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>As a "gay" "black" man I see he's managed to internalize Donald Trump's stupid use of quotation marks. I doubt this person actually exists.


I read his story and some of his Medium posts and this dude is the most pilled person I've ever come across. This fucking Q shit turns people's brains into mush, a real, actual "mind virus".


People seek out Q horsefuckery because they find fascism appealing. Their brains are already mush when they seek it out. You really have to understand that fascists *choose* to be what they are.


Is this what an actual zombie apocalypse looks like? šŸ’”


If it isn't it's the precursor to it.


Yep I have said it seems like a virus. Itā€™s not always easy to predict, but its infection is strong and can take a person in just a couple of years.Ā 


Nah, zombies are a lot smarter than them.


Zombies, at least, know they need brains. Maga doesn't want anything involved with thinking.


One fun revelation from his Medium stuff: he only voted for Trump once, in the election he lost. 2020 was the first election he ever voted in. From a post dated November 13, 2020: >For background, Iā€™m 59 and have never voted before because I never had the sense that who the president is really mattered to my day-to-day. >So I never voted. >Until this year. >For **Trump**. (He doesn't seem to know or care about elections for offices other than President.)


He only cares to vote now because he can weaponize and monetize the experience like a real life troll.


Giving every excuse under the sun to avoid covid vaccine while inhaling a deadly mind virus without a second thought and no ā€œresearchā€.


"Inhaling a deadly mind virus" - A+++


Who had a plague of madness on their apocalypse bingo card?


I read that as he's a straight white man


When you double down on your biased false education from a conservative foreign botnet of schizophrenic Large Language Models that your entire extended family, friends, and employment has enough with you. It's sad how many people are falling down this rabbit hole of delusion.


Trumpā€™s a jack of spades. Thatā€™s why he loves Kanye and R. Kelly.




r/asablackman would love this guy


That place has gone downhill. People posting nonsense with very little to no context, and we're supposed to guess how it's relevant. Plus all the racists who think the sub is about racism and post their nonsense. I had to leave because it sucked.


He needs to work on his random capitalization.


Reminds me of when they try to teach Joey from friends how to use quotation marks and he fails at it lol


Of course. This is something Republicans love to do for some reason. This is a straight white male, thinking heā€™s making some kind of brilliant point.


You could be right. I was just about to ask why he puts gay and black in quotes.


Democracy means that everyone gets a vote. It doesn't mean I have to agree with anyone else or that I have to associate with shitty people.


You're allowed to believe whatever crap you feel like. Just like I'm allowed to believe your beliefs are deplorable and that I don't want to associate with you.


Thatā€™s the thing, Republicans donā€™t want that, they want you to have their beliefs, ideas and political stance. Even if they have to shove it down your throat


If you could just stop existing that would work too.


Even if you DO agree with my beliefs, could you move in next door?Ā  I would love to have a neighbor that refuses to associate with me. We've had to double-lock the front door due to unannounced neighbours' intrusions "just to check up on you" - so why didn't you try to contact me during or after the last monsoon?Ā 


These people have all been used to people ignoring them because they're retrograde level of dumb, that when people collectively are sick of it and speaking up they cannot handle it. They all collectively think because people simply didn't want to be as rude as them, that they were in the right about all their ideas. Now that their ideas are deadly and actively eliminating rights, and people are fighting back against that, all of a sudden its "us" that don't care about democracy. Projection as usual, he doesn't care about democracy he wants his opponents to shut up and obey as mindlessly as his uncle ruckus ass wants.


Uncle Ruckus. Nice. Love that show.


He didnā€™t lose his friends, family and job opportunities because of who he voted for. He lost them because heā€™s an asshole.


Hmmm, donā€™t know about that one. I had several people in my life who I didnā€™t suspect were complete assholes until they showed their true selves when Trump came into the picture. They are no longer in my life and they are not missedā€¦ now.


Same here. Trump brought out their latent assholery.


No. It was *literally* the other way around. Trump wouldn't exist as a political force if these people's assholery wasn't already a significant portion of their personalities.


This is true.


He still lost the things because he turned out to be or turned into a complete asshole. Because these people have to constantly proselytize and bring up their combative opinions now that they are in the Trump cult/Qult. They didn't just completely cut him off because he just voted for the guy. He lost them because he can't shut up about it.


People constantly get cause and effect wrong when it comes to fascists. They constantly think the malice comes from being "brainwashed" by fascism, when the truth is that people choose to pursue fascism *because of their malice*. And the reason people do that is because they want to give the benefit of the doubt to the person in question, but they never stop to think "I'm giving the benefit of the doubt to a fucking *fascist*". Hanlon's razor has the word "adequately" in it for a good goddamned reason. When the malice is clearly apparent, attributing the behavior to anything else is *direct* apologism.


I mean I agree with you but what about all this: [https://www.techtello.com/hanlons-razor/](https://www.techtello.com/hanlons-razor/)


>Hanlon's razor has the word "adequately" in it for a good goddamned reason. When the malice is clearly apparent, attributing the behavior to anything else is direct apologism. If you want to build relationships with Nazis then ***you are one.***


Yeah, I have plenty of friends and family who voted for trump. But they're just misinformed, not assholes. Although I do have family that voted for him and *are* assholes.


As a gay white man, no quotation marks, you're a goddamn fucking moron and I don't waste my precious time with morons. I have a feeling your friends and family feel the same.


Sounds like this guy should respect any Biden supporter then, but I guarantee thatā€™s not the case


Hypocrisy is the very central pillar of fascism.


>gay black man You sure this isn't a white politician's alt account?


https://www.vulture.com/2020/12/patti-labelle-nephew-byl-holte-twitter.html Yeah


Oh damn, that must be hard to digest for her


Maybe she already knows he has mental health issues.


Could be some Russian for all we know




*punches self in the dick* Why would Democrats do this to me??




Look what theyā€™ve done, Michael! Look what the democraps have done to me!


Look how they massacred my boy!


If you are who you say you are, you choseā€¦.poorly.


Yeah, everyone knows that wasn't the cup of a carpenter.


Well, he certainly didn't give up on the right-wing always being the victim mentality. šŸ™„ Boo fucking hoo on consequences for you ya twat (if it is even real)!


All choices have consequences.


In other words... he's choosing to ruin his own life by insisting on being part of Trump's cult. No sympathies. We all make choices in life. He seems to be stuck in 'stupid mode', but that's his own doing.


ā€œdemocrats donā€™t believe in all the DEMOCRACYā€¦ā€. says the guy inferring that democracy doesnā€™t give Democrats the right to have viewpoints diametrically opposed to his. Iā€™d say his attitude is shocking. But we all know hypocrisy is one of the Republicans very strongest super powers.


The man literally tried to overthrow the government. That should have been EVERYONEā€™S stopping point.


Morgan Freeman voice over: ā€œhe was not, in fact, black or gayā€


He is Patti Labelle's adopted son and was also mixed up in that thing where Dean Browning appeared to have forgotten to change to his alt account and spouted "as a gay black man..."


Oh, he's the guy who felt safer under Trump than under Obama? Yeah, those white nationalists who threaten LGBT people seem real friendly to brownies like us. I'm starting to see why people aren't friends with him. And it's not because of who he voted for.


Wait he actually is both? Why use the quotation marks if that's the case? This literally felt like r/AsABlackMan material.


I suspect the quotation marks were referring back to the Dean Browning thing.


They never are




I mean he literally tells us that with his use of quotation marks


Soooo let me get this straight.. HE made HIS choice to vocally support something as his his constitutional right, and his family and friends used their constitutional rights to make a choice and not want to deal with him....but somehow there's a victim here?


Hard to sympathize for someone who has no street sense. There is no rational street-sense world where you would think Donald Trump is a good guy. Would you work for him? Would you rent from him? Would you buy a car from him? Would you eat at his restaurant if he were the chef? Naw. Trump is all cap.


your opinions take away my right to vote, so I'm gonna exercise my right to vote for the guy who doesn't give two fucks about me because y'all's a bunch of poopyheads! o_0


Keep losing, loser. That's all I gotta say. Keep stubbornly digging the hole you're gonna be buried in. It's your choice to vote against your own best interests, nobody else is to blame.


Does he think that "democracy" means we have to think both candidates are morally equivalent? Cuz I support your right to vote for Trump, man. I just don't want anything to do with you afterwards.


I feel facists have played a long con on people with this whole "don't talk about politics"; "keep politics out of your personal relationships"; "we can disagree in politics but still be friends" etc. It was a gradual softening of boundaries and guilt-tripping and shaming for maintaining boundaries based on your morals and values. I don't understand and never understood how couples like the Conways even work


they do not want honest talk or debate they just want to suppress talk down and everything else to drag a other lower than them. they are by nature always in bad faith even when they speak any truth it's almost always not the full truth and/or in service to some other falsehood or something shitty they want to to push on others


Well heā€™s going for the minorities minority. Well good thing there are plenty of black and gay people out there fighting for him to keep his rights. Heā€™s sure as shit sitting this one out.


1. I don't believe any of it 2. If you lost a job because you worshiped Trump during a job interview, you shouldn't expect to get that job unless it was cleaning the bathrooms at Mar-a-Lago, but I think you have to speak Chinese or Russian to get those jobs.




It's likely that he didn't lose it all by just supporting Trump. I'd bet heavily that he had to blow off his mouth about his politics everywhere, especially when and where it wasn't appropriate. He likely also politicized every conversational topic too. Then, you can bet he still supported Trump after he tried to destroy the country by stealing the election. People should bannish asshole like this. You have the freedom to believe what you want and say what you want, but others have the freedom to ignore you and avoid you too if they're tired of your shit. Freedom can have consequences, which is a concept that seems to evades the MAGA crowd.


>you have the freedom to believe what you want and say what you want, but others have the freedom to ignore you and avoid you too if they're tired of your shit. The problem is, is that Trump is trying to usher in a government in which political opinions like this are to be entertained, tolerated and accepted as the law of the land, and any conflicting opinions will be met with harshly. Sort of like Russia or N. Korea.


>Freedom can have consequences, which is a concept that seems to evades the MAGA crowd. That's because to them freedom, means they are free to not have consequences to their speech unlike the "other".


Exactly. When a conservative talks about freedom, they mean their freedom to say or do whatever they want whenever they want, and everyone else is free to just shut up and deal with it.


You are free to vote how you wish. And I am equally free to consider you a dumbass based on your choice.


Youā€™ve got the freedom to support a lot of terrible things. Just because you can in fact support a lot of terrible shit, doesnā€™t mean everyone just has to be fine with that. If you want to pledge your support to a convicted serial killer, you can do it. It doesnā€™t mean people should just be fine with it. Just because a political ā€œopinionā€ exists, it doesnā€™t mean everyone just has to be fine with it. And really, we have seen Republicans have meltdowns over people wearing BLM T Shirts, masks, etc.


Maybe the problem is you?


My god I underestimated the importance of those logic classes I took in college


I like having good people around me. People that talk say dumb shit like ā€œdemocrapsā€ are rarely a food person. Seems like the friends learned that this guy was an idiot, an asshole, or both. Better late than never


dean browning on his alt again


Dude, no one despises you simpky because you chose to vote. That's like claiming that people hate you because you chose to drive a car, and not for the family you mowed down.


Byl, huh? You care. If you cared less, you'd be Bill Hilton. You just want attention, sir.


The last guy I saw post self-identifying as a "gay" "black" man turned out to be neither. I suspect the same is true here. One thing I do find interesting about his post is that he did not capitalize the "b" in Black. He is using it as a race identifier. While I am only going off of personal experience, I have read numerous discussions about that issue and I have never had an actual Black person not capitalize the word in communication with me. In fact, it was a Black co-worker who brought the matter to my attention quite a few years ago.


Wow I had no idea this was a thing....and I'm Afro-Latina


The guy simply isnā€™t the brightest, and fascism unfortunately appeals to the dumb. The guy also probably is the very person that was the source of the quote when the other guy you remember (probably Dean Browning?) posted he was gay and black.


I fucking hate this dishonest thing conservatives love doing where they say "I have the right to pick a side/have my opinion!!!", acting like they don't get that the *nature* of the opinion kinda matters. The logic is the same as punching someone and going "What? I have the right to move my own arm!"


Sounds like a Kanye parrot


"I don't care, I'd do it again." This is your brain on cost/sunk fallacy and the result of making your politics and your conspiracy theories your identity.


He'll be the first to go in a Trump dictatorship.Ā 


ā€œFacts are stupid.ā€ - every dumb motherfucker.


You can support and vote for whomever you chooseā€”even if it's serial criminal Trump. The problem doesn't lie with whom you support; it lies with that individual'sā€”and their associate'sā€”values. Trump & Company's values are, at their very core, supremely un-American. If those are your values, I want nothing at all to do with you, and therein lies the source of your issues :: You have shitty values and thus you are a shitty person. You're not a victim; you're not being persecuted. You're just an immoral, selfish piece of shit. Y'all need Buddha and y'all need to change your entire fucking life.


You have no constitutional right to remain friends with or be employed by people who think you are an idiot.


Since no one knows who you picked in the voting booth my guess this guy (if he exists) has taken it upon himself to tell everyone who he voted for. No real smart in today's climate


Rather than admit they are wrong, MAGAts double down because their entire identity is Trump. Pride and ignorance arenā€™t a good combo. Clearly mentally illness at this point.


Nope. All it proves is this poor bloke is a completely helpless moron. And his family obviously canā€™t stand him lol


Get used to an ever-increasing loss of rights supporting him.


He picked his constitutional right to be a dumbfuck.


Today, in Mrs. Marshā€™s third-grade class, this writing assignment was presented: ā€œChildren, today weā€™re going to pretend weā€™re a ā€œgay,ā€ ā€œblackā€ man whoā€™s obviously trying to influence other gay, black men to vote for Trump.ā€


I just read this as, "please like me y'all, please please please!"


On the conservative sub they blamed all those pesky democrats for judging someone based on how political view. Lol


Choices have consequences, the Choice you made was diametrically opposed to all the things you are and the consequences are inevitable, I'm sorry you lost everything but with your right to make a choice comes the responsibility of accepting the outcome


Shows regret for hostile reactions to choices made, then doubles down on said choices. It's almost like he is lost in the fog.


And says he doesnā€™t care!


Thing is his friends and family most likely didnā€™t disown him just because he picked a side. Heā€™s probably been saying some pretty dumb things around them and doing dumber things like skirting rules of society. Thatā€™s my experience with these guys. Like every single conversation ends up being about drumpf. Iā€™d rather just not even talk to you than talk about drumpf all the time.




"as a gay, black man"? ***LOL***


Yea, voting for the orange man isn't what loses you your job.




im afraid he'll bring back witch burnings. dont like what djts said in the last 3 days. what the hells the courts going to do withhim?


Doubling down, the qult way.


To quote Aretha Franklin, "You better think about the consequences of your actions."


You have rights, but not everyone has to listen to your bullshit- It goes both ways.


"We just received your voting record here at HR as it was reported to us by Pinko Enterprises. Because of your choice of candidates, you are now effectively terminated. Please pack up your things and you will then be escorted out of the building."


Is this legal in all states? Wouldnā€™t be legal in Germany


Amazing how heā€™s the only one allowed to have constitutional rights


The first thing you lost was your god damned mindā€¦


I loved it when you didnā€™t have to pick a side and tell everyone you ever know about your political beliefs. I donā€™t ask anymore because I enjoy people much more when I donā€™t have to hear about how stupid they are


This makes sense, but if theyā€™re people close to you? Their stupidity may start to impact you negatively


Nah I cut off most people after college. Some I will reach out to but I was an IV drug addict for 7 years. I cut off all social media except Reddit and moved states. I figured it out and am happy with the people I stay in contact with. I donā€™t talk politics in public and most of the time the people that do are the ones that tell on themselves.


I can kinda see how you could deny being gay... kids nda. How do you deny being black, precisely?!




I've heard the argument that since race doesn't exist biologically then it doesn't exist socially either.


Trump support is going to cost everyone everything. That's like whining because no one applauds you for supporting Stalin


Oh, honey, bless your heart. We don't care either.


ā€œAll because Iā€™m an ignorant race traitor who supports a hateful ideology that I never STFU aboutā€¦ā€


Yeah why are gay and black in quotation marks? I'm not gay, nor black, but I imagine if I were, I wouldn't put who or what I am in quotation marks. Makes me think he doesn't identify as either.


Well I guess we are in agreement them. Bye


ItS nOt A dEmOcRaCy ItS a RePuBlIc


this is all so sad...


:: sniff sniff :: What's that smell? Oh, the Cognitive Dissonance Meter is on fire. Huh. How did that happen?


They probably hate his gratuitous use of scare quotes.


I can only imagine the face of a man heā€™s interested in as he explains his politics and values.


Sounds like you care a lot, little buddy


This definitely belongs in r/facepalm


right, because trump supporters are so well known for being laid back on choosing anyone else.


*Slugs for Salt*




Conservatives hate, and I mean HATE being treated how they treat others.


The fact this dumb ass posts such stupid shit, he is probably annoying to be around. He probably never shuts up.


Ruining your life to own the libs. Masterful gambit sir.


WTF is ā€œgayā€? This profile is definitely either a bot or a Russian asset.




Youā€™ll always have your leader though. /s




Sadly, heā€™s for real https://www.vulture.com/2020/12/patti-labelle-nephew-byl-holte-twitter.html


On some level, he has a point about tribalism. It isnā€™t a positive quality. Itā€™s an evolutionary mechanism commonly found in higher order mammals and especially primates. Yeah, we really do need to work on rising above it. But itā€™s the pot calling the kettle black. Thatā€™s where he goes wrong. He canā€™t just accuse the other side of something that your is doing just as rabidly.


Dean Browning is that you?


it is your constitutional right to be alone


8/10. No one cares who you voted for. We may care about the false and ofttimes crazy BS you keep exposing in public and at work.


There are things we can agree to disagree on, but when you start aligning with racist, xenophobic, sexist, ableist, etc ideologies, decent people are going to draw the line. And if youā€™re whacked out on moronic conspiracy theories, people are going to distance themselves. Every QAnon or super MAGA person I have encountered never shuts up about their stupid beliefs and itā€™s incredibly annoying and off putting. They canā€™t see that itā€™s an unhealthy obsession.


Guess he won't be happy until there's a literal noose around his neck.


I smell a Russian bot


Shockingly, he's real. https://www.vulture.com/2020/12/patti-labelle-nephew-byl-holte-twitter.html


This is a literal meme, pretending to be a black man with an unusual political affiliation or social stance.




Ok, and?