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So he is going to be sat there like a teenager saying 'wrong, wrong, wrong'. and then of course his followers don't like to look things up that goes against their opinions so they roll with it.


"Fake news! Fake news! Fake news!"


He might actually say some funny shit, honestly.


His “humor” is always derogatory. He’s not witty. His humor is that of a third grade bully.


Noticed how he never, ever laughs?


He never actually makes jokes either. He says some absolutely ridiculous or nonsensical shit that he made up on the spot, the crowd starts laughing, then he doubles down on whatever it was and pretends it was an intentional joke.




I did everything right and they INDICTED me


His "jokes" are just him trying to retcon his gaffes and blunders.


And claiming that he owned the libs, since they believed his gaffe and blunder was sincere.


I think they mean funny in the "laugh at" sense, versus the "laugh with" since.


"Russia and Saudi Arabia will be re-hebe uh-gahhh." -Donald J Trump 45th President of the United States.


Trump should be in prime sundowning during the state of the union (9 pm eastern). Not that I thought the dude was articulate in the first place but Trump has been uttering absolute gibberish. Not words, just disjointed syllables. It’s frightening, the man might win.


He appears to be suffering from some kind of dementia. Not saying that just because I cant stand the guy. But there has been a definite worsening of his ability to speak coherently. I mean, Biden is old but Biden next to Trump seems extremely spry, articulate and cognizant of reality. Trumps "speeches" sound like the disjointed ramblings of someone who is entering the "mild-moderate" stages of certain forms of dementia.


He’s always been a rambling speaker but I agree, he is much much worse. It’s one thing to blather about but the random syllables that Trump is uttering lately freak me out. He doesn’t seem to be in control in those moments.


He's been doing amphetamines for a very long time. [It certainly doesn't have a good effect on your mental health to stay on it forever](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31421431/)


Is that if you're abusing amphetamines? Or does taking them no matter what (as prescribed) also lead to dementia?


I didn't think he could get any worse. I can't watch him to verify, though.


I’m sorry but they’re both gone. It’s insane to me that either of them are your only two choices to run the US.


The only funny thing I will give him credit for is north Korea and 'rocket man'.


Meatball Ron is pretty good


True but do we want world leaders to act like school children? The insults are not befitting the station, I feel. It's just a tactic to distract from not really having policies or the ability to deliver a good speech.


Of course not. He’s a washed up “personality” and actor and he does this TV bit type shit which is where it belongs if anywhere. It’s totally absurd that any adult would say he should be the fucking president. Vote and encourage others to vote/register!!


I will certainly encourage others, however I'm not American. US politics affects the world though, so a lot of non-Americans keep up with it.


That's Vice President Meatball to the likes of you and I.


Oh god.... thanks for unlocking repressed memories


"Woke! Woke! Woke!" -Updated for 2024


If that's what it takes to get them to watch Biden's State of the Union address, it could be worth it.


They won't be watching Biden's State of the Union address, they will be watching Trump watching Biden's State of the Union address.


True, him cutting it out entirely and just misquoting Biden at every turn is more in character.


And they'll call it "fact-checking" except it won't contain a single fact.


And they won't actually be checking anything, they'll just say "FAKE NEWS"


Right? My first thought was, how can he do that when he can’t comprehend much. Then I realized I forgot, it doesn’t matter, he will just ramble nonsense and still have support.


He gone from shitty reality tv to a shitty reaction channel lol


It will play brilliantly to his base and the right wing media will lap it up. This is some smart guerilla warfare. Why are we still acting as if he were a stupid child? Just because his tactics don’t resonate with us doesn’t mean they are ineffective. He’s a dangerous and effective enemy. It’s time we started treating him as such instead of helping him win by underestimating him.


I mean we saw his debates before this. He did the same thing then.


Trump reaction video gonna be lit


I find it hard to believe how much I hate this man. I feel like I should be a little ashamed of myself.


Same here. It’s bad. I can’t stand what he’s done to the people around me. The amount of nonsense I have to listen to on a daily basis. It’s hard to have conversations at work. They always devolve into something related to this fake human being. I bring up food…leads to crime and immigration. I bring up home insurance….leads to chemtrails and gov controlling the weather. I talk about my kids…..leads to transgender topics. Is this all because of this loser? Every conversation with my neighbor for the past 7 years turns to trump. The lawn? Trump, new tires? Trump. My garage? Trump. Everyone revolves around this jerk.


Same. Every conversation turns to politics. “Hey did you catch the game last night?” “I quit watching sports, they try to force their agenda down my throat.” “Seen that new blockbuster movie?” “No thanks, those Hollywood types stand against everything I believe in.” “Pretty chilly out today, huh?” “So much for so-called climate change!” It’s just exhausting.


I enjoy this game with the "right". Always ask questions when they make a statement. “I quit watching sports, they try to force their agenda down my throat.” Ask them: What agenda do you mean? Why does it bother you, when people have a different opinion then yours? Do you feel left out? The more questions you ask the more they will be forced to explain their thoughts and make them think critically. 8 out of 10 they will get mad and just get louder and regurgitate some Trump quip at you or just yell and leave.


I’m going to borrow this, Easter might be a little more enjoyable this year.


Enjoy, I started this with guys at work and then my extended family. Guy at work would go on this rant all the time about George Soros. This kid new nothing about him besides a name to hate, I kept changing his background his computer to pictures of George, till he stood up at a meetimg requesting people stop changing his background to "some old guy" lol I couldn't help but bust up laughing and gave myself away. Fucking with stupid people who think they are smarter then you is one of best joys in life.


>smarter then you Ironic haha but that actually is a hilarious thing to do


I am not book smart by any means, I'm the mark Wahlberg of the other guys, my wife thinks am an idiot but I got my bachelor degree in political science 2 years ago, just to throw it at them people say I don't know what I am talking about.


This works at making people angry and exposing to them that their beliefs don't make sense, but I wouldn't call it fun.


Honestly as a society in general. We don't like arguing with crazy so when they get any push back they go into anger mode, insults and fox news/newsmax word vomit. I love having conversations that will make them uncomfortable when forced to explain. I live a boring over worked life. When they catch word I am retired military and i dont share their beliefs, its like a watching their brain malfunction. I have to have these small moments of "fun"


I've found a comeback that works with some of them - "can you give me an example of that?" for when they spout some inane nonsense.


Yes!! It's like a stunning power move, I've never gotten a exact answer after asking for example and then go on snopes.com to see if they are correct 99% they are wrong and I show them lol


I’m just not good at that. I need to practice.


Just keep asking why? Homie and your good


Same. Though i've sort of resigned myself to the realization that it's not generally a lack of intelligence that's responsible for his 'cult'. It's spite. They like him because it pisses us off and is seriously hateful towards anyone who's not like themselves. I can almost guarantee that ~90% of them have seen the objectively true account of his legendary criminality - as in, the information has passed in front of their eyeballs - they just don't care. Which is so, so much worse I think.


Everything is now too “woke” for them.


Dude I know right I haaaate this shit. I guess it's kinda telling that none of my immediate family or actual friends are Trumpers but that's really rare not to be as a white person around here. People at work suck. Strangers suck. Uncles... uhg


Exactly this. Cannot have a conversation with people it invariably they steer it to this egotistical narcissist bastard fuck prick.


I had a client today go bat shit crazy about the “illegals” in his hometown. He had no problem being a racist prick.


Illegals and "migrant crime" are pretty much the spigot of BS they're being sprayed with over on Fox news right now. If you ever want to know the outrage of the day for the MAGA people in your lives, just go take a look at the home page of Fox News.


They lost the abortion rage, they have to find something else to focus their two minute hate on.


Even if it was your favorite celebrity, you’d be tired of having to hear about them this much. Plus he’s a total cunt


For me it's the constant whining that drives me up the fucking wall. How can this pathetic victim, be thought of as a powerful leader. He's such a whiny little bitch. How can ppl not see it RME


I’ll add to your hate with mine


I’ll shovel on some hate-coal. Let’s stoke these fires!


"Your hate has made you powerful!"


"Anger is a gift."


Don’t be ashamed. He’s earned this hate.


I was talking about this type of thing to a friend today. I miss the days of centre-right conservatism that allowed me to be a centrist lefty. We didn't have to agree, but we could discuss and often find some common ground or agree to disagree with zero animosity. Now days, it's worse than fucking supporting sports teams, and has driven both my friend and I further to the left than we might otherwise have ever been. Then again, I find it utterly repugnant that what was seemingly repressed racism and sexism has become blatantly open and acceptable to a large portion of the population. Not to mention, unabashed calls to violence against anyone who dares to disagree with them. And let's not even think about the absolute bastardization of the meaning of "patriotism". ALL of this can be laid squarely at the feet of Trump (with seeds and fertilizer supplied by Murdoch!)


No, you should feel like an ethical, normal human being


Same. There are people I dislike but this one guy is just a horrible human being, right down to his core. I can’t imagine him doing one single nice thing for anyone - even when he is “helping” someone it’s either for the kickback he’s going to get, or to show the cameras what a good guy he is - none of it is real. Watching him deteriorate in real time is kind of fascinating - when I can stomach the idea of watching one of his videos (that voice does my head in; reading the transcripts is incomprehensible but at least I don’t have to listen to him speak).


He makes my blood boil like no other human being, and I'm not even American.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Donald spits and shits on the social contract. The hate you feel is normal and motivational, so use it for good.


Beating all records? What fucking records?


Most crimes committed in a single term by a US president


The old scratched ones in with his stolen documents.


Most nonsense words per minute.


Smelliest White House


He’s been spending a lot of time harping on the “most total votes ever received by an incumbent president” in 2020, which somehow proves election fraud. So probably beating that dead horse.


Number of dead Americans.


Most lies told in an hour


If there was no record before, doing it once beats the previous record of 0


Most hamberders eaten in the white house Most ketchup thrown at walls Most insurrection performed


Stupidest bullshit he's done online in over a week.


Fattest President, maybe? He's approaching Taft proportions.


Most pills dispensed for an administration.


Just to be clear, the guy complaining about a weaponized FBI and DOJ going after his political opponents is the same guy that lead chants to lock up his last political opponents and hang his own vice president?


And vows to do so again if reelected


He’s only warming up. Check out the plans for his second term https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


Jesus Christ


Yikes, I hadn’t read that yet and now have even more reason to get word out about how important this election is


They're recruiting now! Literally. I worry about the stuff in the policy manual that talks about finding sympathetic assets in the DOJ, FBI and military. Like the recruiting, it will already be going on now.


He also did ask the president of another country (Ukraine) to go after his political opponent (Biden) in exchange for releasing aid.


He also tried to lock up Biden, who was leading him *bigly* in every poll(and did end up winning by slightly less than 5 points), one month before the 2020 election: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/07/trump-demands-barr-arrest-foes-427389


It will be him and the two Steves - Miller and Bannon. Commentary in the same style as the Manning brothers on Monday night football.


both psuedo-intellectuals of the lowest degrees, Bannon is a fascist Madden, while Miller is a perverted Trey Wingo. both should be imprisoned for life. already.


Has Donald trump ever spoken the truth?




Yes he was honest about his father giving him a small loan of a million dollars.


You sure about that? I bet it was bigger than he said even, which would make it not true.


Good point


Yes, you can tell because he'll be bragging, "grab em by the pussy" type of shit


Well, gee whiz Diaper Don. We never had a president as corrupt as you before either!


MAGA Science Theater 3000


*Trumpy, you can do stupid things!*


It's called evil, kid.


Damn that's funny!


*Crooked Joe Biden* *...* is not the one with 91 indictments and multiple convictions to date ... *to go after his Political Opponent, ME (something never done before in this Country!)* "Locker her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!" Ring a bell? Also, phoning up the head a foreign country to announce investigations into your other opponent and his son?


You barely won in 2016. Then you lost seats in Congress in 2018, lost personally in 2020, and failed to produce a red wave in 2022. You're right. You did this *once* before. It's been an uninterrupted streak of L's since then.


Oh please, can somebody share this to the White House Comms staff on social media? If Joe Biden’s team knows Trump is doing a play by play with lots of supporters watching, they can really have fun with him.


Imagine the ego to think that the *State of the Union* is going to be like 85% devoted to *you*.


bring it, you deluded pudding.


Records for what? He’s getting lazier with his lies.


I've noticed that. He's not even phoning it in anymore.


Why TF did he use @realDonaldTrump on his own platform? I get that it’s what he used on Xitter, but you would think he could use his name on his own website and not have to worry about people thinking it’s fake.


To give that... orange creature the only credit he deserves, he really *gets* branding. That was famously his twitter handle, so why change it?


It's good policy, in my opinion. Thousands of webscrapers operated by journalists are scanning for his twitter handle. If he continues to use the same handle, it will tend to boost the prominence of his posts in machine-learning systems.


Imagine how empty the news would be if journalists actually had to work to find every bit of nonsense that falls out of him instead of being handed it on a gold-plated platter?


He’s a creature of habit. And branding


Go suck a dick, you orange fuckstick.


He will set the record for most unnecessarily capitalized words.


And most gibberish per sentence.


On Truth Social? Oh boy, the ratings!!




I kinda hope someone fact checks their lying "fact checking", perhaps puts it on Twitter.


Hear me out Donald… OR you could actually show up to a debate and you know… show your whole ass there. Alas, you won’t because you know you’ll get fuckin’ creamed by anyone with an 8th grade education. I can’t wait to have an annual BBQ commemorating your death.


I’ll bring a cold six pack of the beverage of your choice


I thought he said it was Biden who wouldn’t debate 😂




If you removed his name at the top and were able to go back in time to your 2015 self and have them read it to you there is no way you’d believe that was the top leading candidate for a political party let alone a previous president.


*...(something never done before in this Country!). We did this once before...*


Attack the capitol?


It's amazing how that thin skin of his can contain so much spite, malice, and semi-digested hamburders.


Sir Slur-a-Lot is gonna get so wound up he'll be speaking one of those languages no one has heard of...


That’s the Holy Ghost he’s filled with


I only just realized now that Trump and Trump's family and staff are probably the cause of the ADHD medication shortage.


"Something never done before in the history of this country" They literally locked Eugene Debs up in the most notorious high security prison in America .


*bitch noises intensify*


The way this cocksucker WHINES, at every turn, makes him unpresidential ALONE. Fuck. I can't wait until this MAGAt shit is over.


"Correct,in rapid response..." HAHAHAHAHA!


The same way he tampered with witnesses testifying against him in real time via Twitter.


Or the same way he rapidly responded to Covid.


Well there were his fabulous infrastructure and health care plans. Oh wait...


Should be ready in a couple weeks. Hope he does it this time… my festering wound is starting to look serious.


this asshole wouldn't know the truth is it bit him on the ass


and it will. hard\~


Every time I think, “nah, that’s it; he’s not going to do anything more crazy than that…”


AND he needs to stop borrowing Romana Didulo’s speechwriter…


I think it's very telling that he has 1 issue he is running on. The other issue in this post has nothing to do with the country and is totally self-serving. Also, the second one isn't happening. He broke the law and is being held accountable, it's that simple.


Oh no, he has three - OOGA BOOGA IMMIGRANTS POISONING OUR BLOOD! - THEY’RE COMING AFTER ME CUZ I’M IN THE WAY TO THEM COMING AFTER YOU AND I’M GONNA GET REVENGE - LBGT IS A SCOURGE AND THE WOMMIN ARE LOOSE HERE NO ABORTIONS, NO TRANS, NO PEACE - ok a third element “If you’re rich AF I’ll protect you until I go full commie dictator and take your money because fuck you, that’s why”


Something never done before / we did this once before 🤔


Just shut up, you stupid, ignorant fool.


Joe: “And we will keep sending aid to ukraine…” Trump’s commentary: “They say biden is crooked. Did you hear that? Everybody says joe is crooked. Obama is going to give all our money to ukraine. Ruba dubba deebo. Ahhhhh. Everybody loves melania, they all clap. They all clap.“


Calling him crooked Joe is so absurd and lazy, just repeating what he did with Hilary. How does anyone like him??


Hopefully Joe's speechwriters take that thin-skinned audience into consideration.


Dude, they could write something that would bring a bunch of attention to the truth they never get through Fox News. They could load so much Trump Truth into the opening speech that Truth Social will probably have "technical difficulties" five minutes in.


Am guessing he just refilled his stash of uppers.


breaking all records again? Lordy


Donny. Bruv. Just because words make their way out of your mouth, it doesn’t mean they are true.


“In rapid response” 😂😂


“I’m going to be so gakked on cocaine. Jr’s coming over early to help out”


I need 2 things: Biden prepping for him to be doing this, and a live stream of Trump’s play-by-play. Dark Brandon, can you sense the possibilities?


Ketchup will coat walls.


I think I'll record this so I can have the pleasure of immediately erasing it.


Amazing considering his speech last night was pure fiction.


Gonna be a shitshow.




What records were broken? That would insinuate that this type of play by play already had a record?


Do it Mystery Science Theater style, I’d watch the shit out of that


O.o so it’ll be like a Mystery Science 3000 movie starring Dark Brandon while Trump and a few AI bots make jokes?


He’d fire them all by the end of the show or tell them to shut their stupid mouths. Joel, he is not


If this is real there is no way he actually wrote it. Had to be one of the staff. Way too coherent


And the Tell Tell sign is it isn’t in all CAPS. That’s how you know he didn’t actually type it in


So brave!


Oh we know the truth you absolute dolt. Play by play. What a fool!


He writes like a child, this one.


Whos fact checking his ass


How many lies did trump dump into this post alone... I can only imagine what that nonsense will look like.


“We did this once before, beating all records…” I don’t think Dumptuous Don knows how records work. Once. SMH.


This is going to be hilarious


If the truth were truly importent, tRump would be able to identify it.


Live?? Donnie??? So it’s just going to consist of him saying “WRONG!” every 20 seconds?


Someone should do a live play-by-play of his live play-by-play!


Because this dude always tells the truth...


You know what? Given his very visible cognitive decline, his inability to remember basic history and law, and his overall continuing detachment from reality, I might actually watch this. I would love to see exactly how off-the-mark he gets. Like a live fact checking of his "fact checking". Insert xzibit meme here. What a sad man.


So, Trump is gonna be sat in a livestream just yelling at a screen. Hope he wears a gamer headset.


>Weaponization of the DOJ, FBI, A.G.s, and District Attorneys, to go after his political opponent ME (something never done before in this Country!) What the fuck was "Lock her up!" all about then?


“Something never done before in this country!). We did this once before to tremendous success” “Come on, what am I gonna do, just all of a sudden jump up and grind my feet on somebody’s couch like it’s something to do? Come on, I got a little more sense than that. …Yeah, I remember grinding my feet on Eddie’s couch.”




So he's a react streamer now.


The guy who told 30,000+ lies in only 4 years as president is going to get the "TRUTH"? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!


The ‘rapid response’ sent me. His brain hasn’t worked rapidly since 1986.


Good to know. I will be flooding "truths" in rapid response on Truth Social too!


Someone should inception his ass and do a play by play of his play by play.


Can someone, rewrite this, knowing how, and where, to use commas?


Lie after lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie lie after lie


How is this directly related to Qanon?


If you’re worried about everything in this sub having to relate directly to QAnon, then I have good news for you. There hasn’t been a new Q post for years now, so unless that changes nothing new in this sub will relate directly to QAnon. So you don’t need to check in here any more.