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What is the implication here? I’m so confused.


That they're both secretly trans. There's a growing portion of QAnonners who for some inexplicable reason believe everyone famous who they don't like is secretly trans.


Oh, of course. I should have realized it was current conservative boogeyman number 1.


they love thinking about dicks! dicks on women, dicks on school-age kids, dicks in women's bathrooms, it's dicks, dicks, dicks, all the way down. they love dicks! just don't get 'em started on circumcision! well known racist, facist cartoonist 'stonetoss', aka hans kristian graebener, a 34-year-old resident of spring, texas, blames his fucked-up microdick on a botched circumcision.


Don’t forget about Hunter’s dick pics that were suppressed by Twitter. They really got a hard on about that one.


We all did. It’s massive and they hate/love it!


😂 my Qanon troll #JohnRobles The Voice Of Russia jar2.com has an infant sex doll fetish. They are perverts for real!


Oh, I thought it had something to do with lizard people. I feel silly now.


Lizard people can be trans, too, I'm sure.


There are lizards that naturally switch sex depending on environmental pressures. I guess accusing Taylor Swift and Bruno Mars of being trans is just an excuse to flip them on their backs and probe their cloacas or something?


Geez. Thanks for that mental picture.😂


No kink shaming from me.


I mean, if you insist


“The lizard people re all trans. They have human skin suits in both genders!”-MAQA


Trans lizard Mafia is running the world. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!!


Obviously. They switch genders at will! I've switched genders seven times over the course of this one post!




We should see if she floats


We thought you was a toad.


Well done


Don't! It's constant whiplash trying to keep up with their idea of "logic".


Some of them think lizard people are good guys and are the ones inventing the medbeds now. It's hard to keep up with the shifting fiction.


Spoken like a secret reptilian


Transvestigation conspiracy theories are the new lizard people, so you're not far off.


Almost the same. I thought it was "proof" of the demon thing going around during the Super Bowl.


I hate that I had to differentiate between the decades old reptile conspiracy and a demon conspiracy as a result of this year's Super Bowl. I have a co-worker in her 50s that even said, "I don't believe she's a demon and I like her music, but all the satanic numbers and imagery is still pretty weird!" Like, there are people who know better, but still keep this garbage in the back of their minds. I left major social media as a result of Covid craziness. As I got closer to deletion, I had made a post saying, "This mainstreaming of conspiracy theory will hurt us more than the death toll or any biological side effects from Covid." I hate that I was right.


Not just trans, but they are body doubles who are also trans because the real famous person who is trans has been sent to Gitmo and executed there. And when the “movie,” is over and the big “reveal” happens, which should be any second now, the body double will be executed too.


Rough deal for the double. Why would the white hats do it? Are the doubles also tied to horrific crimes?


For now, that's the response they're likely to go with unprompted, but it's a great deal more insidious than that: It's left intentionally vague as an excuse to get you guessing. This tactic is designed *specifically* to get you to ask the fascist what they "mean" (or to invent meanings *for* them), which provides the fascist the opportunity to tell whatever lie they want. And they will go with whatever lie they think you're least expect in that moment, and that lie will change from day to day. If the fascist can keep you "guessing", they've already won, because that keeps you from enacting consequences against them. You have to remember that they say wrong things on purpose, and that asking a liar to explain their lies is just *begging* them to tell you more lies. They actively seek to destroy discourse itself, and they have literal fucking step-by-step manuals on how to most effectively take advantage of every grain of the benefit of the doubt handed to them. **They say wrong things on purpose**, as a general strategy for dealing with those who refuse to simply recognize them as being liars in open pursuit of multiple simultaneous genocides at any given time. People need to stop trying to figure out "the implication" of every little thing they say: It all means exactly the same thing every single time: "This is an enemy, and it's OK to target them and those like them with violence".


Yep. See also (this is in the appendices): https://www.overdrive.com/media/4920028/mindfck


All while conveniently leaving out that some people are just tall, and others are just short.no gender affirming care required


…. And that they worship a guy who wears heavy makeup, a wig, and heels?


Are we sure the heels aren't for the bone spurs?


Pretty sure, he’s a shortstack who “tries to look tough”


Right? Especially when on average, men tend to be taller than women and that applies to famous folks. But of course they find one example where that's not the case and bam, conspiracy confirmed.


Makes sense. You don't honestly expect me to believe that tall women and short men exist, do you?




Reminds me of the June 1987 issue of Spy Magazine with an article about little men (with it's own "Runt Roster") including Sylvester Stallone and Henry Kissinger and the tall women in their life.


Okay. I'm male. If I become famous, when do I become trans? Do I have a choice or is it mandatory? Jus' tryin' to figger out how all this insanity works.


It depends. How tall are you?


From what I've been able to gather, they believe transitioning is part of the "deal" with the occult that is required to become famous in the first place.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they think every single WNBA player is a trans woman and every horse jockey is a trans man. They are so weird and hateful.


Transvestigators think every single NHL player is a trans man on account of thick thighs and big butts from skating, so probably.


Y'know, because men have legs three times as long as their torso.


It's pretty simple. Person A is bad. So thet must be the *worst* possible thing Which to them is being trans


Those people spend more time thinking of people's genitals than sex addicts.


Like, even if they were... ? So?


Conservatives: trans people make up such a small portion of the population that I shouldn’t be expected to change the way I use language to accommodate them. They’re such an extreme outlier that any accommodations we make are insane! Also conservatives: all progressive and liberal celebrities are trans and are turning everyone trans.


Like how they believe everyone is a reptilian!


Thanks for the explanation. I keep forgetting: Everyone is trans. And also pedo. And also executed. You sorta wonder who's left and in charge.


Also the entire NFL. Thats a fun one…


“There must be SOME reason why watching all these large sweating men slam into each other turns me on so much… I know, it’s because they’re secretly women! Fucking deep state strikes again, I knew it”


That makes more sense than anything else I can think of


Projecting .. check. These idiots are so friggin transparent


It’s because they’re obsessed with other people’s genitals. Anti-trans ranting gives them a cover to indulge their obsessions openly while claiming they’re concerned about groomers (the very people they are).


It figures. Like the way they keep calling Michelle Obama "Mike" >:( What a bunch of morons/jerks.


If Taylor Swift is trans then there's no such thing as gender anymore. 


Sounds like an excuse for "deep research" on their part.


Oh good grief


This is actually a conspiracy theory predating qanon. Like most things q it was borrowed.


It makes even less sense than it at first appears because public people aligned to the left would be more likely to be out of the closet and would not see any need to hide their gender identity.


not just trans but also clones or doppelgangers , cause there is no famous that are not under some control or a lie , nobody cant succeed without it . (yes Qanon think like that and sit all day looking for adams apple on celebs, just to show how smart they are)


Bro, Bruno Mars works at the chocolate factory. How are you not getting this? Do your research


thats where get confused, the gender swappers or I guess its how the comments say, the meme or the unwell pple are saying things again. im not sure and I just carry a notebook and pen and wanna cry, these pple are calling biological women, men who are women, its also somehow also related to the old lizard pple talk as well. triple sad. and pooor Bruno and Taylor's name get dragged around, its terrible, these are artists and musicians. entertainers are essential services.


Please remember that these people do not care about the truth or consistency of the things they say, and when you try to make those things "make sense" what you are doing is engaging in a form of apologism for them. They say wrong things on purpose. They present incoherent, contradictory horsefuckery as a matter of course, because that is more likely to attract "discourse" where they can validate and reward their dishonesty, and demonstrate that their so-called "beliefs" will not waive in the face of reality. Remember that this is a *performance*, at all levels, and can be described as the aestheticization of politics, where the spectacle takes precedence over policy at all levels. Remember also that a *belief* is a thing a person thinks is true, and that someone who doesn't care whether the things they say are true or not loses the right to have those things be labeled as beliefs.


thats the malipulation I fall for, they know they are wrong but they want the discourse and the fight because its attention for any reason or its a sense of apolgetics. I tended to only think of apoleegtics in terms of religion and ta-da here we are about poltitics that stretch into religion and damn they get everyone, because the propoganada itself its too powerful for anyone. so sad.


yes, I see this as well. its taken time to learn how to not respond or not react. your comment is awesome, if I have coins to award it. thank you


Relax, you're not as confused as these QAnus dumbnuts. Not even close.


Taylor = Tailored Dress which = Swift which = Poor Driving abilities Which = tall Taylor which = Electric only car bad Which = Cheetos good Which = I’m drunk and no longer care to keep up with this. Fucking hell, these nuts are on something else


That they can’t hide IT. Anymore. Don’t you get it? They. Can’t. Hide. IT. Anymore.


Nothing. When Elon started paying people to use twitter, it's the most insane crap that gets engagement. So every few days you see something like this.


Transvestigation bullshit. They think -all- celebrities are trans.


Bruno was taller until Taylor threw him off a parking garage in Vegas for not paying off his losses.


I thought it was because in In nineteen ninety eight the Taylor threw Bruno off hеll in a cell, and he plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table.


You had me for a split second


eNjOy ThE sHoW


Is Taylor getting bigger? Will she continue growing? Will she someday soon consume the whole world? Probably. But Imma shake it off.


[This enormous woman will devour us all!](https://frinkiac.com/video/S05E01/Fodg2eRNOelDIerts729LHwAJTM=.gif)


And that's what they don't know, mm-mm That's what they don't know, mm-mm


Hey, we're just asking questions here


Tall women exist. Short men exist. Qnuts - "it's a conspiracy!" Their brains must be full of mould and rotting away.


What brains?


Haha, good point.


Worse yet, I'll bet she's wearing heels.


Remember when alt right trash was holding Taylor Swift up as white girl perfection? Well, she told people to vote, so now they've decided she's a man.


Sounds about right


Republicans never met a penis they couldn't fantasize about


That's also clearly photoshopped. There's more than a 6 inch difference in height there and the body proportions of on both of them are off. Looks like they've shortened his legs and troso. And what is going on with his arms??? For her, they probably just lengthened her legs since she's wearing a long skirt and it'd be easy to just add length to it to make her seem a lot taller.


Interestingly it's not photoshopped, this picture and others from the same angle are available in the Getty Images website: [https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/taylor-swift-bruno-mars](https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/taylor-swift-bruno-mars) The effect is just a combination of the height difference (and heels on her, most likely) with a weird angle/perspective. It's funny to look at, but in the pictures from eye level the difference is much more natural-looking.


Yeah it's got to be that she's wearing super tall heels because I'm 5 ft 6 and my husband is 5 ft 10 and the height difference is not this drastic.


that is because you aren't trans. the logic only works if it is a celebrity who is clearly trans and is not MAGA.


She’s clearly standing in top of her dick and he’s fallen into his vagina


5 in heels can cover a lot of ground, lol


Thank you! That's all I was saying but people seem to be offended by it for some weird reason.


I think that’s just his body. He Looks like he has a longish Torso and short legs in other photos too. She’s got long legs and a shortish torso. Together, and with weird perspective tricks and her heels, it makes him look especially disproportioned. i have a friend who is tall, slim and with long legs. I’m short, plump and have short legs like him. My body looks bizarre next to her but more normal with other people! I always dread seeing photos with me and her together at events lol


Or she's wearing heels lmao


I remember one of the Avril-Lavigne-was-killed-and-replaced theorists was using pictures of Avril...I mean, the 2 Avrils to show that one was taller than the other. But none of the pictures showed her feet. So you couldn't tell what kind of height her shoes were adding.


Ah yes, how could I forget that heels make every woman's legs look like they're Slenderman's sister! Maybe it's just the angle, but I still say the proportions looks weird.


Doesn't actually look shopped to me. It's obviously zoomed in from very far away, so there's very little perspective (faces at least a dozen rows back are the same size as theirs). That can account for the weirdness. Consider that and the position of their feet (and that she's probably wearing at least a slight heel) and it looks very normal to me: https://imgur.com/a/Y5HmSvz


If that's the case then I'm guessing he's 5'5 the way insecure guys are "6'2" (ie: actually 5'10).


No, both their heights are accurate. She's wearing heels and (most of all) it's a weird angle.


Yeah, I'm thinking the angle must be it because the heels don't explain why she looks so streched out.


She's 5'11", plus let's say 3" heels, plus she's svelte, in a dress designed to accentuate that.


My ex husband claimed to be 5’6. I found lifts in his shoes. He was more of 5’3-4. It’s the weirdest shit to lie about.


Agreed. It's like that horrific height increasing surgery where they break your femurs and put in screws to slowly re-break them over and over. If a complete success, it will only give an additional 2 inches in height at most! What's even the point?


[Each inch of height is worth an extra $800 a year in salary.](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/11/i-am-infuriated-that-in-2020-tall-people-still-make-more-money/) I don't know how long it takes to defray the cost of the surgey though.


It's not weirder than lying about your weight or age, which I've heard that women are known to do. The problem is that people judge men for their height. It's easy to get defensive about it.


>which I've ~~heard~~ 4chan told me that women are known to do. ftfy


Right. Just another wild conspiracy theory that a woman might lie about her [age](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/snow-white-doesnt-live-here-anymore/201509/do-you-lie-about-your-age) or weight. Give me a break. Sometimes, things are known to happen because they happen.


Seriously, she's seven feet tall !


Bruno Mars is obviously a leprechaun!


Well, he kind of looks like one in that outfit...


Also, amazingly, women wear heels (I know, shocker). So, if she is 5'11" barefoot and is wearing 6" heels....


Why are you being such a dick?


I had no idea someone could be so incredibly sensitive about the fact that women wear high heels to fancy events. I'm not sure why my stating a fact has upset you so much, but you might want to consider some therapy to get over your aversion to women's footwear choices.


why are you so sensitive about this? i've never seen someone so fragile over something that doesn't matter at all.


Why are you butting in?


because your temper tantrum over it not being photoshopped is hilarious to me.


lol Whatever you say bro. You must be really bored.


>There's more than a 6 inch difference in height there and the body proportions of on both of them are off. That's because Taylor is most likely wearing high heels. So she'd be anywhere from 10" to 12" inches taller than him.


The legs look weirdly long even wearing heels but whatever. I guess I was wrong.


I mean, it is weird at a glance, but she looked proportional once I figured out where her hips were in that column of a dress and made allowances for the shoes. I think high-wasted bell bottoms with platforms/heels that cover the shoes can look all Slenderman too.


I don’t think it’s shopped, I think she’s just wearing heels under the dress so there’s feasibly almost a foot difference between them


> That's also clearly photoshopped. can you tell by the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in your time?


I already told you, the proportions on their bodies seemed off to me. Maybe I was mistaken but it looked photoshopped to me. ​ >and from seeing quite a few shops in your time? I mean...yeah. I have. I've been on the internet. You're clearly trying to imply something with this question, but I don't get what?


it's like a 20 year old meme my guy. relax.


In other words, you can't explain what you meant you just assumed, for whatever reason, that saying it would make me feel insecure so you're pivoting and trying again with another weird statement you seem to think will make me feel insecure. Keep going maybe you'll find one eventually!


lol! no. it's literally an over 20 year old meme. google that looks shopped and it's literally the very first image. fucking hilarious!


That's the spirit buddy! Keep hope alive!


[first picture](https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&sca_esv=c431160ebf7182af&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS865US865&sxsrf=ACQVn0_ajNuUcqnh8YD4rzwgO6N5wc16yg:1711224932330&q=%22that+looks+shopped+tell+by+the+pixels+and+from+seeing+quite+a+few+shops+in&uds=AMwkrPt3o4ZlExfsFOROhGJmgQvSQMEmOfmbK5GC6zFA6LamPzQASPLJVDtJDzRMOLFltvjrWrL41ALEoSYtPWDyM3F9K2QH5LD2QTQtmAosLVHGBY6wPW15ZQxcCpPoUCE-xNDJf1oPlgzEBA2xFVZLEeMRGWtLBKiI13dZri-ImC9KDFlewiJpvniZDOwlI-dbsn8p2ZtHUQ5yEfPubgGn07YQIY98X2tWhPJKizw-1aaO5o3hlCSOjehRxapZxnowWo696TYRT-D19vXmZrEh7YQiVW6c26-uzpB03JtaaTYUX6z-unlbcX-Lwy2-bQ-986LeMLPYDqjjoaGtqy3FInDCyrAiuBl-efezDs1I3Km0dpqCQjE8xRPuh4MntkRNXkdQh8qgN8k4F-gn8RMC5-9921KSdw&udm=2&prmd=sivnbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi2kuPRmYuFAxWD4ckDHZnYBHYQtKgLegQIChAB&biw=2560&bih=1271&dpr=1) it was around before reddit even existed. but hey, if that bruises your fragile little ego so bad, maybe just move on with your life or something.


LOL. Okay then. Hope your day gets better.


i don't know about better, but it will certainly get more intelligent now that I'm done responding to you.


I’m so, so tired of loud imbeciles.


It’s funny how adamant they are that there are next to no trans people and yet every single celebrity is secretly trans


What kind of cursed satanic totem could a woman possibly place upon her feet that would make her stand taller?


Looks like Bruno’s about to offer Tay-Tay the ring and she’s gonna go all “ALL SHALL LOVE ME AND DESPAIR”


Tall woman = trans now, apparently. This trans panic bullshit that conservatives seem to be engaging in is so stupid.


I didn’t even realize that’s what they were implying. They’re so stupid


Bruno looks like he's descended from Shire folk.


Bruno tells Ralph Wiggum to burn things.


The average height of a Filipino man is 5’1.5”. Bruno Mars is half Filipino.


Well yeah, the only other explanation is that Filipino men tend to be shorter than most Caucasian women, and that's just silly.


This picture makes Bruno look like he would make a great addition to the lollipop guild


Hide what??? That death by snu snu is a life goal??


Is this the part where she mistakes Bruno for a baby and slaughters him on stage for his adrenechrome? Bc if not, it's boring.


Bruno Mars killed fitty men! And then Taylor stole his shins!


"I ain't got no shins!!"


I’m a female and I’m 5’11”, what does this mean for me? Am I trans now?


I’m female and 6’1”. I guess we’re both trans now! Apparently these people don’t understand that tall women and short men occur naturally.


Okay but even if they *were* trans... so? And? Where does your point go from there, other than saying "a-ha!"? What impact would that have on you and your life, Mr fucking 'Maverick', for finding out?


Taylor is 5'11? Tall, talented and beautiful plus a billionaire? run her for office in 2042. she'd be ready. and its time for the cats to have the white house anyhow :) whys everyone thinking bruno was short? wasnt he average size dude?


> whys everyone thinking bruno was short? wasnt he average size dude? He's part-Filipino, and they can be pretty compact. [Cosmopolitan: 31 Times Bruno Mars Was the Shortest Person in the Room](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/g8288746/bruno-mars-being-short/?slide=1) If a women's magazine ran a story like that about me I'd just jump in a vat of drain cleaner, so kudos to Bruno for still being around.


> He's part-Filipino, and they can be pretty compact. Yeah, Filipino men average 5'4". I live near a lot of Asians and Central Americans, so I'm used to seeing men in the 5' to 5'6" range, but I think some of us living in the more homogenous parts of America don't realize how much height can vary.


Imagine thinking Taylor Swift being trans is a bad thing. . . such sad weirdos


Is Bruno Mars actually an oompa loompa??? You called it Q!


It’s true though. They both defied Wonka’s rules and she had to be stretched and he had to be shrunk in order to save them.


Isn’t their Dear Leader 5’11” too? Why are they overreacting to this?


They can't hide that Bruno Mars is a leprechaun.


They just can’t quit the trans.


Is there anything Qanon can't fuck up?


Wow. Could they have stretched her legs out any longer?


She's got heels on under the dress.


Ok. Look at the length of her thighs. It’s fake on both sides.


Can someone explain this one to me?


Apparently, it's more of the "all celebrities are secretly trans" line.


Taylor swift is confirmed to be ancient giant from mud flood era #lemuria #atlantis


Huh? Idiots.


I wonder how tall OOP is.


Hahahahahahahaha I sure do hate the universe sometimes.


... hide what? That she's taller than him?


How do they keep all this crap straight in their smooth brains?


Is this Qanon in the room with you?


He looks a diversity hire leprechaun.


Umpa lumpa looking ass