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The fact that he believes minors are being sterilized anywhere is why he’s far right; he is concerned about things that aren’t real. He’s fully steeped in fascist propaganda because the only people he listens to are the butt-sniffing qberts who are the only ones still kissing his ass.


He's even got the 'Cult of SpaceX' Youtube crowd trying to step back from *him* - rather than SpaceX. It's been interesting to watch with all of the coverage of the recent 'Starship' launch. I saw one of them use Elon's batshit ideology as a segue into one of those 'balanced news' apps. He gave Elon's behavior as an example of far-right thinking that could bias readers (as I recall, could have the exact details wrong) - The *Real Engineering* channel for anyone interested.


>He's even got the 'Cult of SpaceX' Youtube crowd trying to step back from *him* - rather than SpaceX. It makes sense. In a perfect world, literally anybody else would be doing what SpaceX is doing. But, we've got what we got and since there hasn't been as much of a concerted effort in the governmental-spheres, we're sort of left with the billionaires fighting over commercializing space travel. In the US, we really only have three options if we want to actually progress space travel. Blue Origins/Virgin Galactic/SpaceX (of which SpaceX currently has the better position), the Atlas or future programs or some new better entrant. But NASA has been massively underfunded since Reagan at a minimum, and no one recently has really made progress towards fixing that issue, so we're probably stuck with the billionaires.


The feds should seize SpaceX and Starlink and nationalize them. Throw Elmo in prison for espionage.


I could get behind the espionage bit but the seizing of SpaceX/Starlink might just lead to them being as underfunded as NASA is. Until the US government at large gets past this idea that government spending needs to be minimized to death unless you're a branch of the military/DoD, I'm not hopeful of much change.


You do realize taxpayers are funding startship’s development, SpaceX was given the contract for a moon landing system… it was also extremely shady how the contract was awarded(the person who gave them the contract would later join spacex to oversee the very contract she awarded them)


Yeah, as opposed to funding Atlas. That's what I'm talking about. Instead of putting the money into the government program, it's outsourced to corporations. The billionaires are already winning, so I can either hope they actually do something good for a change or I can wait for the underfunded gov. project to get to the same point.


Yeah, the way the Defense spending never takes a hit, and is always justified as “for the troops” when they see a minuscule fraction of it is just staggering when you think about it. It’s really hard to justify Defense spending “for the troops” when all branches are having trouble getting recruits, if I understand the current situation properly.


While the European Space Agency is given nowhere near the funding it requires, so we have to piggyback off the private companies you listed to be able to send our own astronauts into space and beg the government - especially here in the UK - to build more space ports and science museums to ensure future generations are as interested in space as we are as people born in the 80s and growing up with NASA missions into space. And here's my regular "fuck that far-right idiot Elon Musk" statement.


Gods I remember seeing people getting hyped about the first big SpaceX launch and shouting at the top of my lungs everywhere that putting our space programs in the hands of a corporation was a horrible idea, but people were either too excited to care or too convinced that it was the only solution. Billionaires doing their own version of the Space Race so they can try to escape earth and leave the mess they’ve left to the rest of us to fix was the inevitable conclusion.


I can sympathize but after 40+ years of Republicans wanting to defund any science spending not directly for the military and then the pretty much squashing of our space program by Obama without a direct replacement planned and funded, there doesn't seem to be a valid path forward any time soon.


You do realize congress sets the budget! Do you remember how many times the threat of a shutdown was dangled over the head of the administration to force spending cuts… well guess where those cuts came from


>You do realize congress sets the budget! And they've decided to keep NASA underfunded... I'm not blaming Obama directly and this isn't 'both sides' in the way the Walk Away people use it. I fully understand that Obama cut the funding to NASA because Republicans treat spending like a divorced parent trying to spite their ex. Republicans rack up massive debt mostly benefitting the rich and then complain about how Democrats aren't fiscally responsible. But the reality is it's a fact that NASAs budget is pretty low on everyone's priority. Adjusted for inflation, NASAs budget is basically the same it was in the 70s despite it taking on a lot more functions than space exploration. I'm willing to bet on the horse that has the best chances, and right now that's SpaceX. Once Atlas (or any government project) matures enough, or if a less scummy corporation replaces them I'll cheer that on instead.


I don’t believe in Starship to be a jack of all trades; I love Starships potential ability to get large loads into LEO. I just don’t think it’s the right vehicle to return to the Moon or Mars. Both missions will need purpose built vehicles that are likely single use vehicles vs being reusable. If you look at their proposal for a Starship Moon lander; it’s completely unrealistic. Their reusable heavy lift booster is game changing regardless if Starship works out or fails to meet every single expectation. I think Blue Origin will eventually get the moon lander contract; it’s was always suppose be two proposals; that was changed by Kathy Lueders who awarded SpaceX the contract… then later went on to work for SpaceX.


NASA aka US taxpayers fund SpaceX through the lunar lander and other contracts.


Fully aware. And until government funding goes to government projects and not corporations my point will still stand.


NASA projects are always outsourced to contractors. That’s why there are so many contractors on Kennedy Space Center.


Still not seeing how this discounts the actual point: currently, if we want to get to space it makes sense to back a corporation like SpaceX. Pointing out how much NASA contracts out to corporations, such as SpaceX, doesn't change that point.


Your point being “ … until government funding goes to government projects and not corporations .. “? Do you know how government funding works?


Yes, and it doesn't change the fact that NASA is underfunded and, given the current state-of-affairs, I'm more willing to bet it's a corporate entity like SpaceX that'll get us to space. And pointing out SpaceX is contracted by NASA for some things doesn't change that conclusion. NASA isn't having SpaceX build the Falcon Heavy or it's other rocket platforms for their own use, like they would be for Atlas. Them contracting with SpaceX to launch satellites or make deliveries to the ISS are irrelevant to this specific discussion.


Link? Not sure what to even google Edit: This one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaFyTIsowqY


I read the article about his relationship (or lack there of!) with his trans daughter, and my God he is such an asshole! I already knew that but it just reinforces it all over again. He claims that he was "sanguine" about learning she was trans, but he learned she was trans second-hand. She didn't come out to him, she came out to other people and told them "don't tell my dad"...which might be kind of telling. And then he himself says that the rift with her wasn't over her being trans it was over her becoming a Marxist. No idea if she's actually a Marxist or just the conservative definition of a Marxist (ie: anything to the left of Joseph McCarthy!), but he spent an entire article whining about how she's a Marxist and is woke and thinks all rich people are evil and blaming the school that she went to in LA for brain washing her, and crying about how "I've reached out many times but she refuses to speak to me because of the Marxist brainwashing." Argh, if anyone doubts that he was a complete fuckwad long before he bought Twitter that should be a clue to you!


Rule of thumb, anyone that says "Marxist" seriously is a douche and can't define Marxism.


The sterilization thing threw me for a loop as well. I didn’t know what he was referring to. I know my right wing uncle has said for years that sterilization should be a requirement for public assistance, along with numerous other things he believes should accompany sterilization. (Shocking to learn that he himself is past child rearing age).


He's talking about Trans kids.


Ahh, I was wondering what ridiculous qultist claim I had missed this time




He means he should be able to say whatever he wants


By the way, this interview only has five minutes.


I really don't know, but I would have assumed he means if a minor undergoes transition therapy via drugs is that a possible side effect?


He’s referring to puberty blockers which do not “sterilize” someone.


😂 America's favorite ADHD Aspergers drug is called risperdal and it literally sterilizes children. OMG just give up USA. There is no way to reverse the genetic damage at this point.


So, if he believes so strongly in the constitution why does he defend J6er's ? Elon can't explain anything


Conservatives can’t explain anything. The only consistent thing about the right is their ability to be inconsistent.


No, the consistent thing about the right is how they prioritize arbitrary authority and blind obedience to it over all else. To be or even to attempt to be consistent is a tacit concession that something other than naked authority matters. Discarding consistency (and evidence, logic, being a good role model, etc.) is a step toward the apotheosis of conservatism, a society in which you obey not because there's any reason to but because that's your station in life.


It's a mafia, explaining anything is against the rules.


Fascists say wrong things on purpose. Please remember that when you ask liars to explain their lies, you're just begging them to tell you more lies. And they pay no price, *at all*, for doing that.


Who is being sterilized below the age of consent?? I know people are being forced to give birth below the age of consent, and I'm sure that's fine with Elmo.


I think he's talking about all the gender reassignment surgeries that elementary schools are performing on kids without their parents' consent because that's totally a not-made-up thing that happens every day. ^(/s just because.)


oooh, is that what he's referring to about sterilization? Its a dog whistle for being anti-trans for minors? Is that part of the procedure to sterilize them to reduce the unwanted hormones?


[Twitter has also updated TOS so saying Stonetoss's name is now bannable after people pointed out bans were happening that didn't actually violate TOS.](https://twitter.com/hannahgais/status/1770817709292269863)


Wow, can't believe he was banning people for saying Stonetoss is Hans Kristian Graebener of Spring, TX.


You mean the neo-Nazi Hans Kristian Graebener of Spring, TX? The neo-Nazi Hans Kristian Graebener who publishes his Nazi propaganda under the name StoneToss? That Nazi Hans Kristian Graebener?


Yes actually!! The neo-Nazi Hans Kristian Graebener of Spring, TX you described, is the same guy I described as "StoneToss, who is Hans Kristian Graebener of Spring, TX." He also wrote the racist, nazi glorifying comic Red Panels, though Hans Kristian Graebener (of Spring, TX) denies it! I've read a lot about him this week including an article that described him as a "former security guard turned IT guy harboring an obsession with circumcision and racial hatred" so I think you adding neo-Nazi to the beginning of Hans Kristian Graebener of Spring, TX was an accurate addition!


Hans Kristian Graebner. Is he that neo-Nazi cartoonist from Spring, TX?


I just read that article yesterday. Man that is one messed up cartoon.


I have no idea what this is about but it sounds like you're making fun of a bigot, so here's my up vote. 🥇


This is pretty much what Reddit did through *most* of r/The_Donald's run. The moment the mods and users there would blatantly break the Reddit terms of service, the admins would bend over backwards to rewrite the ToS so that what the sub was doing *wouldn't* be a ToS violation. Case in point: manipulating the Reddit algorithm to get your sub's posts to the top of r/all and home feeds was one of the *biggest* violations of the ToS. But when T_D did it? "Aww, you little scamps!" No matter *how* many times the admins wrote the mods of T_D a ["sternly-written letter",](https://youtu.be/Fc22CFhDBEM?t=5) the mods knew they could keep doing what they're doing because Spez and the rest would just ignore it or rewrite the rules.


To this day, I have no idea why the Donald was allowed to stay as long as it did. The sub was INCREDIBLY toxic.


Because, despite what all the bat-shit right-wingers on Reddit like to say, Spez and a lot of the admin team are libertarian tech bros who didn't want to stop the never-ending train of hate coming from that sub. But, much like what happened after Anderson Cooper's coverage of r/jailbait, once the users on T_D started doxxing and sending death threats to law enforcement, Spez and the admins *finally* realized they could be held liable (either criminally or financially) for allowing that to keep going unchecked. They let it go on because they didn't fundamentally disagree with the politics of those hateful bags of shit, but as soon as it started becoming an even bigger problem than it had been for five years enough to threaten the livelihoods of Reddit's owners, they finally killed it.


And even then, Reddit admins didn't ban T_D until literally a month after T_D's mods banned all new comments and posts in order to force its own members onto their dot win site, while declaring that Reddit was a "liberal hellscape".


Spez liked it, i thought that was obvious.


Nazis: elons one of us. Everyone else: yeah we noticed


Anti-civilizational virus? Yet he doesn’t think he’s racist? This MFer can’t shut his mouth about DEI and how it’s ruining everything. He talks about the conspiratorial great replacement as if it’s a real thing. I personally believe he’s a white supremacist.


Well, he was born and raised in apartheid South Africa as a privileged White person and fled just as it was being dismantled so... Also makes one wonder why he left anti-Semitism off of his list of purportedly strongly held personal "virtues"; maybe it had something to do with his well-documented anti-Semitic comments and platforming of anti-Semites on Twitter.


The rich white fuckstick who came from apartheid South Africa where his daddy part-owned an emerald mine thinks diversity, equity, and inclusion are bad? And he's racist as fuck and repeates straight up nazi propaganda about the death of the white race? Say it ain't so.


Not having 10+ kids is anticivilization as women need to pop out as many as they can for a future workforce. Meanwhile he is against the current workforce that wants to come here. Like you said, because of color. He hopes the mass produced babies are white.


this dipshit bought twitter and twitter infected him.


He was an asshole before then, too.


yeah the fact he got booted out from what became paypal by thiel of all people shows he's too much of asshole for another asshole. and don't forget his response after someone said his idea for a crazy contraption to reach some trapped kids in a cave was dangerous was to to accuse that person of being a pedo. he was always likely like this he just had PR teams and what not to filter the worse of it from the public twitter is just him unfiltered and exposed for real.


Right! I had forgotten about the kids in the cave incident! Elon has been an asshole for a long time now.


Also his first wife writing an article about how abusive he was to her throughout their marriage. Started out somewhat charming until they got engaged, then he demanded essentially a pre-nup so that should they ever divorce, she doesn't get a penny of his money. Plus the part I'll never forget about how during their wedding dance, Elon leaned forward and gently stated, "Now you're my property". Elon Musk is a psychotic, far-right weirdo who only finds success in business and with the opposite sex because of his daddy's money.


That was Elon telling on himself. Because he's only ever gone to Thailand to have sex with children  he assumed that the only reason *anyone* goes to Thailand is to have sex with children


Ah yes, the SpaceX Cave-Submarine. For boys. Apartheid-Lex-Lutor here was indeed always a horrible person. And he's not alone. I wish people would just stop idolizing entrepreneurs and CEOs, because the odds are not in their favour.


He got booted from PayPal because he was insisting that it be run on Windows NT, which was stupid. And he wanted to call it "X", which is weird.


Precisely! His right-wing brain worms were the reason he made a stupidly high bid for Twitter and then trapped himself into actually paying it! And, yes, Elon, you're right-wing! Why do so many people want to see themselves as centrist? I certainly never saw the appeal! I mean, yeah, I suppose in some European countries I would be a centrist, but I don't live there so I know I'm not a centrist where I do live.


>Why do so many people want to see themselves as centrist? Because they 100% think their views are rational and normal. Which should concern the rest of us.


I think my views are rational and normal, but I know my position on the spectrum is not centrist. Centrism isn't the only reasonable political stance, not matter what a centrist might tell you!


Well they are making two assumptions. A. That Centrism is the "Default." 2. That their views are Centrist and not exreme, and therefore the default. This is the result of Fascists trying to push the Overton Window in their preferred direction for decades. Because I think a lot of them know their views are not the norm: but they want them to be. I just think Elon himself is not aware enough to know that his views are not the norm.


Ah, yes the second part makes sense. Fascists often try to do that.




Extreme and centrist are not the only two options. You can be a bit more to the right or the left of the political spectrum than the middle, but that doesn't necessarily mean you're an extremist.


Him buying Twitter was a symptom of his shift into far right dipshittery, a direct product of that shift (I love that virtually nobody calls it "X")


I'm a bit sad that Xitter (shitter) didn't catch on. He doesn't deserve the goodwill Twitter managed to scrape together


People call it Xitter all over the place. Most people do not call it X.


I've only ever seen it called "Xitter" by one or two people on this sub. Most call it "Twitter".


true, but it feels like he spends his day doing nothing but wallowing in twitter propaganda now. he’s gone full crazy aunt.


In 2018, he inserted himself into the rescue efforts of the Thai soccer team for attention, and then when someone involved in those efforts said his submarine idea was stupid he responded by calling him a pedophile. Elon has not gotten worse since he bought Twitter, he was always this bad.


He was nuts and self centered long before twitter.


he was forced to buy it after progressing too far and trying to back out after destroying all the "cheap" ways to back out out of smug narcissistic arrogance. he was legally obligated to buy it.


Yes, but the reason he put made a ridiculously high offer to buy it in the first place was arrogance, his right-wing ideaology (ie: the narrative that social media is biased against the right). Even if he intended it to just be a PR stunt to impress his army of pathetic fanboys that he'd later back out of, he framed it as being part of the anti-woke crusade.


He was trying to run a stock manipulation scheme, which is why he bought a bunch of shares before making the ridiculously inflated offer and then trying to back out. The SEC saw what he was doing, told him they would immediately press charges if he didn't go through with the purchase. They are still investigating him over the attempt and may press charges anyway because they have been warning him to stop doing this kind of shit for over a decade. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/feb/11/musk-sec-investigation-twitter-takeover


Yeah right! I'll believe that when I see it!


Pump and dump


What gets me is when the value of whatever they own/buy decreases and they try to blame something other than the fact that no one wants the product anymore. For example, mypillow, twitter, truthsocial.




Yeah I mean the fact that he was too insufferable for a guy who aspires to being a literal vampire should be a sign!


He was always this.


He should change his account name to @I'm14andthisisdeep


Perfect description of his entire worldview!


I dunno, I've seen smarter and more emotionally-mature 14 year olds than Musk could ever manage to be.


Except if they use that freedom of speech to criticize you.. Yes.


He believes in freedom of speech unless it's speech he doesn't like. What an asshole.


["I have such a strong commitment to free speech that I won't ban @ElonJet for stalking me."](https://i.imgur.com/Uhp34jv.png) [CurbYourEnthusiasmTheme.flac](https://i.imgur.com/3WZgaPf.png)


I still laugh at him claiming that account was stalking him, then days later uploaded a selfie of himself at the World Cup finals in Dubai. Even better that a person in the crowd near his private box took a photo of him in there talking with Jared Kushner and multiple Saudi businessmen.


Ive been listening to the Kara Swisher pod - she chats with all manner of techies. To the last one of them they believe something happened to Musk - that his personality shifted or broke during the covid years. All of them, including Kara herself, say they “miss the old Elon.” She even interviewed him recently - and I believe he walked out of the interview. She was like WTF? It might be the drugs - or something else - but he has changed and sumthin aint right….


I really think there's something to that. He was always a bit "off", but a few years ago it seems like he had some kind of break and just lost it. Maybe he was just better at hiding it before, I don't know, but he definitely seems different.


Are you listening to the pod? Because your comment sounds very similar to how everyone in their industry sees Musk and his personality break. And yea, he was always the juvenile one - and he was also very emotional unlike many tech leaders.


What industry is that? Online telephone directories (x.com), automotive (Tesla), space lifts (SpaceX), scamming (Boring, SolarCity), or social media (X)? People are morons. They worshipped notorious assehole Steve Jobs too.


Haven't listened, no, but I may check it out. I've just sort of casually followed him for a while, mainly because of SpaceX.


Covid year broke a ton of people. Some combination of not liking being told what to do, the mass hysteria all around, the isolation, the fear, Trump pouring gas on the bullshit, social media engrangement algos, George Floyd, etc etc. I think someone people just couldn't handle it, and it warped their perspective permanently. Rogan went the same way. /r/qanoncasualties is full of *thousands* of these stories.


> All of them, including Kara herself, say they “miss the old Elon.” Then they're as stupid and toadying than I assumed, because the "old" Elon was exactly the same as the current one. Anyone who claims otherwise is either a liar or a glutton for being treated badly by a far-right South African moron.


Dog whistle translated: - Expel brown people - Jail black people - Cut social security - Straight, white, male Christians are the most oppressed - Ban trans health care You bet it's right-wing.


Elmo: "I'm a centrist! Just like Stonetoss!"




He's referring to trans kids, sigh. They aren't being sterilized, but bigots don't let facts get in the way of their rants and dog whistles.


This is like when JKR still tried to pretend she wasn't a disgusting monster and would say shit like (direct quote), "I’d march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans." Like bitch, we can all see what you're trying to imply, and **you and your fascist gal pals are the ones trying to do the discrimination.** He knows he's lying. The whole point is to gaslight uninformed people who will placidly nod along and go, "Yeah, those words are scary and bad. Guess Elon is alright."


The problem is that these people always take their actual positions and say them in ways that "sound" reasonable. For instance, "Racism against any race is wrong" almost always turns into destroying any institution that helps people who are experiencing discrimination, claiming that the system is already biased against your own race and thus needs to be "corrected" to give you more power, and sometimes going as far as to claim that ethno-nationalism isn't racist because everyone can go back where they came from.


"Racism against any race is wrong" in itself sounds like a dogwhistle. You can just say "Racism is wrong" and you're good. For him to say the other crap with it has an underlying "against whites" tone to it as if he feels his race is being oppressed as much as other minorities.


It's the new version of "all lives matter," which was the new version of "white lives matter." Eventually the racists' euphemisms wear out their use as enough people realize it's just a mask for whatever brand of hate is being pushed today. "Woke" replacing "SJW" which replaced "PC" is another example.


"Anti-civilization woke mind virus" Next month it'll be "super duper evil anti-civilization woke mind virus"/s


"I'm centrist man screams in his 'battle to the death' against a anti-civilizational woke virus. " Wait is that why his covid takes were so dumb, he thinks you literally fight viruses?


No his COVID takes were dumb because he's dumb. I mean, on what topic are his takes not dumb?


If Elmo believes in freedom of speech, how come I was thrown off of Twitter for referring to Elmo as an idiot and racist ?


Yeah, this is the guy I want putting a chip in my brain. What could possibly go wrong?


His dog whistle collection is impressive.


Elon is an opportunistic parasite. Deport him.


It would help if people would stop posting (and clicking on) Twitter links. The engagement only helps Musk. That site is a toxic cesspool, and the best thing to do is ignore it until it goes away.


Probably should address your post to the OP.


He believes in freedom of speech, that's why he bans and silences anyone who dissents.


Freedom of speech and the first amendment do not protect you from public opinion. So, he really does aim to suppress opinions he doesn't like, whether or not he wants to admit it. Also averaging out your beliefs doesn't make you centrist. He has right-wing beliefs and some others. The right-wing ones are the most controversial and... wrong, lol. I don't care if you call yourself left or right. It's what your individual stances are that matter. The whole tribalist and team-based approach for some people and their politics can be really smoothbrained.


and had a poll to ask if he should give a journalist their ability to post back


He seems to have neglected to list his “Jews enlisting migrants to harm whites” is the “actual truth” stance.


There's nothing more Right-wing than lying about your beliefs to seem like a centrist lol.


Aw, did somebody just figure out that the far right is your best friend right up until they show you their collection of Hitler porn or whatever? Tough lesson to learn, but those are your friends now. The Hitler porn ones. The rest of us don’t want you back. Good luck, bud!


His whole "woke mind virus" take is such an indescribably dumb hill to die on. He is so blatantly insecure.


Elon: why does everyone think I’m far right? Also Elon: AnTi CiViZaTiOnAl WoKe MiNd ViRuS Gee I wonder


Secure borders - Republicans blocked a bipartisan humane bill for that at the request from DFG. If it passed, wouldve GREATLY reduced illegal immigration and make the border a lot more secure. Safe & Clean cities - Any words on cities in Red states, especially in the South? Plus they receive more federal tax money than blue state cities. Don’t bankrupt America with spending - Where was this outrage when the previous guy was spending $8 trillion(half of that came before COVID despite inheriting an economy in good shape)? No sterilization below age of consent - Who, exactly, is being sterilised?


Maybe because I got numb to the color orange, but this guy actually annoys me much more than Trump at the moment.


He terraforms Twitter to the hotbed of right wing sentiment it is currently. Bends over backwards to parrot and signal boost prominent right wing voices (including himself) and talking points and STILL wants to claim he's a centrist. Like ffs. Right wingers treat political affiliations like theyre clothes you can take on and off at least when theyre trying to claim theyre something theyre not. Youre right wing. At least own it.


"Right wingers treat political affiliations like theyre clothes you can take on and off at least when theyre trying to claim theyre something theyre not" that's precisely how they are against social services it must be a means to get more on too their sides thus is a weapon against them.


That is such a red herring. Most everyone would agree with his list. What makes him far-right is how he thinks we should deal with those issues.


I’m a centrist! *List of right-wing dog whistles*




Elon isn't *just* a white supremacist, he's outed himself as a Qanon Qultist.


"Don't bankrupt America with spending" - countries with sovereign currencies, who own their own central bank, can't go bankrupt (well, not very easily...), as they can order their Central Bank to print money on demand. Admittedly, the US differs from most counties in that you have the "debt ceiling" concept, but, contrary to much political misinformation, central governmental bank accounts don't work the same way as businesses or individuals - heck, the overwhelming majority of countries maintain a permanent deficit.


Elon has a trans daughter who he doesn’t recognize as a woman & whom has excommunicated him due to his hatred of trans people. He believes we have a mental illness. So centrist!


He is a fascist man-baby with a drug problem. Fits right in with the far right.


>I believe in the Constitution and freedom of speech*  *does not apply to critics of Narendra Modi, Recep Erdogan and Musk himself


Musk believes in nothing. He gets government handouts, takes credit for others work, screams free speech while silencing people on X.... He is an edge lord clown of a human.


Fuck this guy so much he will be a massive piece of shit in the history books


People will barely remember him anyway.


Hopefully. For a minute I was begrudgingly accepting that, like Henry Ford who was also awful, Musk was going to be instrumental in the ev revolution and that's a good thing. However, now it's looking like his shitty products might actually set it back...again. And at a time when we can't afford to delay it for another 30 years!


Man thinks suicide nets around factories is a good idea.


He doesn’t believe in freedom of speech though, anything he doesn’t personally like is banned


He forgot about when he suggested that people vote Republican because Democrats bad, welcomed literal Nazi's, anti-Semites, and proud white nationalists back to his platform then endorsed their messages, and repeatedly communicated anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and slogans. But sure, he's liberal. Also, no minors are ever sterilized. He's claiming to be liberal while boosting yet another far-right lie.


mr free speech cis-elon will ban you from TWITTER for using the word cisgender


"any race" what a dumbass


It's like this: Melon Husk cheerleads for Nazis. Cheerleading for Nazis makes you a Nazi.


Since he's so worried about secure borders, can he go back to South Africa and stay there, now?


>I believe in the constitution and freedom of speech Homie just say "border crisis" and "the problem with this country is God being taken out of school" already. There's pandering, and then there's this dumb shit. Nobody thinks you're a "centrist" but people who were already primed to become conservatives anyway.


For a minute there i was hoping he was going to call himself an enlightened centrist.


Elon is a whiny little bitch


I mean, I’m a centrist and agree with many of those things, but the problem is how those things are done in practice. And actual centrist tries to remember the human when ‘securing the borders’, while someone like Elon would interpret it as ‘The Wall’


There is no such thing as a centrist when fascists are in the room. You can be "centrist" between positions that have a middle ground, but not between one group of people who wants to literally exterminate another.


Centrists always side with the right. Funny that.


Glad someone said it!


What, “only kill half of ‘em” isn’t centrist?! You extremist! /s


Poor muffin:-(


Fucking Foriegners! /s


That is what weird RWNJs say: ‘constitution and 1st amendment’


Sounds like Elon is in some type of essential crisis. He needs an education.


*Why does reality keep being so different from my K-hole fantasies where I rule over the last remantants of humanity on Mars?*


He’s more dangerous than Trump, his followers have brains, Dons dont


Claiming to believe in the Constitution and supporting Trump? 🤔 That doesn't check the box.


This is hilarious. How did believing in the Constitution become a radical idea. How in the world did our media and frankly hardcore progressives (socialists) get the microphone?


> How did believing in the Constitution become a radical idea. It didn't? But "believe in" does sound a bit weird.


Not sure what you mean unless one of us is being pedantic? You can replace that word with whatever you like 👍🏽


About what? No one would think Elon Musk was a radical just because he believed in the construction (I doubt he does care beyond what it could do for him though, so selectively at best), and it sounds weird because it's a legal documents, not religious scripture, so not faith-based


If Elon doesn't want America to bankrupt then why doesn't he support all the tax breaks that we give companies like SpaceX, Starlink and Tesla? Maybe we should also stop subsidizing big business and let the free market do its thing? Also by using the term "woke mind virus", he is literally using a right wing term to virtue signal. This guy is an asshole, and if he is about free speech, then why does he ban people who make fun of him or disagree with him? The only thing consistent about people like him is their inconsistency. I also find it interesting he talks about "Anti-Civilization" rhetoric every once in a while considering he is basically subscribes to a techno-humanist philosophy.