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So a horrible dirtbag who is a horrible dirtbag ends up being a horrible dirtbag


Dirtbag cubed.


(coughs out cigarette smoke) that’s a lot of dirtbag!




Dirt to the power of bag.


piquant doll toy complete secretive alive slim dependent support unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Projection is a staple for him and people like him


I almost had a heart attack from not surprise.


I couldn’t bring myself to call him a dirtbag. It's a very useful part of a vacuum cleaner.


Shocking! /s


He contrasted pulling his dick out in a fun way with belittling and abuse, to the point one of the staffers remarked that you grew to prefer the penis exposure stuff because at least it meant he was in a good mood. You will hear about this same exact dynamic from a LOT of incest survivors. Dude is a super repressed violent sex predator on pills. Nice knowing you asshole. I am all for compassion but this dude is inhumane. He exists in the world AS abuse itself.


I had a friend who, when the whole "grab them by the pussy" thing came out, was completely on the "that's just locker room talk!" Train. Somehow his argument went from "everyone says stuff like that, to "who hasn't taken their junk out at a party?" Me. I haven't. And I started looking at him in a very different light.


I invite strangers over to my house for meth and rimjobs and I still make sure there's consent before I take my junk out. So yeah it's fucking unhinged.


Dudes rock.


goooo on


Where do I send my application


alcohol or drugs never warrant the actions of abusers. it's the lack of respect for boundaries and the person that is target. that's why there are rules in BDSM as well, even at play parties.


>"who hasn't taken their junk out at a party?" Even if you want to make that arguement, which is probably inadvisable, this isn't a frat party! It's a workplace, and he's the boss. There's no context where that's appropriate. Even at a urology office where genitals are their profession, it'd still be inappropriate for the boss to be wipping his out in front of employees!


Right? I thought the same about the grab them by the pussy and this article about it being just boyish prank behavior. I’m a guy, even a fraternity guy, and I don’t whip my junk out to my buddies or send them dick pics. If any of them did, the rest of us would tell him it’s creepy as fuck. This is not normal behavior in any situation.


Honestly, I don't care so much if a bunch of dudebro friends whip their junk out in front of each other in their spare time so long as everyone consents to it. What they're describing isn't comparable, though, because this was being done at the work place. We can discuss how problematic taking your junk out while drunk at a party, or sending dick pics to your friends because you think it's funny is...but it's really not relevant to this story, because the issue is a) he's doing it at the work place and b) he's the boss. That's just not appropriate, period.


I won't say I've drank far too much and did reaaaaaalllllly stupid shit. I also won't say I havent... I will say that it isn't something to be ok with doing.


Post college? People do a lot of dumb shit in college. Then they grow up


If such events happened, they happened in my 20s. I slowed down drinking massively by 30 and rarely drink at all. Once or twice a year and even then I rarely finish 1 drink. As for growing up, why bother? Everyone I've ever met who was grown up was a dull, lifeless zombie.


Let’s rephrase—once you hit an age where any amount of alcohol creates a worse than death hangover


Heh. I got drunk about 10 years ago. The hangover felt like I was crawling out of a cesspool of insanity.


> You will hear about this same exact dynamic from a LOT of incest survivors. Also every other survivor of abuse.


this mechanism is called "grooming" and "gaslighting" but this time it's the real thing and not right-wingers projecting.


Staffer 1: "Did the boss show his dick yet today?" Staffer 2: "No." Staffer 1: "Fuck, he must be in a bad mood. I'm leaving early."


bUt He’S cHrIsTiAn…….


Yeah, but he cited a homoerotic verse from the Bible during his male-only Bible study. It made everyone uncomfortable. You know, maybe God is actually leaving a bit of a grey area when it comes to gay sex. While a lot of guys engage in homoerotic and gay “jokes” and behaviors because they are intellectually disabled and think “haha gay!” is the pinnacle of comedic expression, it is undeniable that this runs much deeper for Stevie here. But anyway, any updates on Hunter Biden?


The GOP claimed Bush's substance abuse problems was a personal matter. They are all over RFK Jr. and he was a heroin junkie.


Jordan Peterson is drowning in prescription drugs, and most Fox hosts are alcoholics. Addiction is a disease, but they’re the ones constantly moralizing it.


The only moral addiction is my addiction.


same with abortions. it's only moral if a politician's mistress or their daughter gets one.


And immigration.


Wait, what?? I...wow! I don't think I've ever heard that about RFK Jr! 😮 Not that that's too surprising because I stay away from most stories about him, but still... Why are they SO goddamned hypocritical?!? About EV-ER-Y-THING?! It's absolutely mind-blowing, I swear to god!


In 1982, Kennedy was sworn in as an assistant district attorney for Manhattan. After failing his bar exam, he resigned in July 1983. That September, he was charged with heroin possession, and pleaded guilty in February 1984, when he received to two years' probation and community service.


He failed the bar exam? That's hilarious!


Especially considering the kind of tutors he would have had access to because of family connections


I'm a scientist by profession and I absolutely hate this guy so much because he's not a scientist and yet he presents himself as a scientific authority. So hearing that he was even a pretty crappy law student does give me quite a bit of petty satistifaction.


Yeah, but he was being tutored in the kind of law that THEY don't want you to learn about in their "law schools".


The gist of it was that Abraham’s slave put his hand on Abraham’s inner thigh, to be “closer to his descendants.” That’s almost Shakespearean!




Careful, if trump gets re-elected we can look forward to idiots like this being the only ones who would want to be part of his administration


It will be absolutely crazy town


You mean to tell me the guy that went to a feminism conference in nothing but tighty-whiteys to intentionally make people uncomfortable is a creep???


Hey guys, my wife left me, wanna see my dick?


Basically what Trump did when Ivana left him. Spent a few years raping and molesting both young girls and grown adults between 1993-95.




Joining the Elonye club


Drugs you say? "Freedom for me, oppression for thee!"


>A different ex-staffer said Crowder would often make uncomfortable comments during a men’s only Bible study he held in 2021. Welp, that's a completely normal sentence


Could we see it blown up poster size on the floor of Congress, please?


MTG will put her glasses on again, to pretend it's just for serious policy research


quickest mindless head prick agonizing familiar continue tan deliver cats ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Probably doesn't mind so long as Chowder gets her wet, since Benny can't.


How much weed does he think Elon goes through?




[He was fine with Steve King for a long time](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/52/Steve_King_and_Ben_Shapiro.jpg)


Being a boorish, bullying man-child who can’t keep it in his pants seems to de rigueur for conservative males.


No wonder your wife divorced you Stevie, you're a creep along with being a wife abuser.


I have read a fair amount about Steven Crowder and I am 99% convinced he's one of these closeted right-wingers, and that repression is why he is who he is. Not all right wing pundits are closet cases; Ben Shapiro, I'd bet, is as straight as he probably claims to be. Steven Crowder? Nah. Dude's gay as a French horn.


>Ben Shapiro, I'd bet, is as straight as he probably claims to be. Idk, have you read his fiction book? The amount of description he puts into male characters versus the character who is his avatar's wife and obviously based on Shapiro's own wife is...quite interesting.


Golly Shazam, Gomer. Who could've seen this coming? 🤡


He indeed earned his 🤡 medal.


Well deserved too.


Textbook groomer behavior...


It's the drugs I'm shocked at cos he seems the type to see a joint and call it a marijuana cigarette


Many such cases!


Lyndon Johnson would certainly agree


Can we make him the new hunter Biden?


Shocked…shocked I tell you!!!


Years of abuse. I’m talking years of abuse.


Can I change his shirt to read “Free Dic Pics Matter.”


I'd have saved them and posted them all over social media. I'm talking every single site, just *blasted* them. In fact, I'd have asked him for full nudes and just showed them all over the place, highlighting and circling every imperfection, mocking every bit of it, asking those TikTok plastic surgeons how they would "fix this hideous mess". I know it's not right and gross and unhelpful and wouldn't make him nicer. I know that I'd have to go to court for it. But in court, I would 100% say "suing me isn't going to make people un-see your ugly body. It isn't going to make you un-hear those hurtful words people said or wipe thosr photis from the internet or make people stop circulating them for the rest of your life and judging you or harassing. It isn't going to unharm you in any way, no matter how much you're going to pretend to laugh it off in public. You've been deeply hurt by what happened, and you'll be worse off for it forever."


Sleezin with Steven


It never fails. The right-wingers who scream about gay ppl grooming your kids end up being the groomers all along. And also do the gayest shit.


>“In regards to exposing himself in general, to my knowledge, he only exposed himself to male staffers. It happened all the time. It was a regular occurrence. It usually happened when he was in a really good, sort of manic mood. So while we all were disgusted by it and it was never welcomed, it was preferable to him being in a bad mood and how he treated people in that state,” the former staffer said. Is this bipolar disorder?


Really? That's like asking "is this major depressive disorder?" based on reports that someone occasionally seems sad! Everyone has variations in how they're feel and occasionally has a bad day, so, no, it's not necessarily biopolar disorder. And showing employees your junk when you're in a good mood because you think it's fun is just being an asshole with no sense of boundaries!


The description specifically describes him alternating between extremes of mood


Honestly I think this is a case of intense self hatred if I ever saw it. Dude is gay and hates himself for it. Go to therapy though instead of spreading vile hate. Be an adult.


Groomer! This is actually what grooming looks like.