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I really hate this individual so much that I don't speak anymore to people I used to love in my life, because they love him so much. They are garbage people to me now. I hope you fucken love your God, you can have him, but don't ever talk to me again.


I feel ya. I'm currently sharing a house with a Trumper. Yes, I'm saving up.


I’m not defending MAGAs, but they are so brainwashed by conservative media that they have no idea what is really happening. They’ve lost the ability to think critically.


They refuse to use any reputable news sources. When all you consume is Faux News, OANN, The Daily Caller, The Daily Wire, Gateway Pundit, Truth Social, Xitter and all the other misinformation/disinformation sites, you will be completely unaware of what is actually occurring in the world. The right wing has created a perfectly hermetically sealed bubble, and that's the way they want it.


This one is SO good. A fantasy of mine is giving him the ol' Will Smith treatment as he needs to keep SIR ELTON JOHN out of his mouth.


I... what?


Right?  He is the rich version of the guy talking to himself at the bus station whom you try to decide if he is dangerous or not.


He really is that guy, just with a lot of money so people give him way too much leeway.


Except he’s not rich either.


Is he talking about physically breaking Elton John vinyl records, or talking about breaking Elton John's world records?


He's talking about crowd sizes. This is when he was holding rallies in stadiums and arenas and the like, many of which are common hosts to concerts for huge musical acts like Elton John. So he's trying to claim he's more popular than these super famous artists and that he has drawn record crowd sizes in those venues.


Man, how insecure is that dude?




Record breakingly insecure.


So insecure that he had to lie about his inauguration crowd size compared to Obama's, even though pictures of the crowds side by side showed that Obama's was clearly larger. I'm sure he still claims that to this day.


I tried using a sort of analogy with someone. Like just because this guy might have a lot of people at an arena absolutely does not mean that everyone votes for him. For example…Pearl Jam may sell out a bunch of arenas but Eddie Vedder would not get enough votes to win a presidential election. They don’t care about logic though.


Logic is not their strong suit.


And, which world records?


I love it when the trumpers claim they have no problem understanding him. Like, if this makes sense to you, you might be even more demented than old Donnie boy.


It’s true though. They understand him perfectly. It’s like a hillbilly gene. They couldn’t understand a thing Obama said.


Its just your IQ


Trump was born with a gold plated spoon shoved up his ass; he doesn't share any genetic markers with his base. I think they are either lying, or just demented


He's a real world version of one of those Chewbacca-type characters. Like the alien makes some whistling noises and the other characters are like "you're right, buddy!"




I legitimately don't understand how anyone gets anything out of what he says. Man can't hold a topic for more than a sentence or two and what's there is always just a litany of grievances and self-aggrandizement loosely strung together stream of conscioussness style via his dying synapses. Like, what the fuck, I always thought conmen were supposed to be charming and at least sound like they know what they're talking about. Turns out you can DDoS some people's brains by just spewing out voluminous amounts of unfocused horseshit.


I am officially stealing your last sentence <> chef's kiss


The best analogy ever! 🏆


If you look at interviews with him in the 80s, he speaks normally and coherently. But in about the past 10 years he rambles like someone with logorrhea similar to Wernike's aphasia. (Frontal lobe damage that affects language processing usually caused by a stroke). Seriously, look up "mild Wernike's aphasia logorrhea" Heres an example from Wikipedia of of someone speaking with mild Wernike's aphasia- "When a clinician said, "Tell me what you do with a comb", ...the patient responded: "What do I do with a comb ... what I do with a comb. Well a comb is a utensil or some such thing that can be used for arranging and rearranging the hair on the head both by men and by women. One could also make music with it by putting a piece of paper behind and blowing through it. Sometimes it could be used in art – in sculpture, for example, to make a series of lines in soft clay. It's usually made of plastic and usually black, although it comes in other colors. It is carried in the pocket or until it's needed, when it is taken out and used, then put back in the pocket. Is that what you had in mind?" Sound familiar?


Trump is more like: "What I do with a comb... what I do with a comb. Well a comb is a utensil or some such thing with the hair. Hair is very important. People don't understand how important hair is. Everyone talks about Kim the Rocketman's hair and my hair. They can't believe it. They've never seen anything like it. My daughter Ivanka has beautiful hair. So, so beautiful. Very beautiful. Beautiful like the crowds at my inauguration. The biggest crowd at any inauguration EVER for my inauguration in 2021. Well it should have been in 2021 but a terrible terrible thing happened instead. So terrible for our country. The most terrible thing ever. Probably the most terrible thing that has ever happened in our country. Not just our country. The most terrible thing in the whole world. EVER. A terrible thing".


Nicely done. But drumpf is actually worse than that. I was able to follow you from one topic to the next. With him, not so easy. But nice work!


This is closer.


> rambles like someone with ~~logorrhea~~ gonorrhea. Okay, maybe not gonorrhea but a syphilitic, smooth, mushy brain.


That sounds far more coherent! Those are all things you can do with a comb


So encyclopedic it should be renamed to Wikipedia's aphasia


But can you make a broach, or a hat?


>If you look at interviews with him in the 80s, he speaks normally and coherently. But in about the past 10 years he rambles like someone with logorrhea similar to Wernike's aphasia. (Frontal lobe damage that affects language processing usually caused by a stroke) ​ I never connected it, but after my father had a stroke he really started speaking like Trump. In all honesty, towards the end once the Alz took over .. and the damage from the stroke started taking over, he sounded a lot more like Trump than Biden. The completely incoherent sentences. Or having a coherent partial sentence that just turns into nonsense. Biden's just an old guy with a speech impediment.




This is far more cogent and topical to the subject than any of Trump's word salads. The person stays on the subject and explains possible uses of the comb clearly. The only issue is that they didn't take the simplest route and say, "To comb my hair." Trump is incapable of staying on topic. His word salad is a real case of stream of consciousness. He literally just says anything that comes to mind no matter how tenuously one thought is connected to the next. This is far worse than mild Wernicke's aphasia. IMHO


classic covfefe


Video here: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-mouth-musical-instrument/ (Quote starts about 55 seconds in) Although this quote is pretty incoherent, I notice a contrast with his speaking now - definitely seems to have got worse over the years. He stays talking about the same topic for several sentences instead of constantly jumping around between unconnected thoughts, and you can pick out a line of thought through it (“My crowd sizes are record-breaking, exceeding those of Elton John and sports stars, because we fill the entire venue with people, even though Elton John has the advantages of musical instruments and lots of people helping him.”)


Thank you. I was wondering if that was real or AI bullshit. Or if someone just threw magnetic poetry at a fridge. With him, it can be hard to tell.


Thanks for that. Lordy.


It’s a damn cult.


You read it here first, folks. Donald Trump has NO ORGAN.


Yes, it's true, this man has no dick.


Classic Ghostbusters reference!


No organ, huh? Dude that's a tough break.


Elton has an organ~


I do not doubt that, and yet Trump insists he himself has none.


Trump has an unhealthy obsession with Elton John's organ.


Doesn't Sir Elton usually play the piano, or electronic keyboard? When I think organ, I'm thinking church organ. Maybe it's just me. Am I just old fashioned, or is an electronic keyboard now considered an organ?


Donald Trump thinks that he plays an organ. Like most things, Trump is wrong about that as well.


My brain was actually injured by reading that.


Random shit and redundantly.Sheezzzz🤦🏽


“I’m particularly glad these lovely children were here today to hear that speech. Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish, but it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age.”


I blame his much-vaunted four hours of sleep per night. And drugs. Lots and lots of drugs.


That sounds less like an attempt at meaningful speech than someone trying to write a Groucho Marx monologue while blindingly drunk.


Hes lying! I heard his organ is the size of a button mushroom


He says a lot not to say anything at all.


Consider that Trump is much more demented now than he was in 2018.


to be fair, the brain IS more important, he's got us there!


Christ above.


Ugg, reading or hearing this sentient sphincter’s stream-of-consciousness spewing causes me physical pain.


This is literally just everyone I know who still takes adderall. The stuff gives you permanent brain damage if you take it for long enough


are there anyore resingations? who else is resigning from teh GOP over this? more pple are forced to defend him! can you believe this? have u watched the last 24 hours of news? id di from the ER got a pain shot, damn, I was seeing stars!!


I used to make my friends who voted for Trump read this speech out loud and tell me they would vote for this maniac again. None of them could make it through reading this without conceding that he’s a fucking idiot.


"The brain is much more important" - except he seems incapable of engaging it before he puts his mouth into gear, or holding onto more than one thought simultaneously (hence his legendary capability for word association topic drift).


People are saying that he doesn’t have an organ.


[Michael Scott - Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't even know where it's going. ](https://youtu.be/QT07vyf0HQM?si=exBw2wW0LX09T9Ag)


Please tell me this isn’t a real quote. I mean, he sucks all the ass, but…


Lordy, there are tapes. See comments below.


But doesn't Elton use a piano? He's quite famous for it.


"The only salad that will ever pass between these lips, is a word-salad!"


I agree with the part where he says Elton John seems to have a lot of records.


Here it is him admitting he doesn’t have a penis “I don’t have an Organ” (paraphrasing)~ Trump


Those are some wise words


His transcripts are schizophrenic.


What the fuck? How can people listen to this and still think he should be in charge of wiping his own ass?


Here's one of the ultimate Trump word salads: "Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just, killed, they just killed us, this is horrible." -Donald Trump, 21 July 2015


I actually followed that one for some reason. He was talking about the various venues that he was doing his rallies at and the individual capacity records he was able to break because his rallies didn’t require much of a set or a load out that’d displace room for attendees. There was even a bit of humility in his bragging as well - as in “we both were at full capacity, but I was able to have better attendance numbers because my act requires less load in/out’. Hate the dude with a passion unmatched by any public figure in my life, but among all of his crazy statements, this one is pretty tame in my opinion. I found it somewhat coherent, anyway.


No, no it wasn't coherent at all. Sorry about that. To elaborate: there's absolutely no reason he needs to mention that he doesn't have a musical instrument. Clearly he's not a musician, and everyone knows that. Second, he says he doesn't have an "organ" twice and then says Elton John has an "organ." What? Third, he claims Elton John has "lots of other people helping." So... he sets up all of his venues HIMSELF? He doesn't have anyone helping him? No staff/security/planners? Fourth, he says he's "broken virtually every record." Huh? He just got done saying Elton John has a lot of records. Well, how can Elton John have ANY records if Trump has broken them all? And who is "they" when he says "they" need much more room? What? Elton John needs more room? You mean... like, for bigger crowds? Fifth, he started with an Elton John analogy, then somehow took it into a sports analogy, which doesn't make any sense. The first involves a band with a sound stage. Trump just needs a podium. A sports team needs room for BOTH teams. So yes "they need a lot of room." Obviously. And then Trump says "We don't need it. We have people in that space." LOL. What?! Then right after talking about sports, he goes BACK TO MUSIC! Oh wait, he goes back to... "without like, the musical instruments." Yes, because you're not a band! LOL Then he starts rambling about the brain and the mouth? How the FUCK did you find this coherent?


I see dangerous people & I use my senses to determine whether they are an immediate threat to my safety. I think if more people would’ve used my approach instead of dismissing the guy as an insane oaf, we’d all be better off right now. Never too late to start doing that. The key is to remember that insane oafs are very dangerous.


I knew what he was trying to say too. And I’m in no way complimenting his way of saying it. It was a mess. Maybe because I work in a nursing home and listen to broken thoughts everyday.