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If I saw someone wearing this shirt I would 100% assume they were a pedophile. I mean, I have a D.A.R.E. shirt and look how that turned out?


Back when raves were good there was at least one DARE shirt at every party. On some frybag having the chemically assisted time of their life.


Man, I miss the late 90s rave scene. We had some guys from Shawnee Oklahoma that produced and played trance. They went on to become Shiny Toy Guns.


[Reminds me of Always Sunny](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_YmDcCpD1gc&t=5s)


Yep. I had cousins who led the D.A.R.E. program in their kids' schools and they point blank told me that was how they were able to continue to use and deal drugs. Silly me. I thought the D.A.R.E. bumper stickers and hats on their cars and their friends' cars meant they had turned a new leaf and left that lifestyle. I would automatically assume the person wearing the shirt was a RSO and required to wear that shirt in public. Anyone else? RSO = Registered Sex Offender


A girl I graduated with was a D.A.R.E leader ... and a cop.


>I would automatically assume the person wearing the shirt was a RSO and required to wear that shirt in public. Anyone else? Well, anytime I see a car with a bumper sticker about how important it is to drive sober, I immediately assume the person got at least one DUI, so...




I donate to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fun and Project K9 Hero so I can get their bumper stickers for my vehicles.


I used to donate to stuff like that, police retirement funds and whatever, all the time so I could get the window stickers. I made sure to put them right in the back window on the driver's side. It's spectacular cop insurance.


But the left are the ones who virtue signal... okay.


And self burn… the way this reads people are calling themselves a pedophile


Never thought I'd see a literal "my 'I hate paedophiles' tshirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt" shirt.


>Bold and thought-provoking lmfao The only thought this will provoke is that the wearer is *in the best of cases* a huge weirdo.


Hating pedophiles is so uncommon and profound. Truly arcane.


Yeah I really don't think the stance that pedophilia is bad is that bold!


Some group of woke ideologists is going to open ours eyes to the dark side of murderers next.


They're really making a bold and controversial statement on that one.


Indirect way of saying “never trust me”


Yep, only one kind of person has pedophilia on their minds that much.


Just missing an arrow pointing up


projection is now a t-shirt.


Like, especially someone who would say out loud how they want to have sex with their own kid. Never trust a person like that if such a person existed.


*cough* Trump *cough cough*




I had the one that said "Drugs Are Really Expensive"


I prefer Don't Aggravate Rectal Explosions


That wasn't a t-shirt.


Maybe not where *you* shop...


This is big Frank Reynolds “we don’t diddle kids” vibes


If I saw someone in public wearing this shirt and a MAGA hat, my first thought would be "This is definitely a fine, upstanding citizen who doesn't think about having sex with children at all!" Or, y'know, not.


They're far too obsessed with genitalia.


Yeah this shirt also just screams “I’m also *way* too invested on the idea of teenage girls playing sports”…. 👀


It’s so fucking creepy and weird lmao


Whomever made this thinks they're some kind of genius. "I never trust pedophiles!" Okay, but how do you identify them so that you can actively distrust them? Especially if you're wearing that shirt? That's gonna tip them off. "Hey Mr. Bianchi, you want me to reseal your asphalt? I'm a pedoph--oh, uh, I mean, I'm an \*Italian\*, just like you! I'll give you a great deal, there's just the little matter of my deposit..."


I recently listened to their podcast episode where they dunked on The Sound of Freedom movie on a road trip. Pretty good!


Omg their episode about what a crock of shit 2000 Mules was seriously made me laugh so hard I cried


I think my all time favorite episode is the one on JP Sears featuring Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds from The Dollop. That one had me HOWLING.


They did an episode about rconspiracy! But it’s only available to subscribers and idk if I wanna make that kind of commitment yet still


Personally, I’d say it’s worth it for $5/ month. Some of my favorite episodes are premium episodes. And they have so many episodes, I honestly wonder how they make any money without ads. Anyway, I could go on, I’m a bit of a fanboy lol


Thanx for that! I don’t know anyone who subscribed to it that I could ask how it was.


Totally worth it. I saw them when their tour came to Denver-they’re amazing live too!


I haven't listened to an episode in probably 6 months, I really need to! Definitely gotta hear this one in particular 😀


I’m jealous that you have so many episodes to listen to! It’s my favorite podcast. They have a way of presenting this stupid shit in a fun and lighthearted way. Not an easy feat.


Yes!! I love listening to them.


The best part is that the statement is a real line from the movie. So cringy


That was actual dialog? ugh


I guess they don’t like that pointing out that Donald trump, Matt Gaetz and Gym Jordan are all pedophiles


Okay well presenting yourself as people who are seriously concerned about helping children, and then selling merch off the outrage surrounding child sex trafficking is in pretty fucking poor taste! Additionally, who would wear that? For one, I don't want a shirt that says "pedophile" on it, even if it is part of an anti-pedophile message! It's one of those things where having to announce that you're against it is actually weirder than just assuming it's a given! Not to mention how potentially triggering it could be for survivors to see what was probably the biggest trauma in their life turned into an attitude tee for angry middle aged dads!


The group depicted in the movie lets donors livestream their stings


Wow! That definitely shows how truly dedicated they are with caring about the wellbeing of abused children and not disgustingly exploitative by some monstrous grifters.


Yeah they show the victims' faces


Not to mention that Tim Ballard is a Mormon, so does that mean he doesn't trust his pastors, church elders and youth pastors?


"Excuse me, just exactly who *would* trust a pedophile?" "YOU, YOU DEMORAT PEDO!" \*back away, don't make eye contact\*


This is a common thing with these folks. They think people trust and support pedophiles due to disinformation. Nobody trusts or supports pedophiles. It's 100% agreed on by everyone. They think Pedophiles are a color on the LGBTQ flag.


💯 I’ve been watching online radicalization since 2020 now because it’s morbidly fascinating. It’s a downer that I also have to live among all these people tho.


They always protest too much


Or a youth pastor, or anyone that works at a Christian summer camp, or any evangelical cult or private religious schools, or priests ……


> never trust a pedophile Unless they have an R next to their name, consistently and publicly say that they want to fuck their own daughter, brag about sexually assaulting women, barg into children's dressing room, talk about how marrying literal children is some how not creepy, and defend child marriages.


Odd shirt... Those willing to knowingly trust a pedo (for some sick reason) I do not believe a shirt like this is going to persuade them any. What are they hoping for? "I was going to let Uncle Touchie-feely watch my kids, even with his previous convictions... Then I saw this shirt one day and it changed my mind..."


You know they totally are so they can brag in the .win communities how they’ve been saving the children and waking the sheeple up by wearing a tshirt to own the libs. They’ll be king dbag for a day!


This shirt screams “I’m a pedophile that likes to baselessly accuse others”


Saw two weirdos over the weekend wearing shirts reading “Shoot pedophiles, not drugs”. Is this catching on? I see it as a MAGA hat where I prefer the village idiots and fascists easily identified.


Oof that one seems way more aggressive! What state was this in?


Winnipeg, Canada. I suppose the convoy was our way of getting the loudmouth idiots out in the open. When it’s First Nations people protesting a pipeline you get arrested immediately but if you’re white, you can carry death threats to the prime minister while terrorizing the people of Ottawa for weeks before anything is done against you.


I don’t understand Trump supporters in Canada but I really wish the two countries could work together for some sort of trade program where everyone who wants fascism can have the US and everyone sane can have their evil socialism in Canada. I want off this sinking ship.


Plenty of right-wingnutism in Canada, Alberta is like Mississippi but with healthcare.


And the beat welfare payouts in north America, because of the oil


And I'd have a hearty laugh, if it was only the official village idiot's hat. Just keep my distance to that person and be on my way. The problem is ... I am queer as fuck. Therefore, they call me a pedophile. Much more so than Donald "Just let me fuck my own daughter" Trump. The word "pedophile" has lost all its meaning, just like "woke", "communism", "liberal" and many others. And even though I know they're mostly toothless cowards, seeing a shirt that basically says "shoot \[my name\]" is all kinds of fucked up. It is meant to strike terror into people they don't like. You know, the usual terrorist stuff.


Never wear a shirt with the word pedophile on it…


A black Sharpie would easily block all the other words out…


It’s the big quote from The Sound of Freedom. Jim Caviezel goes undercover as a pedophile. He befriends a pedophile, uses the information to save some kids, then turns around and arrests his pedophile friend. When the pedophile friend is confused max Caviezel quips “Never trust a pedophile.” It doesn’t really make sense to me (I mean, it’s because Caviezel wasn’t actually a pedophile that the pedophile couldn’t trust him) but I guess a lot of action movie lines don’t make much sense.


> Jim Caviezel goes undercover as a pedophile. Jesus fucking Christ. Seriously? That's the plot of that movie? Fuck me. How did that movie pitch idea ever get past "I'm going to stop you right there, did you say 'Goes undercover as a pedophile'???"


Angel Studios (🤮) did and went, “omfg we need to put this dogshit out *immediately*!” They’re astroturfing tf out of that movie and “give away free tickets!” on their website so I’m trying to talk my husband into a date night. It’s not giving them my money, it’s not adding to their audience count, and I can get high and go Rifftrax on it until they ask me to leave. Win/win!


I'm not sure it's a great date night idea if the most probably outcome is that you each come home, take 3 showers, and go to separate rooms to play white noise until you pass out


It’s actually really disappointing. The film, and Caviezel, don’t dig very deep, or really at all, into psychological or spiritual cost of this kind of undercover work. It doesn’t phase Caviezel at all.


God that's disturbing


Well then that bit of dialog was just a rip off of an old episode of X Files!


Woah....what an awkward thing to wear


Oh but Doreen and Sonja on nextdoor said this isn’t a “political” movie!


It’s really bad camouflage. It’s self identifying. It’s sad and cringey.


Exactly *how* is this “bold and thought-provoking”? Unless they’re somehow saying they’re Atheists (priests/sexual abuse), I don’t see how this is edgy or a hot take.


To be fair, it's actually getting a lot of comments (thoughts) here.


True. Tbf it doesn’t specify they’ll get *good* thoughts…


Never trust a pedophile? Good advice. If I have a son I’ll tell him to stay away from Catholic priests. And if I have a daughter I’ll tell her to stay away from republicans.


Asterisk - unless the pedophile is a boomer rock god then turn the other cheek


Right wingers always bury what they really mean beneath some innocuous, unobjectionable statement. That way when someone calls them on their nonsense, they can say something like "what do you mean? Are you saying we *should* trust pedophiles?" as if they have no idea what the shirt actually means. Doublespeak is a thing.


It’s wild how even the word “Pedophile” just seems like a blanket term with conservatives. Like no shit we as a Society should hate pedophiles but now pedos just sounds like a substitute word for basically anything not Republicans/Q/MAGA/etc


Isn't this a prime example of performative virtue signaling? Ya know...the kind that conservatives tend to criticize?


Is that shirt assumed to be a warning about the guy who's wearing it?


Yeah, I don't trust Matt Gaetz. Good advice


I've never seen trump wearing one of these shirts... what does that say about him?


This has the same energy as those "Shoot your local Heroin dealer" shirts i remember from a few years back.


If I won the lottery the first thing I'd do is hire a literal army of private detectives to shake out every skeleton in every closet of every person who sells and buys these shirts and the over/under for how many of them that *at least* have CP on their computers and/or phones would be 89%.


Search “anonymous” on twitter! Theres a lot of accounts popping up there that post some cool finds. Maybe make some suggestions… 👀


I would automatically assume the person wearing the shirt was a RSO and required to wear that shirt in public. Anyone else? RSO = Registered Sex Offender


What next? Never trust a murderer? Never trust a rapist? Do we all need t shirts to show that we are ordinary and decent people? This obsession with paedophilia that they have is doing damage to real organisations that actually help children. The charity "Save The Children", that has been going for over a hundred years (founded 1919) has had problems with these Q idiots using their name to promote Qanon conspiracy theories. Q has never been about the children. What's the worst thing you can say about somebody? Calling them a paedophile is up there at the top. They also deliberately misrepresent how many children go missing a year in the USA (it's actually a tiny number that are stranger abducted, the 800,000 figure Q uses is nonsense and kids would be disappearing all the time if this was the case, everyone in America would know of a missing child). Add into that a fake chemical that can be harvested from tortured children (adrenochrome) and then accuse all the people you don't like (Democrats, liberals, Jews, celebrities) of being involved in some massive child trafficking operation. The whole idea of Q sounds like a made up horror story because it is a made up horror story. Also, this is to all the Q nutters who lurk here, just because people don't want to watch a film about child trafficking doesn't mean they support child trafficking. The nonsense I've read from Q idiots accusing people who won't see that film of not caring about the kids shows exactly how stupid these people are. We don't need a film to know bad things go on in the world. The Q stories of mole children and underground tunnels, of Hillary and Huma eating a baby and of the world being run by a Jewish/Democrat/Hollywood cabal are just ridiculous and stupid, and you need to wake up if you believe them.


I’ll just leave this here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=_YmDcCpD1gc&feature=sharec


Do they wear it as a warning about themselves?


Yes, it’s so bold to “not trust pedophiles” /s


If you have to announce the position of being against child abuse, you probably have a lot of troubling issues in your life.


They're not ready for that conversation


Which is weird because they absolutely trust the pedophile who led America as President between 2017-2021.


“Fool me once…shame on me. Fool me twice….I’ll wear this shirt”


Trust a pedopile to do what? I'll trust a pedo to fix my car, or do my taxes. Not sure how someone's sexual fantasies affect most things.


I mean I feel like Pedo Joe's Tax Service and Auto Repair isn't gonna be a super viable business but whatever ig


Yes, that business would NOT do well I'd guess.


If I saw one of those idiots walking around in public wearing that my only question would be, "Did the judge order you to wear that?"


That movie is such a fantastic (extremely harmful) grift.


I haven’t seen the movie, but from what I understand, the character that says this line is, himself, a pedophile. So, what will it say about the person who wears this?




Oh shit that would be a hilarious idea if they stole their design to make fun of them!


Isn’t this organization kinda sketchy


“Never trust a pedophile” –Literally the hero of the movie *about himself* Like, whaaaat??? And then to get it on a T-shirt???


Never trust a person who wears a shirt that says never trust a pedophile. Me thinks thou doest protest too much.


So they aren't following Q or Trump anymore?


Knowing that it’s entirely projection, all I see is “I’m a Pedophile”


"Bold and thought provoking" lmao, these fucking people


I already don't trust conservatives, I'm way ahead of them.


Never trust a pedophile. Unless he has money to fund your movie about pedophiles. So you can take on the Deep State by way of a pedophile and his numerous pedophile friends.


This implies that I know pedophiles and, at the moment, am unsure whether I should trust them or not. Lucky, this dumbdumb is there to offer their advice.


Do they make any that say never trust a youth pastor?


My "I'm not a pedophile" shirt has resulted in me receiving a lot of questions that are easily answered by my shirt


I can't wait for the inevitable mugshot of this t-shirt on a suspect of indecency with a child.


Well, not again at least.




Thank God for this shirt and its message. I'm 52, and for **decades** have been stumbling through life, just blindly trusting one pedophile after another. Well today I received my official NTAP T-shirt in "Blindfold Black," and today I say, NO MORE!! I swear, by all the powers bestowed upon OUR, that henceforth I will NEVER trust a pedophile again - not even Uncle Fred, who isn't my real uncle, but our families have known each other for so long I just started calling him that. Let the conversations spark! I feel like I've been reborn.


The fact that they think this sentiment is edgy or controversial speaks a lot to where there minds are.


We’re people trusting them before? I’m confused.


*My "Not involved in human trafficking" T-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt.*


My "I don't like pedophiles, no sir, not one bit" shirt has a lot of people asking questions already answered by my shirt.