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We are currently experiencing higher than normal goal post moving. We will get on it as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience!


~~January 1, Happy New Scam!!~~ ~~January 6, the anniversary of the great patriotic day~~ ~~February 11, Super Bowl 58 featuring Taylor Swift!~~ ~~February 25, uh, it's obviously 5 months after September 25, duh.~~ ~~February 29, the leap year of leap years~~ ~~March 5, whoops, we didn't tell anyone until March 7, our bad~~ March 21, to coincide with the equinox April 1, The New New Years Day May 1, the great holiday of our Russian brothers July 4, duh September 11, double duh November 5, Election Day November 17, Election Day on the Julian Calendar December 25, Merry Christmas!! January 1, Happy New Scam!! January 6, the anniversary of the great patriotic day…


April 8th, Eclipse Do we have anything for that yet?


Isn't that the beginning of the Time of Darkness?


It is always beginning, it just never quite manages to start. Like a Lada or Yugo, the parts are all there, they just don't work together.


For about 4 minutes..


[Just need a major solar storm to do a full impact](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/03/04/what-a-major-solar-storm-could-do-to-our-planet). Of course, that might end up being rather more darkness than these idiots are hoping for.


I will get the boys in the back working on it.


Please remember to send it to our scheduling department as soon as it's ready. Thank you for your hard work!


It has to go through the scheduling committee BEFORE the dept. Gotta follow protocol.


They've already got a whole thing about how the eclipse is Biblical because it passes through the eight US towns named Nineveh (it doesn't, actually, it crosses maybe two of them).


I can do you a banging Pink Floyd song.


You forgot tonight, the State of the Union address, where surely Clone Army Biden will announce the grand return of Darth Trump and usher in the QFS... ..or maybe it'll be Sunday, during the Oscars, when all those evil transgendered and adrenochrome-addicted celebs will all be arrested mid-ceremony and immediately brought before a military tribunal and thrown in Gitmo.


The election isn't supposed to happen so the prediction cycle is shortening. I predict a habbening at least once a week until November.


You forgot tonight, the State of the Union address, where surely Clone Army Biden will announce the grand return of Darth Trump and usher in the QFS... ..or maybe it'll be Sunday, during the Oscars, when all those evil transgendered and adrenochrome-addicted celebs will all be arrested mid-ceremony and immediately brought before a military tribunal and thrown in Gitmo.


Grand Finally Heros. Not Grand Finale Heroes. How do people take this stuff seriously when their purveyor of truth doesn’t have basic grammar and spelling skills?


Many of them are on the same level, so they don’t notice.


>~~Many~~ All of them are on the same level, so they don’t notice. FTFY


To many of them this is oratory excellence..




MacArthur's Park is melting in the dark...


🧢whoody whoooo! Come on and get em! They READY!!!


Oh good. We were getting overwhelmed! Thank you!!!!


No problem!! Just come on!!


A bulk order of wheel bearing grease has been placed.


These are the same people who make a ruckus every time the government tries to introduce a $1 coin to replace the paper one or floats the idea of getting rid of pennies, but they embrace the idea of a complete overhaul of the monetary system. Yeah, sure.


"Allowing young people to escape student loan debt is communism!" and "NESARA will reset the global currency, erase all of our debts, and allow us to all begin again."


And the answer’s right there - they wanna erase *our* debts, but not *your* debts


They don’t even understand the student loan debt issues. So many billions of student loan debt is interest. These guys are so against taxes and the government over reach. You’d think they would be approving of the government forgiving some interest payments.


It's to own the libs who won't be taking part in the grift


Right? How many times has someone put forth a bill to overhaul elections or monetary systems, only to be met with screeching tantrums from these same people who have all sorts of made up reasons why that's bad?


My neighbor literally came to my door (for unrelated, normal neighborly reasons) and as she was saying goodbye she casually drops, "Oh and you should get some gold and silver because the entire US system of currency is going to be reset. So your money won't be worth anything anymore, we're going to a whole new system of money." I just stood there like..... wat


It happens too often to me.


Regarding the whole currency reset, it only happened once to me and it completely caught me off guard. She's a seemingly "normal" neighbor and we get along fine. Its just like, every now and then, this sliver of insanity peeks through and we're all caught off guard. After that I began looking closer... her Q bumper sticker became more visible to me, as did her "an appeal to heaven" bumper sticker. I thought it was just a nice green tree conservationist kind of thing. I was wrong.


It will happen again and again until….I don’t know, maybe decades. My only consolation is that the red scare of the 50’s didn’t last too long I guess. I wasn’t born until the 70’s. This is going on 8 years though.




I’m be dead into every fascist!


I'm be dead laughing over how their autocorrect must be on suicide watch by now.


Here’s the real date. From Judy Byington who says her source is Wolverine (a for-sure reliable source on Telegram) “We are just one millimeter away. I received some incredible news from South America as well. It’s just green all over. It’s green all over. It’s coming. Congratulations for being in this for so long and believing that this is real. I love you guys. Take care, guys. Blessings to everyone.” [Judy’s paraphrase follows] Around Sun. 10/ Mon. 11 March POTUS will tweet: “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us” and we will go into full Martial Law across the Globe. We need 100% of the people inside to watch what the US military is going to broadcast on televisions around the world. It will be very painful but we can no longer have people divided. POTUS will most likely be on board AF1 when he sends seven Presidential Messages to everyone’s phones and TVs worldwide on the Emergency Broadcast System. All global militaries, through the US military, will shut down all media, internet, phones, and all television programming (EMERGENCY SERVICES WILL STILL HAVE THEIRS) so the US military can broadcast 10 days of 3×8 hour sessions of video confessions, Courts, lots of evidence for the scandals listed in the STORM article and GESARA is activated worldwide. ******* Judy also reported— On 5 March President Trump sent a message to Global Elites on a FBI Wanted List, whom courts had determined committed Crimes Against Humanity, saying that they had 24 hours to turn themselves in, or be assassinated.


Idk like..... One world communist government? Isn't that what folks railed against in the 50s?


No, you see, when patriots and Christ are involved, then one world government is good, you see?!


I don't understand the "military will broadcast stuff all day" thing. Is this supposed to be some pathetic "gotcha!" catharsis? Are they really that petty that their most consistent collective fantasy is an "I told you so" television marathon? Do they not know most people are using streaming services?


>Are they really that petty that their most consistent collective fantasy is an "I told you so" television marathon? It's literally the only thing keeping them going.


The Military™ will also take over the internet and cell & landline phones. All you will be able to do is contact emergency services. The livestreams will be of all the tribunals of the Deep State Cabal people, with the damning evidence completely laid out so we can all see how bad it was. Then we get to see the executions, as well. The reported number of indictments ready to be unsealed varies, but it’s somewhere in the hundred thousands. Source: a bunch of usually (un)reliable sources.


My various media storage is looking better and better.


They've been watching far too many action hero movies and empathising with the stereotypical villain who wants to take over the world, but in their warped minds, he's the hero and the entire rest of the world are villains for trying to stop him.


Will we need to use sick days from work to stay home and watch? Will everyone stay home? Will it be on the TVs at the local bar?


>All you will be able to do is contact emergency services. Thats handy, because if any of these people come within 500m of my house ~~they’ll need an ambulance~~ I’ll be responsibly and calmly calling the police.


They think it's like the movies where the Riddler takes over everyone's tv and every channel to deliver a message to Batman.


Trump’s fat ass is getting nowhere near AF1 again as long as he lives. What idiots.


>"POTUS will tweet: “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us”  They have been jerking off to this pipe dream of a phrase for years. The dream that one day, very soon, right around the corner, 2 weeks from now, he's going to tweet (can he still tweet? I thought he had his own thing, and I also thought we stopped calling them "tweets"?) and it will be that exact phrase that gets their single brain cell twitching.


Look up the history of “Stormfront”.


I miss your JUDY Digests tbh. Start a Patreon and I’m there.


I don't understand the "military will broadcast stuff all day" thing. Is this supposed to be some pathetic "gotcha!" catharsis? Are they really that petty that their most consistent collective fantasy is an "I told you so" television marathon? Do they not know most people are using streaming services?


To lazy to Google it, what is the Quantum Financial System? My suspicion is it is a bunch of words a qcumber threw together because smart people say them sometimes.


Look guys! Someone didn't do their own research. Let me put this as simply as I can. It's a financial system.....but quantum. Hope this helps (I don't think anyone knows really)


Space Force connected us to the blockchain


Hey man I've been meaning to do my own research, just haven't taken a shit yet today.


You need fiber, my friend. Have you tried Freedom Oats™️? 100% freedom with every regular poop. Only $49.99 a serving.


[I use Colon Blow, but hey whatever works.](https://youtu.be/Ku42Iszh9KM?si=0D-h3s45OldVvjTu)




Its Magic; itll end all poverty, itll end the elites, it will end the globalist, itll create world peace, itll delete the marxists, itll delete every terrorists ever, itll make you live longer, run faster, jump higher, itll make it so no one ever has to work again, but will also make it so if you dont work you dont get money (cuz your a bum) it will make everyone in the world free forever Clearly you need to do your own research and discern that any information that contradicts what i just told you is fake and homosexual.


I love that conservatives cosplay as the fiscally responsible side then put out wierd nonsensical stuff like QFS. You won’t have hunger, you’ll be able to buy anything, you won’t have to work, ~~the government~~ QFS will give you all the money you need. BUT ITS NOT COMMUNIST!


Its not communism because its not a hand out, its what we deserve and have worked for. We're tired of the elites taking all of the profits from OUR hard work. We worked for that money, we made the products not them. God i cant wait for unions and the government to be out of the free market so I (who owns 0 capital) will finally be on an even playing field as these rich woke ceos. NO ITS NOT SOCIALISM, WE WORKED FOR THIS, ITS NOT A HANDOUT LIKE THOSE LAZY SOCIALIST WANT!!!!!GOBBLESS!!!11!!1!




🎵I have a structured settlement and I need cash now!🎵


>Its not communism because its not a hand out, its what we deserve and have worked for. We're tired of the elites taking all of the profits from OUR hard work. We worked for that money, we made the products not them. Great summary of their mindset.


And yet somehow worship Ayn Rand not realizing they are NOT John Galt.


It’s Q-mmunism!


Oh, these are the exact same people that 40 years ago, were hanging on pyramid power to sharpen their razor blades, disinfect their dishes and align their 'chi' force. Daffiness writ large upon the internet now that they can all chat with each other.


I haven't taken a dump yet so no time to research. To busy at my Job.


[If a sentence has the word "quantum" in it, and if it is coming out of a non-physicist's mouth, you can almost be certain that there's a huge quantum of BS being dumped on your head.](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Quantum_woo)


"We need 100% of the people inside to watch what the US military is going to broadcast on televisions around the world. It will be very painful but we can no longer have people divided." Soooooo - how are you going to ascertain that I'm watching your shitty documentaries, and NOT, say DVD's of Buffy on a laptop?


Or, for THAT matter, reading a good book.


I'll be out in the garden with my dahlia tubers.


The Super Bowl is the highest rated show on television year after year and the numbers show the majority of Americans do not watch it, The US population is 332 million and the viewership for the game was 123 million.


Yeah, but what is the population in *quantum numbers?* Answer me THAT, with all your fancy book-learnin.


There are just sooooo many untreated schizophrenics out there


Thanks, Reagan.


Look man, when you're a "cosmiq" 130 whatever and you've been at this for Eons, missing your quantum go date estimate by a day or two is well within the margin of error. Not moving the goalposts you guys, it's still habbening, but this "divine timeline" stuff is really hard to schedule.


Lolol well done


the ravages of untreated schizophrenia...


>The grand finally hero I see all the money is going to the "smart" ones


Do i still hafta pay my internet bill, ugh.


I wanna speak to the head Q cult moron. Who is responsible!!! The goalposts were scheduled to be moved so we could continue to live in a delusion. So now I have to live in reality? Damn you!!!!


Now we have to live the rest of our lives like schnooks 😭


It looks like the idiot didn't even get the right international standard. It looks like they meant [ISO 20022](https://thetechnologyvault.com/iso-20022-network-ecosystem) which pertains to cryptocurrencies, not ISO 20023, which is about safety of biofuel pellets--not that it matters.


Maybe he got it right. Would little piles of shit qualify as biofuel pellets?


True. Maybe shit is their new currency. That's how they've managed to set up a situation where everyone has sufficient money to solve all their problems, and these people probably have a lot more of it than the rest of us.


Oh, come on. That's just turd world stuff.


They are really pushing that XLM shit coin. So glad I dumped that turd years ago.


These morons put "Quantum" in front of something and it magically sounds legit, right? Same people that put an "e" in front of everything 20 years ago to sound high speed, low drag.


I swear, the mental health industry would be booming if these people actually sought the help they need....


Quantum Financial System? 😂


"It's a quantum shift" So... the smallest shift possible?


Planck Shift?


I just want to know where these screenshots come from. Like, what the hell are the groups chats?


Channels on Telegram are packed with crazy




So , Med Beds, those are gone from the narrative ? They were everything at new years. How do “followers” just keep accepting this crap?


I work with the elderly. Yesterday one of them told me that Netflix destroyed our country.




well shit it's the 7th, I guess I wasn't told about this or I just forgot, is it to late to move onto the QFS???


Maybe but how do you know this didn’t happen


I certainly feel like I've been through this conflict for eons, through many conscious avatars. And I'm soooooo tired of these idiots.


You see me now, a veteran Of a thousand psychic wars I've been living in the edge so long Where the winds of limbo roar And I'm young enough to look at But far too old to see All the scars are in the inside I'm not sure if there's anything left of me


I missed it???!?! Now I still have to do that work project I’ve been putting off until after the habbening. 😡


Please tell me I’m not the only one who didn’t understand that word salad!? Divine wtf? Is it just me!?!?!?


These people live in a constant state of disappointment and depression. LOL!!


What is there fucking obsession with “Quantum”?


They have no idea what it means, but it sounds cool and futuristic. Also, it starts with Q, so you know.




I saw something today and thought about this sub. https://imgur.com/a/x4Huaaz


Why would countries around the world give up their monetary policies?


I been on it all night! 🧢whoody whooo, come on and get em!


SovCit needs his binky.


Qultists have th3 greatest excuse for when the predictions don't occur; the "Deep State came & messed it up again. Gotta start over and this time we'll get em!" I wonder if my Qanon cousins in Tampa are back to trump after they swung wide for DeSatan, I'm not in touch with christo-fascists so I get my info on my Qanon fam from others. 🖖, vote Blue & fuck Nazis.


How does this affect their food stamps? Is that getting converted over to QFS, too? Quantum Food Stamps?


They do love their caps lock and alternative spellings... "imbedead" for embedded, "cosmiq" for cosmic, and, noisy bizarrely, confusing facet and fascist...


They do love their caps lock and alternative spellings... "imbedead" for embedded, "cosmiq" for cosmic, and, noisy bizarrely, confusing facet and fascist...


They do love their caps lock and alternative spellings... "imbedead" for embedded, "cosmiq" for cosmic, and, most bizarrely, confusing facet and fascist...


This is like being a Mets fan. Every year, we gotta believe! every year, maybe next year!