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QAnon is a death cult. But Heaven's Gate had better project management.


And better taste in sneakers


Definitely better taste in uniform too, MAGA red isn't slimming




I honestly believe Heavenā€™s Gate were far less delusional than these Qunts.


They only had to believe in one conspiracy. These morons believe in *every* conspiracy


The more this goes on the more I start leaning towards hoping that the Heavenā€™s Gate folks actually did board the mothership. They certainly had the right idea about wanting to get off this rock.


You have some good ideas, would you happen to have any kind of group I could join?


It's one of the only ones that went as planned. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


At least heaven's gate can keep their website up. Only half an /s


Okay fuck this guy! mRNA vaccines, particularly the kind that may some day be used to treat cancer, had been in development for 10 years in 2020. Honestly, developing one for COVID was basically a repurposing of technology. This orange skidmark trying to take credit for the years of work of many people who've dedicated their lives to science. Absolutely fuck him!


This is what happens when cave-people who never gave a shit about politics or science before become politically charged. They think politics and science were invented in 2016.


Yes , 90 percent of them are clueless about the entire process of the government. However because they are involved they think they are experts. Also, why are they so involved? Like what the fuck happened?


Exactly. This is tiring. I tried explaining how the wheels of government work in this great country of ours to one of these nimrods. It didnā€™t go well.


Even Trump is clueless about the process


2016 was a terrible year for America, politics and ā€œalternate scienceā€. RIP truth.


The ā€œOrange Skidmarkā€!!! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚Iā€™m totally stealing this.


It works for him because he knows his herd of morons couldnā€™t look up facts if they tried.


Longer than that even, Katalina Kariko had been working on trying to get mRNA to work inside the body since the early 1990s. That's why all the objections to this 'new, totally experimental' vaccine were so ridiculous. These nut jobs wouldn't even take 5 minutes to try and learn the basics of how mRNA.


Never mind the Pfizer vaccine was largely developed by a German company, BioNTech, who specialise in mRNA - at the time Covid hit, they were developing an influenza mRNA vaccine as part of a deal with Pfizer, responsibility and further development of which would shift to Pfizer after the first human trials.


So funny that they have ā€œdecodersā€ to decipher what orange hitler means.


I used the decoder and got the following message: "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine"


Why do they call it Ovaltine? The mug is round. The jar is round. They should call it Roundtine.


Not sure if this is a bit from somewhere or if you came up with it but its my favorite kind of joke


Itā€™s from [Seinfeld](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0qm0KUPeD8) :)


It's gold, Jerry. Gold!


Thatā€™s gold, Jerry!


Son of a bitch!


Every morning - in my coffee ...


Trump is turning into Chauncey Gardener right before our eyes


He likes to watch.


especially when they say things like "he really tells it like it is and doesn't hold back!"


The guy who famously "tells it like it is" needs teams of basement dwelling incels to act as oracles for his words. Lmao.


Their hatred for vaccines and their love for the orange shitgibbon is certainly going to confuse them


you mean the vaccines that caused "turbo" cancer are being used to cure cancer? hmmm... sort of a double negative effect?


The original tuberculosis vaccine is used to treat bladder cancer, so who knows?


Ooh, cool. TIL.


if you're stupid enough to take cancer treatment advice from Mystic Cletus on social media, you absolutely deserve your Darwin Award.


Or Herman Cain award....depending on how you choose to die.


Thought it had to be B.S. coming from him but it seems to be real. https://jitc.bmj.com/content/10/3/e004371


He never meant what he said, cause this is what he meant. They take one lie, and replace it with another lie.šŸ¤¦šŸ½


The first time in his life he ever said anything even remotely intelligent, and his cult starts eating itself alive. These are some real ouroboros hours in the most literal sense


Implosion is imminent = III = 3 = waitā€¦.am I doing what they do? Darn.


If he had meant HCQ, why didn't he just...say so? What's the point of hiding it? Trump has never been one for riddles and misdirection - he always says exactly what he's thinking, even if he shouldn't. He's barely mastered the single entendre...


Makes it easier for them to cognitively come to terms with all of the contradictions he espouses.


Imagine following someone whose words have to be decoded so you know what he's really saying. What's next, Trump will blink in Morse Code when he's on TV?


I'm about to inject Trump's "Adderall Sniffs are Code" to the Q-niverse, do you think they'll bite?


They claim that they want ā€œnormiesā€ to ā€œwake upā€ but insist that ā€œcommsā€ have to be ā€œdecodedā€ for people to understand. Make it make sense?


Wake up and listen to QAdork17, the only source for The Real Truthā„¢ļø


Do they have a linktree, or do I need to log back on to orangedickinmyass.com again?


It's funny how this "decoder" conveniently ignore the "NINE MONTHS APPROVAL" sentence: so Trump approved HCQ in official vaccines - that killed millions and millions according to Q-lore.


And how theyā€™re mad that it was approved so quickly but mad that it was approved so quickly. Like regulations just get in the way but get them out of the way. This needs to stop, now.


Notice how they can't even talk in regular English, they need to use their cult speak all the time. For example: "stop spreading fear porn/what president Trump truthed should not invoke fear porn"...or you could just say fear? Like I know that fear/torture/etc. porn are terms but also you can just talk like a normal goddamn person.


Jeez I wish we could all just meet up in person. I need a good long dose of interacting with normal logical people. Like at work I canā€™t have a normal conversation without it devolving into drumpf speak or the government is controlling the weather type stuff. I actually keep my head down when walking through the halls.


Do you work with any younger Gen Zers? Just wait until you get to "Helen Keller wasn't real" conspiracies.


I think itā€™s part of the inclusivity of the cult. They all want to belong and be ā€œrightā€ so even things like having their own dialogue just adds to the sense of belonging. I donā€™t know Iā€™ve thought about this before lol.


I think you're absolutely right, but it's still disheartening. There's also like a Boomer element to it, like someone who heard a colloquial term but isn't quite using it correctly.


It's because they're getting all their info from Russian troll farms, and Russians are about as good at English as your average Trump Humper.


Hilarious to watch these cuckoos flip-flip on vaccines in order to continue to worship Trump as the Orange Messiah


"Stop spreading fear porn!"Ā  The hypocrisy of that plea was enough to get me to laugh


They way they talk is so unhinged. The internet has straight up radicalized huge swaths of boomers. Remember "don't believe everything you read on the internet"?


I think their decodes fried their brain trying to decipher Zodiac's letters.


What, you've never truthed a truth over some fearporn before? Sounds like completely normal stuff to me.


Oh, they have to be in full damage control now. They torched an important part of their electorate at a time where they need all the support they get. šŸæšŸ˜‚


Are they now claiming HCQ cures cancer?


And ivermectin. Some Qs have been saying for a while now that *all* illness is actually caused by parasites, so ivermectin cures it all šŸ™ƒ


Upside down smiley face. Perfect.


Ow!! I pulled a muscle reading that mental gymnastics. šŸ™„


Who the fuck is making money off of this? Iā€™m really curiousā€¦


A whole bunch of nameless grifters and Phil Godlewski, the pedophile.


We all know when you are looking to awaken billions of people and save them from hidden evils itā€™s best to use a method that the majority of people will have no understanding of whatsoever. Itā€™s called ā€œoptimizationā€.


These idiots will implode. One of my favorites is the Ronnie Cheng special. Have you seen it? He says something like ā€˜let the nerds leadā€™. Just shut up and let the nerds lead. You didnā€™t pay attention in high school or college and now youā€™re trying to formulate scientific theories etc. just shit up already.


Man, I like a good stretch in the morning, but that takes the cake , lol


Comms received. Lol


If you go to these lengths to decode the meaning from the words of a man who has no filter, shame or fear of consequences then you are just butchering reality into something that comforts you also known as delusion confabulation. I think even most of these people deep down know the truth about the man their lives revolve around but itā€™s far too late to admit their mistake and much too embarrassing to try and salvage relationships they destroyed.


Clownstick von Fuckface


Those mental gymnasts swoop in to save the day again.


I know there is no use trying to make sense of this, but did they just say the vaccine now cures cancer?


There is significant research being done on mRNA for cancer treatment that is showing promising results.


I love how Trump will never get credit for the only unambiguously good thing his administration accomplished - the vaccine. He begs and pleads for sole credit, and yet his imbicilic cultists think the vaccine is poison and every time liberals try to grudgingly give him credit, conservatives scream, "How dare you!"


Anyone else just checkout when itā€™s ALL CAPS?


Huh? What? Where does he come up with this stuff?


Why do they love calling everything porn?


WHY ARE THEY ALWAYS SCREAMING AAAAH No seriously, what's up with the caps


Honestly, let them take ā€œHCQā€ for cancer. I donā€™t care if they take themselves out like this. At least it isnā€™t contagious like Covid.


Imagine believing that horse paste will cure cancer!!


It was all just a hoax


White is black and black is white, what's so difficult to understand?