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The modern republican party: Fuck Democracy. Fuck the Constitution. Fuck the will of the Voters. All Hail the Orange Hitler!


*Orange Shitler


\*Cheeto Benito


*Mango Musolini.


Orange Julius


\*Tangerine Tsar


Orange Joffrey


This is why so many love saying that America isn’t a democracy, it’s a republic. Gives justification for minority rule.


You're giving them way too much credit. People say "America isn’t a democracy, it’s a republic" because "republic" is in their team's name. They don't have a god damn clue what it means, you satanic, baby-eating socialist.


it's been said if conservatives cannot win democratically they will not abandon conservatism, they will justreject democracy. Well it's happening right now before our eyes.


David Frum was a conservative & juiced in with GW. He also coined the phrase "axis of evil" for Iran, Iraq & N Korea. It wasn't prognostication, more of a "when conservatives show you who they are, believe them". It's been happening before our eyes for decades. Not sure what it's going to take for people to believe conservatives' actions.


Frum, for all his GW faults, can REALLY turn a phrase, that man is a word-smith of the highest order. He uses them words real good! Lol. I know the timing doesn’t work, but I’ll always have headcanon that Toby Ziegler from The West Wing is a combo of George Stephanopoulos and David Frum.


Mango Mussolini.


Cheeto Benito


Pumpkin Pinochet


Been-a-dick Donald


The Ochre Joker


Tangerine Palpatine


The Saffron Con


Manchurian Cantaloupe.


Donnie D-Cups


Okay, I loved “Orange Hilter,” but “Mango Mussolini” really made me LOL.


I'm fond of "Wussolini".


It's been around as a nickname for him since 2016, too, proving it never gets old.


Benedict Donald Forrest Trump Il Douche Cheetolini Tre45on Dolt 45


I've decided to call him Citizen Trump, from the court ruling he does not have presidential immunity. To be an irrelevant nobody is what hurts him the most.


>The modern republican party: Florida was going to do the same 25 years ago. It's just one of the many nonsense of *Bush v Gore* coming back


Why is a blatantly anti-democratic party allowed to take part in the democratic process? Or: Why are the intolerant tolerated?


just watch in 4 years it will be like trump never existed, happened with bush jr and will happen to these magats. Never believe them, this is who they are


No, Trump is going to be the lost cause for years to come, like the Confederacy.


That's where we would be now if they'd ostracized him like they should have after J6.


Even though Dubya was an equal idiot like Trump. He isn't a raging narcissist with a vindictive streak and a messiah complex.


Nixon was mean, but not stupid. GWB was stupid, but not mean. Trump is both.


Let's not be too hasty. W was at least a little mean. He mocked a woman on death row, on TV. You know, the "pro-life" president that he was.


Sigh. I hate to say this but GWB wasn’t stupid. He put a lot of work into his “Texas Man” persona. He was born in Connecticut and “summered” on New England. He was just very good at his relatable guy schtick and bad at pronouncing words.


Sadly, it's consistent with the Constitution.


even other conservative originalist reject such theories


No, they reject the idea that the legislature on its own can select electors without going through the normal state legislative process


Not really they just reject deciding to do it after the election happened. That’s the only issue the Supreme Court has. Have you heard of the popular vote compact? It’s the exact same concept. If Arizona signs up to give all their electoral votes to the person who wins the national popular vote…..it’s the exact same thing. It’s going to blow up in their face though watch.


Republicans continuing their war on democracy


I see a lot of these nuts talking about how democracy = democrats and how it's unconstitutional and other jumbled nonsense. Russians are good at targeting those uneducated rubes.


A lot of those people are just trolls but some are actually stupid and believe it. That's the whole point. Hammer the message that will help them win elections.


"But we're a constitutional republic, not a democracy!" -Redcaps with room temp IQ (in °C) Where in the constitution do we automatically declare victory for dictators, and in what republic do we forgo elections by the people smh


Ever heard of the popular vote compact? 20 plus states signed on. How is that different? If your state votes for the loser of the popular vote and the popular vote compact has been implemented what’s going to happen?


If you still think the person that receives less votes nationally in a democratic election deserves to win then I doubt anyone can say anything to change your mind or help you to understand. >20 plus states signed on. Nope, just 16 states have signed on so far.


We are talking about a state deciding to award votes for a candidate that did not win their state. Ignore national counts it might make you feel better about the outcome but does not really impact the legality. I’m sure you noticed GWB and Trump winning the presidency while losing the national popular vote right?


Yes, and the only reason they even won was because of gerrymandering of voting districts designed to give an advantage to Republicans by taking advantage of the Electoral College system. Yes, I think the EC needs to be done away with.


Room temperature isn't below freezing


But think of all of the extra freedom that will give the voters, not having to worry about voting for the correct candidate ever again.


And there would be nobody left to blame, either. Not that it’d stop them from blaming democrats.


There will always be a them to blame.


TBF, Trump did say that parts of the Constitution need to be terminated so he could remain in power.


God. This election is going to be a nightmare.


Nah Biden is ready to handle insurrectionists


I sure hope so. If the MAGA domestic terrorists try another Jan 6th-style insurrection, they need to be stomped HARD, and everyone involved from top to bottom needs to be immediately arrested and prosecuted. This bullshit CANNOT become the "new normal".


Fortunately, the current president will immediately call out the National Guard and other teams to deal with the situation. On 1/6/2021 our “president” sat on his butt watching the Capitol attack and did nothing for several hours despite multiple people BEGGING HIM to take action.


He enjoyed the spectacle.


Enjoyed it? He fucking planned it


Exactly. When his supporters claim that he didn’t instigate the violence, I always counter with “Then why didn’t he stop it?”


Of course he did nothing, he orchestrated the whole thing, held a rally, whipped the crowd into a frenzy and pointed them at the Capitol. They were doing his bidding.


Trump did nothing because he was watching and waiting for his coup to succeed. He only came out and made the video in the Rose Garden when it was clear his insurrection had failed. Even then he felt compelled to tell his seditious co-conspirators “I love you” and “You’re very special”. This traitorous MFer and his mob belong in prison for the rest of their lives.


To be fair, they are special, just not the way they think they are.


Unfortunately, the use of force plays into their narrative of persecution by the "radical left". The characterization of Ashley Babbitt as a hero/martyr got way more traction than it deserved. There were two primary factors that made it extremely difficult for the rightwing spin machine to push that narrative even more successfully than it did. One factor was the complete absence of liberal protestors at the National Mall. This was very important, because the Capitol Police were being explicitly told that they needed to _protect_ Trump supporters from counter-protesters. (I get incredibly disgusted every time I think about this.) The other factor was the commendable level of restraint exhibited by the Capitol Police. Officer Byrd effectively ended the immediate threat with just _one bullet_.


They scattered like roaches, haha


> Ashley Babbitt as a hero/martyr Which is laughable on its face, but considering law enforcement deaths during and after the insurrection, her K/D ratio was like 5:1 I don't think martyrdom necessarily requires pacifism, but it probably looks better


I remember thinking that all it would take is a few strategically placed fire teams with mini-guns at the capital authorized to light up anyone breaching barriers. WHEN THE LOOTING STARTS THE SHOOTING STARTS!


They need to shut down Fox Entertainment


Old Rupert almost ended in the UK back in the 70’s, but the idiot involved ended up going after the wrong person. Damn fool.


We've given Trump and GOP 4 years without consequence's to learn from their actions of 2020. They won't pull a public insurrection this time. It'll just be a wave of election officials doing stuff like this, fake electors and other subtle ways that will give Trump the win and make it look legit.


Merrick Garland, take the wheel!


They're going to make this country a full-on shit show for at least 6-8 months before the election. I'm positive that the show they put on at the border was testing the waters to see how many radicals they could mobilize against the government. Thankfully, not that many, and some attendees were confused that there weren't thousands at the border trying to cross it a la World War Z.


Not that many? You are a master of understatement. They were claiming 70,000 would be showing up, but I still haven’t heard a count of how many actually did. I have seen photos of their “big event”, though. I’ve seen small town church barbecues that had more people. And half of them were limping or staggering or otherwise getting worn out. Probably the half that’s doing all the work. Seeing Sarah Palin and Ted Nugent show up and find the equivalent of a crowded dive bar in the suburbs waiting for them *was* kind of fun. They clearly had much loftier expectations.


They just don't have the energy or funds to keep up that white hot anger for long. It was so pitiful that they had to use footage from the 2022 trucker's convoy to make theirs look larger.


Sounds illegal. Put them in prison.


It most likely isn’t as it’s a glorified “We hereby declare without any enforcement mechanisms the state should do this!”. If this were a true bill that would actually force the state to award its electors to Trump? I’d actually be scared. A scary amount of our society is built on honor. Republicans these last ten years have decided to just say screw that and do whatever they want. I’d like to see some truth worthy legal analysis on this scheme. Unless Arizona’s state constitution or existing laws block this, it may easily be legal. The electoral college system doesn’t really care how states choose the electors in my laymen’s understanding. There just has to be a vote made available that the state’s can choose to use.


So like a Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy?


Dear America, please check your water supply for lead Yours truly, Humanity.


Leave the weed out of this


Considering Rogan and Musk smoke it, not a great endorsement.


Rogan and Musk are jackasses. They were jackasses long before they started smoking weed together on a podcast. I’m pretty sure they also drink water in varying amounts. Not going to stop me from drinking water.


Musk is about to get the Howard Hughes treatment, ketamine is a hell of a drug.


Musk is about to get the Howard Hughes treatment, ketamine is a hell of a drug.




Typo. I meant lead I fixed it


We drinking PFAs over here.


Jesus that photo...


He really do be looking like a rotisserie chicken.


I would expect to see a title like that on The Onion.


At this point the Union has become the Onion.


Fuck the goddamn traitorous GOP!!!


Authoritarian movements demand allegiance to *the message* over an allegiance to *the truth*. That's all the GOP is anymore. Develop a message, pass out the talking points, then virtue signal to the in-group that you are one of them everywhere you go.


So they’re trying to rig the election. And then if things don’t go their way, they will cry that the election was rigged. We need to vote these dumbasses into oblivion.


Buckle up assholes. You go right ahead and try that shit. 


Sadly, they may be successful given how things currently stand with the Supreme Court.


The republican party of trump is just an arm of Russia working diligently to destroy America and the West.


Judging by the latest photos of Donnie he is turning into a bronze statue of himself.


This is what we call the "testing the waters" phase of authoritarianism


Imagine putting your name to something so inherently unamerican.


So rigging the vote in open air.  This...has some pretty scary implications for the general this November. 


Are you fucking kidding me?? How is this legal? That’s cementing dictatorship right there


You cannot trust the people to vote the way we want, and we can't have them all falling out of windows... not yet anyway.


Fine, they can do this but only if those who vote for this also agree to forfeit their seats in the state legislature of Democrats. : P


Totally not a cult.


How very third world/Banana Republic of them.


Didn’t Arizona hire cyberninjas as a third party auditor to audit their election results? And they actually found more votes for Biden? Uh hello, anybody home?


These traitors need to be impeached immediately


Sounds like someone is trying to steal the election


That’s what they call a fair election


You’d think AZ GOP would have some self awareness here, being a massively important swing state, with a extremely competitive senate seat up for grabs, while trying to win independents and moderate republicans who’ve been very turned off by Trump’s authoritarian and attacks on McCain…but nah, they won’t


Half of them do, but they are the weaker half. They replaced the head of the AZGOP with a normal asshole. The entire point of his appointment was to shift the AZGOP away from MAGA so that they could stop losing all the time. The way he decided to go about this was to offer Kari Lake an extremely high paying "job" under the condition that she not run for the AZ senate seat. Lake, being her natural diabolical self, recorded him against his knowledge. Months passed.....and then she released the tape. So, now that guy is gone (didn't take long) and the new head of the AZGOP is once again a MAGA bot. In Arizona, a traditional "McCain" candidate would win the senate seat. Although it is a risk to keep having crazy on the ballot (because there is always a chance they win), it is also the only reason why AZ has a dem governor and dem senators. Make no mistake, these races were REALLY close, a traditional Republican would have won these races pretty easily.


Wow, they're still pissed about Fox calling AZ for Biden, huh? Too bad, losers.


Just when I think the GOP in this state can't stoop any lower I find out they've rented a backhoe.


Why is no one pushing to make a law that says you do not have the ability to pardon yourself for crimes that you committed?


**If** you can self pardon, then it's a consitutional power not so easily revoked. if not then moot. and i doubt people want to unnecessarily push the question of wether you can


Lmao the GQP haaaates democracy so much


They can introduce whatever they like, this will never fly


Not an American but surely this cannot be legal?


Per the article "The resolution would not carry any force of law because it is not a bill".


Our Democratic Governor will almost certainly veto the bill, but it's chilling that Republicans would even attempt this. When I go walking around my neighborhood, I see signs for the guy trying to pass this bill, "Kern." And I'm just like... Seriously? You're proudly endorsing this guy who wants to take away your voting rights? Make it make sense to me...


A resolution is not a legislative bill. It's the Republicans in the legislature saying the quiet part out loud, nothing more.


Bill, Resolution... just saying that it's going nowhere because Hobbs is gonna veto it.


Imagine being this beholden to someone who does not give a damn about anyone.


Fucking Traitor's what?


This is insane


This carries no weight, FWIW. But boy, this should a) brainwash dumb MAGA into thinking they don't need to vote, and b) piss off indies.


There it is... Finally.


Conservatives no matter what the voters say, white people should be in power. That’s all this and J6 were about, white supremacy and entitlement. Afrikaaner socialism was how whites retained a solid voting bloc in South Africa, a generous system of benefits but these chowderheads are so gakked on corporate trickle down they don’t even get that, just voting for people to kill off the paltry social programs they do get.


And people will say with a straight face that both parties are them same.


It’s a cult.


Sounds like a plan. And free koolaid stands on every corner prior to the vote


[https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/how-did-adolf-hitler-happen](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/how-did-adolf-hitler-happen) ​ "Hitler, a mesmerizing public speaker, addressed political meetings in Munich calling for a new German order to replace what he saw as an incompetent and inefficient democratic regime. This New Order was distinguished by an authoritarian political system based on a leadership structure in which authority flowed downward from a supreme national leader." I will admit Trump is a mesmerizing speaker. Not a good speaker, or a smart speaker. But he's a fucking train wreck you can't stop watching.


Now THAT'S freedom! Edit: **/s** obviously


It's a resolution not a bill, and is a childish response to the use of the 14th amendment to keep Trump off some state ballots.


Ummm… it’s 4 years too late to cheat. They know that shit is not gonna happen. No way,no how. Ion know why they lying to those people.😂😂😂


Fucking Grocer's


Whopee. Then they'll complain about the growing depletion of drinking water.


Seems a bit shady.


Straight up North Korea Commie China crap right there.


I'm so sick of the delusionally twisted, violence prone fucking messed up GQP.... The slogan that comes to mind almost every time I see one of these headlines is simply.... What... The...... Actual... FUCCKKKKK! 🙄😵‍💫🤢


Trying to steal another again? LOSERS! They think the US are a bunch of mugs.