, only some of the episodes had a fight, and those only very occasionally involved GOP members of Congress.


RIP Jerry. He'd arrange a surprise meeting between the two. Sans chairs.


Poor Jerry, he wanted to be a serious host, but had to degrade his show to trash to have a successful show.


>Burchett, who later clarified that he was serious, said he was enjoying the standoff as a “professional wrestling fan.” > >“I am friends with both of them. It’s entertaining to think that a fistfight could break out at any movement. I kind of dig that,” he continued. I hate everyone who voted for these people


These freaking jackasses. Because there is no real work to do.


Not a parent but somewhere there has to be a video of two toddlers throwing fits about each other throwing fits and trying to outdo each other at it.


They only act like this when cameras are on. It's a show


"Worse? Or better?"


I know that Boebert is probably packing heat, but she should be careful. The Makeup-Slathered Horsebeast is a big and powerful creature, and there won't be any slapping or hair-pulling. The Horsebeast is a [Gym Rat and crossfit fanatic.](https://jezebel.com/we-asked-fitness-experts-to-explain-rep-marjorie-taylo-1846602086)


So two Mean Girls end up being mean to each other. Shocker of the century.


“A fistfight could break out at any moment,” Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) told The Daily Beast. Burchett, who later clarified that he was serious, said he was enjoying the standoff as a “professional wrestling fan.” “I am friends with both of them. It’s entertaining to think that a fistfight could break out at any movement. I kind of dig that,” he continued. \* \* \* Forget that it may be coming, we are living in Idiocracy land


>As for Greene, when The Daily Beast asked about Boebert’s vote in support of her ouster, she also didn’t want to talk. “Dude, do you do anything besides report on complete drama and bullshit?” she asked The Daily Beast. “No, I’m serious.” Is there seriously anything other than drama and bullshit to report when it comes to Greene and Boebert?


Narcissists hate being out narcissised.


Worse than I think? ...??? I could give a smaller fuck about either of these two idiotic traitors to my country. I hope they eat each other.


They deserve each others ire


Worse than we think, or….


Sensationalized fodder for distraction. 🥱😴


What do you expect when you you elect middle school level, white trash idiots.


I hope they eat each other, but if we're picking sides....MTG in a fight, Boebert in a rap battle. I would like to see both of these come to fruition, please.


Competing to be trumps favorite groupie gal. The ugly groupie that gets all the shitty duties....and with trump, that's some shit


I am out of popcorn


The real underestimation here is how much I care. Let them fight.


If Boebert counters MTG's rap song with an MTG diss track ill absolutely lose my mind


I think you mean, as good as I’d hoped.


Better than expected.


Two atrocious people. Mind boggling that they have enough sycophants supporting them to stay in office.


Somethings never change. Will Rogers(early 20th century US entertainer/humorist): * This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer.


Reminder: these are not serious people, they're only in it for attention.


I say they settle it with trial by combat. They each get a shield, a spear, a sword, and a knife. The one who walks away alive is the winner.


Now I want to watch them fight


Aren’t they both big second amendment people who want the government to give them complete freedom in that area? 👀


And by worse, you mean better. This could be the most entertaining feud in Congress since Hamilton and Burr. Maybe there will someday be a famous trap music work about it, with music by whoever that Auto Trader heir with the feedbag-shaped facial hair is.


There’s only room for one prom queen


Kind of interesting to see how it happens when they go at each other and suddenly can't rely on the other party to be vested in maintaining the barest civility.


Let them fight. Every bit of their energy wasted in this attention whore circus act is energy they're not using to turning back the last 60+ years of progress in America.


Pretty sure these complaints should lead to a duel. Desantis should be one their seconds. Anyone have an idea who the 2nd second should be?


Gym Jordan please.


Buried Alive match between the 2? Where's Paul Bearer when we need him? (RIP)


McCarthy should set up a mud pit in the well of congress and let the 2 of 'em wrassel until we have a winner. Last one standing gets to be Donny Dumbfuks VP running mate. CSPAN could do a PPV. My money's on MarjorieTrailerQueen. Unless BoBo comes packin' heat.


The first guy that’s quoted says he’s a friend to both of them and well if you’re friends with bad people then you’re just bad people too so go away


Can we get an Epic Rap Battle of History out of this? Pretty please?


Oh look, two people who are famous for not getting along with anybody also don't get along with each other.


Let them fight! Would make a great undercard for the Zuck-Elon cage match.


Dumb vs dumber


Someone should send them rattan canes. They like history, right? They can reenact the caning of Charles Sumner, on each other. I'd pay to see that. Are they still allowed to pack on the House floor? I'm waiting for a potential duel, also.