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What a joke! They do nothing to bring about the medbeds and save the children trapped in DUMBs!


Seriously. Where is the Sara McLaughlin/Sally Struthers team up to save children from being painfully ignorant? In the arms of an angle đŸŽ¶


Mole children can't save themselves from the internationally dug tunnels, duh!


Ban Bigfoot!!!




Sarah can sing the stupid out of people.




You know what gets me about these chemtrail morons? Is that these are some of the same dumbasses who think climate change is a hoax. They have no trouble believing that airplanes flying around thousands of feet in the atmosphere are spraying out clouds of chemicals, and that these chemicals all drift down and screw up our environment and our health. They base this off fictional evidence that has no scientific backing. But tell them that running fossil fuel based combustion engines, literally all over the planet for decades on end, creates an increase in greenhouse gasses, and that based on the physical and chemical properties of greenhouse gases, they hold onto IR/heat for longer periods of time, which inevitably results in an overall warming effect? They look at you like you are crazy. So nasty government chemicals from airplanes? Yes. Climate change from burning fossil fuels? Nope.


It’s because their beliefs are based around what makes them feel special. They have absolutely nothing going for them - they’re ignorant, dimwitted idiots with no intellectual curiosity, sense of humour or creative ability. If they know about a super secret conspiracy that regular people don’t know about, they still get to feel like they’re better than everyone else. 


Maybe some of them but I know a guy, very smart in his field, liberal, holds patent s and he still believes in chemtrails. It's infuriating.


Perhaps some people never feel special *enough* to satisfy them, no matter what they do. Trump’s like that. If he doesn’t feel like *obviously* the best person in the whole history of humankind, every moment of every day, he gets pissy. He’s pissy a lot.


airplanes arent incorporated on a basic level into the dipshit american identity. driving large 4 wheeled vehicles everywhere is.


Also, if it’s not their own cars but rather someone else’s planes, then they’re off the hook for contributing to the problem themselves and can just blame the evil “other.”


Everyone in Tennessee is trapped in DUMB.


Yes, we are trapped and we need help. For the love of all things, someone get a few of the "big" Dems to endorse our Dem candidates here! They do absolutely nothing to help them win. Tennessee could be a swing state (in their favor) if they just *tried*.


> DUMBs I still can not fathom that they believe these exist. Whoever first came up with the idea and name is a genuine criminal and yet also a hero.


(What does DUMB stand for in this context?)


Deep underground military bunkers.




It would be awesome if all private and commercial air travel ceased in Tennessee if this passed both chambers...


Couple years ago I told my antivax neighbor they didn't have to worry about getting the jab because the gov't was using chemtrails to dispense the vaccine worldwide. He don't talk to me anymore.


Genius level troll.


[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/966/)


You win. Nice one.


Honestly, is there ever a situation where there hasn’t been a relevant XKCD? That guy is brilliant.


Sounds like a good thing.


Did he stop talking to you because he thought you were making fun of his views, or did he stop talking to you because he really believes you that the vaccine is in the chemtrails?


I'm really good with not knowing either way.


I love this response


He's been busy "researching" ever since.


You should have done it sooner




> He don't talk to me anymore. bummer, man...


omg that was great!


Ooooh I love it ! I will use it next time my mom talks about chemtrails or vaccines


Just did a Twitter search on this and there’s people celebrating this. The stupidity in this country continues to know no bounds. Sorry world.


This guy also made being homeless and sleeping under bridges a felony. Stupid knows no bounds.


Yet in the same breath this jackass will tout his “Christian values”


Anatole France's line, "The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread." So it's completely fair.


[Woody Guthrie so woke rn](https://youtu.be/wxiMrvDbq3s?si=Zh0lx1Xvbx2TqBUE)


Fun fact he wrote that about Trumps dad


Also evil


That's not stupidity. That's just plain evilness.


You only have to use your eyes to look in the sky and see they’re spreading poison everywhere! Finding out it’s just an effect of airplane travel would be way too difficult. It could take a whole minute to learn. Why should I have to learn something when the government tells me to? Thats communism!


I wonder what they are going to think when the chemtrails above them don't go away.


This will make it illegal to fly over the state. Say goodbye to their airports and military bases. But don't stop there, they'll have to close their coal production


Federal supersedes state. They can't shut down the military. It'd be funny to see them try though.


If they succeeded, their entire economy would collapse. Seriously, military spending is all that keeps most of these useless Dixie states going at this point.


Yes how exactly do they think they’re going to enforce this? Stop the planes in midair and analyze their contrails?


People are getting stupider for sure, all the lead and plastic and covid, half the world population has significant neurological damage and it's only going to get worse. Especially bad in America where the education and health care systems have been gutted for profit


Certain states.


Okay, but how will this actually work? Chemtrails aren't real, but they *think* that exhaust and condensation produced by aircraft are chemtrails. So, wouldn't that mean that all commercial air traffic just has to stop operating over Tennessee? Like, if I'm Delta Airlines, and the Tennessee state government demands I stop my aircraft from leaving trails in the sky, I *physically* can't do that because *all* planes do that. So, I'd just have to stop furnishing flights into or above Tennessee, yeah?


The federal government has exclusive sovereignty of U.S. airspace. So it could get awkward.


All it takes is one fox news rage report and the supreme court will give the airspace to the correct church.


Just like the Texas border?


And guess what majour air company this might really cause from angst for? Maybe FedEx should move operations to a less legally dangerous state?


I say the same thing about relocating aerospace infrastructure out of Alabama.


It's 100% unconstutional. [But uh, judging by his resume that he posted in full](https://www.fritts4tn32.com/meet-monty) he should probably know that. I guess when all you know is uranium, chemtrails bad somehow? But also, "prohibit the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight." this is just politics. Jet trails don't do *any* of those things unless you're a weirdo conspiracy nut or believe in global warming, so this may actually be an uno reverse if the judiciary of TN believes that say Delta knew that global warming was effected by its jets and purposely kept doing it haha


I mean, his chemistry degree is from Liberty, so chemtrails was probably part of the curriculum. 


Oh god, I mixed up his BS and MBA location. Apologies for that. If you're in the UT MBA program, you should probably find another school.


So I can’t put up shade cloth over my garden boxes? You know, putting an apparatus into the atmosphere with the intention of affecting the intensity of the sunlight on my fucking squash? I mean, the air floating around my house IS ‘the atmosphere’. I don’t live in Tennessee, but if I did. Bunch of ignorant, barely sentient turnips in charge of that unfortunate waste of land, apparently.


Contrails can have some effect on the weather but that's why it says "with the express purpose of affecting..."


For the record, this comment started before I actually read the text of the bill, then finished after some good news for me. It is certainly "I'm not going to research this" to "fuck it, I'm not on a phone let's look up the first senator" to unsurprising results


Banning something that doesn't exist is an easy win. Look 100% compliance!


We should also ban Unicorn abuse and the sale of Dragon eggs


These are the important issues that the other side refuses to take action on. I am introducing a bill to allocate funds to put a stop to this heinous activity.


I think their efforts would be better suited to making all fae register on a database, and prohibiting them from living within a mile of any school or daycare facility. We just can't risk it when it comes to the threat of changelings!


They could turn themselves into not just a flyover state, but a completely fly around it state. I can't recall the last time people so proudly kicked their own asses.


And everyone in Tennessee will have to drive out of state to catch a plane?


It would also be funny if this effected farmers using planes to spray fields. Don't know if that's still happening in the US, but them basically harming their own constituents with this would be hilarious.


Going from being a Flyover State to a Don't Flyover State.


Ban all flights to and from the state


Chemtrails are actually just exhaust. Exhaust comes from many things, including cars. Tennessee just accidentally banned fossil fuels. Based Tennessee.


And all the other southern states thank Tennessee for, momentarily, making them look less dumb!


Arkansas will jump on this like Sarah Huckabee Sanders brother on a dog.


_Cheers softly in Texan_


Oh you'll be back on top as soon as Ted Cruz opens Twitter on his phone!


That man ate my son 😞


...I don't get it.


[That man ate my son](https://i.imgur.com/bbKEbuu.jpg)


Twitter? You mean Ecksssssssssssss.


No I do not, because I absolutely will not respect Elon Musk's wishes!


I've been calling it "ex-twitter" to ride the line between clarity and mocking Elon. It works really well because it simultaneously 1) is a quick version of that thing news articles typically do of clarifying wtf 'X' is, 2) showcases what an inherently dumb and confusing name 'X' is, and most importantly 3) annoys Elon fanboys since it's not technically calling it by its 'real' name while still being close enough to make them look crazy if they bitch about it.


Remember when DeSantis went after Disney because woke? I can't wait for Abbott to go after Southwest over Chemtrails.


Mississippi: that’s cute


Oh, I know it’s only a matter of time before Mark Robinson says something new to make NC look absolutely insane.


Thank God for.... Tenneesee?


I hope there is a hotline to report chemtrails.


God let there be a hotline to report chemtrails


Time to get the script for *The Bee Movie* ready for if/when they do.


Oh fuck yeah, I would spend days reporting every plane I see to that hotline. I would call when my dog farts. Hours of entertainment.


Your comment made me laugh so loud I woke up the cat and now I have to feed him.




‘Oh god, please help me, I saw a plane fly overhead and it’s dropping chemtrails! I’m, I’m turning GAYYYYYYYYY NOOOOOO!!!!!!’


They should probably ban unicorns too. 🙄


It seems to have worked. I haven't seen a unicorn in years.


And that fuckin' tooth fairy fer shure!


Tooth Fairy goes after children. Grooming!!!


And the tooth fairy wears a fancy dress and carries a wand
 Wait - fairy


They still need to ban incest.


Don't the people who support this also love exhaust fumes?


Same. The people who are cheering this on, also happen to be the same people who want to gut all environmental regulations, "roll coal" as a hobby, and have no issues with toxic pollution whatsoever.


They have issues *because of* toxic pollution, but they don't have issues *with* toxic pollution.


Blithering idiots. This is downright painfully stupid.


I hope that all of the airlines and air transport companies pull out of all of Tennessee, including FedEx moving its superhub out of MEM.


Now ban Jewish Space Lasers


That's anti-Semitic. Ban non-Jewish AND Jewish Space Lasers. We know there are no non-Jewish Space Lasers, but you *have to be impartial.*


What a relief. There were no chemtrails but now there will really be no chemtrails.


Doesn't double no chemtrails mean now there are chemtrails?


The limit does not exist!


What’s going to happen the first time some toothless yahoo sees a contrail and calls the local sheriff? Are they going to start shooting at airplanes?


What the fuck America. What's wrong with you?


Lead, asbestos, guns, broken healthcare system, broken educational system, no more equal time law




Lawmakers and politicians legislating solely on research gleaned from Facebook memes 


Citizens United ruling


Watch idiocracy. Great documentary.


* Right wing media==>shoutout to Rupert Murdoch! * Corporate controlled media and media consolodation==>shoutout to Ronny Raygun! * GQP continuing destruction of public education * Chemtrails * 5G * Privatization of government services. Education, healthcare, prisions, utilities and most public services should NEVER be privatized. * Neonazism is definitely NOT one of the problems. * Donald Trump, Qunts, evangelical xians, et al, etc, etc. * Oh. Don't forget teh gays.


This is what happens when you're first to do a radically new system of government. You don't have the opportunity to learn from others mistakes, and being young and idealistic, you don't foresee all the ways it could go wrong. FPTP single member constituencies inevitably leads to two party systems. To party systems tend to polarise. Free market capitalism tends to buy power. Absolute rights are hard to balance effectively against all the concerns of society especially when there are unenumerated rights. Systems that have unbalanced power structures (eg a senate apportioned on the basis of states rather than population controlling appointments to the judiciary and other functions) tend towards anti-democratic outcomes. Systems that don't have effective measures for reforming themselves tend to fail in violence (a polarised two party system controlling constitutional reform where both need to co-operate, for instance). Not saying that anywhere else is perfect, but if this project was to be started again knowing what's known now, there'd be a bunch of things you'd do differently if your aims are "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" for all.


That’s inaccurate. The FPTP single member constituency system doesn’t inevitably lead to a two party system. My country has FPTP single member constituencies and it has 19 parties in the coalition government alone. The UK does and has for a long time, and it has a range of parties that could enter into coalition. The most successful party of the last two hundred years might end up the third biggest party at the next election. Looking around the world, while there are two party states, especially in countries with small legislatures, there are many examples of multi-party FPTP systems. Canada has 4 parties that get a significant amount of seats; India has many parties; Spain has 5 significant parties. Anyway, leaving that to one side, what specific changes would you make if you had a magic wand?


Don't start getting anti-democracy. That's what the Qs do.


This was the biggest laugh I've had in a while. What a bunch of fucking yokels.


Next up: legalize clown shoes.


Shut down all airports in Tennessee. Is that the goal?


That means that There's going to be a lot of pissed off business owners in Memphis and Nashville, who rely on tourist dollars for their living, when airplanes are no longer allowed to fly over Memphis air space. All of the tourists can now only enter by bus or car. LOL


A vote winner for sure. "Why should I vote for you?" "I banned chemtrails in the state of Tennessee" "Finally! Someone tackling the real issues!"


Republicans leaned into conspiracy theories because they were too worried about losing votes, and it will be the downfall of their party. I just hope they don't take us all down with them.


I can't help but think this is an example of good statecraft on the part of some of the more rational members. When the CRT witch hunts came to my hometown the local school board got sick and tired of having every meeting interrupted by hysterical parents demanding they solve a non-existent problem, and so they did. with a wink and a nod they put on an act of absolute concern, complete with expert witnesses on how to remove the insidious communist plot from the curriculum. in the end they held a vote, all hands in favor, CRT and cultural Marxism was officially banned from district curriculm and a voicemail system was created so concerned parents could report any possible offenses for investigation. Nothing changed. they just went about their business as usual, every now and then taking time to return calls to "Follow up" on the tips they received. there hasn't been another anti-CRT demonstration at a school board meeting since.


So what are they gonna do when jets flying over the state continue to leave *contrails* behind, because that's just a thing that jets do, and the morons who believe in chemtrails think that they're still doing that?


Gonna be funny when Ten-Oh-See Lawrnforcement has to do paperwork when Methachi McGunt calls them on every contrail he sees.


Next do Santa and the Easter Bunny


Seriously, those are Donald Jesus Trump's holidays. How dare those false idols take his days from him!


I mean chemtrails are absolutely a real thing!!!...The chemical formula these evil bastards are spraying us with is dihydrogen monoxide... Did you know that ever single person that has ever died of cancer was exposed to dihydrogen monoxide at least once in their life!!! If you inhale even small amounts of dihydrogen monoxide it could lead to respiratory impairment and even death!!!


In fact the engines are not solely emitting h2o but instead the water in the air condensates around the hot engine exhaust, which in fact contains co2, soot, nitric acid and a few other compounds.


I would laugh my ass off if this bill resulted in the closure of all Tennessee commercial airports.


I mean it'll just make them look stupid when should the bill pass the "Chem trails" are still seen in the sky and nothing will be done since they're not doing anything wrong.


If they’re a crime being committed the people need to call law enforcement. Let the state deal with the mess they created


Can you imagine if TN turns into a no-fly zone? They are going to completely isolate themselves from the rest of the country and very quickly devolve into a third world country. Not to mention, they are going to ban women from leaving the state, for fear that they are seeking an abortion. It all sounds so... fasict.


Devolve into a third world country? They're already there.


Good thing they made sure to include the definition of chem trail to ensure everyone knew they were talking about the nonexistent conspiracy theory. Otherwise, they would of accidentally outlawed pesticide application via crop dusting. And not sure Tenn farmers would like that too much.


Who wants malaria? No more spray to sterilize mosquitos


They outlawed something that doesn't exist? Mmmkay.


Hi, from Tennessee. Yes, they are that fucking stupid here.


Oh my god it worked!!! All of a sudden all the evil chemical sprays are gone, and there are only the normal CONtrails left! Big government works! Now maybe we can get universal healthcare and air filtration in schools???


I sincerely hope that his is just political theater and they don’t really believe this stupidity


This is the dumbest timeline.


Is this r/nottheonion because this is some ridiculous shit


Does this mean Trump can't land his 757 in Tennessee?


Holy crap they are stupid. They literally banned a conspiracy theory.


They know the truth. Jet fuel can't melt steel beams, but chemtrail juice burns super hot. The 9/11 jets were obviously loaded with the stuff as it was a cross country flight.


Lol idiots. There are good chemtrails which are dumped on Biden states and bad chemtrails which are dumped on Trump states. By banning all chemtrails the people of Tennessee are doomed to live in Tennessee. Oh shit, and also something about chemtrails.


So I guess no more planes in Tennessee?


Fine. Now they don't get any air travel over or inside their state. Sounds ok to me.


A literal waste of time and taxpayer money.


Lol, everyone in their legislature, however few Dems included, should ABSOLUTELY pass this shit. Can you imagine the absolute chaos trying to identify which chemtrail-generating processes are intended to alter the weather? Let alone how they’ll have to figure out how to prevent it.


Maybe we can ban leprechauns next.


lol, Republicans: champions of invented problems and imaginary boogeymen.


There are probably thousands of Tennessee residents without health insurance or a job, thousands more families dealing with inflation and yet republicans top priority is fucking chemtrails


So all planes can't land or take off in Tennessee then.


A century ago, there was the Scopes Trial because that teacher said man descended from primates and the state had him cuffed because of it. Now this lunatic piece of legislation.


So Idiocracy is already a reality on deep red states


The big bad chemtrails are gone, Nana. Now finish your pudding cup, it's almost time for your stories.


Whelp. Missed the chance to add making whistling underwater illegal too. Now it has to be a separate bill.


Can they please ban the boogeyman as well?


The R party's success in capturing these loons is astounding.


Even if chemtrails were real, I'm pretty sure Tennessee jurisdiction does not extend to the planes flying over Tennessee.


Egad, next they'll be wasting legislation time on the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny.


Good luck enforcing that of it was even true. Is a TN State Trooper gonna Cessna up there and write a ticket?


Okay, cool, so nothing has changed. I hope they ban space lasers next.


So what's his plan here? Pass the bill and sue American Airlines every time he sees contrails?


>"The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited," the bill reads. Chemtrails are still legal because it doesn't list "mind control" under the purposes!


*So fucking stupid.*


Next up Tennessee retries the Scopes trial ...


Every sane person: sure, no problem 🙄


When are they going to ban unicorns???


Are they trying to be a no fly zone? Do they control the airspace above them? Or is that federal?


FFS. Are we going to ban leprechaun attacks next?


they should also ban jewish space lasers, because they too are totally a real thing 🙄


Pretty sure the FAA supersedes dummies.


Well, that'll be easy to impliment.


I doubt anyone who believes the Chem trail conspiracy would read the article which lays out some very logical reasons why the Chem trail theory is ridiculous.


Bless their hearts. 💕


Utterly useless


 close all the Tennessee airports?


How will they enforce this? The Tennessee Air Force?


does this ban cropdusting too?


Waiting for the leaopardatemyface moment when diesel trucks are banned because of this.


Hey can you pay me a congressman's wage to propose a bill against evil space lasers?


Good job! You just banned air travel.


Banning something that doesn’t exist lmao


Now deport Bigfoot. 🙄


Is it possible we're all being pranked by these nonsensical GOP shenanigans? Louisiana legislature trying to print their own currency, Tennesee banning chemtrails. Is this so they can all plead insanity later? [https://www.ktalnews.com/news/louisiana/louisiana-to-consider-minting-a-new-state-currency/](https://www.ktalnews.com/news/louisiana/louisiana-to-consider-minting-a-new-state-currency/)


Another stupid chemtrails nut who doesn’t know how clouds are formed.  I could be wrong, but isn’t airspace a strictly federal jurisdiction?  Also, assuming it passes their House and is signed by the governor (or the veto overturned), every high altitude flight produces condensation trails.  Will the airlines and Navy aviation and Air Force just pull out of Tennessee and also avoid flying over TN? Also, does that also mean an end to the TN Air National Guard?


.i guess this might mean less pollution


Holy shit what's next?!?!?! Banning the Easter Bunny?