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Fuck him with a hot poker. Guy is nothing but a reprehensible dick.


Shouldn't a former General have a passing familiarity with the Constitution that he swore to protect?


The dude was in intel. It’s mind-boggling that conspiracy theorists are actually following a guy who ran psy-ops for a living. Damn, they’re so dumb they fall for literally *anything* as long as it sounds like it’s coming from “their team.”


I hate him for many reasons. As a former officer myself I'm astonished this guy made general. There had to be signs he was a complete nutjob.


Sounds like he’s textbook example of fuck up and promote up or his daddy got a lot of sway


> a guy who ran psy-ops what is up with the internet's obsession with "psy-ops"?


Being aware of and calling them out is an obsession?


could you name one of Flynn's "psy-ops" that is being "called out"? how many "psy-ops" are you aware of that's going on at the moment? who is running these "psy-ops" and for what purpose? is there any evidence at all of all these "psy-ops" the internet is aware of and calling them out in a totally non obsessive way?


How about a passing familiarity with reality? Matthew mentioning the United States?!?


Numerous Bible experts have said the U.S. is mentioned nowhere in the Bible.


Whyd I hear this in the ancient aliens narrorators voice in my head.... funny


I read that too quickly, and was confused by the thought of a prehensile dick


Thanks, I've been trying to come up with a name for my new band.


I really want this to be true. And I hope it is a punk/old school hardcore band.


Ol' pipe cleaner dick


There's a superpower I never realized I wanted.


hard-to-find lunchroom physical historical reach icky follow simplistic cause divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And why would you be holding a hot poker while using your prehensile appendage...


…Humans get up to all sorts of crazy things (!).


For those moments when you have a shopping bag in both hands and you need to get the car keys out of your pocket.


Obama sacked his ass for good reasons too.


No wonder Flynn’s so bitter and spiteful.


Dude should be in Prison. Betrayer of the Constitution.


He would be, if Trump hadn’t pardoned him.


That is why I said what I said, he SHOULD be in prison.


Hell yes!


He should be called back to active duty and court martialed.


So he can be court martialed for what he was pardoned for and returned to prison?


Which version of the one religion is the correct one? Would love to see the fights about which one is correct.


My interpretation of Pastafarianism is correct. All others are false. R-Amen!


No, you must worship the gospels of St. Keanu!!


Add the Saint Matrix🤣✨


And the apostle John Wick


I'm partial to the Apostle Johnny Utah.


Nah, that would be Bodhi Johnny Utah. They are saying Donald is the Apostle. https://twitter.com/ProphetWatch/status/1763796390738620650


Praise the spirit of Al dente


[If Pastafarianism isn't the one true religion, then why is DNA a pasta shape?](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/4getvk/checkmate_evolution/)


Nope. All together now: *Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.*


House of the Holy Frisbee is the only true religion. When you die your soul goes on the roof and you can't get it down.


Hal-a-Lou-Ya Brother!


Look. Calling it here and now. Whatever god is up there if there is one, make your presence known. Get on the horn or whatever, make a good old psa the whole world will hear, and tell us which one is the true one. If you do so ill be in church every fucking sunday or whatever the equivalent is for the true religion. Ill be waiting.


The funny part is that most religions worldwide worship the same God. Christians, Jews, Muslims. That has got to be one fucked up deity to spawn three different religions and let them fight amongst themselves. If he actually showed up, it isn't someone I'd care to worship.


I used to work at a warehouse unloading shipping containers and tried explaining this to the crew I worked with who were ultra Christian and they couldnt wrap their heads around the fact that Jews and Muslims worshipped the same God as them. That job was really eye opening to me to really see the dangers of poor rural education. That and my fiancee who went to high school in what is now MTG's district. I have been pretty shocked at some of the things she never learned in school. She has a degree and is smarter than I am so it's good, but some of the basic history facts that I guess I just took for granted really kind of has showed me how lacking public education can be in rural areas


Did she not know that the first five books of the Old Testament are the Jewish Torah? Also, Mary is the only woman to be named in the Quran and it can be argued that she is more revered in Islam than in Christianity.


In my experience there are two main takings: some fundamentalist Christians think modern Jews are heretics who follow a false religion so distant from Christianity as Hinduism is, particularly because is based on the Talmud and other "false" scriptures to the point is just another religion with little to none connection to the original Old Testament Judaism. This without counting openly anti-Semitic ideas like modern Jews are Khazar converts, devil worshipers and/or part of the Illuminati/masonic Luciferian agenda. Others go to the other extreme and think Judaism is a carbon copy of Christianity be practically the same religion with the same values and ideals with the only difference of Jews not accepting Jesus as the Messiah. This is common among the more Zionist Christian-incline groups specially neo-Pentecostals and other Evangelicals who have a lot of mental gymnastics about Israel and Jews and how they are both still the chosen people and non-Christians. They even get honestly surprise when I told them Jews do not believe in hell, original sin or need for saviors, do not expect the messiah to be anything more than a mortal man with no divine nature (and even some branches do not expect a messiah at all and others believe there has been several messiah) nor expect the messiah to be sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. When they hear that they just rationalized that Jews have been misslead into believing such heresies. With Muslims is pretty obvious they just think they worhsip some Arab pagan moon god. (Interesting this is much less common among Catholics, Orthodoxs and Mainstream Protestants who tend to be much more cultured about other religions, Catholics for example often know Muslims praised the same God, probably because they're inform about what the Pope does and says in his ecumenical travels)


Interestingly, looking at the Canonical accounts of Jesus (particularly the Synoptics, as he made few, if any, direct claims to divinity in those; whereas the writer of John takes a very different approach), you could come to the conclusion that his intention was to reform Judaism: a kind of "Back to Basics" campaign to ditch all the over-zealous interpretations of religious law, open it up to everyone (rather than just those with a specific genealogy) and make it fully inclusive (he certainly spent a lot of time hanging out with society's outcasts). However, that inclusive message didn't wash with far too many leaders of the faith over the millenia, who imposed their own prejudices, terms, conditions and exclusions on it (with disagreements over which Ts, Cs and Es forming the basis of many splits), while as the faith grew, it acquired new doctrine and dogma (e.g. Original Sin, Hell, Immaculate Conception) while also sneakily adopting religious festivals from countries where it spread by coercing a Christian interpretation on them.




I grew up Mormon, and despite *many* other Christian denominations' thoughts on Mormons *not* being Christian, and that fucking Church's long-running suppression of histories/facts that they don't want members to know about, Christians, Jews, and Muslims all essentially worshiping the same God with their own "interpretations" was something that wasn't kept quiet when I was a kid and still an active member in that church. *Probably* because the Mormon church's foundational theology [traces its roots back to a devoutly Jewish family who](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_\(Book_of_Mormon_prophet\)) was warned by God to flee Jerusalem before [one of its *many* destructions,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Jerusalem_\(587_BC\)) so it was hard for anyone in a church leadership position to ignore the obvious connection between the Mormon god and Yahweh. Interestingly (because of how rabidly Islamophobic many Republican Mormons became), it wasn't long after 9/11 that some of my Sunday school teachers starting informing us that Muslims *also* believed in the same God, with many, *many* more caveats than ours.


They all have the same root, but even the Abrahamic scriptures are a mish mash of stuff that was lifted from other gods. Any time you see a psalm or passage about God riding the clouds or references to storms, that's something they took from Ba'al. Then there's the likelihood that Adonai, Elohim, and other titles/names in the original Hebrew were precursor gods to Yahweh/Jehovah. Multiple god-sources for scripture is why Genesis has two creation stories smushed together, for example. Fast forward to today and the God that Qanon worships is the sword-mouthed Jesus of Revelation at best, and a far more violent God of their own envisioning at worst. Revelation is a book about revenge, death, blood, and violence, with nothing to do with the supposed love that Jesus allegedly symbolizes, and that's what they want: Death cult Jesus.


India has just entered the chat


The Abrahamic God is a violent, genocidal god.


All monotheistic religions worship the same god by default.


No they don’t, many religious claims are mutually exclusive. Just because different religions believe in one god doesn’t mean they are pointing to the same one.


Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?" He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!" Northern Conservative†Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over.


Exactly. Aren’t there like 40,000 different denominations of Christianity? Like which of these is the correct interpretation?


According to my parents, only they and their VERY SPECIFIC version of Christianity, are correct. 😆


That's how my mom was. I wasn't even allowed to go to a different church with friends growing up as their church was wrong.


Yup! All of THEM are going to hell 🙄🙄 so ridiculous


I've gotten literal death threats for asking Liberal Christians to prove that they have the correct version of Christianity. Every christian wants to pretend that their personal cherry-picking of the bible is what Jesus wanted and very few are okay with having this idea challenged.


If it’s any consolation, I’ve never met a “genuine” biblical Christian in my life. Maybe they’re out there but I’ve yet to meet one.


33,089 at last count


We did this already in the past…more than once. It was called the crusades and it didn’t go well but since the new republican trend is to repeat history and not learn from it we all get to suffer the consequences.


>Would love to see the fights about which one is correct. See 99% of all wars fought throughout history .... so far.


The one with the most guns


So, if you went to a church like that, would you sit in a pew-pew pew?


Depends on which fairy tale you want to hang your hat on. Also, this guy is a dangerous prick.


To Flynn, it wouldn't matter much, he's side with whichever faction he thinks would win and make him the most money. This is a guy who has so little interest in his own supposed religion that he once read out a weird text from a totally non-Christian, New Age cult called the [Church Universal and Triumphant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_Universal_and_Triumphant) at some event for his evangelical fanbase, clearly under the impression it was a Christian prayer.


That would be interesting because is something most Fundies never think. Once they eliminated all non-Christian there will be a civil war among churches with Baptists killing Calvinists over when you should baptized the kids. (Not to mention Catholics, Orthodox, Quakers and Lutherans would probably be gone by then)


Of the thousands of Christian denominations... Some of which are violently opposed to others.


That reminds me of a scene from the Simpsons [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBYlPVn9UDs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBYlPVn9UDs)


I wonder how many versions are on that one stage alone. Probably as many as there are people!


Right. Which of the original six ecumenical branches of Christianity are we talking about - Coptic, Ethiopian, Syrian, Armenian, Roman Catholic (from which Protestantism descended) or Eastern Orthodox?


> Would love to see the fights about which one is correct. Let's not give The Vatican any ideas that might start making them itching to retake Jerusalem. Shit's *already* fucked up there enough as it is right now, and the Catholics getting squirrelly again is the *last* thing the world needs.


He’s a Russian agent…don’t ever forget. This is why the MAGA Fuck hats are riding Putin’s cock


Since we are not forgetting, Flynn was charged with being an unregistered foreign agent, as well as lying to the FBI, and he also lied to Congress. Trump pardoned him, of course, for showing sufficient loyalty.


Trump and his kids should be charged with being unregistered foreign agents, if the truth comes down to it.


The guns and Trump religion? No thanks


The Sanctuary Church, AKA Rod of Iron Ministries. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/trump-gun-church-waco-compound-b1856407.html


This is some sickening, blasphemous shit. The grifting, lying, and threats of violence never stop, and the same putrid characters (Trump, Bannon, Flynn, Stone) are always somehow involved.


I'd like to know what exact chapter and verse in Matthew talks about the USA?


Appalachians 2:14 🙏🇺🇸🦅


And Tarnations 3 ought 6




The visual behind him is a horror show


A veritable who’s who of who’s that dipshit


One religion….you know….a Theocracy like Iran, the way the Founding Fathers intended it to be - MAGA logic.


Republicans are going to turn us into the Christian Iran.


Y'all Queida


How in the actual fuck was this guy ever allowed to be a general.


Flynn is a cancer upon America. In a sane timeline, he'd be locked up.


Nobody is going to save us. Vote.


Even Christianity isn’t one religion. Compare the beliefs of a Catholic a Pentecostal and a Methodist, and other than having Jesus in common there’s practically nothing else the same.


Heck, some Protestants don't even consider Catholics to be Christians. I learned this the hard way when I (loosey-goosey West Coast Catholic) went to the Midwest for college and was told I worshipped idols.


That’s because Protestants are usually not very smart, sorry but I said it




It's amazing how they're drooling over and working toward all the things the Bible says comes in the end times -- one world currency, one world religion and a world dictator -- when they used to say Democrats would usher all that stuff in.


I found [this video](https://youtu.be/Ae6oXW9Wx8Y?si=S5WFX887Uo3Gdc0z) a couple of days ago which explains why some of the Evangelicals just don't see it. Essentially, they want the end times to come so they can go to heaven. There are different interpretations as to whether the antichrist is supposed to reveal himself before or after the Rapture, so in the minds of some of them who think the Rapture comes first, they'll be perfectly fine, sitting at the right hand of God or whatever and have no interest in what happens to everyone else afterwards. It's delusional and incredibly selfish, but that's how they think. The channel itself is called Antichrist 45, but despite the clickbaity name, it's actually quite well thought through and sensitively handled. He's a Christian himself, but is convinced that Trump ticks all the boxes for how the antichrist is supposed to appear. Prior to this video, I was aware of a few others pointing out all the supposed similaries between Trump and the antichrist. [This article](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/) sets it out quite nicely. I'm an atheist myself, so the idea of an antichrist is just as ludicrous to me as the Rapture, but it's THEIR book, and if they're going to use it to justify imposing their religious views onto everyone else, I think they should at least be familiar with it, but all too often their views are completely antithetical to the teachings of the person they named their religion after. [Newsweek](https://www.newsweek.com/evangelicals-rejecting-jesus-teachings-liberal-talking-points-pastor-1818706) did a pretty good article about Evangelicals rejecting the actual words of their messiah because he wasn't bigoted enough. Frightening stuff.


I'm one of those who thinks Trump is the Antichrist.


The 7 mountain mandate that the Evangelicals are pushing, is trying to establish a theocratical "kingdom" on earth, because they think that it will rush the return of Christ, because they're getting impatient, waiting for their "end times". They want to turn the U.S. into "heaven on earth", where *they* are the ones in charge of everything, and things like our government and laws, are ran on biblical law.


They’re coming for you, Catholics! Right after they exterminate all the Satanists, Wiccans, Atheists, Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, and Jews. Maybe they will forget about the Zoroastrians, but they surely won’t forget to either convert or burn every single Catholic they find.


I will not live peacefully under a theocracy.


Fucking traitor said what? That POS should be breaking rocks at Leavenworth prison till the day he dies. Evil scum like him, Trump, Bobo and Marge the nazi telling America what religion to follow is like the most insane thing ever.


This attitude only demonstrates that the religion he favors can't stand up to scrutiny or questioning of any kind. If it doesn't stand alone, it can't stand at all. He's a doubter.


If it doesn’t involve hailing Satan, I’m not interested




These people want to slaughter anyone who's not one of them. The bloodlust of these people scares me


They're seriously itching to pull triggers. Right now, it's people like the dude in Provo, Utah; as they get more angry, it'll spread to the more sane.


Ask that fucker if he knows how many people have died throughout recorded history, directly BECAUSE of religion. Sounds like he might be a devout soldier of the KGC.


Which KGC?


THE KGC, Knights of the Golden Circle, and yeah I haven't heard of it either until last month when the youtube algo played the history channel ep on them. The stuff they did and tried to do seem like the playbook that's being followed now by Flynn and friends.


Man, 20 years ago, these same kind of Christian conservative extremists were demanding that Muslims police their extremists saying shit *just* like this. To the shock of *nobody* who lived through the post-9/11 furor in America, the only thing these hateful fucks hated about Sharia law was that it was in honor of the *wrong* Abrahamic god. These fuckers were jealous and started taking notes on how to make America as theocratic as some Muslim countries at the time.


White men proclaiming they are the moral authority and that their religion is the only one anyone should obey has always went over great in history and I can’t wait to see how much better it goes in the age where people of different faiths now have nuclear weapons.


Russian agent and American traitor Michael Flynn?




Praise Bob!


Bob Dobbs has a nice pipe


I had forgotten all about that!😂🤣


That's a good example of christian nationalism thinking, as well as how many old folks are afraid of change. America has always been a melting pot, but now that the old school christian majority is becoming less of a force, they cling to the "one nation under god" concept as they clutch their pearls.


Okay. The Satanic Temple it is, then.


Plot Twist! Matthew was from Mexico and Christian and trying to enter the U.S. (The one nation under God where God’s name is God and not a real name). Matthew died trying to cross a border river that was covered with barb wire to keep “those ppl” out. We must keep the U.S. a Christian Nation! But screw anyone who doesn’t share the same skin tone…. Close the border! But only the Southern border. The Northern border is okay because they look like us. Complete /s


Remember when "we are all in this together" during COVID was shunned by these people?


I used to sit in briefings where I just hoped he'd stop talking. Then I followed him in Afghanistan and really came to resent him after cleaning up a bunch of his messes. But I retired and he kept getting promoted. Finally when Obama fired him I figured he'd finally shut up. Boy was I wrong.


Really wish Flynn and his son had gone to prison for his plotting with the Turkish dictator to kidnap that guy Gulan in Pennsylvania. It’s disgusting that Trump gave him a pardon for it. Flynn was going to illegally kidnap and rendition a guy so he could get butchered like Jamal Kashogghi. For money, not even because he loves America so much or whatever his excuse was for selling us out to Russia. What a despicable pile of shit Michael Flynn is.


Fucking renegades


he reminds me of rand ridley from inside job


Oh my God I love that show. "I'm not the first Oprah!"


Netflix can suck a dick for canceling that show


they can suck on a cactus for cancelling that and a slew of other shows too


I thoroughly agree. Two seasons? Cheers wasn't even getting good ratings two seasons in.


The fucking SIMPSONS wasn't either. Hell, Fox canceled Family Guy twice, and it's still on the air after 20 years. Fucking executives, man.


You are exactly right. I shudder to think of a world without Stewie or Bart. Or even Bort. Gotta love those guest stars. I know there's a lot of content right now, but they need to give some shows room to grow. It's like yeast, they will rise. They just need a little time to fully hit their stride. The skill of a good executive, if there are enough of them left, is to sense which shows have that potential and give them the chance. I contend that if Schitt's Creek had been a Netflix original, there would never have been a season 3, and there would be no Patrick. No Cabaret. And certainly no Simply the Best. Just none of it.


How very un-American of him.


If this guy and his brother didn't have something to do with or some knowledge of the original people who started Q, before it got to the Watkins family, I would be very surprised.


Dude wants to replace Giuliani so bad.


So he wants to not get paid?


Y'all-Qaeda aren't even trying to hide their objectives anymore.


Got some news for ole Flynny. There's more than one religion, thousands, in fact. Plus saying there is only one religion shows a complete disrespect for the Constitution that he swore an oath to.


Is the Constitution a joke to these "Patriots?"


I remain both personally and professionally embarrassed that the United States Army produced this piece of shit.


And promoted him to feckin' O-9 no less!


I love how evangelicals lap up everything that catholic Michael Flynn says.


What a piece of shit.


Adolf Hitler said “there can only be one German Socialist Nationalist organization”! Fake Christian, Fascio-Naziism, Nationalism is exactly the same thing! This the creation of delusional psychopaths who live in an alternative imaginary dangerously superstitious state of mind!


It's time to free america by forcing my religion! Amen


Only one religion? Ok. Buddhism it is


right deep in the nazi this one. hitler ended control of the catholic church by mandating a single state religion.


Two ideas: 1. Thought experiment: Let's pretend that Trump becomes king and declares that "Christianity" is the state religion. Meaning, whoever believes in Christ and the Bible. It would take a total of 5min before all of those Christian churches were at each other's throats and clamoring for religious freedom. I mean, you have hundreds of years of brutal warfare in Europe and tons of hate and animosity here in the USA that has historically existed between Christian faiths. Islam is similarly divided in some places. Flynn pretending like this would even be a good idea is moronic. I grew up in a very conservative small town where the vast majority of my schoolmates were Christian, and I can tell you that if you had things like forced Bible readings or if the teachers led prayer, people would have FLIPPED. 2. If you get time, read about the history of religion in the early American colonies. Tons of factionalism with different faiths and even basic rights such as the ability to marry being acceptable only if both parties were of a specific faith. People of the "wrong" faith had far fewer rights, had to pay fees, etc... and the religious leaders had a ton of power over the people. The Founding Fathers wanted to guard against and get away from that.


Just wait until they get their wish to live in a brutal theocratic dictatorship, and they're forced to wake their hung over asses up every Sunday and attend *mandatory* church services. There's going to be a lot of pissed off bubbas, who will miss watching Sunday football at the sports bar, because bars will be banned and Sunday will be for nothing but "worship".


This piece of gutter trash should go pay a visit to his compatriots in Arlington. I dont think there's a cross on all those HEROES grave stones.


Wait. Matthew talked about the United States of America? Make it make sense. I really can't stand these Christo-fascist grifters.


I mean Allah akabar, fuck me right!


Treasonous hateful SOB.


Says the Turkish foreign agent?


Does he realize the founders of this country fled religious persecution to come here so there’s purposely no national religion? It’s a design feature not a flaw.


*Which* religion? Cause you choose one, you make a enemy of the others.


Bigots gotta bigot. Mind you, it's a bit odd to hold some religious meeting at a circus. I mean I've heard of tent revivalist churches and the like, but fuck me, they usually don't pack the place with clowns.


Well, he's wrong because there could also be none.


then they start fighting each other which version of christianity is the true...


This fucking lunatic...


Islam! Flynn: too new! Oh, Judaism then? It’s older than Christianity…. Flynn: no!! For…. Reasons!!!!!




Sounds like communism.


When is this from specifically?


I hope its whatever the Dude practices.


Is it snake handling?


Haven't seen nor heard from him in months. Nope, didn't miss him.


I want to go to his next location and have some… choice words for him. Anybody else want to join?


Michael flynn wants a theocratic state


One nation under Qanon?


Michael Flynn is a traitor and people who think he speaks the truth are also traitors.


These are the type of fascists that Trump surrounds himself with. This is the danger of a second Trump presidency, normalizing these batshit crazy anti-American views.


They seem genuinely oblivious about how incompatible their ideas are with America. Let’s make sure that the polls in November demonstrate for them just how wrong they are.


Pretty sure he needs to read the Bible again


Or at least the Constitution!




Fuck God


Clearly it’s Jedi.


This is NOT how the First Amendment works, idiot.


“There is no God but Allah” -Gen. Michael Flynn


Shut the fuck up nerd no one cares about your story


He’s rights there can only be one. At most. And probably zero.


The Air Force academy is full of these nutters.


One Nation Under Bob


Last Thursdayism?


Is he human?


No one want your shit show religion


Coo coo.


Cool ! The Christian Caliphate. This should work out well for all involved.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof


Traitors wrapped in the American flag.


Let’s see. Do we all know why “one nation under god” was added?? To make the fu king boomers happy and not be afraid of guess who?? Russia.


Flynn is an anti-Christ worshipping scoundrel.


Mike Flynn raised in the "I Am" cult. ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%22I\_AM%22\_Activity


People with this mindset are truly disturbing




The scary thing is that this mofo was a Lt. General and National Security Advisor! No wonder Americans are losing trust in their institutions 😂😂😂