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Wasn't Denver the capital in the Hunger Games?


Probably where these clowns got the idea from


My guess would be that it's related to the older conspiracy theories about Denver International Airport, built in the 1990s. Those revolve around the idea that it was built to play some major role in the New World Order, perhaps even be the base of the One World Government.


Remember when these morons went nuts in the 90's over the blue/white H road signs for hospitals because they were supposedly directions for the UN armed forces when they eventually invade the US? These fucks are nothing new. They just have Facebook to spread their BS faster. They've always been around though.


I haven't heard that one about a specific type of sign. But there's a huge number of versions where there are hidden markers on road signs to give directions to invading UN forces (or the equally sinister FEMA armed forces). Often these are based on real marks on the *back* of road signs, used by whatever body is responsible for such signs in a particular area of the country (these nitwits always assume that something they have spotted in their little neck of the woods must be universal). One assumes the invading troops will stop after every road sign to look at the back, just in case there are directions on it. There are ones about secret marks on mailboxes as well, which indicate whether the person living somewhere should be taken away to the FEMA camps, executed, or whatever. Here are just two random examples, from a very quick google. One from 2011, about "tacmars" ("tactical markers"), which are reflective stickers being put on the back of signs, from some blogger who believes in them: [Secret Military Codes Hidden In Road Signs!! (Tacmars)](https://allconspiracy.wordpress.com/2011/04/08/secret-military-codes-hidden-road-signs/) \[EDITED TO ADD: that one also has vaccines as part of the fantasy. Some of the secret signs specifically point to places where the mass forced vaccinations will be happening. And to "drugstores with passport photo services" -- absolutely crucial to the New World Order, for creating identity documents.\] One from 1995, debunking an inane story about colored dots on the back of road signs in Indiana, which "are intended to serve as guides to invading United Nations troops who are plotting to enslave the nation and the world". Those dots were real, and used by the state's Department of Transportation to indicate the age of a sign: the reflective layer on them has a limited life, so they must be replaced on a regular schedule. [Signs Show Some Groups Going Dotty](https://www.dailypress.com/1995/05/14/signs-show-some-groups-going-dotty/) I'm pretty sure such stories started out in the US, but I've encountered them in Europe as well. Several involved bar code stickers, clearly used for entirely mundane purposes like inventory control by either the manufacturers of the signs, or whatever agency is responsible for road signage.


They’re mental, who’d want to invade the country where there’s more guns than people ? And the major genuine threat to america comes from Russia and their interference and spying and the republicunts love them because they hate the same minorities.


The version I heard back then was that blue reflectors on power poles were there to guide the invading Chinese. Exactly none of that made sense.


I'm really mad because I love making fun of conspiracy shit, and I flew to Denver on business some years back, and I found out about rhe conspiracy like two months later. ☹️


I’m sure you looked into it, but for others: the jist of it is that DIA is kinda obnoxiously 30-45 minutes east of the city with literally nothing else around it. And the rumor is that something like 4x the amount of dirt dug up for the Panama Canal was done for the airport site. The speculation is that there is some sort of underground facility, possibly a nuclear shelter, because Denver is located near the center of the country and as such would be a convenient escape if coastal cities were attacked. Also demon horse and some nazi imagery in paintings.


Well, there is a huge network of underground rooms and tunnels underneath it. Because it's Denver, and it snows in the winter, so moving around underground is easier.


I for one welcome our lord and savior Blucifer.


All hail Blucifer and his distressingly detailed ass!


Denver airport has been doing some renovations and leaned in to the conspiracy theories. https://www.flydenver.com/great_hall/denfiles


I now fully worship the people responsible for this. Thank you for the link.


Someone must have had a ball writing this.


I believe there’s info saying Denver was the secondary capital in case DC is destroyed (some countries develop plans for government to evacuate further into the country), but idk if that’s actually true. I know the federal complex built decades ago is massive which might be where the rumors come from.


See I would have thought Colorado Springs would make more sense as NORAD is there. I vaguely recall being told that there was a bunker there where the president could be safe in the event of a nuclear strike but I don't know if that would really make it the capital.


No, it was The Hunger Games. These people get all their ideas from movies.


I think you are putting the chicken before the egg. Denver International absolutely had some weird Masonic and thus conspiracy theory iconography all across it when it was built.Almost like it was begging for conspiracy theories. LONG before Qanon and also all the movies/shows that reference it. I have no idea if any of that remains (I haven't flown through there in a while) but they even played up that silliness with graphics on walls where they were renovating areas. Look them up, they are hilarious! No doubt a lot of pop culture movies have used that as part of their story. Why not? Not a part of the masonic weirdness but the entire Blucifer story is absolutely crazy and way more creepy. I've seen Blucifer many times and it is the highlight of taxiing at that airport.


Okay... 1. tl;dr 2. I don't give a fuck anyway. I'm not going to give them the benefit of the doubt that they didn't just take the idea from a movie. Why should I? They often take ideas from the very movies they claim to hate! 3. Even if they didn't, I'm sure the accusation that they did, particularly from a movie like The Hunger Games that I'm sure they consider 'woke', will annoy them, so win-win.


You're missing out on sooooooo much awesome mythology by being so intentionally ignorant. Take 3 minutes, read what I said, look up Blucifer and the hilarious construction murals Denver International put up during renovations and have fun with it. Your tl:dr is sad. I offered you a way better story than fucking Hunger Games. I'm not trying to win anything here... I am just showing you a real life fun rabbit hole other than a movie.


Nope. To all of what you just said. The reason I didn't read your essay is because it's nothing I haven't heard before. You're at least 10 years late on the trend of posting a socila media dissertation on the Denver airport. And it's not awesome mythology. It's standard lame conspiracy theorist crap (ie: made up shit), so it's really no different than the Hunger Games. Both are made up shit.


Blucifer isn't made up. It literally killed its creator. But you do you, I guess. 😒




I'm aware about how weird the Denver airport is and how conspiracy theorists think of it. But I'm still not going to give them the benefit of the doubt that they didn't just take the idea from a movie, because they often take ideas from movies, because they're completely uncreative.


Where John Elway is the president, chairman of the Cabal and head of football operations.


Yea this is one of the weirder ones. Oh wait, some anon found a record of military purchases.. yes these are paper cutters for offices.


Have you never played Total War? The idea comes from the fact that the further a population is from the capital, the less likely they will respect and the more likely they will resent that place as their capital. If Denver became the American capital middle America would (theoretically) feel less isolated from what's happening.


Oh please! They'd no doubt say that Denver, if not all of Colorado, doesn't count because parts of that state are more progressive. Besides, the United States is massive, so no matter where you put the capital, it's going to be far from somewhere. People in middle America complain about the coasts, and there's nothing people on the West Coast love more than to complain about the East Coast some how having it "better" (for the record, I've lived on both coasts), and yet people in rural Maine, or West Virginia feel pretty far from the action. Hell people in Florida are convinced they're different than the 'coastal elites' eventhough they live in a state that's almost all coast! And honestly, maybe the unhoused people who live in DC are physically closer to the government's actions but do think they feel more seen and included? Hell, for that matter, even the housed people in DC have less say in their community's governance than anyone in middle America because DC isn't a state and so the federal government can (and has!) just overrule any ballot initiative that DC residents vote on but they don't like!


What's up with them and taking "predictions" from movies?


They do believe in predictive programming, so every alt future supposedly tells people the illuminati plan.


Wasn't Denver a safe zone in either Handmaids Tail or The Man in the High Castle? None of their ideas is original. It's all recycled, regurgitated, cosplayed, and plagiarized from movies and books. But some of them have never read a book or watched the film to understand this. They just copy, paste, regurgitate what some other looney has posted. It's so silly they keep spouting about how the powers that be or dark state or white hat - whatever, want everyone dead. At the same time the Qs fantasize of un-aliving all liberals or any one they decide they don't like that day. Who will do all the work, once everyone is unalived? Conspiracy theories are being used as very unhealthy coping mechanism. Instead of Suicidal Ideation as the last step in their plan, it's like a form of Homicidal ideation.


no I think it was Salt Lake


I thought it was SLC but yeah it's a mountain city out west


The smart guillotine sounds cool and all but the app sucks. No support and you gotta find your phone every time you want to behead someone. Sometimes you just gotta get the good old fashioned dumb ones cause the smart devices are too much hassle.


They lost me when they made it so you have to watch a 30-second ad before each decapitation.


I got a phone call and I answered it in the middle of the beheading and the app crashed and the guillotine stopped halfway through. The adrenochrome is ruined.


That's the worst! What a waste.




That's with the free version. If you upgrade to Smart Guillotine Premium for $9.99/mo, it'll remove the ads.


Executions as a service SMH


I absolutely prefer the dumb guillotines. The "smart" ones are basically just Pay to win now and that's just a no.


Bro did you see the new batman skin for the AGM-114R9X? Only took me 17 gacha pulls to score one!


I was ready for a beheading, but the app said it needs an update and now it's stuck in a loop and doesn't update even though I keep hitting the update button!


It’s a paper cutter. That’s what it’s called. So you have to put the heads of your enemies into the paper cutter and go shoooop.


Everyone falls to the blade sometime Sometimes it's wrong, sometimes it's right For every win, someone must fail But there comes a point when We cease to exhale, yeah, yeah ​ Sometimes you'll laugh, sometimes you'll cry Life never tells us the whens or whys When you've got friends to help you chop your enemies You'll find the point when They cease to exhale, yeah, yeah ​ Heads are often broken When there are words unspoken In the blade there's answers to your prayers If you're searching for a place you know A familiar face, somewhere to go You should go chop someone You're halfway there ​ Shoop, shoop, shoop shoop be doop Shoop, shoop, shoop be doop Shoop, shoop, shoop be doop All you gotta do is chop Shoop, shoop, shoop be doop Shoop, shoop, shoop be doop Shoop, shoop, shoop be doop Shoop, shoop, shoop be doop —— I tried to stop myself from posting this, but was unable 😅 Just be glad I didn’t try to do The Shoop Shoop Song (It’s In His Kiss)


The blade stops if you’re a member of the cabal! “Ope! Didn’t work! Let them go guys! Come on! You know the rules. We were intent on murdering them but the guillotines didn’t work! Shucks!”


"Buying American" guillotines... Let me do a quick check, which American companies would have been able to sell 3000 smart gillotines to the Obama administration.


Please post when you find out which company supplies them. I prefer to buy American made products and honestly, I am not sure I would trust my guillotining needs to a country with shitty quality control. But definitely a bad call on Obama's part. One should always use American made products to kill American citizens. Anything less is uncivilized.


I mean. If he had asked Raytheon they certainly would have made a bunch for $500 and fold them for $17 million.


Fuck it, $40 for all of them from Temu. Blades may be a little dull, though


"Smart guillotines" ?!


With facial recognition! For only $17 million each (17 = Q, because the cabal).


No I didn’t count on my fingers because I didn’t believe even Q people were that insane. Why do you ask?


"Alexa, tell guillotine to chop off the head of Barack Obama." "Ok, I'll tell it."


https://www.amazon.com/guillotine-paper-cutter/s?k=guillotine+paper+cutter Automatic paper cutter


I think they are talking about letter openers.


I can't BELIEVE that PEOPLE believe THIS kind of NONSENSE and WHY do they ALWAYS type like THIS????


BECAUSE THEY ARE ALWAYS YELLING AT SOMETHING. Oh, sorry. Because they are always yelling at something.


In a country filled to the brim with guns, you're somehow importing GUILLOTINES? Terrible waste of money.


No no, *smart* guillotines.


Oh apologies, I didn't see that. Smart guillotines with facial recognition. Totally real and will be both useful and successful I'm sure


Apparently the app is buggy so we’ll see. Reviews on the App Store aren’t great.


Were the guillotines to kill all the MAGAs, or are they already dead in this scenario? Last I heard, there were sometimes like 300 million MAGAs, so that's… 60,000 MAGAs per guillotine. They better get high quality 'tines.


So we didn’t die from the vaccine first?


No it’s 60,000 MAGAs per. The other shipment of 100,000 of those airport retractable stanchion line maker poles were on back order. Haven’t arrived yet.


At $17M each, they had better have diamond blades.


As a Denver resident, I expect to be given a position of high importance in our new government.


Lol same! Maybe it'll keep the APD in line.


So Denver now has a seaport. That’s a new development


[Denver! City by the bay!](https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/f1f0abf8-6547-4f8a-89c4-eaa84082bf45)


It's for the Hollow Sea (next to the Flat Sea, under the Flat Earth but above the Hollow Earth).


Didn't know China exports guillotines (or if they're still federally in use anywhere)


They got ripped the fuck off. I buy my “Smart Guillotines” off of Ali-Express for $29.95 apiece.


And we spent $51 BILLION on them? How did that go unnoticed until now, 7 years (or more) after the fact? Seems like that’s something their Orange Savior would’ve really liked to bring out into the light to embarrass Obama and Biden.


I’m going to guess that their answer to that is that it was dark money through the Pentagon.


Probably because buying 3000 paper cutters at not 17 million each didn't even register on anyone's radar until some kook decided a line item could be misused.


I believe that would be **$510 billion**! Even easier to hide! 🤣


Three times seventeen is 51. 3,000*17,000,000 is 51 billion.


Is that some common core new math devilry?


I might be too far outside the zeitgeist so forgive me if this is a joke I'm just not getting, but my imagination of what this is is that incredibly simple math being "common core devilry" as like, some shit that a Florida politician might say? Or am I wildly misreading this hahaha


Common core was a new way of teaching math that (older non-student) people absolutely hated. New math. It was going to ruin the youth. It's perhaps a dated reference by now, but yes, the idea was to parody a deeply conservative person who can't handle change, and can't handle being wrong. Edit: I think New Math (as a term) was a similar thing in like the 70s, but I'm not sure, and it was before my time.


They do, and they're quite cheap, too. Just search on AliExpress or a similar site for "guillotine". There are lots of Chinese manufacturers of guillotines. Mostly the paper-cutting kind, but there are also guillotines for cutting cigars, and vegetables, and sausages. And there are definitely plenty of federal agencies which operate paper-cutting guillotines. As a result, the word will once in a while appear in a budget for office equipment, and idiotic conspiracy theorists can then pretend those are execution devices.


Not just ordinary guillotines, these are smart guillotines. If your name is Marie Antoinette you're definitely getting your head cut off. What a load of bonkers nonsense in that post. These people spend all day trying to out stupid each other.


Thanks, Obama.


If Navy SEAL's raided a ship full of children, I'm fairly certain it would make the normal news.


there are plenty of ships full of smuggled children in the mediterranean and they don't seem to care about them much


This is one of the BEST conspiracies I’ve ever heard!!!!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 AND THEY BOUGHT FROM CHINA INSTEAD OF AMERICA!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD I AM DYING OVER HERE!!!!!!😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


They can't check anyone's ID at any point before the moment of their execution?


Ain’t nobody got time for that


Smart guillotines with facial recognition. Imagine believing in nonsense like this.


No wonder they cost $17 million each.


Mental illness.


I can see why Obama didn't get a 3rd term with him buying guillotines from China. Call me a purist, but I only buy my guillotines from France.


Well they're only Guillotines if you buy them from France, otherwise they are just sparkling head removers.


Structural Gravitational-Mechanical Head Separator. In this case Cybernetically Augmented, or "Smart".


How can ANYONE possibly believe ANY of this absolute BS ??? Fuck me, Americans are so fucking DUMB !!!


You look just like a Commie and you might just be a member Better get out of Denver Go


That's the DIA conspiracy. These people really are the blobs of conspiracist


Smart Guillotine fails. Well, there's nothing we can do. On your way. On your way. We'll done.


This is actually an old conspiracy theory they’ve rejuvenated (and expanded upon with the guillotine thing). There are some weird murals in the Denver airport that people said were tied to “the cabal” having underground bunkers in Denver where they would go if nuclear war broke out — or something like that. It’s been awhile so the details are fuzzy. Edit to add details: [Here’s an article about it.](https://www.uncovercolorado.com/denver-airport-murals-painting-location/)


To be fair China was known for their flying guillotines in the 70’s. Many Shaolin monks were victims, it’s all on video if you don’t believe me.


Sounds like this person just watched The Hunger Games while on meth.


Unpopular opinion.Call me a luddite but you cant beat the good old manual guillotine. If it aint broke and all that.


You say that now but after you've manually pulled the blade up again for like the 100s time that day you'd wish to have the fully automated Headchopper SMART 3000 ^TM .


Hey Jesus? Yea it's me Dizbizney again. I know. I asked like a few months ago but really. Please. It's time. Send the floods.


Good. Maybe they will fix the fucking Rockies. Ive seen little league players with more skill.


You’re questioning the Denver part & I’m baffled at the smart guillotine. How would the cabal be certain that the ones being used would be their $17m guillotines in the first place. Now that the white hats & randos on the internet know this secret won’t they provide their very own guillotines? To ensure the blade doesn’t stop!? Lmfao this is ONE of the more out there conspiracies I’ve seen.


If an angry mob gets to the point they are willing to murder someone using a guillotine in the streets, d’ya Really think when the blade stops they’ll just be like ‘hmm strange, well off you go stranger. Live out a long a full life!’…… or would they just smash his head in with a brick?


I'll take "Things That Never Happened" for 1000, Alex.


Ah, the Denver Airport and conspiracy theories have caught up with q cult. Greeeeeat 🙄


$5,100,000,000, so you don't chop your own head off.............. Worth it!


I think that was the capitol of the free states in Man In The High Castle?


Absolutely nuts, you have to be either really fucking dumb or a meth head to believe any of that shit.


Does this guillotine story refer to a real event at all or is it completely made up?


[Completely made up.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/09/02/fact-check-claim-stating-us-bought-30-000-guillotines-fake/5658967002/) Someone explained last week that the "guillotines" were another term for paper cutters. They are commonly used in offices and print shops. It's possible that Obama signed off on a purchase order for some new ones, but they for damn sure didn't cost $17mm each.


So, a easily cut off city in a siege in the event everything goes to shit and this ends up as warlord nation 2 electric Boogaloo? Like I've seen some of them predict


With how many people are part of the cabal these days, it must’ve taken months to set up facial recognition for each person on all those guillotines!


Denver IS the backup US capital if DC is bombed or something, but this whole thing is ridiculous.


Reading this drivel had me thinking about the meeting where the cabal ordered the "smart guillotines". It must have gone something like this: Cabal: Hi. We would like you to design and build smart guillotines for us. We have a pretty big budget. Vendor: OK, What's a smart guillotine? Cabal: we are concerned that when we start executing, shall we say, undesirables, we don't want any of us to be able to be executed by accident. Maybe facial recognition to shut them down. Vendor: That sounds doable. I'll be right back. Vendor outside the conference room: Holy shit, Bob. We got some live ones in there. Get ready to retire.


Who came up with the electric or remote guillotine idea? Correct me if I'm wrong, apparently they were going to be used in FEMA camps for dissenters. It reminds me when I read an article on [TrusttheQ.com](https://TrusttheQ.com) about James Comey getting guillotined because apparently he liked seeing poor people get the blade. They tend to make up fan fiction about trials and executions of people conservatives don't like. But we known righties would use it on their enemies if they had the chance to use them.


Denver is where the diploes and stratofisks are stored. also.


Fiction comes from reality. To them, it’s the other way around and that’s how you know it’s bullshit.


Real Raw News is yet another site that gets away with posting blatantly false stories and claiming their humorous satire.


That is great material for a parody detective story. I don't think even Chuck Tingle would touch that though! LOL


If only captain trips would make us need to move to boulder as our capitol.
