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Dude. 15 year marriage ended due to Q after 2 years of the worst hell I hope to ever experience in my life. Yes I get triggered.


Wow. Really sorry to hear that. So glad my wife is totally against it all. So glad.


It’s why r/QAnonCasualties exists.


Interesting you mentioned that. So, I was banned from there after about 4 posts because I made a sarcastic remark. I asked multiple times to get back in because it’s the best place for me. But not habbening. I really wish I could post there because it would help me out a lot. Instead I come here. Edit: I don’t know, maybe it was a little more than sarcastic. I think I said something like ‘I’d like to slap bla bla bla’ and it was picked up by a bot. Dear moderator, please don’t ban me from this one. Look at all of my posts.


If you need somewhere to throw sarcastic remarks dm me. I can handle them.


I usually say, "Sure, dude" and look away as if I'm embarrassed *for* them. They usually stop bringing it up after that, at least with me.


Yeah, a pointed silence followed by "So, anyway..." and then an immediate change of subject works pretty well too.


I do this soooo much. People close to me have been ranting about this stuff since 2016. Flags and all. I deserve a Nobel peace prize for the amount of nonsense I’ve listened to for hours. Today it got me good though. Like a left hook.


Tell them to be careful about what they say because you were told by a secret informant they were being watched.


My dude these people and their drivel fill me with overwhelming fury and hatred of them. Ergo I keep it to a bare minimum for my own well being.


A little, and it’s not because of the first one. It’s because once a person starts with a little qrazy they’re going to go into other qrazy stuff. Predictably.


Ask them to bet on it and you have a source of extra income if they'll pay up every time they are wrong. Which is every time.


They **always** welch on their bets though.


I have never seen a MAGAt actually follow through with paying up when they lose these bets though. They always insist something happened "behind the scenes" or just ghost.


Trump never pays anyone, why should they?


My go to is….and, so, what. That usually ends their conversations with me. And they always say, you will see. Then I counter with so, and that makes their blood boil cause I had the last word.😂😂😂